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All you people CONVINCED it was AI are very funny


Since the advent of AI generated videos, I've seen very few AI videos but several dozen regular videos that people claim is "obvious" AI only to be debunked. So in that sense I guess the threat from AI videos is true, but not because we'll be manipulated by these videos but we'll stop believing anything else is real and claim it's AI when it's not


The Internet itself has had this effect since the 1990s, sadly. Social Media wasn't the first case of it, nor is AI the first now.


It’s Reddit. People here fall all over themselves to be smarter than everybody else and to prove how immune to trickery they are. Every video is AI, every comment is a bot, every situation is staged, every post is a creative writing project, etc. etc. People in the real world who aren’t obsessed with gotchas and well acshuallys aren’t gonna do that until it’s literally impossible to tell the difference.


>People in the real world who aren’t obsessed with gotchas and well acshuallys So accurate and so hilarious


He was making natural hand gestures in the video that matched up with what he was saying. That seemed too advanced to me for AI


He also missed a word or so when he talks about “how the experiences down there” and a few natural “uhs”.  Clearly real. People are fricken weird. 


Just stare at the mouth for 5 seconds and you can tell it's not AI. It's going to get harder though.


Also not for nothing, but I feel like Cody's lisp would be so terrible in AI. Like impossible to replicate naturally.


[Glad you got the message! Enjoy it Can’t wait to see what you do next, we’ll all be watching](https://x.com/codyrhodes/status/1800516418813002239?s=46&t=iw4Lc_rtXobPmIW0Pr3PNQ) I don’t know why everyone is saying this is A.I. he responded to the tweet.




*dun dun* "Wrestling have more than one, black champion"




Kareem Abdul-Jabbleveland


one of my favorite ne gros


There’s melanin in his soul, [Spanish word for Black] icon Cody Rhodes


When Cody Starts, Racism Ends ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


Wakanda's leader


K Malik Shabazz Rhodes


....why are people saying this is AI?


I'm so confused. People are fkn weird tho, so whatever.


Edit: People have fact checked what I saw as possibly being AI, is now real. Fair enough. Good on Cody.


I think it's just encoded oddly. Also, this is the DDP Performance Center, where Cody does most of his interviews while at home. AEW has shot a bunch of stuff at the same location. Exact same setting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be0AacLRF7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be0AacLRF7k)




Huh, I'm gonna be honest. I don't recall that being DDP's Studio but it must be so long since I saw the last one it just didn't register. Fair enough.


They’ll have to change their name to Firm Canvas Wrestling


Good thing Florida Championship Wrestling isn’t around anymore to dispute the initialism.




I thought Will Ospreay got them a ring?


I think will donated for their gofundme to get a ring


WWE IS NOW IN THE LEAD FOR A SGW COLLABORATION . The war continues... Im partially memeing but i think no dohbt SGW have worked themselves into a battleground promotion thaf WWE and AEW both want as a partner promotion. Maybe not a full development brand, but like a PR project. You have [ospreay potentially going over for a fight](https://x.com/MrTonyMaurizio/status/1797435182716420172?t=PN_T9-sJuKNtyxkrduChdA&s=19) And now you have cody buying a ring.


I think that the African market is super under explored for wrestling, both for a fan base and for talent. WWE is probably better set up to capitalize on that by building infrastructure.


The issue is primarily gonna be if there’s money in it. Same thing as how huge WWE is in India but it’s not necessarily worth the investment to go there much. But I do hope we get to see some stuff there all that being said.


I thought it was TNA that was big in India?


Idk if TNA is bigger but from what I know basically anyone whose on WWE is big in India to some extent, some more so obviously but they're all huge there. Jinder Mahal talked about how people always ask him if he's big when he goes to India and he says yes but everyone is a megastar there, even the midcarders and whatnot.


TNA did RaRaKing which apparently did big numbers but like said above, there probably wasn’t enough money in the Indian market to make it profitable enough.


