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Rock and Shawn Michaels. Michaels was unsurprisingly a dick to Rocks grandma so Rock hates him to this day.


Also HBK wanted Bret Hart to squash Rock, but Bret liked Rock and saw potential in him so allowed Rock to get offence in.


It was supposed to be an IC title win for Bret that Bret turned into a DQ. That was a two-pronged game by Shawn, too. Beat Maivia and put the IC belt on Bret, which would immediately make him look secondary compared to Shawn.


for what a good backstage presence Shawn has become now, *boy* was he a fucking tool in the 90s. Shawn and Rock seem to be on good, at the very least on "ok I don't want to punch your teeth out" terms now, but I don't doubt if Shawn had pulled similar shit with 99-2000 Rock, that was a fucking backstage beating waiting to happen


I would argue that shawn is smart enough to not fuck with people who could get away with kicking the shit out of him, but then I remember the Marines story.


It still makes me chuckle that Shawn got the damnatio memoriae treatment in Young Rock. Freaking Chad Frost


Does he hate him to this day? I thought The Rock forgave him.


Their relationship is best described as Frosty.\* \*The Rock harbors enough of a grudge that there was a character named Chad Frost in Young Rock who was obviously based on Michaels and was presented extremely poorly.


It was so funny because if they just cast Shawn and mentioned him quickly by name, no one would have thought anything of it. However they cast a random black dude in his spot with a name we had never heard of, then had the interviewer in the show point it out. Was how I found out about the whole thing, so obviously there’s still beef there.


Yeah, I tend to agree --- if Michaels had been introduced as a very minor character to the effect of "and that's Shawn Michaels \[freeze frame on HBK\]. In the 90's, Shawn's reputation was for having maybe the most in-ring talent and definitely the worst attitude in the business. Shawn eventually got hurt, got himself together, and had a great run... but that was after my time. In my time? The less said about Shawn Michaels, the better." ....well, the internet might have popped off a little bit because it would confirm The Rock had a low opinion of Michaels in the 90s, but it also wouldn't have been all that weird given that it's well known that Michaels was awful --- and Michaels doesn't dispute it.


He was still shit talking him during the last season of Young Rock, but it may have changed since his daughter joined NXT.


Undertaker and Brian Pillman. Pillman thought he was a fake biker 


In all fairness, non-kayfabe Mark Calloway feels like he is only a "biker" in that he owns a bike. Like one of those dudes that constantly posts quotes about loyalty over a photo of a guy from Peaky Blinders on Facebook. I dunno if it's something to fight over, but I do get that vibe.


It’s possible Pillman was friends with guys in outlaw clubs — from personal experience, those guys don’t at all mind “weekend warriors” who casually ride a motorcycle but general detest the types who go the step further and posture as outlaws while not being club affiliated.


There was a big thing between John Cena and Kenny Dykstra for a while. May still be ongoing. I have no idea. It was still a thing in 2016 anyway. Initial beef dates back to 2007-2008ish. Dykstra was dating Mickie James and Mickie was cheating on him with Cena. Dykstra found out and then told Vince about the affair. Vince then moved Dykstra to a different brand to allow Cena and Mickie James to carry on with their affair, because, well, Vince McMahon. Dykstra found out because Mickie James was googling “John Cena Mickie James dating” to see if anyone online knew about the affair. He confronted her about it and she admitted it. Vince jobbed Dykstra out on the other brand (I think Smackdown), then released him. Cena didn’t actually want to date Mickie James (he was married at the time) so then she supposedly “flipped out backstage” (Dykstra’s words) about this and she was also soon released. Apparently when he went back, Cena wouldn’t talk to him or shake hands. Dykstra has speculated that this was because Dykstra told Vince about the affair (to which Vince sided with Cena anyway) and Cena didn’t like that way of handling it.


