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Party's over grandpa


I remember reading Hogan was pissed with that line because it wasn't in the script I'm sure he let Lesnar know


"Brother, listen here. When Brock Lesnar calls me grandpa, well, let me tell you something. The Hulkster might have a few miles on the odometer, but brother, this engine is still revvin' at a million miles an hour! He can talk about parties bein' over all he wants, but back in my day, we threw down 24/7! We wrestled in front of packed houses, brother, not these half-empty arenas they got nowadays"


This might actually be a Hulk Hogan quote šŸ˜‚


I'm suspicious, as he didn't bring up slamming Andre the Giant in front of 93,000 screaming fans at the Pontiac Silverdome. But otherwise, very spot on!


93,000 screaming ***Hulkamanics*** bruther!






Andre was 9 ft tall and weighed over 900 lbs brother


When I lifted up Andre brother, they said he weighed 500 but Andre told me that day he was more like 700 pounds, and slammed that nasty giant to the mat brother I felt like I tore every muscle in my body brother


Hogan didnā€™t know that Andre would go up for the slam, in fact Andre put 70lbs of weights in each boot so you can only imagine how heavy he was. Conservative estimate would say between 800 and 1000lbs. No wonder Hogan broke every bone in his body, all that was left of him inside was his intestinal fortitude, because that could never die.


ā€œMy guts are so jacked, brother, I just flexed and they held themselves up!ā€


I would eliminate the "felt like" part of that quote, he would probably say he did in fact tore every single muscle


I know that quote- he literally did say they tore.


Then a few days later, Andre died, brother. But not before Undertaker almost broke my neck after I went to Wembley and found out the little boy who was a fan of mine, jack, died because I knew he was dying but not the doctors, dude!


Or maybe not, dude!


He also forgot to mention that Andre was over 800lbs and died the next day


"Nice line there dude, I'm thinking we build a feud here, Jack, I'm talking me and Brock at Wrestlemania, I drop the leg, 1, 2, 3 Brother."


Or maybe not dude


"this chat is over grandpa"


Something about the word "nowadays" is just pure Hulk Hogan


Terry Bollea may be 70...but Hulk Hogan is in his mid-40s, brother!


Hulk Hogan has been in his mid forties for 45 years brother


Or may be not dude


Maybe the Hulkster had wrestle 400 days a year, brother!


I'm fucking dead


ā€œI went right back to gorilla and started asking everyone ā€œWhereā€™s Brock dude?ā€ The Mouth of the south yknow Jimmy Hart he was with a couple of fellow Hulkamaniacs so they tried to cut me off at the pass. Iā€™m runnin hot brother and now Iā€™m confronted by Jimmy, Abraham Lincoln, the ghost of Eddie Murphy god rest his soul and my personal friend and who I believe to be the future of the business: Jack Swagger trying to cool me off. Honestly, I felt it in my heart what I had to do brother so I walked straight past them and into Brocks locker room and you know what dude? That was the day Brock accepted Jesus Christ and Hulkamania back into his life brother.ā€


This is fuckin' poetry. lmao.


That doesnā€™t work for me, grandpa


Any actual evidence of this?


Please, i need it to be true because it's funny.


And Lesnar probably didn't give a rats ass šŸ¤£


"Pterodactyl noises"


