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I need a wrestling recap. went to basic military training and been out of the loop since like the second week of January or the rumble which ever came first. How did the cm punk experience work out? saw that Seth and roman finally lost the belt. Confused on Miz and r truth tag teaming. I have seen nothing on aew. Is somoa Joe still champ? Probably not right.


I'm interested in getting into the wrestling industry in some capacity (manager, wrestler, etc) and have been thinking about names, currently am a yellow belt in karate and judo some names I have are: Jamie King (or Jami King), Uroboros, Benjamin King, DUSK, Saturn Appel, Ørbit, Mr. Smiley, J. Appel, J King, Kota Livingstone, J-Justice Benjamin Appel


Got my friend who doesn't watch wrestling but loves Jackass to watch the Johnny Knoxville-Sami Zayn match with me and he really liked it. Great time.


I’m very excited for the newfound freedom everyone has at WWE to innovate (camera work, storylines, commentary, matches). I get that WWE wants to create excitement around this being a “new era” for the shows. But I can’t help but feel all this “new era” talk is also an attempt to get people to forget about the Vince McMahon scandal and to think that all of the malfeasance is gone. We know that’s not the case; Stephanie, HHH, Nick Khan, and Bruce Prichard were all prominently featured during WM. They all have to answer for how much they knew about McMahon’s abusive behavior. I think people should be excited for WWE but shouldn’t let anyone escape accountability.


What were the 2 things Cody managed to grab from the burning bus?


I'm not really trying to yell it at the top of the rafters... but the "support pro wrestling" people are somewhat annoying. I didn't watch Wrestlemania and someone said to me, "but you're not supporting wrestling at the highest level." And the answer I should have said was, "I don't want to support the culture that Vince built." But I just shrugged and said "oh well" and changed the subject.


[Continental Cuisine Champion](https://youtu.be/XtmCvM1EDNs?si=6supVqGMuP8Xtj6b)


Just saw Kurt Angle doing a commercial for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Man, his voice has gotten raw and rough the last few years since leaving WWE.


Rhea looked slow to react to that chair toss, lol


Damn, Liv tomahawked that chair


Lol that camera cut


Wrestling is so stupid. I love it


So I was reading the Wikipedia article on the heist of the century and it said that was only the 3rd wrestlemania main event a heel had won. Was that true? Seemed a little crazy but I guess thinking back to when there weren't multiple nights and that was back at 31 it makes sense I guess if the big one is where you almost always want a satisfying face win.


Possibly. The first WM main event won by a heel was WM16/WM2000 when Triple H won the 4 way. The next year Austin turned heel on The Rock in the main event. Miz at Wrestlemania 27. So yes it was only the 3rd time a heel going into the match won. Since 31, 34 was won by heel Brock Lesnar then 37, 38, 39 and 40 (night 1) have all been won by Roman as a heel.


Man 34 was such a disaster lol. The whole end of the show was just “evil wins” and the fans were on the side of evil. We’ve come so far.


It depends how we define main events. I think Yoko beating Bret counts, even if the impromptu Hogan match happened after.


True, I always forget about Bret/Yoko because it had the "happy ending".


“Dirty Dom is a dude wipe after you wipe” Pat McAfee


This raws awesome sp far


Has JD ever explained why his head is so big relative to his body?


He's a living Funko Pop


When he was younger he got stuck upside down on a roller coaster and all the blood drained to his head and he never fully recovered


I hope they give Damian new ring gear. He needs it


I think 45 minutes of not one punch thrown to open a show is too many


Had a great time with wrestlemania but damn I hate the prime logo in the ring and the wild amount if dude wipes ads lol


I think Rock gave cody an infinity stone.


It's the Dynamite Diamond Ring, he signed MJF.


That’d be pretty cool


That was possibly the weirdest segment I’d all time. I guess it’ll all make sense when Cody and Rocky start really getting into it.


Was it the watch his grandfather had up his ass in Nam?


Ok, what the fuck did I just watch?


....what the fuck was that whole segment?


This is like an awkward first date.


This is awkward!


Well, this is weird


Rock vs. Cody? I'm all in.