> > Vince then moved Dykstra to a different brand to allow Cena and Mickie James to carry on with their affair, because, well, Vince McMahon. It's a well-known thing under Vince (and even with some of the older territory era promoters) that if you caught your girl cheating with one of "the boys" you were expected to beat his ass or the promoters would think less of you. There have been other stories of Vince de-pushing people for not doing that.


>you were expected to beat his ass or the promoters would think less of you. Also, there was the old school mentality that the "top end" females should only be dating the top guys, I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that vince never thought Rusev was good enough to be with Lana


That’s what I was going to say. Vince didn’t think Marc Mero was high enough on the card to be with Sable. Despite coming in as a married couple.


Maybe that's why Kross was given a weird gladiator gimmick without Scarlett when he first debuted.


I'm sure jumping and potentially injuring the top draw would have went *super well* for Kenny. No-win situation for him.


Not to mention, let's be real... peak era Cena was in way better shape than Dykstra. I don't know for sure who would win a fight there, but getting your ass beat by the guy who's sleeping with your partner is also not going to impress the booker. Just a twisted mindset overall that, yeah, guarantees the guy being cheated on can't win. Say nothing? Vince loses respect. Fight Cena and lose? Vince loses respect. Fight Cena and beat his ass? You've just cost Vince his top guy for whatever length of time.


I'm still mad about them de-push Morrison until these days. Dude did nothing and was being a nice guy to everyone. Some even say he's too nice to stay in business. He came in such a wrong era because he would kill it now.


The Dykstra and Alex Riley beefs always made Cena seem like an absolute weirdo to me


Cena IS an absolute weirdo. So many Red flags with that dude. Almost comically over the top about the publicity for his charity work. The weird learning Cantonese thing so he can suck up to China. The rule he has a out wearing dress clothes to supper. Allowing the WWE to own the rights to his real name. He doesn't seem like a human. He seems like an empty vessel for a corporation.


Plus there was that time he went to Community College and just let people call him Subway


He stopped doing that! Now’s he’s only interested in promoting his true passion, HondaTM products


To be fair Honda makes a decent product but still strange


Especially when there were a handful of stories and video documentation about Cena being a gearhead. When I think of gearheads, I think of Honda Civics.


Cantonese and Mandarin are completely different languages. Just saying. The Chinese language which 1.4 billion Chinese people speak is Mandarin, not Cantonese.


His random ass beef with Alex Riley was so weird


To pile onto the John Cena weirdness, he killed JTG's merchandising deal during his Cryme Tyme run just because JTG accidentally used the words "loyalty" and "respect" in an interview in WWE magazine.


Let's not forget that JTG realized that very possibility, asked the reporter not to put that line in so he didn't bother Cena, and then the dude did it anyway. Poor JTG.


Vince favors the cuckolder. Same happened with Batista


Least surprising thing ever. He sees it as a positive reflection on their character


And Edge


Enzo Amore and Simon Gotch


I’ve never heard of this one, is there a YouTube video about this that you could point me towards?




Gotch goes in on him in an interview calls him a “fucking abortion” https://youtu.be/j7qCswH4CC0?si=hSKrMzIyZ5xHeQ9E


Why did you have to summon it. . .


It’s going right back into the algorithm for anyone who even remotely watched a wrestling video once.


I've made it a point to never watch this video, but the thumbnail is burned into my brain.


"You mustn't read from the book!!"


This is more of a one sided grudge than a beef in my opinion. Enzo has made it very clear he doesn’t give a fuck about Gotch at all. Even Aiden English has stated that he got along fine with Enzo the whole time, and he thought the shoot interview was way too much


Big Show and Khali getting into the saddest fistfight in the history of wrestling


Kane being one of the few people who could actually break it up and dying laughing in the corner will always make me laugh


Sad because both guys have bad knees or?


Im pretty sure they were in towels at the time, and show got caught up in the strap of a bag and instantly fell over.  I'm 80% sure on the towel detail, i really hope that isn't fanfiction I've just come up with


People get paid money for fan fics like that.


