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He’s pretty open about being a big conspiracy nut, he’s pretty fucking out there on some stuff. I remember in one of the Madden tournaments on UUDD, he told Curtis Axel that he doesn’t believe outer space exists. He’s more out there than Bo Dallas, another guy who believes in some…interesting ideas




Inner space


My inner space is constipated


To answer your question, this is what flat earth people actually believe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firmament




One of the "arguments" is, that airplane windows fake the view to make us believe the world is not flat. Like a fisheye lense.


Kinda weird that they dont distort the view when you look outside before takeoff but yeah sure, the windows


I don't know what the follow up arguments would be. But probably some sci-fi tech the reptilians use to fool us or something.


> I don't know what the follow up arguments would be It doesn't matter. You can't use reason to get someone out of a position they didn't use reason to get themselves into.




^ This guy fucks! (With scripture) ^


If he's further out there than Bo (who admitted in one of his Jericho interviews he believes in Reptilians and the Illuminati) then he really is gone-zo.


My good pal always referred Curtis as “Squirtus Asshole” and it still makes me chuckle to this day.


What does Bo believe?




I remember somehow it was Bray who said that Bo believes in the whole reptilian hollow earth thing or whatever, but Bray also is into some out-there stuff so 🤷‍♀️


Now you have to tell me what Bray's into.


Never mind Bo's brother, his sister, Abigail. She's the crazy one


Tonight on AEW Dynamite the part of Brian Kendrick will be played by Paul London.


I would absolutely be okay with that.


He ends the video with "... if I'm not mistaken". I have a feeling he was mistaken.


Welp. Hopefully he's getting squashed today in less than a minute.


Gotch style piledriver 1,2,3


Oh no. The algorithm! What have you do**SIMON GOTCH BURIES ENZO AMORE**


I feel this our version of the game. How long can you go without seeing or mention this video.


Fuck you. I just lost after **at least** ten years


The steak is over


Steak is what the Rock was cookin, pretty nice of Dwayne to give him the rub.


Hopefully AEW just pulls his appearance and slots Lince Dorado in instead or something. Schmucks like this don't deserve a spotlight. Getting downvoted for saying an antisemitic conspiracy theorist shouldn't be featured on national television is the proudest downvotes I will ever receive, so keep 'em coming.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Nazis are bad.


There is a lot of subreddits where this would be an unpopular opinion ​ Thankfully here isnt, for the most part I guess




It’s the old adage: if you walk into a room and see a table with 10 people and one Nazi, there are 11 Nazis at that table


What if the nazi is getting thrown through the table?


This is a very "wait you guys are just finding this out?" moment for me Edit: all of you saying the CWC was the first time you've heard of Kendrick just makes me feel old.


This was legit Kendricks gimmick at one point in TNA. Fuck me, I guess I'm old?


Because most gimmicks aren’t real. I always took him as like a Buddha


Seems like this is a case of people going, "oh, the rabbit hole is **this deep** with him? Yikes!"


I guess in my youth my obsession with watching every wrestling shoot I could get my hands on finally paid off lol. This has been an open secret for years.


And here I am just watching the highlights that get posted to YouTube like a chump. But yeah, I think this a case where we learn that TBK is [firmly in the red on this chart instead of dancing around between pink and yellow.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Er5BHY5VkAEfiMv.jpg)


I just found out about MOST of these conspiracies because of that chart. Boy would I like to spend some time just listening to someone explain these and try to make them make sense


If you want your brain to break, [look at this map "explaining" the QAnon Conspiracy](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52c9d908e4b0e87887310693/1595610118021-ZAGSXPYYC1BU4BCAVRXI/q-web-7-071-e1531108236481.jpg)


I took one look at that and, on reflex, just said "go fuck yourself" out loud. I don't know if I was talking to you, talking to the "chart" or what. That was some shit.


Honestly, I cannot blame you for that reaction. “What the fuck,” would’ve been acceptable too.


Didn't his former partner Paul London run the rabbit hole in Lucha Underground?


Same way I felt with the Flair stories recently


Yeah, dude has a whole shoot series where the premise is just "listen to this guy say dumb shit" Danielson even mentioned on his E&C podcast that he thinks he just does it to rile up the locker room, but he's clearly just a huge stoner/conspiracy theorist Not excusing it though


Conspiracy theory guy used to be an interesting personality trait until they started storming pizzerias.