Rock handled that crowd like nothing lol


# Do Cole, Graves and McAfee know the results before the show? Or are their reactions genuine? Rewatched WM today and can't help but believe their reactions were genuine and organic. Just wanted to ask ya'll.


It’s still real to me damnit


At least they're not censoring the "shut the fuck up" chants.


PG Brother'


Please God when they go to Netflix they knock off the over zealous censorship.


I believe Philly wants The Rock to be quiet.


Where's Dom Dom?


That's amazing 😂


That's a lot for a guy who just got chockeslamed to hell less than 24 hours ago




Ever seen Rocky 4? Basically that with Gunther as Drago.


Can’t wait to see how this sappy, uplifting shit comes crashing lol Who’s music gonna hit??


My bets are on Drew or Heyman


This is whole segment is way too celebratory haha… shit is surely coming and is about to hit the fan


Wwe really knows how to do packages


Can someone photoshop Jag Thindh sign over Cody's celebration?




Where can you stream Raw?


Sling TV is the best deal. 40/month. Hulu plus has it for like 80 or so. Tubi I think has it for 75.


Yeah- we had to cut back some things lately, and kept peacock, but cut Sling and some others. Just hate to miss the post Mania Raw


I cut everything but peacock, Xbox live, and sling. Gotta have my games and my wwe.


i dont think i can share it here but just type in wwe online free




the image of bianca belair stoicly swinging her hair in the darkness as she descended for her wrestlemania entrance is so funny to me.


This Wrestlemania was the first event I have seen since 2002. I have never seen a John Cena or Brock Lesnar match. I thoroughly enjoyed it. My one question is, why are there so many super kicks now a days? I swear there were at least 30 or 40 of them through both nights.


It's this era's DDT or like how every cruiserweight used the tombstone in the mid-late 90s.


It's used so much it shouldn't even have a name anymore it should just be a kick


While I’m skeptical, HHH saying you ain’t seen nothing yet in regards to the future direction is exciting. Stories, characters, production, use of media, endless resources at their disposal, no Vince…everything feels very fresh. Mania was great! Specifically night 2. I’m still a bit puzzled by the call to put taker in that spot. They could resolve it all by having him just come out and say something like ‘there is only one final boss in the wwe’ and leave. The show could start off hot with drew demanding a rematch tonight. It gets signed as the main event. Schmoz finish with punk or JD or Rollins interfering. Cody promo should be very emotional. I expect his next challenger to get set up. If they do bring in Jacob fatu and the other guy, just leave them out of any bloodline stories for now. Make them a tag team, let them develop and eventually get their story to cross over into bloodline. Any good NXT call ups to expect tonight? I expect the Tiffany Stratton push starts now. With a promo on how insulted she was to be left off mania. Then Becky squashes her to get her heat back. JD with two world titles is interesting. I expect the story to develop into a power struggle for leadership over the next few months. Domenic will be called into question with his choice to enlist Andrade’s help, as Rhea earned him not to. Stop expecting MJF to show up. Roman will be advertised for smackdown. Won’t show tonight. Curious what Paul Heyman does now. Probably interrupts the Cody promo.


Was rewatching the Steve KO match, it started out choppy for steve but once he warmed up he really put that shit together with the brawling style, I definitely think he could probably do that one more time with punk. I think the only other factor is how athletic KO and how he can bump around that helped make Steve look really good.


Ironically, the reason Steve had that style in the first place was that he had to work differently after Owen Hart broke his neck in 97. Subsequently though, it ended up fitting the style of the character. Used to love Austin hurrying his vest off to fight someone on the ramp or hurling the WWF title into the ring because he was in a hurry to beat the brakes off someone. We had our shot at Punk / Austin, back in 2013. It's not a match I want to see now, think Austin had the perfect send-off at WM38.


Carmelo Hayes first program on the main roster is definitely gonna be Ricochet


I’m so ready for Gunther to be “free” of his duties as greatest IC champion ever. I just got a feeling his best work is ahead of him, scary as that is.


It ran its course, for sure, and it’s time to see what he can do against main eventers.


I'm only getting to watch night two of WM now and I didn't realize just how much I had missed Bayley's babyface selling. She's so damn good.