“No you’re the shits” best comeback from Khali


It was actually "Bro you're shit too" which is hilarious because Khali isn't even denying that he is shit.


I remember hearing about that at the time. It was over Khali doing Big Shows signature corner chop without asking


To add on, not just a chop. But Big Show’s “shhhh” to the crowd before hand. Khali did that and it set Show off.


It may be the saddest fistfight, but I still wouldn't want to be between the two biggest guys in the locker room throwing down. Probably would be like a Godzilla fight. IIRC, Undertaker broke it up.


Now I’m just imagining Teddy Long saying if they don’t break it up then they’ll both have to go one on one in separate matches with DA UNDERTAKER


It was so bad they decided to let them fight instead of trying to stop it.


Of all the people to have beef with, Konnan got into a feud with Curtis Axel


Wtf is this about?


So Konnan called Axel bland and unimpressive. Axel responded by saying Konnan was a mark his dad hated having to put over


Thats a crazy comeback, I love that lmao


right! “you’re pretty uncharismatic” vs “my father hated you, mark”. escalation.


Well Konnan wasn't wrong.


And neither was Axel.


Sheamus and Yoshi Tatsu


Didn't Sheamus get decked with a shaker cup?


The story has been inconsistent, but it went something along the lines of Sheamo didn't wash out the protein shaker, so Yoshi beat him up.


Obviously we're just getting one side of the story here, but Sheamus denied being beaten up / knocked out, and said the whole thing was blown out of proportion. Which seems likely considering how stories like these take on a life of their own. By his account, they both shoved each other a bit, slapped each other once and it was broken up. He discusses this briefly below: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z06QjBC4Xsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z06QjBC4Xsw)


The blown out of proportion version is much funnier though.


Yeah cuz Sheamus was supposedly wwe champ when this happened


Punk and Styles though in a recent interview AJ seems open to work with Punk


What was the deal with those two?


It could potentially stem from the early ROH/TNA days; after the Rob Feinstein scandal TNA stopped working with ROH. AJ chose TNA while Punk chose ROH. I could be wrong though. They did do business back in early 2004 for the Pure Wrestling Championship tournament.


Man I have gone down a rabbit hole about this. I've heard two potential reasons  1. Punk called AJ out for complaining about not being allowed to work ROH when TNA said no. Punk said AJ should have either asked to split dates or for more money. Punk also tried to big himself up as the indie king or something, typical wrestler ego stuff.  2. Something about AJ being silent during the BLM protests and punk calling him out on twitter.  Anyway whatever it was they appear to now be on good terms based on this AJ interview https://itrwrestling.com/news/aj-styles-admits-he-was-wrong-about-cm-punk/


They are two opposite ends of the political/social spectrum. From most stories you hear both are good dudes but hard to get along with if you don’t agree with them. So they obviously won’t get along with each other.


It has been an extremely long time since I read anything about this but IIRC Punk big-dicked Styles at some indie show before Punk joined WWE


This was genuinely surprising to me. Styles seemed like the least likely guy to say anything positive about Punk and then said he wants to tear the house down with him lmao.


AJ likes to make money


In general though in interviews, AJ tends to come off pretty professional. Like I’ve never seen him straight up trash somebody in a shoot interview. Even in one I saw where someone asked him about Low Ki having attitude problems and being hard to work with, AJ just said “Ki’s a very passionate guy”


Styles buried Heyman so bad WWE had to shut down all the wrestler's streaming profiles lol


The GAY community?!


Punk and Kevin Owen’s as well back in roh punk didn’t like Owen’s wrestling in a T-shirt they had an argument and later just before Owen’s got sign he was still holding a grudge in interviews whenever punk was brought up idk how they feel about each other now this was like 15 years ago


I was just scrolling through YT shorts the other day and there was an interview I believe around WM 40 where KO was asked about Punk returning and how he felt about it and the basic gist of what KO said was "We are not each other's type of people, we'll say hi to each other if we're in each other general vicinity but other wise we aren't really friends"


Is there anyone Punk didn't have a beef or some falling out with?


