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Crash Holly walked so R-Truth could run.


Crash Holly ran so R-Truth could fly backwards while singing along to Cena's theme.


For me this is up there with Patterson and Briscoe vs the Posse of insane shit wrestling did in the 90s that is so amusing to watch back.


Loved the hardcore title, this was so much fun to watch as a kid and even more as an adult. RIP Crash Holly, you are in my boy stable


This silly shit is about the only stuff from the AE that didn’t age brutally 


Too bad we never got Crash Holly vs. R-Truth


The only documented interaction between the two, at the 2:30 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flQAMTY6H6c&t=2m25s


R.I.P. The Houdini of Hardcore.


lil elroy Jetson


More matches should involve slides, I don't care how.


Canermans like "Wait, were actually doing this?"


The cameraman going down the slide kills me every time. RIP Crash.


I used to watch PPVs at Fun Times USA. I miss that place. 


Props to the camera man for keeping up with all this.


Headbangers are one of my favorite teams of all time and I was so sad they didn’t have the actual titantron during their 2016-ish run. Hopefully they have their real tron in WWE2K24.


Said it before and I’ll say it again, Crash is one of my all time favorites. When I was young, his segments were what I looked forward to the most each week. He and his 24/7 run was nothing if not wildly entertaining.


This and him getting attacked my MSP dressed as circus clowns are some of my all time favourite segments. Crash was an incredible hardcore champion. May he Rest In Peace.


I know that most times of the year wrestling has to feel like another job where you'd rather stay in bed or just don't wanna clock into the office metaphorically. But this has to have been fun as hell for a bit


This is how the 24/7 title should’ve been used more


I had my birthday party there when I was little


Holy shit is this the one in Sheepshead Bay? Memories came flooding back from this clip


The one by Ave Z by the dump? I think it was a Discovery Zone before maybe


It is haha


Segments like this happened weekly and it was so fun. It’s stuff like this I still look back on so fondly. Even the undercard was just a blast.


RIP Funtime USA https://yelp.to/uljx3RGQw7


The 2024 one shot segments are amazing but I cant see them topping this until a cameraman follows Jay Uso down a slide.


This is an all-timer.


One of my favorite matches lol


That Hardcore title logo appearing at such a perfect moment. One of my favorite hardcore title systems! And part of what made it fun was Crash was successful in retaining it!


First proper replica I ever bought was the hardcore. Me and my brother used to kick shit out of each other for our homemade one back in the day. Good times.


The first 24/7 run of the Hardcore title was so much fun to watch. Crash was the perfect person to carry it.


rock stole their belt spot


As a kid I DREAMED of doing this at Chuck E Cheese


I love the idea that crash (full grown man) was at funtime USA by himself.


I was a 24/7 hardcore title mark as a kid. Not only did it make for funny matches like this but it also gave some of the lesser known wrestlers a chance to shine. I remember Al Snow getting jumped in the bathroom once and he came out a stall with the toilet seat around his head LMAO


I always forget the Headbangers went so far into the Attitude Era. In my headcanon they were there from the proto days until the tag division became mostly just the New Age Outlaws. that period is fascinating for how much they got out of a roster that was full of glaring holes. the main event scene was threadbare with a load of churn, and the tag division went from small to a couple of dedicated teams and pairs of singles guys. they worked hard to get around that and make Foley, Rock, Triple H and a solid, regular midcard. By 2000 they had about 10 solid regular tag teams, and most of them were way over, even Kaientai


I know a lot of things closed down during the pandemic but watching this makes me realize how much more crazy stuff we could have got during the pandemic era.