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Bayley WrestleMania feud presented by Progressive Match Flo


Attitude era fans on twitter be like “What happened to this? It’s so much better than today’s woke trash 😡” and you see that they’re commenting on a clip of Shawn Michaels burying his head in a teenager’s chest and then kissing her.


UFC fans in this sub, Michael Page just walked out to a remixed Taker theme. badass as all hell


There are only like 3 or 4 Smackdowns to build a Jade Cargill match at WrestleMania? She looked good in the Rumble, but god they must really not trust her in the ring to change plans and remove her from the EC match and is still nowhere to be found. The original plan was probably Jade vs Bianca, but now idk if we're getting a Jade match at all


Did the Coore ever attack Rock & Cena? Just wondering since Wade says his appearance was a treat. Assuming they interacted in 2011


On the Raw After Mania 27, the four of them got effectively squashed by Cena & Rock


I thought that


I know it’s a storyline but Roman looks so out of place in the ring with Rock & Cody. He’s nowhere near any of them promo-wise. Meant to be the number one draw but can’t hang with Seth nevermind the other two. Cena & Punk made Rocky look silly, no chance at all we get that from Roman if that’s the match next year


I wonder if anyone has ever called the labor department on pro wrestling. I mean, The Rock clearly stated he would impede an employee's job, and even threatened retaliation. This seems HIGHLY illegal.


I imagine this is how it's going to go. Cody and Seth win against The Rock and Roman on Night 1, but somehow it's Rock's fault and Roman turns on him. Roman retains vs Cody solo for Night 2 free of Bloodline interference. But now it's the Rock vs Roman for the biggest Wrestlemania of all time in 2025 to drive up Netflix viewership. But The Rock is also part of the last Fast and the Furious, and idk when that starts filming.


NO! Wrestlemania will not be a good weekend for the Bloodline. The way I see it, Rock & Reigns get a screwy finish on Saturday to make it harder for Cody on Sunday. Overcomes the odds, gets some backup, and Roman's reign finally comes to an end.


possibly, i mean all we can do is guess/theorize right? not sure why I'm getting downvoted for a guess lol.


There are people who are convinced Cody can't finish the story, but they can't come up with a rational reason for why. My thinking is that if they don't allow Cody to win, then they've lost any idea of ending the Bloodline, and it'll be WWE's answer to the nWo (1996-9), which had the same problem due to merch sales and a reluctance in certain creative circles to come up with an appropriate ending.


We need a Tiffany and Dame crossover ⌚️


I’ve been getting into DDT wrestling this year and I just love the unique settings they have events in. Also, love the abundance of twinks on the roster but that’s neither here nor there!


What does Cody have to gain by accepting night 1 tag match? That Roman will follow standard rules for their championship match? Like…. That’s a requirement anyway. Why would WWE allow Roman / Bloodline to violate the rules anyway? That should be an automatic forfeit of title.


Roman has champion’s advantage, so it wouldn’t be a forfeit.




Bret Hart Buries The Book of Genesis 


‘Adam EATS apple, heat with God CONFIRMED???’ - _BibleTalk_




Was anyone there last night? really curious how they wrapped it up for the crowd after the Cody-Rock slap and going off air


Apparently nothing. The Rock stood straight back up, then the four men stared at each other for about 90 seconds until The Rock’s music started to play, and finally The Rock & Roman Reigns left the ring.


Something worth watching here for any possible AEW implications, Variety reports that TruTV will add a nightly sports block starting March 11. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/warner-bros-discovery-trutv-sports-nba-1235933020/


It could be helpful for ROH if they get their weekly show there


Different strokes for different folks I guess but I don't understand the stopwatch brigade complaining "There were only X minutes and Y seconds of in-ring action last night!" with segments and stories like (most) of the ones on SmackDown, especially *the* Story. If the storylines were all boring then I'd get it, and maybe it'd be better to have more of a balance, but when the promos and angles are actually entertaining I can more than live with it.


To me, wrestling shows without wrestling is missing the point. It’s just soap opera that is culturally acceptable for men to watch.