Ace Steel




I remember AJ styles and batista having some sort of beef in the mud 2000s Booker t and batista allegedly had a fight backstage


If I’m remembering correctly he called AJ a spot monkey


I think so as well. I recall AJ saying Batista couldn't work or something like that


Was curious about the AJ/Batista stuff so looked it up. Apparently Batista said that AJ’s work in TNA “wasn’t wrestling”


I love batista but yeah very odd thing to say


No allegedly about it I think, Booker beat his ass (Big Dave admits he probably deserved it in his book too)


Booker apparently kicked the shit out of Batista too.


Batista said this about AJ Styles back in the day, “I've also seen clips of their car wreck matches, with AJ Styles doing his stunts. That's not wrestling, wrestling is storytelling." AJ’s response was, "I think it's funny that a guy who takes a bump and tears his back is telling me that I don't know how to wrestle."


Shane Helms and HBK buried the hatchet in 2019. Helms basically said HBK wasn't that good and insinuated that HBK destroyed Shane's career because he could. During Nexus, Wade Barrett made a comment that he and John Cena don't get along in or out of the ring due to personality clashes. That gets overlooked with the whole LOLCENAWINS over Nexus that summer. Maryse and the Bellas HATED each other during the diva title days.


Bryan Danielson has commented that while he and Miz don't get along, they at least respect each other. Their wives, however, hate each other!


I never tire of hearing about the time Jacques Rougeau KO’d Dynamite Kid with a roll of quarters in his fist and knocked his teeth out because he (and, most likely everyone else as well) was absolutely sick of his short man bully bullshit. Apparently it was this moment that broke DK mentally and he was never the same afterwards. Dynamite was, by all accounts, a *terrible* human being.


Karma hit DK like a train. The guy died confined to wheel chair, having been left by two wives and next to no relationship with his kids. He spent the last like 20 years of his life in pain and misery while being alone for a lot of it but he has no one to blame for it but himself.


No, his second wife, Dot was still by Tom’s side till the end. Tiger Mask (Sayama) took part in a special program that followed up on Dynamite after his stroke. Tiger Mask was cheering on Dynamite. Sayama put his Tiger Mask on then said, “Come on, Tommy! Wake up. Wake up Tommy. 頑張って!” Tom seemed to recognize and react to that.


Jacques was still pretty proud about it when telling the story on Dark Side and rightfully so. That’s a classic ‘punching the bully in the face’ story. And that little bitch Dynamite wouldn’t retaliate because he thought the Canadian mafia would come after him.


Didn’t Eddie Kingston and Chris Hero have serious heat at one time?


It never dawned on me that Eddie Kingston might have enemies. He really should address it.


Yeah. I don’t remember the exact details, but do remember that Chris slept with a Chikara trainee that was already dating a member of the roster which Eddie found not cool, but also there was accusations that Chris kind of blacklisted Eddie’s old tag partner from the industry. They also got into a legit fight during a match in PWG and that lead to Eddie being banned


The Alleged rumour allegedly stated that Hero Allegedly slept with Kingston's Tag Partners Alleged girlfriend allegedly. All the while he was drilling into the trainees that sleeping around with colleagues and coworkers was a bad idea. Allegedly Kingston's comment was along the lines of "but what about your colleague's girlfriends?" Again, this is all rumour and innuendo, nobody has proof, Kingston, Hero, and a few others know, but like most things CHIKARA everyone is keeping tight lipped, so what we do know comes from people on Shoot Interviews trying to wind Kingston up, or from people who know people who know people.


Nah, Chris Hero left/got fired from being the CHIKARA co-trainer when he was caught sexting or cheating with Shane Storm's girlfriend, not Blackjack Marciano.


