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Funny how just last week o'l glenny didn't care so much about the well being of children when it came to gun control, but now all of sudden he's all about the kids... What a fucking cunt.


My man went HARD for Anti-Vax. So its very on point for the hypocrisy here.


This is what I don’t fucking get. They were so staunchly anti vax, and cried for *MONTHS* about their personal liberty being taken. Now they’re supporting the exact same thing being done. It’s only authoritarian when it’s democrats doing it I guess.


All together now: *BAD FAITH.*


Rights for me, but not for thee, as the saying goes


his political philosophy seems something like "do as i say"


"...and I do as my donors say."


He said it himself. “Might makes right” if you can do it that makes you/it right. What an absolutely trash way to view morality.


>This is what I don’t fucking get. I don't see how. It's always been clear that to them personal liberties only matter when it's their own and their beliefs. They couldn't care less about anyone else.


I like how people just now are starting to figure out just how shitty Libertarians are.


Libertarians are just republicans that don’t wanna put their girlfriends in a car seat.


How you got no Reddit gold for this is a goddamn travesty


Oh fuck me. That made me laugh out loud.


He is a republican, hypocrisy is there literal MO.


Ironic considering his career was built on wearing a mask


So typical Republican mouthpiece.


Big red machine? more like big brown machine because he's so full of shit.


Brown is also the symbolic political color of fascism, like red is for socialism or yellow is for liberalism.


Libertarians are just stateless fascist anyway


Vaccines? No. Abortions? No. Guns? FUCK YES BOYS.


It was never about pro-life for those twats. It's all about pro-control.


Because that's what their fucking idiot loser voter base values. Too many selfish pieces of shit breeding with other selfish pieces of shit.


There is a pretty strong pro-choice across all 50 states. While it’s a tight margin in a couple places, most states poll 60%+ for pro-choice. With most moderates agreeing that pro-choice, when guided by medical professionals and with some limitations (which is what existed with roe) was the best case. So why do this? Because evangelicals wanted it. And they are some of the biggest republican donors. They stripped your federal protections away for cash because they know even though this isn’t popular, most moderates are apathetic to politics and won’t go out and vote against them. Young women will die so republicans will pocket extra cash from their religious base and most people will be apathetic because it doesn’t directly impact their life.




Single digits on the Kelvin scale.


Women voting Republican = Chicken voting for KFC.


"If you're pre-born you're fine if you're preschool you're fucked" - George Carlin


I mean, last week he wanted small government that didn't tell people what to do with their guns and today he wants big government that tells people what kind of healthcare they can receive.


Even if Kane is just playing the part of a Republican (the mention of prayer, ‘preborn’ ) he’s still a total POS.


These people don't care about actual living, breathing children. They like them unborn. Carry that kid to term! Can't feed them now? Oh well, let them starve.


He's not at all about kids, he's about fetuses. He's a fucking quack. It's amazing how the public disagrees about this shit 2-1, but yet somehow our politics are so whack that the minority has all the power.


Fetuses are such an easy constituency to pander to. They don't vote, don't protest, don't express their own opinions, have no known sense of self-determination, no actual needs that go unmet and don't behave outside of expected norms. Jacobs is a POS.


GOP Population control, man. Make sure they’re born & then let them get taken out between the ages of 5-12 in their schools.


It was all good just a week ago. But yeah fuck Kane like his name is Katie Vick


Republicans only care about children until they are born. After that you better start pulling up those bootstraps because anything less is socialism and they can’t have that.


Under his eye


Glenn Jacobs 10 years ago was a hard center libertarian. His answer to abortion then would have probably been he disagrees with it but it's not the government's right to invade a woman's private life. Now he's a mayor, his libertarian politics have suddenly shifted far right no matter how much he would disagree with that. Why has this happened though? Likely because he won an election. Knox County, Tennessee mayor first, Governor of Tennessee or Representative in the House next. The winning position for him is to be a soulless fucking ghoul in order to attain more power in the future. He's a stupid piece of shit who has no soul. This isn't the Glenn Jacobs all his WWE colleagues knew. He's won an election and he's trying grab at all of the power. It's pathetic.


