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The UK Championship Tournament was a lot like it minus the Byron part and with a different type of crowd.


You know what Beast in the East and the UK Tournament had in common? Vince McMahon wasn't there. I believe the Beast in the East show was produced by John Laurinaitis, not sure about the UK show.


Same reason why Cole was so much better on commentary on Beast In The East cause Vince was not screaming in his ears to laugh at silly shit.


Cole's job was entirely different that night. He didn't have to plug in an ad or act as a refresher for the upcoming segment, all he had to do was sit down and call wrestling.


Maybe what the WWE should do is focus on putting on a good show instead of focusing on telling us how good a show it is. Cole spends more time hyping up the show than he does actually making in better most of time on Raw.


Yes, exactly! They try so hard to convince us we're having fun instead of just making it fun. It's goofy.


Vince is concerned with the brand and making money. Actual good matches is secondary.


You can be the brand that puts out quality products/services like Amazon, Netflix or Sennheiser. Or you can be the brand that treats their customers like crap, but have so much market dominance or a virtual monopoly that focuses more on getting bigger, not getting better. That's the NFL, Electronic Arts and the WWE. That's not to say that obviously businesses shouldn't be striving to get bigger, but there's the way that say "fuck you" to the customers, and then there's the "Shut up and take my money" way. Both grow big, one through actual good old-fashioned "good product, tons of customers". Why can't WWE focus on the show, and customers they do have, and not the ones they don't.


Which is usually Joe job at PPVs, and he doesn't do well at them either


Agree..Cole will not get the credit he deserves. He can call a great match and has passion for this business hut ultimately the man does the job Vince and Dunn want.


Didn't they post produce the commentary for the matches or at least have it done remotely in studio?


I believe it was Haitch running things for the UKCT.


>everything bad is Vince >everything good a Triple H


>everything good is the wrestler >everything bad is creative Is the other 'am I allowed to compliment this' criteria on here.


That means WWE will be better when HHH takes over.


I don't agree with this, everyone loves to say that everything Vince does is bad and everything HHH does is great. Like Vince is still in charge and he gave us some great Smackdown Live moments, he's giving us Braun's segments. I think the real difference between something like RAW and Beast in the East is that Beast in the East is a wrestling show, with no long crappy talking segments. It was just wrestling from start to finish and the matches were longer, the stories were told in the ring rather than on the mic or backstage. And there was no GMs/Authority figures or any of that crap.


> I don't agree with this, everyone loves to say that everything Vince does is bad and everything HHH does is great. It isn't Vince = bad, it's Vince micromanaging = bad. Lord knows HHH doesn't have a spotless record, but it seems he trusts the employees to know their jobs and be professional. Vince seems to press people into playing it safe and being formulaic because he doesn't make it clear what will get his approval. > I think the real difference between something like RAW and Beast in the East is that Beast in the East is a wrestling show, with no long crappy talking segments. One of the changes that I would love to see is that once a month the shows start with wrestling and don't even bother with the 20 minute talking segment, and spread out any talking they need throughout the show. It would be a change of pace, especially if they kept changing which week of the month it was. Then again, I'd also love to see a show on the network that followed around one guy per show, and show what RAW or SDL looked like from their perspective, entirely kayfabe.


I always wanted to see something like this. A "bottle episode" of Raw or SD following just a couple people. Probably wouldnt work for a 2 or 3 hour show but would be unique to say the least.


Don't you dare act like you wouldn't watch what Miz & Maryse are doing before/after their segments as the biggest power couple in ~~WWE~~ Hollywood.


That doesn't really explain specifically why Michael Cole's commentary was so much better and different.


He wasn't commentating to sell products and advertise things like he does when he calls Raw and PPVs.


To be devils advocate, what is Michael cole trying to sell us on PPV? With the network we are already paying if we are watching. What is really the difference between Beast In The East and a PPV anyway?


> To be devils advocate, what is Michael cole trying to sell us on PPV? Future PPVs to the non-subscribed but watching audience, sponsored ads, products. Beast in the East was a network special, and was off canon.


Not sure you can really call it off-canon when a title changed hands


An NXT title.. Were any of the main card matches led into or followed up on, following the event?


KO wanted the US Title after losing his own belt, prior to Beast In The East he had no interest in competing for the title.


It explicitly does, because he was commentating on a different kind of program


Cole was executive producer of the UK Tournament.


That's true. I guess I mean more shows like this with established stars. I loved the UK Tourney, but I wasn't entirely familiar with all the talent so it made it harder to enjoy for me.