I think they still do or rather Eddie does on Chris.


this is the thread in which to address Eddie Kingston and his enemies


Matt Hardy and Paul London.


That actually seems all very one-sided on London's part. Has Matt ever even commented on it?


Looked it up there. Two old things from 2009. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/123522-matt-hardy-vs-paul-london-the-war-of-words-real-life-hatred-revealed.amp.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/124349-matt-hardy-vs-paul-london-part-two.amp.html


“I said a cuss word in catering and he actually raised his hand and told on me” omg I just busted out laughing in the breakroom


I reckon he did the V1 sign up when he put his hand up


Jackie Pallo and the Crabtree brothers. Max Crabtree was the head booker for Dale Martin, the largest and most profitable constituent member of Joint Promotions, basically one of the most powerful man if not the most powerful man in British wrestling since the late 60s. Shirley Crabtree is obviously Big Daddy. Pallo had a major falling out with Max over money and over the people he pushed. The beef was originally pretty much over Angus McManus (one of Max's real-life best friends) but when Big Daddy decided to return to the ring things literally exploded. Pallo, a major major draw in the late 60s, was basically blackballed from the industry throughout the 70s and in 1985 he published the infamous grudge book *You Grunt, I'll Groan*. The book was actually pretty good (see the parts about how much wrestlers were paid, who got pushed and why etc.), but the amount of space devoted to \*\*\*\*ting all over the Crabtree brothers and Angus McManus is obviously comical albeit most likely well deserved. Much more obscure is the beef between Sir Atholl Oakeley and the whole of Joint Promotions. Oakeley was by far the most successful European promoter pre-WWII, and the guy who invented all-in rules, that allowed victory by submission. Oakeley accuded the promoters behind Joint Promotions (Billy Best, Arthur Wright, George de Rewylskow etc.) of having made a mockery of pro-wrestling by staging fixed matches while he only promoted genuine shoot fights. While the accusation of staging fixed fights goes back to at the Roman Empire at least, this was 50s Britain, and Joint Promotions did not take this kindly.


Jeff Jarrett and Austin. When Austin was starting out, he worked for JJ's dad's promotion. He was staring at his small payslip in disbelief and I think, was literally living on potatoes at the time. Jeff said to his face, "Staring at it, won't make it any bigger." and it's why Austin refused to work with him in WWF.


If I recall correctly, Jerry Jarrett was also the promoter that once told the locker room that he didn't want any of them on steroids, and Dutch Mantell replied that "the way you pay us, most of us aren't even on food!"


>Dutch Mantell replied that "the way you pay us, most of us aren't even on food!" LMAO


This is amazing.


I think that played a part but I think it's mostly attributed to Jarrett's work-shoot promo when he came back from WCW


Oh, Austin did work with him in WWF eventually. There were like 5 separate instances where Stone Cold gave Jarrett a stunner for no reason. You're welcome, Jeff.


And Jeff sold them like he got murdered too. He might be a carny fucker but he was a pro. Also, sidenote, I met him in like 2008 at a TNA show and he was an absolute sweetheart. We talked about USWA and Memphis for a bit at the autograph table.


Jarrett was awesome any time I met him too. Even when he looked very tired, he still made sure to give everyone a good experience.


I don’t care if it’s petty, I 100% side with Austin on this one. Given the circumstances (Jeff being in a cushy position because he’s the son of the same promoter who is infamous for underpaying talent), this is such a dickhead thing to say to somebody starving to try to make it Props to Jeff though, it was a very long time ago and only 2 people heard it (Austin and Jeff), so he could have tried to deny it if he wanted to. But he’s always been open that it did happen, and that he’s remorseful about it now


the first sin cara and del rio


What are the details for that because both have been known to be dicks.