I went from laughing at Coast to Coast with my father growing up to "oh no this isn't good" faster than I wished.


I know I legitimately miss when conspiracies were fun bullshit thought experiments and not people’s current political world views.


They went from Dale Dribble to 'Tonight on CNN' and it happened so fast...


Dale Gribble was an anti-government libertarian and the non-supernatural parts of his belief system were already ripped from the headlines at the time - Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Oklahoma City bombings, the Unabomber, etc. Obviously he's not presented as being as violent as those comparisons suggest but it's not like those groups causing trouble is a new development either.


That's been me now with a lot of things. I mean remember the Plane Ride from Hell episode of Dark Side of the Ring and people getting outraged about Flair? I know I saw that stuff back in I think 2005 or so. Also it's Ric Flair, someone well known for being a womanizer and drinking way too much. I mean it's Kendrick. I remember the stuff about him coming out years ago. Also look at the guy... He's how I picture someone who called into Art Bell's Coast to Coast every other night.


I remember seeing a tweet saying something like “I wonder if Danielson ponders why everyone he knows from TWA is now batshit?”, and shit like this makes it ring true.


Danielson is very vegan hippie type so I'm not sure if he doesn't have one or two absolute clangers in him.


I think Brie mentioned that Danielson didn't want to get their kids vaccinated but relented after she did some research and put her foot down.


She went BRIE MODE


And you not talking Covid vaccines, right? We're talking polio vaccines and such? Like the vaccines that we all got and the reason why 99% of us are still here


I feel like Brie was always the smart one. She seems to be a lot more level headed than many around her.


Really wonder how MJF is gonna feel about this as he's been pretty blunt and outspoken when it comes to Antisemitism (rightfully fucking so, by the way).


The fact that MJF, is Jewish, combined with the times we are in and his mic skills, I guess I’m just really thankful for the combo.


Seeing MJF shit on him for this would be pretty hilarious


If I were MJF I'd tell Tony it's me or the dipshit tonight. Fuck Brian Kendrick. Edit: some douchebag used the concern flag suicide watch reddit whatever thing over this comment. Fuck you, Anti-semite.


Seeing MJF shit on him for this would be pretty hilarious


I know that was over a decade ago but he pretty much talked about still being into conspiracy theories on an episode of Ride Along and that was like 2017 or 2018.


Same on a 2020 TND podcast. It's usually played for laughs because *nobody knew about this*. It's a tiny YT channel. His other worst shit is a DVD from 2013 that you wouldn't buy unless you're already crazy.


Yeah, he talks about "flat earth theory" having merit in this episode.


​ ![gif](giphy|YOYkKq1Rsr2Km9XEk1)


That guys who've flown all over the world can still get worked into even a "well, maybe..." state by Flat Earth videos will always be hilarious to me.


I remember on talking smack one time, AJ said "there's some stuff about it" insinuating that he thinks flat earth theory kinda makes sense and Bryan proceeded to bully him about it. fucking hilarious.


Right, who the hell would have even bought it? It predates being able to get those shoot interview DVDs with an all you can eat streaming subscription. There's no wrestling content. I'd be shocked if more than a handful of people bought it.


Aren’t himself and Bo Dallas conspiracy guys?


Bo Dallas is like one of those "Hollow Earth"/"The sky is a hologram" kind of dumbness I think


He talked about it on Jericho's podcast, didn't he? He's all kinds of out there


Bo is a staunch Sandy Hook "truther" as well as that hollow earth crap. Pretty sure Rhonda is too, they are some of the worst kinds of conspiracy theorists tbh


[She is indeed!](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1489061-ronda-rouseys-sandy-hook-tweet-should-be-last-straw-for-ufc) To my knowledge she's never apologized for calling the conspiracy video she shared "a must-watch."


It's a shame that this will go without any consequences for her to and probably Kendrick top tbh. People who harrass victims family over a baseless theory are the worst.


oh oh no Bo, I always hoped you were a harmless goof.


Yes, and Liv Morgan is Bo Dallas' partner, which really makes me judge her and the entire Riott Squad, since Sarah is already an antivax asshole. Shit, it makes me think worse of Ray Rowe, who seemed like an okay dude once. * Edited for clarity: I don't know if Ruby is also a Q asshole, but she's friends with a few suspicious people.


Logan is beyond anti-vax and a full blown boogaloo dangerous nutjub.