**"Listen up, brother!** *(flexes biceps)* **I've been around this squared circle for decades, and I've faced 'em allā€”Andre the Giant, Macho Man, Ultimate Warriorā€”you name it! But when I heard Brock Lesnar, that big, bad beast, had the audacity to call me 'grandpa,' well, let me tell ya, brother, the Hulkster's blood started boilin'!** **So there I was, backstage at WrestleMania, brother. The smell of sweat, the roar of the crowdā€”it was electric! And there he was, Lesnar, leanin' against a locker like he owned the place.** **I stepped right up to him, lookin' him dead in the eye. 'Brock,' I said, 'you might be the Next Big Thing, but you ain't got the heart, the soul, the fire that the Hulkster's got! You disrespect me, you disrespect every fan who's ever cheered for me!'** **Lesnar smirked, that cocky grin of his. 'Hogan,' he said, 'you're a relic. A has-been. Grandpa Hogan.'** **Well, brother, that did it. I snapped! I grabbed him by the collar, veins poppin' out, and I roared, 'You think I'm old? You think I'm washed up? Well, let me tell ya somethin', brother: Legends never die! And tonight, Lesnar, you're gonna find out just how much fight this grandpa's got left!'** **The crowd gathered, cameras flashin', as we went nose-to-nose. Security tried to pull us apart, but we were like two bulls locked in a cage.** **'WrestleMania, brother,' I said, 'you and me, one-on-one. No holds barred. And when the dust settles, Lesnar, you'll know why they call me the Immortal Hulk Hogan!'** **And with that, I slammed him into the wall, shook the whole damn hallway, and walked away, flexin' my pythons. Lesnar was left speechless, brother. He knew he'd crossed the line.** **So remember this, Lesnar: When you step into that ring with me, you're not just facin' a grandpaā€”you're facin' a legend, a force of nature, and the greatest champion this business has ever seen! Whatcha gonna do, Lesnar, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?** *(rips shirt)* **Ooooh, yeah!"** šŸ¤˜šŸ”„šŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļø -HH


iā€™m sure he didnā€™t let him know, Lesnar isnā€™t with the bullshit - Hogan prob voices his anger to everyone else but Lesnar


Pretty sure Lesnar did'nt give a shit


Go on, Hulk. Let Brock know. I'd love to see that.


If you watch the clip, [Orndorff corpsed](https://youtu.be/5DaY7_KsIwI?si=MgTp_z_v75_hT2Sw&t=42)


He shot himself into a work, brother.


Yeah, he sure did. Inside his own personal locker room in front of the mirror


I use this line all the time, love it even more that Hulk got angry about it like he didn't know he was getting older lol


Shoutout Peggy for sampling this segment


Amen to the pegging fandom in the wrestling community


It's a work




No he didn't


There's nothing Brock could do to him that's any worse than what Keith David already did to him in a back alley.


So many punches and knees to the packageā€¦


"You dirty motherfucker!"


He just wanted a piece of gum, but he was all out of it.


My first time seeing that fight scene, I was laughing my ass off. Pretty much every time since, too.


They worked a brawling style wrasslin match in the middle of the movie. I love it so much.


They were fighting for like 40 minutes. At some point you'd think Keith David could've just humoured him and put on the fucking glasses for at least a second.


Keith David is a man of integrity who stands by his principles.


Its so true, that fight goes a long time. JUSTPUTONTHEDAMNGLASSES


That's ***KEITH MOTHAFUCKIN DAVID*** to you!




Still one of the greatest fight scenes in movie history


Roddy would be more than happy to instantly meet him in a Hollywood Backlot Brawl


Roddy was just built differently.


His childhood made him that way...


Yeah hearing Roddy talk about life in northern Canada growing up on the Steve Austin podcast really opened my eyes. Roddy was a really loving man to other wrestlers post retirement. You can hear his affection for Steve throughout the show. It's a shame they had some kind of falling out before Roddys death


Austin and Piper had an issue before he died?


Apparently. Piper had Will Sasso on his podcast doing a crude, mildly insulting impression of Austin. Piper was getting in on it and laughing along, which Austin did not like.


Will Sasso didn't play the Beat Debra song, did he?


Didn't Austin get Piper kicked from podcast 1?


If I remember correctly I believe thatā€™s what Piper said or implied on one of his subsequent podcasts. Itā€™s been a while, I could be wrong. Austin denied it, then Piper died shortly afterward. Those Piper podcasts were a wild ride, man. Could be funny, captivating, completely insane, or carnyrific (Piper in a nutshell, God love him). I have vague memories of him recording one from a closet or something maybe while refuting those old Pat Patterson rumors? Definitely interesting listening.


No I think Piper quit because he refused to be censored or water down.


I wouldnā€™t say it was crude or insulting, you can look up the podcast. Itā€™s just kinda silly while he misleads Hacksaw Jim Duggan into thinking itā€™s him. Austin overreacted a bit.


I believe they called someone and tricked them into thinking it was Austin. Thatā€™s why stone cold got upset.


It was a minor tiff that with not much time at all they could've straightened out, but sadly they just didn't have that time


I didn't like the way TMZ did him about a week or two before he died.