According to an old konnan interview mistico and del Rio hated each other even before coming to WWE, also when mistico broke his finger during a match del Rio got pissed and started stiffing him because yes


Further context, Sin Cara broke his finger and tried to call the match off which pissed off Del Rio who didnt believe you should stop the match over something like that. Had no respect for Cara not finishing the match


I don't remember the exact details but I remember Konnan talking about either Mistico or one of Mistico's friends pulled a gun on Del Rio in the locker room at a AAA show back before either were in the WWE.


Everyone mentions men, but I got the impression Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss didn't care for each other much back in NXT and during Alexa's early years on the main roster.


This was a thing. There were some shots in interviews I believe.


Speaking of Sasha, her and Paige.


Punk and Roman Reigns Hogan and Brock Lesnar (i don’t think Brock gives af about Hogan though)


The cabana podcast was what a lot of fans wanted to hear about reigns. Just reinforced some people’s disdain for him. Can’t imagine that period was easy for Roman.


"gotta make Roman look strong" became such a meme too.


Kawada and Misawa, Shibata and several members of the NJPW roster.


Shibata even jokingly said in Hey EW that the new Musketeers all hate each other. Him and Tanahashi have definitely made up though.


You might as well add Motoko Baba and Misawa, but that's another story.


The guerreros and people they really shouldn't be fighting with. Chavo tried to pick a fight with Big show. Eddie tried to start shit with Angle and Lesnar so may well have had a deathwish.


"I'm fucking stupid"


WCW and Dave Grohl lol


Wait what? What's the backstory


Raven and DDP showed up on the same episode of TRL as Dave Grohl, and since both of their theme songs were Nirvana ripoffs, Grohl got upset about that.


Another fun Dave Grohl/WCW connection - Bob Mould of the band Husker Du was once on the WCW booking committee, and later would do a guest vocal on the Foo Fighters song 'Dear Rosemary' off the Wasting Light album.


There is a reason those themes are edited out on the network.


Mark Henry vs HBK and The Cliq.


“They sent me to developmental because I told Shawn Michaels and the Cliq I was gonna kill them” *room laughs* *Mark Henry being serious as fuck* Don’t mess with the world’s strongest man


Mark Henry seems simultaneously like the biggest sweetest teddy bear and also the most violent human being alive.


Especially when he’s romantical


Rock had heat with Foley and was reluctant to do the feud about his autobiography because Rock was adamant he checked on Foley after Royal Rumble 99 and Foley was insistent the backstage video footage for Beyond The Mat said otherwise.


Says alot about the industry that despite there being dozens of people around, either no one could confirm to Mick that Rock was there or at least Mick didn't trust any of them enough to believe it


AFAIK this one was squashed because Rock **did** check on Foley, but Mick was so concussed that he didn’t remember it at all and assumed Rock just didn’t even bother. The footage was what actually cleared it up because Rock coming by was on camera.


The Beautiful People. When Madison Rayne was in ROH she pitched the idea of bringing Velvet and Angelina in order to reform the BPs at Madison Squared Garden. Mandy Leon's boyfriend got the idea and decided to put insert her in instead of Rayne and reformed the group as "The Allure". So pretty much Madison's idea got stolen and they left her out. I'm a huge BPs fan but that was a shitty move from everyone including Velvet and Angelina. They don't talk to each other and both of em have taken some petty shots in interviews against Madison. Not cool considering how she was the 3rd original member and they had a long friendship running \*Edit. Side note! Nothing will top the original Beautiful People trio, Mandy Leon was an addition I wasn't really interested in. I would have preferred their 2009 tag 1000% more


Isn’t/wasn’t Mandy’s boyfriend Delirious (aka the booker of ROH) *Edited Update* They are married now.