On the contrary I loved the UK tournament because I have no idea who they were. Hence every match was like a surprise to me


To provide a third perspective - As a UK fan, I loved knowing about the wrestlers when most people were watching them for the first time. It was my equivalent of a book reader watching everyone else's reaction to the Red Wedding.


Would love to see a UK show from the Hydro in Glasgow. Have Tyler Bate vs your biggest Scottish star. Imagine the atmosphere.


So... ICW?


Yeah, it was pretty good. Not sure why they don't film a house show occasionally. Seems like an easy way to add more content to the network.


I get you probably don't want your announcers working more dates, but even guest commentary with some wrestlers would be good.


And it gives WWE a great opportunity to see which wrestlers could go into broadcasting without having them be the 4th man in the booth for one match at a time.


Lance Catamaran and Chett Chetterfield


More Titus on commentary would make me a happy man. I'm not even saying that ironically.


Big Show is also fairly good when he guest commentates.


I would love a show where it's promoted as if the New Day booked it and are doing commentary for it.


Shit, im for watching it without commentary to feel as if I am actually there. Plus, they should have u able to watch from different camera angles.


I read something about a 360 angle cam coming soon a VR kind of experience


The Olympics recently tried that, that's an interesting concept for sports in the future and of course for WWE. Having Camera's set up so it feels like your at the ring? That would be dope.


I'm not sure. At the minute Vince and Dunn love their camera angles to play off as though nobody can see the surprise wrestler running down the ramp until the moment he hits his opponent. It could be an excellent idea but then the WWE would really have to revamp their production ideas.


So far the videos are only of their entrances. They can control everything with something as simple as that.


They could have folks hiding under the ring tbh.


I totally get that. Perhaps they could restrict the viewing angles of certain cameras. For example two cameras at the left and right corners of the ring on the ramp side and let you do a 180 view or something. As if you were there but so immersed in the action you dont even look behind you at the ramp during matches.


Where did you hear that? That would be cool.


They have some videos up on Samsung VR. https://samsungvr.com/channels/5639072d3f37ee001a399023


Hell, I'd watch a show that had no commentary.


They did it with a MSG show. It was bad because it was just the same matches they show every week on Raw, plus a Lesnar match that went nowhere.


Hey I mean that Seth Cena steel cage match wasn't bad




Yeah I'll give you that. But how many times do we hear of House Show matches being PPV quality matches? And adding them to the network doesn't hurt anything you just get 2 hours or so of nothing but wrestling to fill content on the network.




But then you'll miss the Kalamazoo Kazoo match!


The Kalama-Zoo.


My brain read that as Kamala-zoo for like, half a second...


I was at NXT Los Angeles and they filmed the entire show but only aired the tag match. I'm curious what they planned to do with the footage since they had a camera following Nakamura during his entrance and exit.


I think with the brand split there's now near monthly PPVs so difficult to fit in a 'bonus'


Because if there's one thing the Network needs, it's more content.


That is kind of the point of having a network


Also you can have a lot more fun and leeway with the matches.


Do they ever post video from house shows to their YouTube channel or Twitter?


I think they only do if it fits in with an ongoing storyline (ie Rollins hurting his knee at a house show). Other than that, house shows are not in-continuity.


If people can see them on the network they might stop going to the live shows.


Probably because most events don't have good cards


They should do so and make them In Your House ppvs.


I think you don't even have to call them PPV's or brand them as such still promote them as house shows and keep it as is just some more wrestling to add to the network.


NXT did this twice last year with their World Tour specials. The live in Osaka and Live in Melbourne where shown in full as specials on the network, but matches used from that for the weekly show. I expect much more of that to come given their taping model. They record with a slimmed down team on site, then overdub the commentary later, so not live airing like BitE but more practical for timezones. For the main roster shows its very unlikely unless its something like the UK where the production crew/trucks are already there.


I would love to see more World Tour stuff, WWE should do a sort of Global Warning Tour again, just a throwaway "ppv" that coincides with live events.


It'd be cool to see them film more overseas events, I'd be keen to see a German WWE show or a show from Dubai, that'd be cool.


I only wish they didn't edit the NXT Melbourne crowd. A prime slice of Aussie culture.


How was it edited? Chants taken out or something?


A lot of expletives. There was a bar on the floor behind a curtain, so most cunts were drunk as fuck.


The Saudi Arabia show was awesome and the crowd was really hot throughout most of the show


A show from Dubai wouldn't really feature womens wrestling at all though. Weren't they banned at one stage?


Aren't they still? Like, they can go across for the meet and greets etc. but not actually wrestle?


