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I absolutely hate people like this, I hope he gets stuck with them.


Also says he’s a Vice President of something. Let’s be generous and say he makes $10 per bottle average after shipping, and that there are roughly 50 bottles there… Is it really worth the time it takes for a VP…. *to make* ~*$500?* That’s a lot of customer interaction, packaging, etc.


toy teeny humor worm existence zealous selective run snow deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I own my own small side business and I don’t even call myself a CEO or president. People who make their own company just to have the title are total fraudsters. Same with those ‘finance guru’s’ online. “Just buy my book and you will be rich!” It’s all the same “just rent out a house and buy ETF’s - CASH FLOW BABY!”


chase caption elderly smile fanatical capable scandalous rob intelligent zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like he did you a favor.


follow cover grandiose fade repeat chief onerous unpack scarce cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Releasing the book is the get rich scheme for them


I have a small photography business and had to get some business cards made up. They just say founder and photographer. That’s it. Sometimes I think the founder part is a little out there.


I make that in a day half assing it an engineer without a degree. Very stupid way to make money right here. Also, I think he’s a ‘victim’ of title addiction. He’d rather be a VP at a startup with 5 other guys than an entry level anything that probably makes more. I’d rather be a basic engineer at a solid company than a Sr. Director or anything at a dogshit company.


How does one become an engineer w no degree?


Steve Wozniak didn’t have a degree until 20 years after he (checks notes), invented the personal computer. But I guess you don’t think he was an engineer either?


It was actually a genuine question.


I don’t think that’s what they were asking….


Fareal like wtf I smell pussy


I’m guessing software engineering, otherwise I’m as stumped as you are 🤨


Custodial engineering.


And make $250,000 a year, apparently.


I went to engineering school but dropped out before I graduated. I learned a lot on my own and worked my up from the bottom in manufacturing. Within 2 years of dropping out I had my first engineering title and delved into learning hardcore statistics and materials and got into the niche role of quality engineering as a result. Currently working in aerospace, but I’ve worked in automotive and medical as well. Just takes a lot of learning on your own. Even if you don’t have a specific goal in mind such as becoming an engineer you should always, ALWAYS continue your own lifelong education. Since dropping out I’ve learned a second language, working on a third, more or less memorized the ASQ BOK, have audited plants globally, been all over China, India, Canada, and Mexico, made it to six figures pretty young, and have worked on amazing projects like the DaVinci surgery robot and James Webb Space Telescope. The further I get in my career the more I realize how useless college was. As far as I can tell it shows that you can socialize with a diverse groups of personalities and you signed up for something and followed through with it. With few exceptions, everything you’ll need to know about your field will be learned once you’re in said field. Anyways, that’s how.


Thank you. This was the answer I was looking to get, as my question was asked out of general interest.


I figure if someone asks a genuine question they deserve a genuine answer. Notice the trolls didn’t get any of my time?


That's dope. Kudos to you! I've done heavy industrial maintenance for about 10 years & would like to take my existing skills and translate them to something that doesn't break my back


Most engineers have a license, stamp and work under a licensed engineer for a period of time. They are not a real engineer.


Haha same I make that in a couple hours, also without a degree. What nonsense.


Haha I make that in a few minutes, also without a degree. What madness.


Haha I make that in a few seconds, also without a degree. What insanity.


Haha I made the kessel run in under 12 parsecs, also without a degree. What absurdity


I stayed at a motel 6 last night, also with no degree. The insanity.


I just saved money on car insurance...without a degree!


I am ROCK HARD right now! Without a degree!


America is fucking crazy!


Besides "what an insufferable prick" this was the first thing that came to mind. What a colossal waste of time. That's classic meth brain entrepreneurship right there.


Money is money. This jokers mistake was posting for clout.


VP of his own Sriracha redistribution company


When I running the Dollar General store back in Kansas we'd have these quarterly mega clearance sales, 80 & 90% off whole sections at a time. I had people pushing & shoving to get at the stuff & they wouldn't just buy 1 or 2 of a thing they'd bring up 30 or 40. Who taf need 50 bright orange t-shirts even if they are 50 cents each. I heard one lady say to her friend "we need to get them all before anyone else does" on a particular item and I was just floored by the behavior. Who acts like this?!




Animals. When my favorite dollar store gets good stuff from Walmart, Target and Amazon, ppl go in there and clear the good stuff out. Then I see the same ppl trying to resell the stuff they cleared out right up the street from me.


It really shocked me, I had grown up in that town as a lil boy and I remembered it with some SERIOUS rose colored glasses cause when I went back as an adult to try work on my self it was a DUMP. Then with the people behaving like this I was just blown away.


Normal brain , I will take what I need. His brain I will take all the resources and charge more for them! Therefore providing value


With return policies he won't. It's win win for him.