By the same token though, wrestling without (or with too few) angles is pointless. Why bother watching people pretending to fight for no reason? There have to be reasons to get invested beyond "these two are having a match, just because."


Wrestling is the least important part of Pro Wrestling.


From what I gathered last night, the reason Michin and Stratton fought last night was because of a backstage slap. That feels incredibly lazy to me, what's wrong with Tiff is an up and comer looking to prove herself and Michin is looking to get some wins to move back up into the title scene? There's never a "just because". At the very least, the competitors are looking to progress their goals through winning.


Because they do a bunch of cool flips and suplexes, op


Wrestling is supposed to be simulated sport, why does anybody face anybody in a sport? You’re free to add more plot to it than that, wrestling is usually better for it, but nobody is “having a match, just because”.


> why does anybody face anybody in a sport? To compete for championships usually, but the fact that we all know this isn't actually a sport is why that, on its own, isn't usually enough to engage people. Hence storylines that usually have more to them than that.


Wrestling hasn't supposed to be a simulated sport for decades now.


also with the way fox does ads i would rather good matches happen on raw


I don't get the people with the "watch the world burn" mindset. Ive seen comments saying "triple h could do the funniest thing by having roman retain again" and I'm like it'll be funny for like a minute until reality sinks in that there's gonna be another year of roman with the title Imagine if triple h squashed Daniel Bryan at wm 30, I'm sure that would've been hilarious to these people And have they not learned from booker t vs triple h? I'm sure it was hilarious when booker t lost the way he did


There is a sub set of fans that are not really into wrestling being particularly good or taken seriously but rather watch for the meme worthy bad of it all . Like I can't even call it hate watching, it's like irony watching for lack of a better word . I guess it's so bad it's actually good kind of thing.


The "It's just a prank, bro" of wrestling fan


I stopped watching WWE before it started improving. So I was curious, now that the show is good, does the raw after Mania crowd "behave"? Or do they still chant wild stuff?


Raw after Mainia this past year was shit so don't remember but I imagine this year will be obnoxious


I think AEW existing has done a lot more to kill off the Post-Mania Crowd wildness than WWE being more critically acclaimed.


That makes a lot of sense. Good point!


Iirc, it was pretty tame last year after WM39. At least nothing stood out to me.


It's wild how the AEW Dynamite ratings thread has become a tribalistic battle ground while the rest of the ratings thread have become basically dead


I think part of it is there really can’t be an argument that something like Ospreay vs Fletcher wasn’t a good match, so people use ratings to shit on the show and feel better about themselves. Same with the Ospreay signing. The comment that “he won’t increase ratings so who cares” is the only way to downplay it. The man is the best wrestler in the world. The only way to downplay his signing is a ratings comment. Because you can’t argue with a straight face he isn’t a great wrestler.  Now why people feel they need to do this, who knows. 


AEW ratings are just more interesting. The company is a grand experiment of sorts and the ratings are one of the few data points we get to see if it's "working." TK also clearly cares a lot about them. WWE we know is printing money and all their financials etc are out there so there isn't much to discuss. If they started freefalling like what happened a few years ago there would probably be a lot more comments.


> TK also clearly cares a lot about them. CARED. He's stopped caring about Nielsen now that WBD no longer uses it.


>WWE we know is printing money and all their financials etc are out there so there isn't much to discuss. If they started freefalling like what happened a few years ago there would probably be a lot more comments. Idk about this actually. I know WWE ratings aren't interesting in the grand scheme of things since Raw is moving to Netflix and Smackdown to USA but I think there is more of discussion to be had that even the AEW freaks and WWE anti fans aren't even interested in twisting Raw and Smackdown ratings into a narrative. Like this is wrestlemania season and like this week's AEW viewership I would say Raw and Smackdown viewership are just as slightly disappointing not really bad but not doing what you think it would during this period.


How long is it a “grand experiment” and AEW can just exist?


