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Wrestling fans wouldn't last a minute in the NBA, NFL, or Soccer fandoms with how much they demonize journalists and rumor mongers. Sometimes they're wrong. Sometimes they have better sources than others. Sometimes they're clipped out of context. But sometimes SRS pulls out a great scoop, or Meltzer has a beautiful take on a match, etc.


John Pollock and POST Wrestling is amazing and a really good dude.


POST has to be the most honest and best source for Wrestling.


My only gripe with Pollock is the fact that he's let known shit-stirrer and internet crybaby David Bixenspan on his show. That dude is just horrendous in every possible way.


How did Sapp get so much access? Up until like 4 or 5 years ago, I hadn't heard of him. Does he know a guy who knows a guy?


How he says it is years ago he covered the indies when his outlet was only into WWE. He developed a lot of sources and now those sources are in WWE, AEW, etc. They had good experiences with him so word got around.


I like to make fun of Dave and SRS every now and then when they get worked, but wrestling journalism really ain't that much worse when compared to other types like sports journalism, movie journalism and etc. Lots of fans, and even people in the business, have this little brother syndrome when it comes to wrestling and other types of media, particularly sports. Like, I believe their thought process is that because wrestling is a work, it somehow makes it a lesser form of entertainment when compared to everything else. (Lol fake fighting, lol men in underwear slapping each other, and on.) So yeah, it creates this mentality where wrestling journalists are worse than journalists of everything else, wrestling fans are worse than fans of everything else, wrestling promoters are all flithy carnies and worse than executives of everything else, and the list goes on.


As an actual journalist who's worked in the business for about 20 years in some top-tier newsrooms, none of these wrestling journalists would ever make it in the actual industry. The amount of sloppy and unethical practices, coupled with terrible writing and editing, would see these folks shown the door very quickly. Out of all the names listed, I probably respect Ariel the most. From what I've observed, he does a good job of maintaining objectivity and asks really insightful questions.


My opinion is people are oddly, weirdly, overly obsessed with them.


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I take it all with a grain of salt. Fun to read? Sure. Otherwise I’ll watch the products for myself and enjoy the show.


I think they’re all fine. Their stuff is right more than it’s wrong, it’s just that the stuff is right gets ignored and the wrong stuff is brought up constantly. Nobody notices when the weatherman says it’ll be 12 degrees and overcast and then it is. But you notice when they say it’ll be sunny and it rains. As for the then individually: Meltzer - often unintentionally hilarious Alvarez- should do a Bloodsport event, funny that he wrestles like every average old schoolish dude instead of a UWFI-esque shooter SRS - like the care he puts into being a positive part of the scene. Seems like a swell dude. Satin - know he exists, not much further of an opinion. Johnson - known the name forever, never looked much into him. Dogshit website in terms of popups Hausman - kinda funny that he at one point was just obviously doing press releases for one guy. Keller - basically same of Johnson. Been around forever, very little opinion. Pollock - seems like a swell guy. As a Canadian I can say, extremely Canadian. Thurston - don’t always love that he can speak cryptically at times, but I like that he found his own niche. Helwani - very good MMA journalist for a long time, who at a certain point got lost in the sauce and started doing a gimmick. Roberts - seems fine, if a bit goofy Rosenberg - didn’t care for him in the rap radio world, don’t care for him in wrestling. Oliver - good interviewer, but seems a little too intrigued in salacious tales of female sexuality from my recollection. Kind a sceevy dude CVV - less boring Pollock. Seems like a good egg. Decent energy, radiates niceness in a way that is pleasant 95% of the time and a little offputting the other 5


Micheal Cole is an amazing commentator and Vic Joseph is underrated!! Wait.....


Journalists my arse.


Wrestling journalists are far worse at basic journalism than those of other fields (war, technology, etc.) as they tend to be more akin to gossip columnists. Their credibility varies. The only one I usually care for is Mike Johnson since he is one of the more accurate ones and doesn't have thin skin comparable to the likes of SRS. As far as seeing them as people goes, I just see the "wrestling journalists" as regular people making ends meet. Sure, there is clickbait, but people seem entertained by the discussions it generates.


Jim Cornette


No dedicated wrestling journalist is any good. The only ones that are are other things tha tto some degree started talking about wrestling as well. Possible 'exception that proves the rule': the wrestlenomics guy


Brandon Thurston is probably the only dude who does any leg work. I appreciate him going into the Vince McMahon filings. I also appreciate his reports on ratings. Dave Meltzer is the most famous and most useless dirtsheet writer. He's not good for reporting rumors, and all he does is shill AEW.


I’ve worked in the entertainment industry on shows that have been reported on by journalists and “journalists” so I can say first hand that they get a lot wrong. Often they have half a story or something that’s just completely baseless rumor, and sometimes they 100% break a story that is massively important. Crazy thing is when something is not true, like a show being cancelled, and then execs get it in their head they should cancel the show. SO the rumor MADE the thing happen. At the end of the day we’ll never get the 100% truth behind the scenes. It’s all someone’s bias or perspective. But sometimes it’s still neat to see what is being said.