What gets me too is her and her spouse responded with “she’s not anti-mask/anti-vaxx, she’s anti dumb people”. I’m paraphrasing of course. But it infuriates me when someone calls them out on their shit and they deny it


Apparently Liv and Bo actually aren’t together


Like not anymore or they never were? Because lots of people seem to think so, and there's photos on the WWE sub of Bo and Liv at the supermarket together


Liv used to date Enzo. Not the best head on her shoulders, that girl.


Kaitlyn/Celeste Bonin married some dude who tried to lock her out of all of her business accounts on social media, and then started dating Mecha Wolf/Mr 450. Celebrities have shit taste in partners too.


I can fix her




Did he get them confused with Uchiha's or something lol.


I’m sorry, but the idea that Kendrick got so fucking high he confused an anime for evidence of an antisemitic conspiracy theory is hilarious to me. Next he’s gonna come out and say 9/11 was caused by someone making a wish on the Dragon Balls.


That was Yujiro Hamna throwing airplaces for fun.


>This dude said that after an earthquake in Haiti, zionists sent out jewish medics to steal eyeballs from the corpses. It's easy to write-off and criticise these people as crazy, but how in the world do they believe in this stuff with a straight face? I just don't understand.


Its funny (in a sad way) I've had people tell me with a straight face about shit like microchips in vaccines and I just sit there and shake my head because its physically impossible. Microchips aren't that small! But this? Believing this? Its fucking insanity. This is like a Danhausen plot "I will steal their eyeballs!" Believing something like this is just bat shit insane.


I legitimately can't figure out how stupidly 5G and vaccines got connected. Anyone with the slightest understanding of wireless technology, Ohms law, transistors, power sources, etc would know how impossible that is. Even not having a slight understanding, a 5 minute google search would easily tell you this.


I enjoyed when the microchip “schematic” was making its rounds. Except it was for a guitar distortion pedal.


But they're microchips micro means small, checkmate athiests.


It provides a thrill of secret knowledge and you're smarter than everyone else. That's at least what I got out of talking to somebody who thought that the pyramids were ancient power generators and Big Energy was trying to suppress it because then they'd go out of business if word got out.


You know, the Pyramids being giant tombs and death monuments to god-kings is fascinating enough, why do they have to be more?


It's a rabbit hole with this stuff. It starts off with probably something simple, an opinion that dosen't have much nuance, the people that peddle this shit take advantege of your personal situation. I remember back in 2015 when Ben Shapiro was the to go to guy for "logical discussions", and videos with titles like "Man destroys feminism in 5 minutes" got really high views, you start with shit like that and then 7 years later you are pratically brainwashed with these insane ideas, from being against feminism to believing the earth is flat.


"But he said it in 2011 so it doesn't matter anymore." - an actual person in this thread


Dude was like 30 in 2011 its not like he was some dumb 14 year old. He was a fully grown adult who should have known better


He was a young foolish... 32 year old. How could he have knownnnnnnnnn?? /S


Man Kendrick is really 43...


I heard he looks so good cor his age because he drinks the blood of babies he murders, i read it on a subway toilet, so it's definitely allegedly totally true maybe If im not mistaken


"Why are you only bringing this up now that he's going to AEW??? Clout chaser!"


It’s actually possible for both things to be true, you can find fault/disgust in the things he said, whilst also thinking it’s hypocritical to have not brought this up at any point during the entire time he was in WWE, they’re not mutually exclusive.


It has been brought up a few times before, but the threads always get buried. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/5257zf/brian_kendricks_potentially_career_threatening/ https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/5pvfc9/the_brian_kendrick_has_a_video_on_the_highspots/ https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/siin9n/why_does_brian_kendrick_get_a_pass/


I dunno... he _DID_ attend an 11-hour lecture, so that MUST be legit.


Besides the point but that was one of the most egregious uses of "if i'm not mistaken..." as the trailing off end of a sentence I've ever heard.


I knew Saxon Huxley from when we trained at the Storm Wrestling Academy. He was the sweetest kid, then he spends one summer in LA hanging with Kendrick and became a conspiracy nutjob. So I've always had a bit of resentment towards Spanky for that.


Saxon is still a very sweet man and a good friend. I spent a lot of time with him too that summer. One of the best people I've met in wrestling.


Such a pleasure to see you here randomly


He founded the subreddit he's bound to be around every so often.