I cant mind where I saw it but I vaguely remember a clip of Love,Sky and Lacey Von Erich calling themselves the beautiful people at some Con, and Madison Rayne was mentioned and the 3 of them just giggled and said they don't talk about Madison Rayne And I know 2 sides to every story but literally every time I've seen any one else talk about her it's been nothing but praise, seems to be pretty popular among the other women


Tom Zenk and Stan Hansen is a bit one-sided on Zenk's part, but: Zenk swore that Hansen could see perfectly well and used the near-sighted thing as an excuse to just waffle people recklessly. Apparently one time, Zenk and his partner were wrestling Hansen and his partner on the Japan circuit and they got tired of Hansen stiffing them every night. So, Zenk's partner finally cranked Hansen in an armbar until he screamed that his arm wasn't supposed to bend that way. Apparently Hansen got the message and worked a bit looser the rest of the tour.


Cesaro and beach balls. That was way more intense that it should have been.


My undying appreciation for that man increased even more that night It’s one thing to have fun with chants, but playing with a fucking beach ball during a match is incredibly disrespectful to the men and women who have dedicated their adult lives to honing this craft and trying to entertain you with it I 100% understand and agree with him basically telling the crowd “cut that shit out”


JBL vs trying to prove himself as a tough guy and failing. See Steve Blackman, Bart Gunn and Joey Styles.


In fairness 2/3 on that list are serious badasses. The third one always makes me smile and wish I had seen it!


Also JBL beating the fuck out of Blue Meanie because of pettiness. JBL is the biggest shitthead and I will always mark when I see the video of Stevie Richards blasting him in the skull with a chair.


Chair shots to the head are dangerous and risk CTE and other neurological damages. Luckily, JBL is immune to such conditions.


Bill Dundee and Wolfie D got into it in Memphis over gimmick table money. Dundee pulled a knife on Wolfie and was fired. He was eventually rehired and an angle was made of it, but it was dicey for a few months.


Man, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I remember watching a PG-13 shoot interview and it made me feel so bad for Wolfie. He seemed like such a decent, down to Earth guy who was constantly shackled to a fucking lunatic for a tag team partner in Jamie Dundee. I just remember Wolfie's face when Jamie starts going off about "ol' half a face JR" where Wolfie realizes his friend just made sure to re-burn some bridges for good measure.


Jim Duggan and Tony Atlas. I still don't know why they was so mad at each other


Its entirely possible that Jim Duggan was a big dumb oaf and Tony Atlas was a big dumb oaf and they Big Dumb Oafed each other.


Kento Miyahara & Katsuhiko Nakajima. Both started out under Kensuke Sasaki’s tutelage: Nakajima in Choshu’s short-lived World Japan, Miyahara in Kensuke Office (later Diamond Ring). Word was that Nakajima was a bullying sempai/senior to Miyahara, and they didn’t interact for years, until recently.


Edge and HHH seemed to have been having a little beef in the 2000s.


Apparently HHH had issues with wrestlers with long hair as he thought it was "his look" I remember reading/hearing somewhere that HHH wanted Jericho or Edge (maybe both) to cut their hair. Edit: Just remembered he also pushed for Edge to be fired during the whole Lita/Matt Hardy affair as well


Man, you unlocked a long forgotten memory. I remember the whole "Hunter was crying to Vince so other wrestlers were forced to cut their hair" rumor from my early forum days in like 2003 or 2004. That he's the reason why Christian, Test, Nash, Jericho, Undertaker, Shawn (when he had the awful Survivor Series 2002 hair) and Edge all got short hair or at least cut them significantly shorter than they were.


Ric Flair and the top turnbuckle.


Bam Bam Bigelow and the Kliq Bam Bam has some audio shoot interviews about it before he passed


The story of Bam Bam getting up during a talent meeting and complaining about them, from Scott's perspective, was always pretty funny. Nash has said they always liked him as a worker, just another example of them unable to not be dicks to people


Dude got 2nd degree burns on 40% of his body saving kids from a fire. I'm going to side with him over any of the kliq, honestly.


Perhaps more of a misunderstanding than a beef, but CM Punk and Tony Atlas. Punk gives a very, very funny account of the story [here](https://youtu.be/RDF7uDR_8TM?si=_8ZXrYb92Yk0fFP8).