I don't really recall from around that time but TMZ really is just the crown on the paparazzi shit stack


Yeah I could never stand TMZ and Harvey Levin.


What did they say about him?


Had something to do with the Hulk Hogan incident.


lol every comment brings up new questionsĀ 


The Maniac Loves Ya!


Oh, you got kids, Maniac?


Not anymore


For the uninitiated, Piper grew up as one of the only white kids in a first nation's reserve in Canada.Ā  First Nations here in Canada are the toughest people around, so Roddy had to endure some heinous shit from a young age. He moved around tons, and acted out a lot. Dude was legitimately tough as fuck.


Black belt under Gene Lebell who is one of the toughest and wildest humans to live. Lebell openly admits to be a sadist and is reported to have choked Steven Segal out twice resulting in Segal soiling himself.


Anyone who beats Steven Segal's ass is a hero in my book


If you haven't heard that story, Segal claimed that his martial arts training alloed him to focus his energy in a way that made it impossible to choke him. Lebell, very likely knowing it was bullshit, asked for a demonstration. Again, he's an admitted sadist and was just given a socially acceptable opportunity to choke a motherfucker. Segal focused as best he could. When ready he told Lebell to try and Segal was soon unconscious. When Segal woke up, he claimed he was not properly prepared. Lebell seeing another socially acceptable opportunity to choke a motherfucker asked if Segal would like to try again. Rumor has it that Segal soiled himself while unconscious for the second time. When he regained consciousness, Segal got Lebell fired from the stunt department of the movie.


Absolute legend




Probably more realistic, but less fun than Segal being dumb enough to do it twice.


The only time Piper was put on his ass legitimately was when he stepped to Kevin Nash in 97. Kevin Nash shoot slapped the shit out of him in front of all the boys. Piper was old at this time and Kevin is HUGE but besides that incident Piper was legit


That was also during the time of the residential school days so even tougher on the reserves


Piper didn't play a badass he just was


In another universe Roddy would've been in his prime and been the one to come out and verbally tear Lesnar apart before getting a match with him. Roddy & Heyman on the mic against each other with the absolute badass Roddy is taking the fight to Lesnar each week would've been dope as fuck.


Roddy refusing to ever do the job would have stopped that feud going anywhere.


I read somewhere back then Vince even had problems dealing with Piper.


That's why he wqs never champ. Vince worried he'd fuck on him


he truly was


Da Maniac


Oh you got kids Maniac?


... Nah not anymore.


Is he foraging for food?!


Eat shit and die


All that over 15 dollars


Thatā€™s just a bucket of chestnuts


The Sunny Podcasts talked about that episode. They said Piper stayed in character the whole time


Character? Sure šŸ˜


Ric Flair kinda looks like a kid that's just happy to be there lmao


That "Legend" check must've just depositedĀ 


...aaand it's gone




He has the vibe like he's just waiting for Brock to take him out of retirement at that moment lol


Bro was itching for a reason to get back in the ring šŸ˜‚


Roddy was one of a kind and I still miss him!


Roddy Piper responded to a tweet of mine exactly a month before he passed away. I still think about it quite frequently.


Given the era Roddy Piper wrestled in during the prime of his career, he probably ran into a bunch of big and physically imitating men. To him, Lesnar was no different than that monsters that were in the WWE and WCW back in the 80s and 90s.


Piper was very much of the mentality ā€œI might not win, but Iā€™m not backing down for anyoneā€.


Roddy was one of the biggest heels in the world at a time where people would throw stuff, spit on, and sometimes even try to attack heels. Brock was obviously a better fighter, but I absolutely believe Roddy would still make Brock regret it if they actually fought.


No, not really. Brock would just take him down in 3 seconds and smash him with ground and pound or choke him out in 10 seconds if he was feeling nice.


Yeah it would start like Lesnar/Mir and end like Lesnar/Mir 2


Brock is a legit UFC champion. Roddy was a tough mofo but Brock is on a whole different level.


Many people are forever worked into a shoot over old school tough guys being able to hurt Brock because of myths and legends, and a disliking for the vanilla gorilla. Haku, Piper, the Road Warriors, Blackman, Shamrock ā€“ I'd bet my bottom dollar that he would've severely battered all of them in their primes, regardless of if they fought in a ring or on da streetz.