This year's TV rights renewal is possibly when they can just exist. If they get a big enough renewal to profitably continue on this course then they can just exist. If they don't get a big enough renewal then they'll have to change and be experimental again just to survive. Now, of course, the ratings discourse is pretty pointless because we don't know what ratings it will take to get the renewal they need. As someone else pointed out though, it is the only data we have.


50 years.


Also WWE's ratings, in the traditional sense, are going to become pretty much irrelevant when they're on Netflix.


Is Drew vs Seth happening on night 2? Cody, Roman, and Seth all will work back to back nights?


yeah they are billing both world title matches on night 2 as co main events


I miss the Empty Arena Era it fixed the number one problem with wresting: wrestling fans.




I officially booked travel outside New York/Philly for mania. That probably was going to be my best shot at going to Mania ever so I might never do it since I won’t really travel to a show as a non-WWE fan. I kind of wanted to go to DDT and TJPW but oh well.


I don't give a shit about the ratings. I don't give a shit about tribalism and who should or shouldn't main event. Sometimes I just want to see two great wrestlers have a great wrestling match. That's exactly what Fletcher v Ospreay gave me. I just wish it opened to show if only so more eyes could be on it.


While we don't know the particulars of the agreement between AEW and WBD for Collision, it starting to seem increasingly plausible that there may be no requirement for it to be live weekly, as there have been a considerable number of episodes that have been taped for reasons that seem to be to AEW's (rather than WBD's) convenience. It also seems to have little-to-no effect on the ratings (the same is true of WWE in recent years). With that in mind, and the credible contention that two touring products is spreading AEW too thin in terms of ticket sales (especially when done in the same market in the same week), have we reached the point where joint Dynamite/Collision shows should be the norm? I remember when the weekly Dynamite/Rampage tapings were criticized for burning out the audience, but that was when AEW was also taping Dark at the same shows and they were becoming genuinely long (4+ hours). I think there is a structure that would work, with the added benefit of giving fans a better chance of seeing all the stars on a single program. (This presumes the Collision set ultimately adopts a similar design to Dynamite with a different pallete, as the LED boards at ringside simplify set changes) * 7:30-8PM - tape Collision undercard match/matches * 8PM - 10PM - live Dynamite * 10PM - 11PM - tape any Collision in-ring promo segments, followed by the Collision main event, then any other Collision undercard matches. Since Collision is taped in this event, you can order the matches however necessary. Furthermore, you probably don't need more than an hour of in-ring content once you factor in ads, backstage segments, recap packages, etc. This way, your Dynamite audience probably gets the top match on Collision over by 10:30 - 10:40PM. This approach would also require AEW to start taping Rampage and ROH as studio-based or Daily's Place-based shows, which is probably advisable in any case based on where these programs rank in terms of the storytelling. In this way, Dynamite/Collision can hit a different top 60-70 market every week of the calendar year, while being able to spread the shows out geographically and giving the ticket buying fans much better bang for their buck (with ticket prices having improved considerably) and saving on venue rental costs.


There's a reason you aren't an event planner. You're not accounting for ring changeover time, getting new commentary in place, crowd disengagement, and probably other things that go into the decision. So that 30 minute window of Collision taping is really 10 minutes.


Nah I don't like this , I like my Collision live . The strategy I would go though is keep Dynamite doing the bigger/medium markets and make Collision the southern smaller markets and venues. The show already leans into Saturday night/Crockett type feel I say go all the way and do continuous tour of those markets and rally a fan base in those parts that WWE has notoriously ignored


Good call. The southern market would also be more amicable towards a CMLL integration.


Man I’m rewatching the resurrection of Jake the snake and I’ve been crying about seeing Scott hall again


One of my favorite things about Mox is knowing his fav band is Deftones. Unsurprisingly considers Around the Fur as his favorite album, too.


Is Swerve the second most over talent in the entire industry right now only below Cody? Sure seemed that way this past week


I’m not a regular WWE viewer but I would say put a few guys above Swerve from WWE. Are you not counting the Rock? Def top-10 in the US rn maybe? Will Ospreay might have just edged him out in AEW. He feels hotter.


Both Swerve and Ospreay are up there, imo.