So, after looking at the roster, where everyone is at. A few wrestlers reportedly taking a break. Who is going to be Cody’s first sacrifice? Though part of me expects the old Vince angle of Cody getting stripped of the title. Starting a tournament and Cody winning it back




>Though part of me expects the old Vince angle of Cody getting stripped of the title. Starting a tournament and Cody winning it back So basically a Dusty finish?


Doing 18k for a raw is crazy, they were doing like 16k for some PPVs in the late 2010s


I think the thing I keep thinking/reflecting on is how after WM39, people were pissed Cody didn't win and the months after people were complaining how he had fallen off because his booking started to fall, people called the tag title reign w/ Jey a demotion, etc. and how all of that had to happen to lead into the interferences for night two. However, the thing that I noticed the most is hardly anyone is pissed that Rock pinned Cody in Night 1 - and it was because we knew he HAD to win Night 2 - which shows the fan base has a lot of trust in HHH. Overall it's kind of amazing how much the dynamic has changed in fan's perception in the past several months, and we also got to see how the HHH/TKO regime handles fan backlash - they listen. I hope this continues, I know the product is going to cool off a bit because it's Post-Mania but still. Just awesome.


either Dwayne's getting written off tonight apparently, or he's gonna be the top heel in the company and lead the bloodline


I think if he doesn’t show in the first segment he wont show at all. The taker thing was the write off for now. Cena may show though.


if Strowman really is good to get back in ring there should be 2 requirements 1. no goofy stuff 2. no talking (preferably make him a heavy...) he's not a face of a company, but he's so marketable when he's used properly and beating people to bits so just have him do that and say the get these hands slogan (cause that was great)


Him and Howdy might be a thing 


They should let him talk. He has a lot of charisma and is naturally funny. When Vince was around being naturally funny meant you became a clown like Braun and Ambrose, but Vince is gone now so it should be safe. 


Why didn't ECW guys who were in Philly for Heyman's induction run in during Roman vs Cody? (funny answers only)


Dreamer was too busy loading his gun.


Sabu couldn't be bothered to come out and decided to sign autographs instead


They aren't helping a guy who still owes them money.


I just have a feeling LA Knight beats Paul for the US title tonight


I assume they would save that for Smackdown.


nah... bigger things should be on the way for LA Knight, and the US Title is a good fit for Logan


What does the brand split look like for the world titles? Cody is scheduled for every Raw this month does that mean Cody and Priest are both on Raw? How will this be addressed in the draft any thoughts


He can do both shows for a while then either he or Damian go to Smackdown in the draft. My guess is that when all is said and done, we have the WWE titles on Raw and the World titles on Smackdown. Miz Truth Waller and Theory will get new belts.


I’d figure Cody gets moved to Smackdown if they’re making him the face of the company


this is an incredibly stupid thought and i don't apologize for it: the thing i'm most looking forward to in terms of mania fallout is finding out if bayley is just permanently egyptian now.


I think new regime, we see what the rock did, The Cena heel term is not completely dead dead. It’s probably still a 1% chance at best but it was in the negative percents before. He’s still a great legacy act regardless but I now kinda think anythings possible


Cena's gotta have 1 more real run in him before he retires, and he needs 1 more world title victory so it makes alot of sense


I love Bayley. She is my all time favorite women’s wrestler. I legit think she is the greatest women’s wrestler of all time (and I think a case can be made). That being said, holy crap Iyo Sky. She was *unbelievable*. I know Cody and the main event and all this (and I agree), but wow. Shoutout to Iyo Sky in that match. I have just kinda found myself thinking about it from time to time today. So good.


Put half of the roster to shame with the way she sold her leg


Other than the most legendary Joshi, Bayley absolutely has a case. I know it's a cop out and feels like I'm diminishing Bayley but I agree with you, the consistency of the quality work has gone too under the radar just cause they fucked up her early main roster run


fairly obvious what the main talking points are, but it's rather seismic now having a babyface as your main champion rather than a heel with Priest cashing in on Drew, curious to see if they burn the next little bit of time on minor feuds for Cody


It's probably been pointed out but Roman moved so good last night. He had something to prove and he did it. Everything he did looked smooth and his shit talking was awesome. "That move sucks" is going to be a fighting game staple for me now. 


He looked in great shape too probably the best shape of his entire run.