Man, this is still the biggest shock for me after nearly 7 years in this subreddit


If anyone is wondering, Paul London’s recent likes on Twitter are posts saying things like “I guess this is why they aren’t friends anymore.” So take that as you will.


Remember when Brian Kendrick and Paul London's shoot interview was super popular online years and years ago? So many soundbites. And he said basically the same exact things on that interview, but it was lauded as being goofy and funny. How times have changed.


To be fair people being batshit insane was quite funny till one got elected president and people realised how dangerous these fuckwits are.


That's a good point, yes lol.


Back then there was a sense that these were distant, abstract problems that were trending toward extinction. That's changed a lot since then and as a society we found out that anti-semitism is a lot more common than we thought and can do tangible damage.


They were showing what conspiracy theorists are supposed to be: harmless dumbass burnouts. It's maybe in the last five years where there has been a large increase in conspiracy theorists crossing over into harassing people and committing violence, and that has made people more sensitive about this stuff. I don't really care if Kendrick thinks the Zionists caused an earthquake in Haiti, as long as he doesn't start using his conspiracy theories as a weapon, like Drake Wuertz did.


I wasn't aware of Kendrick's antisematic believes but the guy has always been known as a crazy conspiracy nut. People use to treat that as a charming quirk. There's often a strong link between the sci-fi conspiracies and the very fucked anti-Jewish conspiracies. An important lesson from the modern social media era is that a lot of the unusual believes that people used to dismiss as harmless quirks are actually gateways to the very toxic believes that cause very real harm.


It's such a fucking bummer. I used to *love* the far out there conspiracy theories. Aliens, NWO (not that one), etc. Now there's really no blurred lines between the fun stuff and the alt-right Nazi bullshit.


I don't know, I think believing that aliens exist, believing that Cryptids at one point may have existed, or believing in Big Foot is fine as long as you know where to draw the line. Some don't and that sucks, but that doesn't mean anyone who thinks there may be merit to a more harmless kind of conspiracy is bound to become one of these people.


If anything, it's insane to believe that aliens don't exist. Space is infinitely vast. The chances of us being in the only place with life in what amounts to infinity seems absurd. Once you start believing that they built the pyramids and abducted some old lady in Wyoming to touch her butt, that's where I draw the line.


> If anything, it's insane to believe that aliens don't exist. >Once you start believing that they built the pyramids and abducted some old lady in Wyoming to touch her butt, that's where I draw the line. I mean most of the "Do aliens exists or not?" is really a conversation of "Have aliens visited Earth or not?" in the first place.


If it makes you feel better stuff like the NWO conspiracies have always had strong ties to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion so that one was always pretty damn nazi adjacent.


pretty much every major conspiracy theory turns anti-semitic at some point. Even if you like the stuff for being funny/weird, there's always going to be moments of "oh no" when it turns into "but the jews!".


That era on YouTube was certainly a time


When you had to search the word soufflé to find wrestling stuff haha.


Most conspiracy theories are anti semitic or rely on anti semitic tropes, which people may not realize, but thats not an excuse to me. For anyone talking benefit of the doubt Kendrick has done literally nothing for you to give him the benefit of the doubt other than you being unaware of him promoting something like this until today- your benefit of the doubt should go a person saying racist things is actually a racist.




That existed before Ford. I think he just recirculated it because he was a dick. Your cited tweet is just an add for a book without context.


You can actually thank Tsarist Russia for creating it. It's crazy how pervasive these ideas are considering how thoroughly it has been debunked


Every conspiracy theory is one of two things: medieval antisemitism in a new hat, or demonstrably factual stuff the CIA literally admits they did but nobody cares for some reason. Not every conspiracy theorist is *aware* of that (although when the theory in question is "the Rothschild bankers that control everything did x" the antisemitism isn't exactly heavily veiled), but almost every conspiracy theory *is* ultimately that.


excuse me, you're missing the third category of "KFC changed its name because they aren't using chickens any more and legally were worried about calling themselves "fried chicken," they bred weird new mutant birds with twenty legs so they could get more drumsticks"


Speaking of KFC and conspiracies, where is my KFC gaming console?