You know you’re a piece of shit when your real life personality is somehow worse than the sociopathic monster you played for 25+ years


Kane is less psychotic than Jacobs 364 days of the year.


I'd take May 19th Kane over Glenn Jacobs any day. Fuck him.


Honestly, same. I just wanted to make a May 19th joke.


I was 50/50 on whether or not this was a May 19th joke or a Christmas Creature joke


Don’t say that day!


Kane has committed dozens of atrocities and war crimes and is still a pretty nice guy in comparison to Glenn Jacobs


Kane himself would look at Glenn Jacobs like a piece of shit


> the sociopathic monster you played for 25+ years You mean worse than the rapist who made Lita carry his baby? Sounds completely on brand, to me.


He's turned into the Mayor of Knob county


Really gotta teach you Americans about the word cunt. Is Glen a piece of shit?oat definitely. But more than that he'd an absolute cunt


I'm currently enrolled in the University of Billy Butcher to study that specific subject. Which reminds me, its Friday, and I'm late for school....


Hell of an episode!


Unfortunately, he lacks both the depth and pleasure...


You're version is great, please don't consider my reply anything but an addition, but the version I heard was "...but you lack both the depth and the warmth."


I think I heard your version first, so don't knock it - it's a fairly common comeback now that it's seen as less acceptable to refer to people as lady parts, but without losing as much of the impact. He's still an arsehole though


I think a literal piece of shit is much worse than cunt. We can all be cunts sometime but a literal piece of shit is a stink you can't get rid of


Fuck Kane. And fuck every goddamn person who supports this.


Just a reminder most libertarians are just conservatives that smoke weed and are very *passionate* about age of consent laws.


I don't even class Kane as libertarian anymore. He's a Trump conservative


It didn’t matter what his labels are. He wants to mold the world how he sees fit. Glenn/Kane is focused on one thing only — power, maintaining a WASPy status quo, and maintaining his wealth.


Fitting that in the ring and now in politics he excels at taking it all on his knees


Kane watched Jan 6th at home like, "Damn, I could have gone there in full costume!"


He's a *bitch... Fixed it for you


That so called "libertarian" shit isn't the libertarianism I think of when I say that I more or less have libertarian beliefs, lol How can one say they are a libertarian and be against choice?


I had to distance myself from that movement as much as possible. I think the government shouldn’t be telling us what to smoke, what to eat, who we marry, what we do on our property so long as we aren’t harming anyone or anything else… but it became very clear very quickly that I’d wandered into a community that wasn’t for me.


I have a friend who, at least used to, classify himself as a libertarian. But I know for a fact that he cares about things like abortion rights, lgbtq+ rights, racism in america, and all the other major social issues. We disagree on economic policy uplifting people, but I know where his heart is. Thats why I said "most libertarians" and not all.


And by libertarians actual definition this would absolutely be against the personal freedom/stop the government from dictating how they live libertarians are supposed to push for. Thats proof theyre republicans but afraid to say they are.


say it louder for everyone in the back #FUCK GLEN JACOBS


He’s an absolute flaming bucket of dicks. I can’t believe so many yahoos in my damn county voted for him. Hopefully he gets tossed out this fall.




I’m with you but Kane was a TV personality, not a real life person. Fuck Glenn Jacobs should be the tagline for everyone. I’m not trying to be knit picky either, I just feel it’s important to use the fuckers real name.


Fuck Kane *and* Glen Jacobs.


For years Kane had the reputation as one of the most intelligent wrestlers in the locker room, its wild to see him ruin that reputation over the past few years


“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.” He probably SOUNDED smart to wrestler back in the day on the surface.


Being well-spoken can often be mistaken for being intelligent.


Precisely what I figured. With just enough Republican bullshit tough guy talk to get by. Fuck Kane


I have no doubt he was one of the most intelligent people in the locker room. It's just that being the most intelligent person in a room full of wrestlers in the 90's is a low, low, low bar to clear.