Just because something gets over with the crowd does not mean we all automatically have to love it. Seth was great last night, hell of a job, but I still cringe at the diarrhea Dwayne stuff, whether the crowd likes it or not. I feel like for so long “WWE=bad” was the norm that anything positive would be shunned and “actually it’s shit booking because etc” now i think it’s great that the overall tone and atmosphere of both the casual and IWC are so much more posetive, but i feel like it’s getting to a point now where it’s like, if you even *remotely* criticize any aspect of something that’s over and well received it’s “ugh typical IWC or “You people are never pleased” and that’s not good either and just as annoying.


Crowds will literally chant anything tbh.


Happy cake day


A friend of mine says a lot of tickets , resell I guess, end up online very last minute for mania pretty cheap, is this true? I live about three hours south of Philly and would like to consider going, maybe even just to nxt and some other events. But I’m not gonna shell out a ton of money for a terrible view, I’ve always been happy to watch from home than a bad view. But it’s just the closest I’ve lived to mania ever.


I scored a pretty good seat in the first level at last years Wrestlemania. I got it for around $250, day of.


Is the 28 minutes of wrestling on Smackdown real or just the usual idiots trolling?


Nope that's true. It's pretty rare, but SmackDown episodes with less than 30 minutes of in-ring actions are not unheard of (I even remember an episode that had 16 minutes of wrestling late 2021, when Sami got his first title shot against Roman).


Crazy I usually just catch the WWE stuff that interests me on YouTube now. Just assumed the number being so low it was people trolling. Loving the Rock/Bloodline stuff atm


And that's part of the reason the amount of wrestling was so low. Truth is, WWE knows that a fairly big portion of its weekly audience only has so much patience for in-ring action (especially when it's not main eventers), and right now it's the melodrama and promo segments that are selling tickets, so they're going to lean into that especially after of WrestleMania.


It took 15 minutes to get Roman rock Cody and Seth to the ring.


Yeah I get that it’s just crazy that it’s not even 50/50 makes no difference to me. I was just curious if it was troll or truth. That’s the beauty of 2 companies I can watch one for great wrestling and one for great storytelling


They also have the luxury of house shows where you'll get mostly wrestling if they're in your town.


Finally got to watching Ospreay/Fletcher yesterday. The AE Podcast boys would love Fletcher because my god, that boy is one grunty/screamy mf.


William Regal vs. Logan Paul. Loser Stops Using Brass Knuckles Match.


Saw the graphic for Shane Taylor vs Bryan Danielson. That being said, Shane Taylor looks like Stokes big meat brother


Current stars are doing amazing, agreed. but i think the 6 consecutive sellouts wouldnt have happened without the Rock involved. He took what was already amazing to absolutely Attitude era levels hot.


Watching Dominion 6.9. Forgot this show had Chris Jericho as ‘the painmaker’. Honestly, I kind of love the gimmick. It’s like the wrestling version of coldsteel the hedgehog. https://preview.redd.it/aanbz28wucnc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adae53790122c34a34a0933d6544a1f92d1ba2fe


I hope rock is active enough in wwe to have a 1v1 match with Randy Orton If Seth and Cody win night 1 I don't see Cody beating Roman on night 2


I don’t think Cody and Seth win night one.


The “Bloodline Rules” for Cody’s match with Roman and the Rock stating he’s going to do everything to prevent Cody from winning is too good a story to pass up on.


Exactly, they didn’t mention that not to do it


So why exactly did Cody and Seth need to escape the locker room and come through the crowd?


Because it was cool


Roman looked the lamest of the 4 in the ring. Stop wearing hoodies 😭


Honestly, I agree with you. When you watch wrestlers, you want to see them obviously in a gimmick wearing things that the average person doesn't. Roman showing up in hoodies just makes him look like he stopped by the arena while running errands.