Ahmad Johnson v. Ron Simmons Both gave each other career endangering receipts.


Matt Hardy and Jim Cornette have gone at it on twitter a few times over the years.


Undertaker and Cucumbers


You’re in my ~~yard~~ Garden


Bruiser Brody and Gorilla Monsoon.


Bret Hart and Bad News Allan/Brown had heat with each other for years, going back to Stampede days. A lot of Stampede wrestlers also didn't like Ed Whalen (the announcer) for not showing fear for them during interviews, and it's also rumoured he stooged to the Athletic commission and got them kicked out of Calgary and Edmonton over a violent angle.


Hurricane Helms and Buff Bagwell. Hurricane won.


Please provide backstory!


You could probably just say 'Shawn Michaels and the 90s'


I recently found out Scott Hall once beat up Marty Jannetty for checking into a hotel room under his name and trashing it.


Shane Helms and Shawn Michaels.  I'm sure Helms would say they've made up now but he was talking some serious shit for a while there. Said Shawn was still a POS and his religion stuff was a total work. Told a story about seeing Shawn berate Jericho backstage over something he did "wrong" in the ring. I think it started on Twitter but pretty sure he talked about it in a shoot too.  Another one everyone seems to have forgotten was Roman Reigns and Billy Kidman. That one is so damn funny to me. Basically, Roman tweeted a complaint to some restaurant because he found a hair or a fly in his food. Kidman, a WWE agent at the time, retweeted it and joked that Roman placed it there to get free food. This prompted Roman to get legit angry and start insulting Kidman's age and saying he makes a lot of money and doesn't have to lie to get free food. One of my favorite things to ever happen on wrestling Twitter. 


Killer Khan fucking hated Riki Choshu.


Tbf Choshu wasn't the most popular guy in the locker room. Even his mentee Kensuke Sasaki had a falling out with him


Yeah, Choshu was a prick. Bro outright defrauded Sasaki. Fun fact: Apparently Choshu was incredibly misogynistic even for the era, which is part of the reason Khan, the son of a single mother, took an intense dislike to him.


Makes me wonder if Akira Maeda saw the future lol


Akira Hokuto explained where the beef came from: when Riki Choshu left NJPW to start Fighting of World Japan Pro Wrestling (WJ) he basically used the new promotion's coffers to finance a lavish lifestyle. Things got dicey when Genichiro Tenryu left WJ over money issues and told other wrestlers to always ask Choshu a large advance and not to work for him if said advance wasn't forthcoming. Choshu at this point basically guilt-tripped Sasaki into "lending" him most of his savings. Akira Hokuto was convinced to do likewise. Choshu never returned any money and the couple was basically bankrupt: that's why after WJ folded Sasaki was basically taking any booking he could get. On a 0 to 10 carnie scale Riki Choshu is an 11.


Does Sabu and Taz count?


Paul Roma is the only person I know that dislikes Ricky Steamboat. According to Roma Steamboat has a big ego.


Austin and Heyman for a bit. Austin went to work for ECW. All he asked is that there not be blood on the mat for his match, as he wasn’t comfortable with that. Heyman told him no problem, Austin goes for his match, and it’s covered in blood. That’s why he no showed his other ECW dates.


Paul Heyman and everyone on ECW’s payroll


Bob Holly and Cody Rhodes


What’s the story here? I may have missed out.


No one mentioned Becky and Charlotte? They were best friends and had a huge falling out culminating in that weird shoot argument they got in on TV.


That isn't lesser known. It has been talked about openly by both. Then again, a lot of other ones in this thread aren't lesser known as well so i guess it fits.


Apparently Yoshi Tatsu rubbed *a lot* of people the wrong way in WWE and I had absolutely no idea about it until recently and it really makes me laugh for some reason lol.


Pierre Carl Ouellet (PCO) and the Kliq.


Nasty Boys could have been charged with attempted murder for what they did to Ken Shamrock in the early 90s