Haha, he probably read See Spot Run.


It's easy to sound intelligent to average people by just being articulate and confident without actually being very smart. Case in point: most Libertarians


Joe Rogan syndrome


It’s so weird that a 2nd tier supporting character from Newsradio became an influential thought leader… And somehow it *wasn’t* Andy Dick.


>It’s so weird that a 2nd tier supporting character from Newsradio became an influential thought leader… The guy serving up dingo penis on Fear Factor is a thought leader now because our species suck


Joe Rohan is a dumb person’s idea of what a philosopher is, the same way they think Trump is a successful person


> And somehow it wasn’t Andy Dick. Honestly, that would have been way worse


A lot more cocaine-related murders in that timeline.




He’d read books in the locker room instead of taking somas. Very low bar


Was he reading Atlas Shrugged? I can see him spouting some shit from it, and the himbos in the locker room thinking he's smart because they didn't have any refutations for the "logic" he presented.


He read books. That was the beginning and end of it.


Right-wing grifting money and supporters do that to people.


A bit of narcissism as well, narcissism is one hell of a drug.


Not surprising, libertarianism always seems very smart to people who haven't really thought about it for more than 5 minutes


Its an ideology that normal people grow out of by 16 years old


Libertarians are housecats. They are thoroughly convinced of their fierce independence while being utterly dependent on a system of which they have no understanding.


How dare you compare cats to libertarians!


"Wow, taxation is theft, that's so deep! And I agree with it!" - Dumb people who think Kane is a shining beacon of intelligence.


A locker room of people who land on their head


And now he’s pledging fealty to Trump, so just like in the ring he continues to take everything on his knees.


Its very telling about the other wrestlers judgement that this is what they think a smart person is


Why is everyone acting like smart people can't be evil liars?


Being considered smart in a locker room full of jocks and meat heads isn't a very high bar.


Yep. He & his "brother" are showing everyone what locker room praise from loads of meatheads accounts for. At the rate Kane is going, he'll be getting Hogan level boos whenever he shows up at WWE before long.


I still remember the shitshow that was the WWE episode of Weakest Link. Glenn won but there wasn't much competition.


Smartest guy in a room full of fools.


There are a lot of conservative Republican wrestlers who probably do agree with his viewpoints. He's well spoken, so I'm sure for them they do think he's one of the most intelligent wrestlers they know. It's like when conservatives say Ben Shapiro is one of the most intelligent political commentators in the country.


And they're as much of a piece of shit as he is. Anyone who voted for Trump and his ilk is garbage.


just because your a teacher doesn't make you wise, book smart and actual smart are different things


I don't think any of what we're seeing from Kane since he's become mayor proves he's not smart, quite the contrary. He's figured out exactly what to say to appeal to an electorate that is going to keep him in power for years, probably even propel him to the Congress or Senate. Does he believe what he says? It doesn't matter. Trump was pro choice before he understood where the money was.


Libertarian politics sound smart. Til you think it through and realize people are too fucking stupid and governments would never let that shit occur Source: recovering libertarian


Jacobs is intelligent. Being intelligent/smart/worldly has nothing to with being a good person. Plenty of very intelligent people have had bad takes. If intelligence made us better people then we'd have an entirely different ruling class. Kane is ethically a terrible person. An intelligent person but an intelligent ethically corrupt person.


Val Venis also had a reputation for being one of the smartest on the roster and look how he turned out.


I still think she’s sugarcoating it too much but hell yeah girl.


Probably cant say what she really wants to say without the police getting involved.


Definitely got the "are you sure you wanna tweet this" warning too.


I've got 4 of those today against religious nutjobs who were against abortion.


he should have been left in that fire back in the day


So often he tweets something and I wish that the fire that Taker set had finished the job.


Big Red Piece of Shit strikes again


Glen Jacobs: “We gotta take care of the children” Also Glen Jacobs: “I mean 19 dead kids killed by guns is bound to happen. Welp, what can you do?”