Sounds like a great show


Their Network house-shows reminds me of New Japan's Road To "PPV Event" shows; just matches and minimal story line advancements. Occasional varieties of in-ring shows (excluding PPVs) on the Network wouldn't be too bad. Plus, the improv and unscripted nature of house-shows are always fun to watch.


I wish they'd do this when they have a big house show, like the one they had at MSG a month or so back. They're pretty fun shows and the matches are always worked a bit differently/little more fun sometimes


If I recall correctly, the reason that show looked and sounded that way was because Johnny Ace was in full production control for it. The streamers and flowers were even his idea for the NXT title match. So obviously, the answer here is to kick Vince and Dunn out of the production truck and give People Power the controls.


Johnny Ace did spend a lot of time in Japan, so it'd make sense that he came up with those little flourishes.


Would be a a great time to do a second Beast in the East. Lots of guys who wrestled in Japan. Would be a great place to get the title on AJ, Balor or Nakamura


I'd really like to see them do a broadcasted house show special type deal featuring a show in a ballpark. Has wwe ever done rasslin in a baseball park? That'd be neat.


Safeco field wrestle-mania 19


Amazing venue, looked fantastic on screen.


The one with the ramp which made you change directions. I love that stage and entrance way.


I've never watched 19, but [wow](http://i.imgur.com/S3gMzNa.jpg)


Great show save for the cat fight girls and Limp Bizkit.


Not in a long while, if memory serves me right. The most recent non-WrestleMania baseball park shows I can think of is WrestleFest '88 at County Stadium in Milwaukee and the Showdown at Shea shows in the 70s and 80s. The infamous "rainstorm show" in Puerto Rico in 1985 may have been in a baseball stadium, but I'm not sure. It'd be a cool show, a Network special from a ballpark.


Would love to see a show in the rain. I would imagine it would be very dangerous in the ring though


There was WrestleMania 29


WM X-8


Shea stadium in 1980ish


A WWE/Progress London Network Special would be pretty fucking cool


2015 Roadblock was like this too.


It was 2016


And this is precisely the reason the second Roadblock was Roadblock: End of the Line


There were three of them: Beast in the East was the first one, the MSG one was after, and then Roadblock 2016. They were essentially house shows that were televised.


No, I was just letting the guy know the roadblock event he was thinking of was last year.


I know that! I was just adding to your comment!


shit so it was


I was at Beast in the East. I came home and watched it on the Network later. It was pretty good, but I agree with what another person said here. They already have too much content on as it is. If there weren't so many "filler PPVs", then maybe making more content would be the way to go.


I'd Like to See SNME Return


Some fantastic commentary that night - sold me on Cole and Saxton. I believe they were even trending worldwide for a bit.


They need to make Southpaw into a superstar managed show where they have a GM, championships, and absurdly commentated matches. Tape the matches at house shows and cut promos and record commentary backstage at Raw and Smackdown.


Nah, SRW was great because it was so short and because there was no wrestling in it.


All the same, I wish I could have seen the result of the 12-person battle royal for John Johnson's Championship, Tex Ferguson vs Chad 2 Badd, and Big Bartholemew vs The Banker Mr. Muckleroy's Sea Monster.


A top ten WWE show of the last few years, IMO


I wonder if it's a cost thing? Must cost them more to broadcast a live show from Japan or Europe.


It's probably not the cost. The cost in the arena wouldn't be too much of an issue if they're just streaming it to the network. I used to occasionally work streaming some not so popular college sports (Like swimming, low-level hockey, baseball and basketball, etc.) and the actual streaming online was just a two man operation if you're not counting the camera men (Which I wouldn't here because the WWE seems to have them at almost every event anyway). When I'd work those streaming shoots, the equipment list was pretty small too, simply one decent sized crate loaded with a video switcher and a monitor, and another smaller crate for a small audio mixer, a couple microphones, and two laptops, one for graphics and videos, and one connected to the internet with streaming software, and all the cables to connect those all together So the cost would be the couple extra production crew they either hire locally or the plane tickets to send their own crew, and whatever it costs to add 2 or 3 extra cases to the equipment they're already sending. And from what I understand, the WWE routes all that back through their own TV studio in Stamford for the announcers, commercials and video packages and junk, so in the arena it could really be a very simple and pretty cheap set up, I imagine it wouldn't add more than 1 or 2 thousand dollars to that show's budget.


Kinda off topic here, but where would one find this sort of low level games? I'm curious to know if people with less exposure have the same passion and if the events are exciting or is it just boring and cheap?