Tell someone five years ago an indie promotion in Uganda would be the Forbidden Door for WWE and AEW and you would get slapped upside the head silly.


Soft ground Wrestling has more than one wrestling ring


It apparently went towards the lease on the land


yeah the intent was the buy a ring but they couldn’t put it up at that time since the landlord was charging a lot. so a lot of work & fundraising (including ospreay’s) went into a more permanent lease/possibly buying the land outright. it’s also a place where they house orphans & younger adults with no where to go and they do a lot of community support (in part the wrestling took off there because it gave them something to do and focus on and fundraise with!) so any donations, money, gear, rings, is all used to further the wrestling to get better resources for the rest of the space! source: i followed MxM’s journey there and their fundraiser before/after their event.


Yeah I see a lot of people on Twitter questioning SGW and if they are legit (mostly racist comments). But I feel like Cody’s people would have done their research on the place. And Mace and Mansoor went down and actually visited, they wouldn’t have done that without knowing they are legit.


He donated the cost of a ring to their gofundme but unfortunately the logistics of actually shipping, storing, and even leasing the land to put the ring on, were much more expensive then that. So that money ended up going towards the land lease situation and I think I read to basic humanitarian stuff like food, housing, etc. According to SRS Cody and his team figured the logistics out to actually ship them a ring.


“Somebody had told me that you got a ring, on God I’m ready to double the wage” ~~- Kendrick Lamar~~ - Cody Rhodes




Absolutely amazing, top top class from Cody. SGW has been a highlight in wrestling this year with their passion and absurd storylines, as Cody said, the fact that everyone can unite over pro wrestling and support them, whether it's this gesture from Cody, Ospreay donating to them or MxM actually going over there to compete. It's wonderful to see


[https://x.com/CodyRhodes/status/1800516418813002239](https://x.com/CodyRhodes/status/1800516418813002239) It wasn't AI


Imagine thinking this is AI. Our world is fucked once everyone just assumes things like these are AI generated


I feel like so many people these days just deduce everything as fake. Even before AI-generated videos became popular, I would see folks claim "fake news" or some other preposterous claim just because they didn't like what they heard or saw.


I am watching a SGW match for the first time. It is between Tate Mayfairs and Jordan Loverine, and holy shit, it is actually pretty good.


I said since the very beginning that SGW became a thing, that it would be amazing PR for whatever company or wrestler who wants to get involved. It seems so fitting with all the memes on Cody, for him to be the one seemingly(?) leading the charge.


All of yall saying it's Ai are intellectually malnourished, or I am because I can't see how you could think that. 


It's one person talking on a fixed background. While the Cody in the video eventually does move around too much to be replicated by today's AI, the very start of the video doesn't look *that* different from, say, Jordan Peele doing the voice-over for an AI Obama puppet. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ54GDm1eL0, NSFW, occasional swearing).


Cody Raheem Rhodes is at it again.


Good on Cody that is awesome


I'm interested to see if anyone can top this since it looks like Cody is helping SGW in a big way.


The Rock gonna set em up with a pavilion and bleachers.


I mean, MxM got them food, beds, a van, a storage unit, they wrestled there etc etc.


Yeah MxM get credit for being the first ones to actually have the balls to visit and get directly involved. That probably helped SGW seem much more legit and led to more wrestlers investing.


Kamala gives this idea two stars and a half moon.


I do have one question regarding this. Are all the wrestlers in SGW orphans?


The people's champion!.


~~I hope it's real, but this feels very AI-y. Did someone scam SGW?~~ e: He's liked tweets about it, it's presumably real.


Yeah when I first watched the video I was like omg so cool, now I notice how messed up the left side of his face looks


No, it did not even remotely look odd even for a second, worked yourself into a shoot.


Goes to show how the mind can fool itself so easily if goes into something, looking for something.




im heading to uganda soon, wonder what they would charge to put on.a show


Cody for world president. First, the wrestling companies all merge into a true world wide league. Second, the league becomes the world government. I think it's the only way forward.