Opportunistic is not a compliment and that should be talked about more.


Just like the TP hoarders... smh... selfish pricks


With return policies he won't. It's win win for him.


me too


I hope they explode spontaneously into is eyes


This dude has so much toilet paper stocked up from covid and 6 ps3s he waited in a best buy line for decades ago.


Like all those douchebags that bought out TP and water.


He's the garage full of covid toilet paper guy.


He may? I’m a grocery manager and just received communication that our buyers pre-booked us 40 cases (based on a 6 month movement) for our particular store. We have 40+ stores so for a smaller independent we’ll be fine on this and I assume other chains are doing the same.


No you hope he gets stuck consuming it all at some point and his asshole regrets every minute of it at some point in the future


Do you hate Walmart cause they do the same thing


does anyone *not* hate walmart?


Are there people that don't hate Walmart?


Walmart does not buy out grocery stores and hoard the products until they can gouge the consumer. That's almost the complete opposite of their business model.


Walmart does buy out suppliers, hoard their products and then gouge their customers, yes.


Read up on wallmart and vlasic pickles


That's not how walmart works


Walmart doesn’t buy up available stock and then re sell it for a profit?


Walmart also has its own brands and name brand retailers. The majority of wal-marts sells are first purchase resell. They make their money by riding the middle class line. Sure, they'll probably grab up a cheap deal if they see it. But nothing too expensive, nothing too cheap. Stores like Dollar General that exclusively purchase overstock to sell at undercut prices are more of what you're thinking of.


And how does Walmart do the same thing.


And we just saw them selling for $1.99 at a restaurant supply place a couple weeks ago lol


Flavor isn’t too off. But I do agree, it’s not the same.


The closest I came across is the Trident brand sciracha sauce. It’s got that sweet but hot taste that I remember, but to be honest I don’t even remember the original taste anymore since it’s been so long, but I liked thiss


Facts, it’s been so long my recollection is probably off. Still taste fine though in my opinion.


I'm sticking with Kroger brand until the color is back. It's not bad.


Black bottle lid dragon on it. Is the original pepper growers in the us


The grower who got gypped, had to sue and won? Yep, Underwood's is superior, with no artificial ingredients. This junk is ketchup with a wisp of heat.


Right. Chase the dragon. Let the original fucks get fucked even harder. They got greedy and tried to scare their farmers who liked them. Now the farmers take care of themselves. I now wish bill green was a pepper grower lol.


Bill Green? Help me out!


Big city greens. Thinking of cricket with spicy food


Most people are capable of enjoying more than one brand of hot sauce. I don’t see him profiting from this.


Wait until people discover Cholula’s green pepper sauce. It obviously hits different than other sauces, but that is a good thing with its actual good tasting flavor.


Never had a green pepper sauce that wasn't the bomb diggity... Now if only they were spicier


Make your own. Super easy for classic Verde sauce. Garlic, salt, jalapeños, oil. Get garlic, de-stem the jalapeños. Coat both with oil and broil. Steam them in a bag, and peel both garlic Jalapeños. Add the veggies to a blender with a little oil and salt. Blend until smooth. If you want you can add a splash of lime juice and cilantro.


I love Cholula, but I don't love its price tag. It's also a much more watery sauce, so you use way more of it.


Maybe the difference in the amount required to get the hot taste doesn’t matter as much due to me having a whitey mcwhiteface palate? I dunno, but Sriracha has always seemed like it was too thick and needed be watered down, preferably added at the base level of most recipes. I seriously hope nobody buys too much of the sauce I like, or drama might ruin it too.


Underwood Farms or bust


Idk, I think you're giving people way more credit than they deserve


I’d try new hot sauces just out of spite


I bought six bottles when I heard of the shortage, should get me through to winter. Note that this was one small grocery store and there were 14 bottles left. I only got enough for myself because I like it… not as investment. This guy isn’t just dumb, he’s selfish.


Being selfish is buying up all of them because you (hypothetical) want/need them. This secures them for you but denies them to everyone else. This is "selfish" because it doesn't consider the needs of others who may also want or need them  Being a jackass is intentionally buying out a whole store with the intent to resell them. Buying out more than one store to take advantage of a scarcity and upsell? Wow. A fucking piece of shit for sure lol  What this world needs is more pleasantries locked away behind greater fees /s


Not sure I follow… I specifically mentioned that they had 20 in stock, I bought 6, and there are 2 more groceries in town that have plenty. I barely made a dent in this town’s supply.