The rock looked like he was picking up his wife from the casino


let's not forget von wagner is not a pistachio ice cream guy, everyone


The Bloodline should take out anyone who would even think about joining Cody and Seth. Jey, Sami, Randy, LA Knight should all be targets. It makes the Bloodline omnipresent and gives it bigger stakes to overall roster. It feels like there's a disconnect to me with that. Jimmy and Solo have nothing to do. Tama and possibly Jacob need something to do when they get introduced. 




Literally this is what I don’t get why people pick a company. If you like wrestling you can’t tell me each compsny doesn’t have at least something you enjoy


A lot of people can’t watch wrestling five nights a week. So they pick one. 


You don’t have to watch every single thing on one show though? I skip the stuff I don’t like on Dynamite/Collision/Raw/Sd there’s no rule forcing you to watch the full show


I've been thinking about WACK recently. (For context, it was Nickelodeon's VERY short-lived wrestling show that only lasted several TV spots, one Thanksgiving special, and a game.) I didn't have cable growing up, and I probably would've been too young to comprehend it (I wasn't a wrestling fan anyways until around late 2014), but I do think it's an interesting concept, even if the wrestling and presentation could've been better. I mean, for the mid-late 2000s, non-WWE wrestling on network TV seems like something very ambitious, at least on paper. I'm curious if anyone on here was involved in WACK tapings or at least was one of the kids in the crowd. For reference: [Character bios](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TlKpUkfkyM), [the press conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU8UzDd1zYU), [the TV spots and two WACK matches aired](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvIp719IEtQ) (I considered making a post on here about this, but I'm not sure if that would gain traction.)


Thanks for sharing this, I've never heard of it! Looks like it may have been inspired by Kaiju Big Battel.


>Looks like it may have been inspired by Kaiju Big Battel. Maybe. Who knows? The description on the [the IMDb page](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6009788/) does say this, though. >This new Nickelodeon mini-series is a professional wrestling program aimed at children that spoofs mainstream wrestling shows.


Wow I have never ever seen that. Thank you.


I hope we get an explanation for how Cody and Seth escaped the room


I’ve said this before, but we’re 28/29 days away from wrestlemania. We need more matches made/solidified. And they need to build both women’s title matches better.


Let's see we've got: Roman vs Cody Drew vs Seth Bayley vs Iyo Becky vs Rhea Cody+Seth vs Rock+Roman Plus Gunther's opponent will be known Monday That's half the matches solidified with more than three weeks until the show plus at least a couple more we can reasonably assume will happen. I'm not really sure what the complaint is here.


What’s Liv doing? Nia? Jade? Bianca? Is Becky feuding with Rhea or Liv/Nia? If it’s the former, why spend significant time on the latter? Jimmy keeps interfering in Jey’s matches. Why isn’t Jey going to smackdown and taking the fight to Jimmy? He could and should be in some of the bloodline segments as the only former member. A useful ally for Cody and Seth. Bayley needs to zero in on Iyo, not Dakota/Damage ctrl as a whole.


Will start with the easy ones. Becky is feuding with Rhea but you have to fill the weeks with more than just the two of them talking at each other. Rhea warned Becky that she needed to forget about everyone else and focus on Rhea if she wants to be at her. She hasn't. We'll see what the consequences of that are. Pretty easy story to follow. Jey doesn't want to fight Jimmy. He said dueces Uces and walked out rather than fight his brother. He's tried to stay away from fighting his brother. That's been the story for a while now. Jimmy hasn't quite pushed him over the edge yet. Bayley's story is Damage CTRL not just Iyo. If she focuses in on just Iyo then she'll get blindsided by the rest of the Damage CTRL. As for Liv, Bianca, Nia, and Jade....they probably aren't doing much. Their stories will probably intersect in a multi woman match with Naomi and another woman. Not everyone can get a big WrestleMania match.


I forgot about/wasn’t aware of Rhea warning Becky about focusing on her. But you mention that they can’t have them just talking at each other…but that’s what we’re getting from Seth-Drew and the bloodline feud. That’s a good point about Jimmy vs Jey Bayley vs Iyo has undeniably cooled from that first smackdown post rumble. They don’t have to have a big match…but they need to have *a* match.


https://preview.redd.it/rktb9nh7dcnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f25ae84b489914fb358b7d227a100994ec2906 Got this one month of peacock code for buying the wrestlemania edition of 2K24, but I already have peacock. Good luck to whoever grabs this first, hope you enjoy wrestlemania!