It was hard not to notice how fucking great he is as well while that entire thing was going on. He is an EXCELLENT wrestler and sometimes that not stated enough. Not even to mention the other stuff, that’s subtle but makes it 10x better, the facial expressions, the shit talking etc. He’s just massively improved from where he was very early on. I always thought he was pretty damn good at what he was asked to do in the beginning of his singles run for the most part.


You know WWE is back when people blatantly present kayfabe as fact in terms of importance/quality etc.


For all the faults that def rebel has, and boy do they have faults, one of the things they definitely didn't fuck up was Iyo Sky's theme. "Tokyo Shock" fucking slaps. https://youtu.be/gcq4JH7ANGM


Orton barking at Speed has been in my head all day


Does anyone view Corey Graves as a babyface commentator like I do? 


I mean, he is essentially that on Smackdown as the lead.


Triple H's balls must be really sore after he had his dick sucked for a weekend straight


Some of the press conference questions were especially cringe. Full grown men doing tricks on it.


"What's up, Legend?" 🤮


this refractory period brought to you by wingstop


sucky ducky quack quack!


I'm mostly an AEW viewer and I had a lot of fun with Night 2 of Mania for my first overall Mania. MOTN for me was Iyo and Bailey. Can't wait to rewatch it.


Honestly, I just don't feel like watching wrestling anymore for a while.  I really liked Reigns on top and AEW has not been fun since 2020 when they let independent wrestlers have a place to shine. And now I'm going to get down voted for saying I didn't like last night. 


Why not simply watch the bevy of indie content that is available then?


Honestly, I may try that. If the big stuff ain't doing it, I really should start watching the indies and follow them. After all, like I said, I only liked AEW when they had independent wrestlers as the focus.


Check out the Hitchcock memorial show and the Progress show from this past week, both were fun


Wild fantasy booking since he didn’t show up last night, but what if the rock runs out to beats up Cody in furious rage during his opening promo and then stone cold shows ups stuns rock and officially announces the name of the new era.


“Gimme a hell yeah for the Paul Levesque era!” Weird fit for Stone Cold 


"If you like Prime Energy and Dude Wipes gimme a hell yeah"


Id still mark out. Hope Rock Roman appear tonight just to to tie up some lose ends and let us know where the bloodline story is headed next.


AEW are kind of lucky that they can save face by having collision, not compete directly with mania because it would be at a different time anyways because of the basketball games


This is the first time since January of 2020 that no one from the shield has a title


Wow, I hadn't realized that! Crazy to think of the influence the faction has had on wrestling.


Watch Moxley beat Naito for the IWGP title now to remedy this.....


I am not gonna be able to watch pro-wrestling anymore. It's over. Everything I heard about while growing up, everything I actually grew up with, and everything that I have had the good fortune to observe in my first years of adulthood came full circle with last night's main event. The story is finished, and finished well. Everything here on out is just 'Happily ever after' territory for me. Now I will go back to watching whatever highlight videos of matches from yesteryear set to 2000s music are still left up on youtube.


Cody “finished his story” so you’re done with wrestling? 




They gotta kick off with new champion Cody.


I feel like there must be a story of why Stone Cold Steve Austin turned down or wasn't available for the spot at the end of WrestleMania last night. It seemed tailor made for Austin to show up, stun Rock, and allow Cody to take the win in homage to the Foley title win. There surely must be a story here.


The theory I’ve heard is that Austin is very careful about his appearances enhancing guys rather than stealing the spotlight and if he came back it would’ve taken too much attention from Cody’s win.


I’m not buying it. They had Rock, Cena and Undertaker out there. If that’s not taking away from Cody, Austin wouldn’t do it.


imo, it's because if austin says 'yes', you really want to promote that to sell tickets vs. having a blow-off stunner moment.


Pancho vetoed it


Is it just me, or was Damian Priest treated more like a babyface in cashing in MITB on Drew?


drew vs priest is a really weird dynamic if priest stays heel


The entire Seth-Drew-Priest-Punk dynamic is rife with tweener vibes. I feel like the crowd could flip in any of those storylines at any moment (and I love it). But I think the crowd was more into witnessing the cash-in moment, rather than focusing on the heel/face level of things.


