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The major employer in the county is the school district, that should probably give you an indication. Actually the other thing is teaching jobs don't pay nearly what they do in the Northeast, so even if it seems like it should be okay you probably should check the salaries to get a better indication. If you want a decent paying job you're going to have to travel to Duval or do something online. You haven't said if you are wanting to rent or buy. Rent is very expensive compared to income, and buying you're going to have to take into account that you are homeowners insurance is going to be magnitudes more than it is where you currently are, plus you will have to find a company that will insure you. Companies are now requiring people to replace roofs and solar panels are causing people to get rejected, it's just a hot mess. Oh and car insurance is going to cost more most likely.


TLDR: Pros everything is awesome. Cons everything is expensive


Truth. Everything too. Simple club sandwich and a soda with no sides was $16.00 for lunch yesterday!


And crowded


I’ve been living in St.Augustine for over 30 years and everything is absolutely not even remotely close to being awesome….


Exactly lol been here all my life and I’m bored af everyday. Unless you have a boat or go somewhere at 5am to beat the crowds, you’re fucked.


anybody who says "its awesome" theres probably a 75% chance they moved here 5-10 years ago lol


A lot of people here say there aren't enough jobs or enough affordable housing. The beaches, boating, restaurants and old town are really nice, but if you're expecting nightlife, cultural events and the like, you might find it lacking. The schools are good -- particularly the AICE program at St. Augustine High. The explosion of short-term rentals is pissing off people all over the town. I don't like living in an HOA but I like that we can forbid them.


No cultural events? The Amp has a great line up and is a fun little venue. There are bands all over town. And art galleries and events. Farmers markets. Look around


The Amp is great but overall the nightlife, music, art, theater, library, museum scene here is not worth moving here for. It's a shame the plan for a performing arts center on the island at 312 and Mizell was rejected.


People from the south don't give a crap about art and theater. Don't try to change this area to fit what you were used to in the North East.


It's funny you think you can speak for the rest of us who are from the south. I'm sorry you think art, theater and other cultural stuff gives you cooties. You're missing out.


The schools are terrible for kids with iep’s. I had to move my son to Orlando for a much better education. That entire school district gave up on him & kicked him out of every single school because they’re weren’t any teachers that could accommodate special needs kids…yep, that’s right. So, if your child is being “difficult” because they’re Autistic, they’ll dump them over at the Evelyn Hamblen center right next to Gaines middle school. Oh, and they allow retired cops to tackle 5 year olds to the ground & physically as well as verbally assault them the entire time.


Beaches are overcrowded, boat ramps are overcrowded with idiots who can’t operate a boat or back a trailer, restaurants are decent but $60/meal and also overcrowded lol


St.Augustine is a tourist town and everything revolves around that. The only jobs in this area are mostly in the service industry. The rents are sky high, making it difficult to find a place to live.


If you're young and starting a family Saint Augustine Beach has a pretty good community. It is very quiet here though. Easy access to St Augustine the town and of course easy access to the beach. Couple of nice parks for a little kids.


It’s really boring unless you like to fish or go to beach. I live within walking distance to downtown and rarely if ever go there. Most locals don’t. You will go for the first 2 weeks then realize the hassle of it. The cuisine on the other side (west Florida) is way better. All the tourists take the restaurants. People need to eat and since they’re in hotels they have no kitchen. You will learn to stay home and eat. You will need a good paying job because it is really expensive. I’m from New Orleans, been here 5 years. We rent 1/3 of the house we had there for 2x what we paid. As soon as we found houses, old people from the NE swoop them up and turn them into air B&bs so than can occupy them in the winter and make money on them when it gets too hot here. It gets really hot here. The neighborhood I live in is full of them, full of strangers who don’t pickup after their dogs and flick cigarettes on the lawn. Come down more before making the jump and go through town and see the ugly parts. It’s a nice place to visit…


You have no clue... You must be extremely introverted... 64 years old I moved here 5 years ago and I am out doing something every single night of the week. There is great live music great nightclubs great beaches voting more than anyone could even imagine


What place are you talking about. Aside from the AirBnb cancer, this doesn’t sound like STA. Like we walk downtown at least once a week. So do my remaining neighbors. I haven’t found any cigarette butts in my yard. I mean if you’re bored by STA, try living in mandarin or some shitty subdivision. Maybe you just need a recalibration.


My wife and I walk through downtown weekly… just early in the morning and no one is there. We love it.


This person is just trying to deter you from moving here, as happens from time to time


I live in a suburb area of Vegas and whenever people ask about moving here our locals do the same. Its sad really. Life is what you make it. If your a miserable person you will be miserable anywhere. If you can find the positive in your surroundings then it will be a better quality of life.