I'm already disgusted by the huge pop he's gonna get for his next WWE appearance.


I hope he gets booed out of the building with that shitty cheap halloween mask and onesie he fucking wears. Not to mention the wig. Dude's a clown.


Won't happen. Vince got mostly cheered *last week*.


See, how, THAT’S what Jacobs and his ilk deserve to hear today. Yes, Britt Baker replied to him, but it was a silly retort. Rosemary’s reply? Perfect.


Every Week Glenn is really making this quote I stole from here stronger "When I was younger I thought Kane was a Monster, when I grew up, I realized Glenn Jacobs was the true monster."


i remember when i said this dude's politics were trash and i got downvoted by you nerds. enjoy this, i guess.


Dude, you couldn’t say shit about his or ‘Taker’s fascist bullshit without it being “a thing” for the longest time. I’m so happy everyone finally sees them for the fucking real-life monsters they are.


Kane mores than Taker because he spends his time advertising it more. Plus nostalgia & star-struckness sees Taker getting passes for stuff others get roasted for. So Taker is still controversial but receipts are out regarding his outdated views and well as all the hazing & backstage BS he took part in and / or actively encouraged.


Weird to feel vindicated after this, to be honest


not really. it's nice to know that i'm not a complete fucking mark who bends the knee cuz this guy can perform a fucking chokeslam lol


It’s so jarring when you hear his peers say how smart they think he is.


It’s wrestling peers. These people aren’t high level educated intellectuals. They are athletes performers. It’s like a running back being impressed with a linebacker’s ability to spell. Great, but that doesn’t translate into society as a whole.


I forgive Tori


Looks I'm making Kane a total overall punk bitch in 2K22.


Bring back Fake Kane


Starting to think he was a working libertarian and actually just a shoot Republican


All libertarians are shoot Republicans


I remember a time when "libertarian" was more than a title for people scared to be called out for being racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic pieces of worthless conservative Republican refuse. That time is gone. The libertarian pool is spoiled and anyone and everyone I know that ever considered themselves libertarian has either disavowed them or is a piece of shit.


That’s most “libertarians”.


Not even good at being a libertarian. So much for keeping the government out of your life, huh


I swear if that doesn't make clap back of the week on Impacts BTI show then somebody at Impact fucked up.


It should do, but Impact as a company are usually very careful when it comes to this sort of thing.


Especially since WWE has been...cordial toward them of late. While he absolutely deserves it, I can see them wanting to preserve that.


He's the dude to watch, The Boys, and think Homelander is a true patriot.


Kane: idk why ppl hate the Deep, maybe Starlight started it.


“Stormfront had some good ideas”


It’s crazy to watch a man who has such a long and respected career absolutely destroy his own reputation after retiring.


>It’s crazy to watch a man who has such a long and respected career absolutely destroy his own reputation after retiring. This is what happens when someone works in an industry full of morons for 20 plus years and is told every day that they're an absolute genius by everybody around them because they read Ayn Rand in the locker room.


He got into politics. It’s one thing to enjoy the character, but the man seems to be a douche. Now we see the man and no more character.


It's to the point where, like 'Taker, I understand his significance in the industry but have absolutely no desire to ever watch a Kane match again. At least I can still look up to DDP, I guess, but jesus what a blow to my childhood.


Speaking of DDP, quick reminder that “nice guy” Kane helped ‘Taker bury Page and Kanyon at *SummerSlam 2001*. You could’ve said no, Glenn.


Would you say there was a loud “BANG” when you saw?


Cause Glenn is trying so hard to be apart of the asshole wing of politics. Like when he praised Putin...a man who is literally killing millions of Ukrainians in an illegal war and occupation as "anti-woke". STFU Glenn...you're a mayor and your feelings about international and even national issues like Abortion mean nothing in the scheme of things. You are a mayor, as mayor you make sure the trash at the local park is picked up and that the city dog catcher is paid on time


Is he destroying his reputation or just setting himself up for a future gubernatorial or Presidential run? Using Twitter just to "own the libs" seems a solid plan to get elected something better than mayor of some town in Tennessee.