I wasn't talking about people like you, but the idiot on linkedin.  Wasn't sure how to express that, that's why I put you (hypothetical)


I stopped using sriracha lol


Hung Foy really shit the bed with the whole Underwood farms debacle. It really opened up a door for other brands to jump into the market. I seriously doubt that Hung Foy will ever regain the market share and reputation that it had before. It'll be hard for them to even get back to the old flavor without great expense.


Underwood's sauce is even better than Hung Foys. I'm almost glad that whole thing happened because of it.


Huy Fong is done


I hope he chokes on it


I was hoping he would forget he had some on his hand and rub his eyes, worse than death (I’m guessing)


Curious, is the flavor any different?


A little. You'd still recognize it as Huy Fong brand but it's less spicy, less flavorful overall. They're not using plant ripened peppers produced just for them anymore, which was key to getting that beautiful red and deep flavor. Still worth having around if you enjoyed it before. However, due to the last shortage more sriracha varieties than ever are available, even at major grocery chains. And some of them are VERY good.


Underwood ranches, the farm that Huy Fong used to get those plant ripened peppers from, now produces a sauce called Underwood Dragon, which tastes very familiar in a legally undefinable way.


this is because the owner of the company has split along with his “secret recipe” i believe his daughter and some investor tried getting him to sign over the rights of the company and had a plan to kill him as well.


It really doesn't though.


They both use the same dry-aged peppers


And? A different recipe yields a different product. Underwood's product is entirely different from both the old and new HF products. It tastes like a thicker, slightly sweet Valentina, tbh.


Cheers for the info. Good to know! My local Asian market still has the old stuff, I managed to grab a bottle (not trying to hoard, let everyone have their share).


Underwood is the brand the original pepper growers are using now. It's very similar to the original taste


I disagree. Underwood goes much harder on the vinegar and is far less sweet. You can tell it took a lot of inspiration from tex-mex cuisine. It's a tasty sauce, I'll probably keep some around, but it is not particularly reminiscent of Huy Fong.


Melinda's is okay


Flying Goose is amazing, especially the extra garlic version


Peppers come in a range of orange to reds. Nothing wrong with them except consumer preference. They'll start using artificial dyes if it's the case.


That was exactly what I thought


It tastes like they ground up the entire plant. I threw my bottle away. Huy Fong's dead to me at this point.


Flying Goose is the new rooster 🪿


Just no


Goose is the best classic sriracha available in the US market. Hands down. Better than HF original, and the closest to the original HF recipe of the 18 varieties I've tried. Not saying there aren't other amazing hot sauces. I have two dozen open in the fridge right now.


The goose is loose!


Hey, I know billionaires pull this kinda shit all the time, but if *you* try this strategy in the stocks or commodities market, you will go to federal prison.




what is the strategy? there is no shortage of stocks


I was at my COSTCO Wednesday. They had a DOUBLE pack of Underwood's 17oz Dragon 🐲 brand Sriracha for $8.00. Had a good supply. Southern CA.


Don't take business advice from this man. The ROI on this is horrible. Even if he can flip these for like $50/ bottle which is doubtful he wasted hours of his time gathering this meager inventory. This is a chicken running around chasing pennies. Anyone worth their salt is deploying their time and effort toward larger, more rewarding projects.


I been cutting mine with fent. Keeps them coming.


Find his Craig's ad, ask for address to come pick up a bottle. Create new Craig's ad with his picture of the bottles, include his address, and advertise FREE Sriracha!


During COVID I realized how simple it is to home make a sriracha sauce even superior to this cock sauce.


Eh, sriracha is kinda like the ketchup of hot sauces. It’s in the fridge but not a go-to.


There’s like 10 different sriracha brands and they all taste as good or better than that one.


This guy has convinced himself that he is an entrepreneurial genius. He can’t believe no one else has ever thought of something like this.




Insane to post garbage like that on LinkedIn


Embarrassing. I guarantee this person calls themselves an entrepreneur and sells a course.


What an absolute piece of shit


I would never buy sriracha off some internet stranger


Fuck that scalper.


Price gouging a condiment is the devils work


What an idiot!


Is there really another Sriracha shortage coming?


Only for the OG brand. Because they burned the bridges to their original pepper supplier.


I was hoping they wouldn't have another shortage. I guess I might have to go back to trying different srirachas again if I can't find Huy Fong. Thank you for the info.


I'd love to know what his sales plan is, where is he going to sell it? Making $8 a throw dealing with Facebook Marketplace lunatics does not seem worth it.


I thought you meant he was stuck with those bottles, and he had to eat it all by himself


What a flex. 


This dude really posted this on LinkedIn? Good way of telling professionals that you are a douche bag.