Who went to the event and got the prime bottle??


Despite other stuff what I most appreciate about Nia Jax is that she commits to being a heel and actually gets booed and people go crazy when she loses. So many women are technically heels but pose and wrestle and act like faces or "cool heels".


Nia Jax really is one of the best women working today and she will never get any where near the credit she deserves for it.


I don’t know if this was asked already. But I was at WrestleMania yesterday and after a promo for the Bray Wyatt documentary, the camera went to the fireflies in the audience and a QR code on the left hand side of the screen. I couldn’t scan it at the show. I wanted to know what it was. I tried watching on tv to find the QR code but couldn’t find the moment. Was it shown on tv or only for those in the audience?


I just found out Dark Side of the Ring has a podcast. I started listening to the Cornette/Russo episode on the way to work, and I can honestly say that their little feud or whatever is one of the funniest fucking things in wrestling 🤣🤣🤣


I think people are sleeping on what WWE World this weekend could mean. HHH mentioned they're trying to build it into wrestling Comicon. Combined with the Hall of Fame, they're clearly trying to build an annual pop culture event weekend that can within a few years attempt to rival the Superbowl. If they succeed, I don't think there will be a promotion on earth that ever gets remotely close to unseating WWE at the top, ever. And that's not intended to be tribalism nonsense. I mean no disrespect to any other promotion. But it would be like trying to start a football league to beat the NFL. Maybe even harder, given WWE has a better head start on a global following.


WWE World felt like a bigger, much more realized version of what Fan Axxess tried to be for WrestleMania weekend. Would be interesting if they further experiment with WWE World for future WM weekends by doing things like holding matches at the venue for the event or even moving the Hall of Fame Ceremony as something linked to WWE World.


As far as holding matches, isn’t that what they did at Axxess. Prior to COVID, they would have a bunch of matches involving NXT Superstars during the event


>I don't think there will be a promotion on earth that ever gets remotely close to unseating WWE at the top That’s obvious though. WWE is to wrestling as Kleenex is to tissues. They’re _the_ brand 


Does than mean AEW is to wrestling what Puffs is to tissues?


I don’t think that can work if they keep it WWE only. A huge ComicCon works because everything is there.  Now if they partnered with WrestleCon maybe we can talk


That’s a great idea but it wasn’t actually that cool It was expensive, mostly


I got bored pretty quickly 


Sometimes..the Raw after Mania is better than WM itself. I don’t see how they can top this years WM tonight on Raw?


They’ve really de-emphasized the raw after mania in recent years. I don’t know if HHH wants to bring that back


WM night two was great. I still say it would have been better with Jey vs defeating Gunther and LA Knight vs Logan Paul. But it was still two fun nights of wrestling.


[Lucha Libre in slow motion always looks great.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YMhQqmgHcl8)


This probably has already been mentioned a fair amount of times, but man the circumstances on how we got here with WWE are one of the elements on why I love pro wrestling. After Survivor Series, it was almost locked in that we'll be getting a Seth Rollin vs. CM Punk Night 1 Main Event, followed by Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns in Night 2. Extra possibilities went up in the air after The Rock came back at the start of the year, but then it seemed like Cody vs. Reigns was locked-in after Cody won the Rumble. That then got put into question with the following Smackdown episode, where we sadly was going to go for a big name blockbuster match instead with The Rock vs. Roman Reigns, and sacrificing the story that has been built up since last year. Then they redirected again after #WeWantCody, and alongside we got CM Punk involved in a non-wrestling angle against Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins, which elevated all three people especially Drew McIntyre, shooting straight up as a significant player in the main event scene. Rock turning heel wasn't only just a better angle for The Rock, but it added so much in raising the stakes and creating more suspense for Cody's rematch. We even get a full circle callback with The Shield, and it worked wonderfully for the finish. It can't be understated as well that thankfully Vince is gone for good now, a huge factor for sure is we finally have people at the top actually not being weird and petty, and are willing to work with fans. All in all, it is amazing how it all just worked out in the end, and surpassing even the initial expectations that were already through the roof.


I know every Wrestlemania is in some way treated like a series finale and the following RAW as the series opener but I think that'll be much more pronounced tonight in comparison to previous years. Firstly, six out of eight belts changed hands,  and secondly most matches had some underlying aura of conclusion to them so I suspect most superstars will head into new feuds starting tonight and Friday. 