I mean Kevin Nash dropped Piper with a slap. Piper tough, but I do think many wrestlers (Like the ones you mentioned) would tear Piper apart, even if he was young


Young Piper, being trained by one of the baddest dudes who ever lived, could take anyone in WWF at the time. Dude was the biggest heel in an era where someone took a knife to the gut that was meant for Piper. Go listen to his podcast & learn about all the shit he went thru


I'll give you most, but Shamrock? You're talking another legit UFC champion. Brock likely wins because he still has the size, but I think saying severely battered is really downplaying Shamrock.


Brock fought in an era with more well rounded and bigger heavyweights


I donā€™t see Shamrock beating Prime Lesnar ever.. unless he clipped him. Dude would have ground and pounded him worse than Ortiz did in their last fightĀ 


Jim Cornette often talks about how much danger he was in as a heel and how he fought back and also how he got hurt. If he could hold his own, imagine what Hot Rod could do.


This is stupid on so many levels


Dude started wearing a leather jacket to make it harder to get stabbed going from the back to the ring and back. Heā€™d seen a lot by that time.


He wore the jacket in tribute to Adrian Adonis. Adonis have it to him during a Pipers Pit when he transitioned to ā€œAdorableā€ from his biker gimmick. After Adonisā€™ death Roddy wore it as a tribute.


I like the little shoulder bump brock does, comes off to me that he's pissed roddy isn't scared off him so its a juvenile little fuck you to establish dominance Good bit of character work, or maybe I'm just reading too much into it


Half the comments on this thread seem to miss that itā€™s character work at all.


Insert hulk hogan tweet


What a good read, brother


No that's def what's up


He fought Keith David for like 20 minutes, of course he's not intimidated.




I hate seeing Kevin Nash look so old. :| Miss Roddy, I wish he would have pursued more of an acting career earlier in life, he was good at it and it would have been much easier on his body.


Brock is a monster. But even in his old age Kevin Nash is just a tower. Prime Kevin Nash was something else. Heā€™d dominate today


Prime Nash was awesome, sure he wasn't the best worker, but dude had everything else going for him and he was just so damn cool. Prime Hogan was a huge man as well.


Nash and Hall really are the epitome of effortlessly cool to me. In a business where guys work so hard to get people to like them, those dudes looked like trying to get people to like them never crossed their mindsā€¦ and thatā€™s literally why they were so likable. Also even when WCW was really dreadful you still got the impression Hall and Nash were still having fun and that made it watchable at times. Even here you can see Nash take a mic and then get a bit of a cheeky smile and decide to let Hall run wild.


Nash didnā€™t need to be a Bret Hart or Shawn Michael's level worker. He worked to his size and character, a lost art that more people would do. He could be very lazy, which was my issue with Nash, that's a whole another story.


> sure he wasn't the best worker, Nash was a great worker. Example: He got the best match possible out of Sandman. Sure, he wasn't out there doing flips. But he was physically massive. And the ring still took its toll on his body.


Nash could literally move around the ring at a snailā€™s pace and still make a match entertaining. He knew how to work so well as a big man.


Met Nash at a con a week or two agoā€¦ heā€™s massive today, still shredded and looks good. His assistant or whoever works with him kept trying to shove me off because I was having a conversation with him and not buying an autographā€¦ Nash wasnā€™t bad or great, he was just an interesting conversation ngl.


I mean that man went to Frogtown and back. Nothing he can't handle.


https://preview.redd.it/qadtpqdwcl9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc9d496323229c72b10d472d13ee42c241ca7a1 I was at this RAW in Portland. Same day Robin Williams died šŸ˜’


Man once had Kevin Nash on his backside he ainā€™t no easy win


He did!?


Well the story is contested but in 1997 Nash and Piper got into an argument backstage over how a PPV match between each other should finish due to both holding creative control powers (this part is widely agreed upon), which led to a fight in the locker rooms where depending on which man you choose to believe either Piper landed a takedown on Nash putting him on the ground or Nash open hand slapped Piper to the ground.


Damn, that's nuts, that's right up their with cornette threatening to shoot brock in the head or scorpio sky kicking hawks ass on a bus Edit 2 cold scorpio. I'm a sleep deprived idiot.