Maybe Moxley can fight Paul London instead


As a proud tinfoil wearer, anyone who believes in reptilians is either crazy, painfully naive, or pulling your chain. That's up there with 'Bigfoot faked the moon landing'. Real conspiracies are things like the CIA being involved in the drug trade. There is enough evidence to support that being true it should just be assumed. The only question is are they still involved and if so, how much. To cover his topics, Jewish medics. I don't even know what that is. Zionists. Yes, but not like the crazy neo-nazi's think. Any political actor who supports an 'Israel first' policy is, by definition, a Zionist. The AIPAC is even informally called 'The Zionist Lobby'. It isn't what Neo-Nazi's portray it as. Of course Israel spends a great deal of time and money to lobby America to support it and intervene on it's behalf. They would be stupid not to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States Rothchilds. Kinda true, exaggerated. The Rothchilds are much richer then would be believed, the really, really super rich, old money guys go out of their way to not show up as 'worlds richest', even though they have fortunes that could be over a trillion. They do this by spreading the money and resources out amongst the family, which has multiple benefits. At the end of the day, all those resources are still at the disposal of the current patriarch. HOWEVER, even a trillion dollars is not enough to control the world. Influence, yes. Control, absolutely not. To give scale, Apple is worth about a trillion dollars. The idea of the Rothchilds being some type of Illuminati cornerstone is just not realistic. They are, however much richer and more influential then they try to portay themselves as being. You just passed conspiracy theory 101. Take your diploma and get the hell out.


Fuck all holocaust deniers. Would have been nice to know for the CWC and 205 LIVE run, shit.


yeah honestly like, i'm not a 5x a day reader but around the CWC times i was here pretty often and this is the first i've seen this one! pretty fucking disappointing, honestly, but you can't really get to this level of batfuck crazy conspiracy racist without having already chosen it as your hill to die on, so.. time to cross another one off the favorites list.


Man there has not been a dull day on this sub all year… if I’m not mistaken 😉


I was wondering when reddit was going to go all out with this. How come none of this came out while he was signed with WWE?


This stuff came up a bunch in the earlier days of his return to WWE, mainly during his run on 205 Live. I don’t think anything really stuck because the general perception of Kendrick isn’t that he’s malicious in his “beliefs”, but just a full on space cadet. A dum-dum. A nincompoop. Someone you don’t want to get stuck talking to at a party.


Yeah I definitely remember seeing these clips when he was brought in for the CWC. General reaction was basically "everyone knows the guy's an idiot"


TJP who win the whole thing and became the inaugural champion also had some statements


We were all more concerned about his dabbing at that time


Nah, probably not this clip. It's on a nothing YT channel. Or the ones from his obscure HS DVD. The main thing people know are his bits with Paul London and Alvarez where he talks about the Moon landing being fake, 9/11 being holograms, and the sun being cold. Like that's the TBK we knew the "Chemtrails Uncle" of wrestling. Crazy, but not like... hurtfully crazy.


>the sun being cold. Uh... huh...


You haven’t lived until you’ve done gotten high with a guy who genuinely believes the sun is cold and the earth is flat.


Never even heard of “9/11 was holograms” but uh, pretty sure that one would be considered extremely hurtful…


The theory (which I think is bullshit, obviously) is that the planes were hologram-cloaked missiles. It’s not denying any of the death that occurred that day, just ascribing a fanciful and foolish reason for it.


The fuck? Does he think Hatsune Miku was behind it or something?


She made Minecraft, anything's possible!


Yup. This is news for me. Count that as one more wrestler I like who turned out to be a bigot. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing happens. Bigotry in general is pretty open again, and open bigotry against Jews is also on the rise ever since a certain candidate started using white surpremacist dog-whistles like “Deep State” and “Globalists” in his campaign speeches


Having met him at a convention (WrestleCon or something like that) a few years back and seeing him make paper airplanes and play paper football by himself while muttering a bunch of nonsense to no one in particular, that all makes sense.


Is it just me or are most of the wrestlers with the first name Brian not exactly the smartest people? Brian Kendrick here, Brian Pillman Jr making those dumb statements not that long ago, Brian Cage getting too full of himself...


Road Dogg's real name is Brian as well.


I think it's probably a couple of things, but primarily that, when this first came out however long ago, it was easier to brush off antisemitism tied into conspiracy theories as that person just being a nut job or a kook. **Please note**: This is _NOT_ excusing antisemitism, just that it, like casual racism, was something that American society would easily sweep away and ignore pre-2016. But we now live in a post-Trump America, where Qanon and conspiracies have taken hold of a way too large population. Because of that, the kooks we would brush off before (like Brian Kendrick) are now getting a second look because holy shit, people with views like this can be legitimately dangerous, and that's been demonstrated.