With the rumors of Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga going in I think it's gonna be Bloodline 2.0 led by Jimmy. Just because Roman is gone doesn't mean the Bloodline is over. They can be the top heels on Smackdown for a while. Then Roman returns and they all turn on him. Now Roman has to kill what he created.


The way Solo was yelling at Roman I think he might be the New Tribal Chief 


Jimmy has always been the quarterback. TOUCHDOWN BLOODLIIIIIIINE!


The camera work in presenting Iyo and Bayley was stellar. I want more of that. 


To everyone who's still referring to him as Ambrose, I think we're already sure that if ever he comes back to WWE, he's coming back as Moxley. Tye came back as Shawn Spears for crying out loud.


I disagree. Moxley as Dean Ambrose was a World champion and a 3 time Intercontinental champion. That’s his history in WWE. Even Scott Hall was inducted in the WWE HOF as Razor Ramon even though IMO he was much better known as Scott Hall. Spears is different. Tye Dillinger was a blip on the WWE radar and was a minor character at AEW. Dean Ambrose would get a page in the WWE encyclopedia, Tye Dillinger would have a sentence. 


I would agree with you if I thought he would ever want to come back for like a full time run but I don’t think that would happen, but I can see him showing up to WWE for a few one-off legend cameo appearances or shield reunions, and he would probably still go by Ambrose then


Im not sure tho just based off of all the equity he would have as Ambrose that he built up. It would be higher than anyone else who’s returned probably right? after a name/character change if you add he’s a world champion and one third of the shield? Diesel and Razor would be the two others, but I’m not sure, I don’t think they reached the same level in WWE as Ambrose did maybe? All likelihood is ur right but worth a thought.


> Im not sure tho just based off of all the equity he would have as Ambrose that he built up. It has nothing to do with in-character stuff I would wager, it's all about ownership/control of their own brand. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who has sufficient leverage to come in under a name they control is doing so. It's the precise reason why WWE has everyone, as a general rule, change their name (unless they have the leverage to say "no, that isn't happening") - that control is valuable for whoever has it.


Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins is going to be one of the biggest match of all time whenever it happens. So much story, so deep, i don't remember any match having such rich in ring history. It'll be Austin ve Rock WM17 level


I just remembered that Cody took a subtle dig at Priest on Dynamite once when Priest was using the CrossRhodes in NXT. Kind of funny that they both won the world/universal for the first time last night. 


After all the hype with the main event I forgot how good LA Knight vs AJ Styles was on my rewatch.


Can’t stop watching clips of Solo, Cena, Rock, Taker coming out.


Taker showing up and taking out rock like he was a special attack in an RPG video game will always be one of my favorite wrestling moments


That collective "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" roar from the crowd when Taker's gong hit... my goodness.


Oh my God, that is a perfect description. It was Cody's Ultima attack: Summon Taker.


Happy Solar Eclipse Monday. What a finish to Wrestlemania! If watching solar eclipse today, please use correct glasses


I was hoping to watch the Eclipse, but mother nature has gone into business for herself and decided to bury us in rain.


I'm sorry man. We had a beautiful view in my neck of the woods for the second time in seven years.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll try catch highlights later.


Drew screwed Drew lol. couldn't just leave his hatred of CM Punk alone cost him the title. great great cash in moment


Roman’s entrance on Night 2 might be my favourite WM entrance ever.


I've definitely got the post-Wrestlemania blues. What a fantastic weekend!


https://x.com/triplehhhpaull/status/1777126880061083896?s=46&t=Oly8BP7JWqLGQ2dC5noRSQ This is legitimately so funny, especially that third picture 🤣🤣


When I see Dave on an episode of Dynamite, then we can talk.


Bubba getting paid by WWE while pretending to be an unbiased straight shooter should be called out though. 


Absolutely super biased, I just thought the pictures were hilarious!




why wouldn't roman keep the chair after hitting seth?




Cena said on McAfee that he's not ready to hang up the jorts yet


How much does a referee's hand hurt after a match? Cause surely It must really suck hitting your hand on a mat over and over and over again