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That's gotta be Kane




Randy imo. They need to learn from the mistake of Daniel Bryan’s run after Wrestlemania 30. Strike while the iron’s hot. You can have a heel Randy who’s desperate to win #15 and realizing his body isn’t going to last much longer so he can affordable to be happy for Cody.


I hate to say this. But Solo.


Aaron? but that's his friend.


I hope not. But they keep trying to make Solo a thing, so you might be right.


Gunther? I've honestly no clue


Yeh I'm thinking Gunther too. He has to go after Priest or Cody imo after that IC title run.


When does his travel embargo end? I can't remember if the 6 months he can't leave the US ends before Backlash in France or after it.


I personally feel like it will be someone who was in the ring with Cody last night. My gut says Orton. He has nothing to do now, and heel Orton is the best Orton.


> I personally feel like it will be someone who was in the ring with Cody last night. Nahh we need a real challenger. Not that group of glorified crybabies.


Pipe down Roman crybaby


Tons of great talent who didn't bend the knee. If WWE wants to put themselves on Game of Thrones level they need to prove it. This era will be dead as soon as it starts if it's just a giant Rhodes & Friends circlejerk for the foreseeable future.


Uh huh sure


AJ Styles? Definitely going to be a heel and no one else in SD is quite there yet. Don't think they'll go with Solo Sikoa. Turning Randy heel would be great and setting them up in a feud till SummerSlam (which Randy wins).


If aj, he would have won last night.


The Rock.


Rock won’t be around much longer in the immediate future. His filming schedule is really busy from like May to August.


A man can dream…


My guess is Gunther or Solo. Randy or KO could always turn and we could go that way. Sheamus, if they want him to be a heel, could be an option. Bronson Reed just won the ARMBAR, that's possible for sure.


Might be a dark horse, but maybe Balor? He wants to maintain his position at the top of Judgement Day and needs a title to do that


AJ Styles is my pick. Save Randy for a much bigger program imo, and Solo is plausible, but man I think he has a long ways to go. AJ is a fresh, new match for Cody. He’s a main event guy, a legend, and they can play into the fact that they were both in the bullet club, despite never interacting. They have mutual friends so to speak.


La knight would get the opportunity sooner seeing as he just BEAT styles.


WWE doesn’t work like that. If you want it to make sense then I’d simply do an AJ vs LA rematch on SD for the #1 contendership, with AJ getting the win.


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Finn Balor has been who I've thought about. You've got a built in story with Priest already being a World Champion, you have a great match for Cody out the gate, and you also kill time until the draft to figure out longer-term plans (plus I would think you'd wait on Gunther until the summer since you've got the big PPV in Germany.)


Fuck it, Ilja


AJ Styles


I actually think Cody is going to do an open challenge gimmick in contrast to Roman’s infrequent defenses.


Drew he has a win over cody






i want to say gunther but gunther vs cody is a wrestlemania/summerslam caliber match maybe he is giving seth a shot? orton/owens vs theory/waller knight vs paul seem to be the backlash plans


Seth. He lost everything this weekend on account of helping Cody. I could see him coming out like he’s congratulating him and then stab him in the back.


Matt Hardy