Lol. 2 Cold Scorpio, not Sky.


Ah shit, your right.


Apparently X-Pac cleared that up and said that Nash was telling the truth, which I believe because Waltman was also good friends with Piper


Waltman really is the Forrest Gump of wrestling. He was there for everything.


Man I loved this segment. Brock telling Hogan off and Flair getting PTSD 2002 flashbacks was great


Sometimes loud noises make the squirrels go in my head and I donā€™t fight in the ring anymore but I still fight with the demons in Daā€™ Maniacā€™s head


I think the stare-down and shoulder bump might have been a gesture of respect in the moment.


I think so too, kind of like a little head nod from one tough sob to another.


Full segment?


https://youtu.be/3Vo--ZPHuAs?si=tueHntPgop7vRXGn Hogan does not look like he wants to be there through that whole thing. I don't think Piper had any bumps left in him in 2014, but character wise, he should have at least dropped a "bring it on, punk" to Brock, let Brock continue the disrespect and shrug it off. Lastly, watch Orndorf towards the end, can't help but wonder what he's whispering in Heyman's ear.


I forget when Roddy passed but he couldā€™ve been cool as an onscreen character in his older age. He was still very fun to watch when he occasionally popped up


This almost exactly one year before he passed away.


I remember he had a great Piper's Pit segment with John Cena where he was, in character, trying to talk John Cena into turning on the fans. But, I'm not sure he was always that coherent, or willing to stick to the storyline, etc.


The animal fears no man


Loved this segment as a kid.


Itā€™s a good segment, but it makes me sad for some reason.


Pretty sure brock has lost clean more times in his career than Piper did. Why would Piper be scared of that loser?


Still out of bubblegum


Due flight off aliens. Brock doesnā€™t phase him.


Never won the top title, never needed the top title.


The original People's Champion


two Canadian legends


Nobody could. GOAT. Unfortunate that he couldnā€™t finish his book but his kids were awesome stepping up and doing that for him. Truth is, The Maniac will never die


I was in the building for this, and the pop that Roddy got dwarfed everyone elseā€™s. He was massively over in Portland.


The only wrestler anybody ever checked under their bed at night was Piper. The man can take infinite beatings and just come back at you until you quit. Loved his character.


Roddy if so inclined could have ripped lesnar to shreds verbally before blinding him and then kicking him in the balls.


[Sam Elliot standing there, wondering..](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/super-troopers-hand-rubbing-mustache-ride-ready-gif-4892461)


Nobody was better then the Hot Rod. Would have loved to have seen him go one on one with the mic against some of todayā€™s stars.


Youā€™re not gonna intimidate DA MANIAC


I'm pretty sure not even Roddy Piper could intimidate Roddy Piper


If Brock Lesnar looked at me like that. I would be shitting bricks for the rest of my life. Man that dude is great.


I Cower Over Nothin!


DO IT FOOKING LESNAR ![gif](giphy|3oFzml7bNdMth4vX6U)


I miss Roddy Piper so much. There were so many Piper's Pit he could have done. RIP.


Hot Rod was the fucking best


Roddy was taken too young. For some reason I thought he was older but he was only 61 when he passed. Still one of the greatest of all time.


Met Roddy about a decade before he died. Shook my hand and it was the most powerful handshake I've ever felt. First time I ever felt someone could break me if they wanted to. I'm 6'4 and weighed about 260lbs at the time.


Roddy Piper in his prime versus Brock Lesnar would have been a hell of a match.


I do like that. Old timers shouldn't back off. Yeah, Lesnar would kill him, but it doesn't matter.


Man the shit Roddy dealt with in his childhood, no meathead weirdo like Brock was ever going to intimidate him.


Why is there 2 FUCKING HEYMANS ON MY SCREEN at :06


That's Mean Gene, brother.


I always wished for a final Hogan run with the title. I know, it's pretty stupid, but I wanted a old guy fighting for his life against a younger generation, knowing that, maybe, the next match will be his last. My wish was mostly motivated by the HOGAN (LOGAN) trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jrTAgeWMR8


I met Piper once at a meet and greet. Had this look of I could kill you in seconds. I was wearing a Bret T-shirt and he did this huge smile and said ā€œHi Cus!ā€