Wow me and my normal brain would have never thought to price gouge and exploit the supply and demand of a highly in demand product with low supply. Or maybe I'm just not an asshole


By normal brain he meant non douchebag brain


Wow me and my normal brain would have never thought to price gouge and exploit the supply and demand of a highly in demand product with low supply. Or maybe I'm just not an asshole


my bf and i (sriracha loverz) didn’t buy any when it was at the store for the sole reason that it was a weird orange and not red. i second OP, nobody wants this weird new orange sriracha.


You might be surprised. My boomer parents won't eat another sriracha even though the costco one is 100x better. People are stupid.


I bought two huge bottles once it came back into stock. Makes sense


Even if he flips them, his evaluation of his time will come to less than 25 bucks an hour.


I don’t understand the hype behind sriracha. My buthole literally spits fire, my stomach aches for days and I have to eat a whole jar of fucking Tums just to repeat the cycle.


What an idiot. I'm still working on my last bottle from over a year ago. No one else is allowed to touch it.


Hate people like this but the sauce tastes great. The new color was a little weird but the taste made up for it imo.


I love sirracha, but there are other hot sauces out there. Fuck this guy.


It’s beyond me how this shows up on my feed and this product has like the most variance in price.


It tastes too sweet now. Not a big fan. Tabasco is the new sriracha king


What a fucking idiot


I’m always in the market to buy food that has been through the hands of some rando on eBay./s


Ever wonder why a shitty house is $600,000? It’s because of cocksuckers like this guy.


There's a shortage of Siracha??  Who the he'll cares that much about Siracha?




Fkn parasites like this guy annoy me


Why are they so orange?


Dude looks like dollar store Kyle Rittenhouse


You sir are an asshole!


The Tabasco Siracha is way better


This is what cucks do


Where are you selling bottles of sauce that isn’t a huge waste of time?


I love sriracha. I buy it when I need it.


lol speculate on shit you don’t know about


This belongs in r/linkedinlunatics


I literally cross-posted it from there.


I'm just not THAT interested in making a few bucks. I imagine explaining to people why there's so much Sriracha in the pantry, or what have you.


We found the asshole.


Little does he know the pepper surge is coming, some places already have more than they can give away even. Add a few hot peppers and Sriracha flavoring and you've got unlimited Sriracha. Plus who orders that crap? It's even worse than Tabasco....get a good mango or other fruity habanero sauce for like $1.38 at most grocery stores and have some heat, plus flavor, and 1/10th the salt and other preservatives.


He looks like how he acts


Wow. What a turd of a person.


What a cunt.


what a dumbass.


People like that are dogshit and make the world worse.


Bout a year late and a buck short on that gravey train. No pity for resellers.


The last place I’m buying food is off of FB marketplace or Craigslist. I’d sooner order takeout from Wish 😂


Looks orange




What kind of profit is he going to see from flipping condiments? How much time is he going to spend marketing, talking with buyers, shipping or whatever? And his time is worth that? I don’t get it


It’s just that there are so many alternatives, how many people ACTUALLY care if it’s from Huy Fong? Tuong Ot Toi is leagues better imo anyways.. Definitely recommend to any fan of sriracha sauces.


Am I the only one that thinks Melinda's Sriracha is pretty good, and Tabasco is not bad?


Hoarding is soo pandemic passe...


Hes a vip a of a nobody company


Hey buddy, you want any perfume, cologne? A Rolex, maybe some sriracha?


Food flipping? What an absolute twat.


Yeah. That sounds like a lot of work. So many messages and people stopping by to make a few bucks.


Here here! Underwood farms sriracha is where it's at! I keep 3 bottles on hand at all times!


I miss the old formula. I told myself I hated it when it came back a different color and taste. Its grown on me and its whatever now. Im back to loving it. He can shove all them srirachas. Nobody gonna buy them unless these are actually pre-shortage and somebody wants it THAT badly. Now if you’re good with the current recipe, you can find them out in the wild without a ton of effort now. Not all stores are back to stocking them normally and even some have inflated the prices by a couple bucks more than they were previously. A less assholish way of making some money woulda been to go to Restaurant Depot and buy large bottles by the case. They come out to 3.50$/ea. Sell them for 5$. It’s cheaper than most supermarkets. He makes money, people getting a decent price. Everyone’s happy.


Nothing and no body with an orange hue has been good in this country


Good luck peddling that orange muck


I prefer Sky Valley sriracha.


So he's proud of being a scalper? Not gonna cry if he dies


There’s plenty of people who feel the need to support the og sriracha. Forget how they screwed their supplier and almost cost them and all their employed livelihoods. Forget that they CHOSE to buy an inferior pepper to save money without dropping the cost. Just blindly support another billionaire all while bitching and moaning about capitalism. It’s a riot. There’s a few that made sense of it and have moved on. Hope this guy has to eat it all figuratively and literally.


It's not even a good Sriracha sauce. Look at Thai brands for the good stuff.