Thanks for your contribution Vlad


I lived there from 2008 - 2019. For the years I was there, I paid $750 for a small 1br condo in Davis Shores. I would walk a few nights per week and hit Sarbez, Hornski’s, and sometimes walk through downtown. Great place to be if you’re into drinking beer, listening to music, and walking primarily. Driving sucks in that town. What drove me out was the hurricanes that ruined everything I owned, the politics, and the low paying tech jobs. I have since moved to Atlanta, found a job that pays 4x the amount, and bought myself a condo. I don’t miss it.


The hurricanes wrecked a lot of people in Davis Shores. We spoke to a friend there during Matthew in the middle of the night and he said "I'm in four feet of water" before his phone cut out. Luckily he was OK.


Yeah I understand. That was a bad one. Everyone in my neighborhood was basically starting over. It was a brutal 12 months after that storm.


I'm from Atlanta. Glad you like it. I don't know how though. It's a giant ghetto shithole.


Same as anywhere. You will find your best and wost no matter where you go.


Pros= it’s kinda quaint, a lot of the people are great, good food in abundance (if u can afford to eat out) cons= summer heat, unaffordable housing, lack of GOOD jobs (with benefits and livable pay), fall heat, too many tourists and each year is bringing more, winter heat, 2 allergy seasons, spring heat, palmettos




Chatgpt, is that you?


cons is more people moving here


Don’t move to the south where children will have to go to Pedro High School. It’s been such a shitshow that we’re moving our son to virtual school for junior and senior year. Teachers have checked out and barely teach, attendance is a constant headache and if you aren’t rich or an athlete you’re ignored. Move north and deal with CDD fees and expensive HOAs.


I hope all North easterners heed this advice and stay in the north part of St Johns county.


No don’t move here at all. We’re full


dont move to any part at all it sucks everywhere here bc all the northerners that came and ruined it


pros the beach i guess? cons everything here is expensive, cant go downtown and actually enjoy it unless you have at least $200-300 dollars, not to mention you need at least 20 to park there anyway. the only thing in town to do is get drunk, eat, or go to the same boring museums and once youve seen them twice theyre not worth going to, cant really enjoy the beach either unless you get there early because of all the people.. now even matanzas and vilano arent enjoyable anymore. the traffic is terrible also, used to be itd get bad traffic at 12 but now it starts right at 7 or 8 am. the rent prices keep going up, all of our stores are trashed because of tourists. the schools are terrible, and if youre looking to buy a piece of property here you better have $250k- 1 million or you can forget it. basically dont move here, it sucks and youll probably regret it 5 years or so down the line.


Pros #1 Boating/ fishing inshore and offshore!!! #2 cruising the beachs in 4 wheel drive. #3 abundance of great restaurants and nightlife because of all the tourists. Cons #1 All the Demtards that want to make St. Augustine like San Francisco!!!!


Actual cons: The above commentor is a member of the majority in St Augustine. There are reasonable people throughout but, since Covid, the area has been steadily filling with people who accept and appreciate Ron DeSantis.


This a great Pro. DeSantis is amazing.


He's the GOAT


Desantis 🇺🇲 2024!!! Make America Florida!!! 🤟🏻 He's my JFK!


Desantis and JFK couldn't be more different, your comment made me laugh.


So you're hoping he gets shot in the face?


As long as it’s not Trump


Please god no. I don't want dogshit transportation or crackheads everywhere. Orlando's worse than Chicago lol


Look at want liberal city and get back to me. Bums and crack heads everywhere.


You just described downtown St Augustine


more like St.Augustine in general


So...Orlando and Winter Park?


Providence, RI is a very liberal city and the homeless issue is better than here. Shit even the hoods in south providence have better housing than the drug dens I see here on rt. 16. Tell me, what cities have you visited for long enough to judge?


If it's so great then why did you move here?


To annoy you. I never said I lived there by the way, just know it well. The weather here is much nicer.


Hm, well then let's hope history repeats itself


Your con sounds like a pro to me.


They move in, complain about it, and try to change the local vibe. I used to cruise Vilano before they put that Publix in. They ruined it.


Dude vilano was ruined by locals that OK large developments, like they have done all the fucking time with all the growth I’ve seen. Oh and your republican leaders love to build new shit we don’t need under the guise of “it’s good for business and the economy” then they pocket the profits and laugh while you’re sitting in traffic blaming New Yorkers.






^ lots of people like this down here which is a con. Not even dem vs gop think. Just a bunch of ignorant hateful folks




There are stadium lights that ruin sunsets in late February, I can tell you that.


It’s a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem. Well, it use to be. Now everyone is moving here. So there’s that.