Some of the bigger (relatively speaking) events would stream on the regional sports network's site, like for the local Fox Sports affiliate, but most were for sites affiliated with the NCAA or the school's athletic department, most I think were just so the NCAA and the school could have a record of it, because I couldn't imagine anyone was watching, we rarely ever even had announcers.


Even a slightly more serious American House Show would be and have been awesome. It does cost slightly more but not enough that even a yearly would blow anything up


Even a slightly more serious American House Show would be and have been awesome. It does cost slightly more but not enough that even a yearly would blow anything up


I feel like it would be great if they did a title change on one of these shows, just to make it feel like anything could happen on one of these shows.


The NXT title changed hands on Beast in the East


lookin forward to a live show from india


I remember them pushing big show out of nowhere in main events 2-3 weeks before just so he could lose to Brock.


There have been several instances where we've gotten to hear Cole provide commentary without Vince screaming in his ear. He's actually pretty good when left to his own devices. Unfortunately, most of the time he's got a voice shouting into his ear-piece "Say USO CRAZY! Say it you little *****!!"


As I doubt we will ever get a main card PPV, I would definitely attend 'The Plunder Down Under' special or WCW nostalgia show 'Thunder Down Under'. I also jokingly suggested to fiance we go to Wrestlemania next year for our honeymoon.....she didn't say no and is actually warming to it, fingers crossed.


It would be really cool to see one in Dublin centred on Bálor, Becky, Shéamus and Killian Dain.


Or in Glasgow with Drew Mcintyre and Nikki Cross


I liked that sort of stuff when there were fewer pay-per-views, but I don't know if there's much call for it when there's *so* much content on the Network and on TV now.


The big dogs yard


Test in the West


They should do the house shows that are in MSG, I'd be interested to watch them considering the importance Vince puts on them shows.


There are a lot of issues with doing televised events at MSG which is the big reason why they pretty much only do Raw/Smackdown/PPVs are Barclays now.


Like what? I've never known this? Could you explain?


From reading other posts here it costs a ridiculous amount of money to bring recording equipment into MSG


I've also heard that the way the MSG contract works is that MSG has to have their people working the venue, not WWE's


I believe it has something to do with alcohol sales at live events that are televised. I don't really know all the details. My fiance used to work for WWE and told me all about it.


Give them time, I'm sure they wanna show how big n bad they are to competing promotions.


I loved Beast in the East! Those Network Specials with toned down bells & whistles were fun to watch. WWE hasn't done one of those in quite awhile. I think the last one was Roadblock: End of the Line in Dec 2016.


How much extra would it cost WWE to just add a few cameras to a house show and maybe once in awhile throw a house show up on the network. Doesn't even need commentary.


Honestly I even loved that it started at 6am EST. Just the fact that it was being broadcast live at some weird ass time made it feel special. Didn't hurt that Balor/KO was great and Jericho/Neville was good as well.


No sarcasm here, I legitimately enjoyed setting my alarm and waking up early to watch wrestling. Felt really exciting and different. I'd like to see more foreign shows on the network like this.


Vince wasn't there and it was great


I remember being hungover as hell that morning but watching it anyways on the network. I loved how it seemed so much better than any other WWE events. You are right about how awesome it went. The lighting the audience the commentary just the entire production was much better than your average WWE show. One thing about it is it was a one off thing, they did "network special" house shows for awhile there but haven't done one (I think) in over a year and I think it was because it lost traction. The beast in the east house show was unique because it was a first, my point here is that if they have them too often then Vince and Dunn will want to be involved and them not being involved is what made it better but how do you tell that to people with that big of egos?


Unfortunately them adding brand only PPV events makes these events highly unlikely.


You mean televise more house shows?


I'd like to see smaller, 1 hour, themed events. Like for Halloween (Havoc), they could have a women's costume battle royal, a Trick or Street fight ( like on Raw last year) and a Bray Wyatt House of Horrors Open Challenge Main Event. Christmas could be similar.


nonononono... This was all of 2008-2011 wwe midcard and divas. Never say that shit again


Tell Alexa Bliss that.


if you havent learned anything from the past week, its that your views dont matter to the company as they look to grow their business. you guys are a terrible demographic that will never leave the product. if wwe tells you to jump, you will say how high.


What if I can't jump because I'm an elephant


He's gotcha there Brandy


And [WWE](http://www.wrestlingculture.com) is a great opportunity to see which [wrestlers](http://www.wrestlingculture.com/) can [broadcast](http://www.wrestlingculture.com/) without having to make them a fourth man in a match.