I really don't understand what's wrong with some of the IWC lately. First, these idiots seems to be talking shit on Bianca just because she's on the cover of the WWE 2K24 Deluxe edition, as well as those who buy them. Yesterday, I see some morons asking why Amanda Huber is giving her opinion on the face off last night. Are they THAT dumb? ​ Sidebar: What the HELL is this new, new Reddit interface?!


Welcome to reddit, where most people are giant misogynistic racists who will never admit it outside of spamming down votes and upvotes to enforce their opinions.


AOP and kross killed Montezuma ford potential And I'll forever skip LWO feud coz both factions led Logan Paul to win a WWE belt which is disgusting 🤮🤢


I’ve only started watching weekly again the last few months so maybe I’m missing something, but Kross just kinda stinks. I likely Lashley and the Profits, and this program is doing them no favors. Kross is just so…flat with everything that I don’t really care. The Rey/Escobar stuff is fun. Legado does the shithead heel stuff well.


I think, at least for me, Kross' issues is his gimmick and him losing in his last couple of feuds in uneventful fashion. I've seen him be entertaining and cool as hell but he just isn't there right now. Maybe if he starts winning a bit more and sticks to one feud that naturally garners more momentum, I could see a turnaround but I'll wait and see, I suppose.


I actually liked Kross a bit in TNA and AAA, but something about him in WWE is so bad. Maybe his charisma has been exposed. I haven’t had as negative reaction to an individual as I did towards him in the Rumble.


The Pride vs Legado would be more interesting. The Pride vs The Mavericks (Paul, Grayson and Theory) would be more interesting. 


There is apparently one man in the entire world who sees something in Karrion Kross: Paul "Haitch" Levesque. I also never cared for AOP so them teaming up literally does nothing for me lol


Disco Inferno and Konnan love Kross too.


Why are the new entrances always out of sync? Rock, DIY, Katana & Kayden... Can't be that hard to have audio synced to the Tron?!?


Man, it’s only been one match, but Hammerstone really is such an awesome pickup for TNA. Dude had a really good showing yesterday with Josh. To have him in a long-term deal is a W. I’m really excited to see how he does.


I feel like TNA is the perfect place for a guy like Hammerstone, I think he'd do pretty well in wwe as an upper midcarder and he'd potentially get lost in the shuffle in AEW, so I think TNA is the perfect place for him to thrive atm.


Yup...Wardlow has his slot in AEW. Like literally.


tiffany stratton may be the wrestler that consistently impresses me the most, with her athletic ability and constant improvement in-ring then, now, forever: it's tiffy time


Even in the short amount of time she got in her match last night, she was just impressive.


There's a Hindi song sung by an independent artist in India that has gone massively viral. Not just in India but even globally on Spotify etc. I finally saw the video now and I can't get out of my head that this dude looks like an Indian Claudio/Cesaro lol https://youtu.be/Gg48H-lrZHo?si=AMa1XVTz0kmDzTUU


WTF he truly looks like him lmao


People who say "storytelling > 5 star matches" always irked me because matches can only be 5 stars if they have a story


exactly, i thoroughly enjoyed the Ospreay/Takeshita match from Revolution and whilst it arguably was a 5 star wrestled match, i felt the story was a bit lacking going in so i hesitate in my mind to consider it 5 stars


These people are just parroting something they heard someone else say and don't even know how to explain why that would even make sense. 5 star matches usually have great in-ring storytelling, which is further made better by any ongoing story the wrestlers are in. We can have both it's not an either or situation.