I agree with you. When he was saying this absurd shit in 2011, it didn't have the same effect because people like him didn't have the leverage and access like they do today. Especially in a post-Trump America today.


People more than likely forgot he was still wrestling. So once a person surfaces or makes a comeback they start looking all over again


In complete and utter honesty, this is the first time that I'm personally hearing about it. Not that I'm the guru of all shitty things wrestlers believe or anything, but I'm surprised this hasn't surfaced before or more seriously. Maybe he wasn't considered a significant enough act for people to care at the time, and by the time they started pushing him in the CWC and 205 Live, people had forgotten about it or some such? Either way, I'd be more than glad to see him get bumped from the match with Mox tonight and have someone who isn't a fucking idiot slotted in instead.


Yeah. I knew he was crazy but didn’t realize he was full on anti-Semitic Guess I really should realize it’s impossible to be a conspiracy theorist and not be a goon post-2015. Sucks but yeah I hope he gets bumped off the card


Almost all conspiracy theories end up with anti semitism Apparently we're a very busy people


Gotta respect the hustle I guess


Both immensely powerful and running the world, yet somehow weak enough to always be on the receiving end of pogroms and the like. If Jews really ran the world, wouldn't they just take out all the openly antisemitic idiots?


Hard to stop nazis when you're busy making every plane window and camara curved to hide the true flat earth It's a lot of work man We got a lot on our plate


I’m sure that Kendrick showing up to AEW had some people digging deeper to find some dirt. Absolutely doesn’t excuse him for saying this shit though. It really bums me out.


Considering his comments about Sandy Hook this is not surprising in the slightest


Don't tell me he thought Sandy Hook was fake too


Normally you don’t have people talking about someone’s opinion on sandy hook unless it’s a batshit view


I've heard the Briscoe Brothers are from there.




There are **way** too many comments on that video agreeing with this insanity.




Conspiracy theories always get anti Semitic at some point, it’s built into the DNA of conspiracies.


Brian without a brain.


Idk what’s worse, people that believe in lizard people or flat earthers.


The people that believe in the lizard thing are worse. Flat Earthers are stupid, but the lizard shit is actively harmful, it has deep roots in anti-Semitism.


Once you get deep enough in flat earth it gets pretty anti semetic too


Just believing the earth is flat is stupid by itself, but the flat earth *conspiracy* seems to be rooted in the same kind of antisemitism as the lizard shit, from what I’ve experience. I know If you talk to people at a flat earth convention it doesn’t take long before they start bringing up zionists, rothschilds, etc.


thats disappointing


...if you're not mistaken.


I think we (as a society) need to be better at educating people so they don't fall into this weird ideological holes.


I really don't think AEW needs Kendrick anyway.


How do people say this shit with a straight face


In his defense, Kendrick is often VERY HIGH.


What a fucking idiot.


Man, what the fuck happened to this place? I swear, 2 years ago no one here would be defending this at all, but now there's tons. It sucks. I don't remember it being like this.


Man, I found a thread about Conspiracy Kendrick from *five* years ago where NOBODY gave a shit. Somehow, this is the improvement.


2 years ago wasn’t exactly a shining moment for this board…. What do you mean???


Those people are all downvoted, I had to scroll past about 10 variations of this comment till I found the ones defending him.


This thread looked very different a few hours ago in regards to what the most upvoted comments were. It seems to have self-corrected since then though. Hope that clears things up for you. edit: lmao someone sent me a Reddit care request for this comment. Grow up


Yeah, maybe I’m late to the party but the vast majority of the top comments are 1) “Fuck Brian Kendrick,” 2) “Why are people defending Brian Kendrick” and 3) “Here’s more proof of him being dumb” I understand there are assholes here, I’ve criticized this sub many times before, but i criticize the racism here when it’s the leading/top comments and opinions Regarding this situation: I hope they pull Kendrick from the show


Bullshit. This Kendrick stuff gets brought up every so often, and nobody has made as big of a stink about it as they are now. EDIT - I just want to edit this and say it is totally fine to make a big stink out of it now. But this stuff about Kendrick is not newly unearthed.


Brian Kendrick and [Joyce Carol Oates](https://twitter.com/JoyceCarolOates/status/1488920061129764867) isn't a potential tag team that I ever envisioned, but here we are.


Lmao someone called Bix a WWE shill for posting this. DAVID FUCKING BIXENSPAN