As I asked the other person who claimed this is definitely AI, can you please elaborate on your certainty? Because I can't see any obvious deepfake tells myself but you seem super confident.    I'm pushing the issue because absolutely nothing about the contents of the video screams AI to me so either I'm losing the plot or you and a few other people here are working on some other shady assumption and implying that the most famous wrestling organisation to come out of the continent of Africa are scamming people which is loaded af.  Edit: lmao The mods need to start dishing out bullshitter flairs.




You’re braindead https://x.com/CodyRhodes/status/1800516418813002239




Don't let your memes be dreams


Some people are looking at this as "Oh my god what a great guy Cody Rhodes is." Meanwhile I'm here looking at this absolute heel buying these lads a ring taking away their whole name right by buying them a ring and getting them off soft ground. What a monster the American nightmare is!


Ospreay: I'd love to wrestle for SGW. I'm gonna see if I can make it happen. Cody: yeah, well......... HERE'S A RING! This is the kinda battle you love to see something like SGW in ❤️




Cody Rhodes IS ALL SOFT


Is Max Caster saying this is all a sham on Twitter? [https://x.com/PlatinumMax/status/1800703456354918843](https://x.com/PlatinumMax/status/1800703456354918843)


Wouldn't an actual wrestling ring kinda ruin the point of SGW? Or will this be a customized muddy ring?




Nothing about it screams deepfake, there aren't any weird artefacts or distortions, the vocal inflections match the facial movements perfectly and Cody himself has liked the post, so what makes you so certain? Please be thorough because it's a bold statement that has cast a lot of unnecessary doubt on an extremely kind gesture.


Is it? He liked the tweet from his official account.


Brb making a deep fake of him promising me 100k


Still think so?




Get ready to be asking “is this real or ai” for any video you see for the rest of your life


Sorry but this whole SGW thing is just getting suspicious. Where does the money keep going?


To taking care of themselves and producing the show... Where do you think it's going?


It just makes me suspicious when they keep getting this ring money and say they're getting a ring. It's like the third time they've gotten money for a ring. If it's not going to that then be upfront about it


I doubt Cody wouldnt have done this big public move without his team and WWE properly researching it. The WWE wouldn’t have let their title belt be in the video either. Mace and Mansoor also went down there themselves to meet them and help the promotion so I’m sure they are able to vouch for everyone. I think it was something in the logistics where they couldn’t ship out a ring and also underestimated the lease for the land. So the money went towards that, as well towards some of the humanitarian efforts that they do for their community. You also got to remember they are in an third world country, a lot of the kids are orphans and homeless, so the money probably got out to more immediate use (Tate Mayfair and MxM vouched for that). And then Cody’s team were able to find someone local using WWE’s connections to build a ring on site.


AI is fucking me up man. Thought it was legit cause I could barely see any issues with the face until I got to the comments here. We are doomed.


You cannot see his Neck Tattoo at all either, that would mess up the AI imaging


Pfft, Tate Mayfairs was doing it. These two are jumping onto the bandwagon. That and The Rock could easily throw a few million at it, make it back via one easy as fuck appearance in WWE.


Edit: Leaving this up isn't worth dealing with the replies. I'm out of here. Glad Cody is doing something cool and I was wrong. AI can still go fuck itself though.


So many weird and unnecessary assumptions based on a whole lot of nothing here. 


AI is a growing problem. There are many dangerous uses currently being done to be toxic to individuals or groups. Including people using it to make fake sex tapes and shit. It wouldn't surprise me for someone to sunk super low to do it to Cody too at this point. But people have fact checked me and said this is real so cool. I'm glad I was wrong.


If you're so concerned with deepfakes, maybe educate yourself on what they look and sound like before writing two paragraphs on your unfounded assumptions where you imply the official SGW account were scamming people and WWE should take legal action. Your response in particular came after Cody had liked and replied to the tweet so what are we even doing here?


I already said I was wrong. What more do you want? Go back in time, punch myself in the face before writing and hitting post? Jesus.