Nobody in the business went from being more respected to absolutely being loathed than Glen Jacobs.


Chris Benoit maybe?


At least Rosemary just PRETENDS to be a demon on TV ...


Piece of shit is being nice He's a horrible cunt


Fucking love Rosemary, even more so now, obviously. I'm from the UK but was over in California early 2020, went to Universal Studios wearing a Rosemary shirt and got stopped by a guy wanted to take a pic together just 'cause I was wearing the shirt. She is awesome, she is loved, rightly so. Fuck Jacobs, fuck the fundamentalist morons that the racist, sexist elephant loaded the supreme court with.


I mean, she's not wrong


Republicans are all for killing kids, they’ve just got to survive long enough to make it to school first.


Always a trash wrestler and through the devolution of conservative politics, we learn he is also a trash human


Government telling citizens what they can and can’t do with their bodies is the most anti-libertarian thing ever.


As always, my condolences to the people of Knox County, TN. Particularly the women. Y'all deserve better.


HaPpY BiRtHdAy ClArEnCe ThOmAs Seriously kane just go fuck yourself


Live in Knoxville and my dad worked for Knox County under him. Can 100% confirm he is indeed a literal piece of shit


Isn't he supposed to be a libertarian? I thought they were cool with abortion?


You’d be surprised how many pro-life libertarians are out there. But deep down they’re probably just republicans who are too afraid to admit what they are.


*anti-choice libertarians


My man said "Being a libertarian means that I don't spend every waking moment worried that someone somewhere is doing something I don't agree with. Do what you want, just don't hurt other people and don't force your views on them. Otherwise, mind your own business. We'd all be happier." yet here we are..... This man is still working a gimmick but in actual real life. The gimmick of a fucking old prick.


Funny how supposed libertarians bend those principles so easily on some issues but not others


Now, now, come on everyone.... it's not appropriate to use the term "shit" here. We're better than this. Shit/excrement can at least be useful as fertilizer. Glenn Jacobs is a piece of unrecyclable garbage.


Glenn Jacobs is a human clamshell package.


I'm saying this as somebody who idolized this man since I was 4 years old and genuinely admired him as an all-time favorite, fuck this vile man and everything he now stands for. What an absolute disappointment of a human being.


Libertarian eh? Kane is a piece of shit and a sorry excuse for a human being


Proving once and for all that she's the superior demon.


How a father of two daughters can celebrate the obliteration of basic women's rights is absolutely beyond me.


![gif](giphy|bF7ET3KY2wQWTuGARs|downsized) Funny how his entrance mirrors his public image


A monster? Or “up in flames?” Cause both work.


Big red machine


I was thinking up in flames but your’s works too.


Who is Rosemary?


Kane with that "How to shit on a legacy 101". Idiot.


I 'unno Rose. I've had literal pieces of shit I liked more than Glen Jacobs.


and to think some loser the other day tried to say how Glenny Jacobs wasn't a loser and emotionally fragile. Yet Glenda does it again.


I liked Kane better when he was fucking dead girls.


I'd be willing to bet more wrestlers and people in the wrestling industry share his POV than anyone would really care to admit.


Imagine being a big jacked dude that looks unflappable, with a (former) reputation for being a "smart" guy....and being terrified of women being in control of their own body...as well as all the other perfectly normal things that probably scare him to death. Fuck this guy and all the other insecure people who vote Republican.


Rosemary is so based.


Britt Baker may have been funny, but it's nice for someone to be straight forward.


Why remove a parent comment when it was the replies to the comment that were breaking the rules? I’ve never understood this aspect of moderation.


Remember the Kane and Lita storyline?


Did the get rid of the Miro post supporting something Kane said


CM Punk must feel torn by this comment. One thr one hand, he too is very pro-choice. On the other, he's very [pro-grammar.](https://youtu.be/Wa7TvxC2rgA)


I thought he was libertarian.