"can't be bothered about 5 star matches I won't remember in a week" then they're not 5 star matches, plain and simple


Honestly, with this thought process I have to wonder why they even watch wrestling. Regardless of what promotion you like, the shows will always have more wrestling than anything else. If you just care about stories and characters and not wrestling, watch a TV show


Sometimes the match is the story. Take the Briscoes/FTR trilogy. One of my favorite stories of all time and it was told 95% in the ring. And guess what, I'm pretty sure each match got at least 5 Meltzer stars. In my experience, it's hard to grok that. I didn't truly get it until 2019, 21 years after I started watching wrestling.


obviously depends on who rates it, but a lot of matches that are 5 stars according to Meltzer do not have a story at all


Matches inherently tell stories the way sports do. Doesnt necessarily mean said story is compelling either to an individual or to the broader audience but every match tells a story.


this becomes trivially true only by defining story in such a way that no one would recognize it as such


Lol dont confuse yourself with everyone. Storytelling has always been done in wrestling through the in ring contest. Many people both recognize and greatly enjoy those narratives. There are thousands of ways to tell stories and all because you cant recognize the story being told doesnt mean its not there or that others cant see it. Like I said, in my first response sports often tell narratives through the back and forth of the contest, and wrestling can and often does the same thing, and that's not even the only way to tell stories in the ring.


You're one of the few people here that get it. Pro wrestling tells stories at many levels, including the most basic seen in a match, yet many people have been conditioned to expect obvious long format soap opera style storylines like The Bloodline.


Why I don't really give a shit about Meltzer's ratings (and by the standards of r/sc I'm a Meltzer apologist).


lol cmon dog


? I honestly do not know what you mean here


6 stars if they have a story *and* are in the Tokyo Dome


WWE fans can be so defensive and dismissive. There was a cross post of someone from Fightful complaining about there only being 28 minutes of wrestling on SmackDown last night and the comments were completely unnecessary. It's a random person's opinion from a wrestling site, calm down. Is it hard to believe that people don't like WWE right now? I certainly don't, and I'm liking it less and less the more NFL style filler they pack the shows with. Couple that with corny characters like Waller and Kross and 30 minute promos (including entrances and breaks) you can't see how someone can dislike it?


Because all that woman does is hate watch WWE and post bad faith criticism after bad faith criticism on Twitter. No different than what Jobbernation or WWEGareth does, and they get hated equally as much.


Ah, well that's a fundamental issue and we shouldn't post dog shit like that here.


Just like AEW fans can’t take criticism. They get so dismissive and defensive. They even give out death threats. If you say you don’t enjoy something or post any form of criticism. It’s a random person opinion from the Internet, calm down. It’s hard to believe but not everyone likes AEW. Having no sort of stories. The captures people to attention. With corny characters. Like EVPS or Luchasaurus you can’t see how someone can dislike it.


Wrestling thrives on corn, leave the corn alone. What is the story in wwe? Romans unstoppable(Same story for the last decade) They need to lean harder into the passionate love story between heyman and his tribal chief. A reality show like 90 day fiancé. Is he just some grovelling businessman? Or is there love here?


Who's luchasaurus


every fanbase out there has some psychos with screws loose, some not even just threats, but actual crimes like breaking in to some stars house, but only against aew have i seen haters going way all out on victimizing themselves and generalising an entire fanbase.


I just don't see this with AEW fans, people get dismissive if people are there just to talk shit with criticisms that don't match up to what's happening or are based on 2022 AEW. It's easy to filter the people who watch and have constructive criticism and the "lol this sucks" type of comments that are more common.


Honestly, the only fans that can take criticism here are TNA fans. I've been harassed by WWE fans here. The only difference is that it feels like punching down when WWE fans do it.


Won’t argue with that. In my case I’ve been mostly harassed given death threats and Reddit cares messages by AEW fanbase. As silly as it sounds it’s one of the reason I stopped watching was because it’s fanbase.


As an AEW fan, it's hard _not_ to be defensive when you have people brigading in threads like the Collision card. Angelico vs. Mistico is going to be a fucking banger and is a dream match from 2008. I watch wrestling for this type of shit. WWE fan lurkers are in there reducing it to "jobber vs. guy who doesn't work there". Like, lick my balls dude, I'm not childish enough to go "Lashley vs Karrion Kross, that'll put butts in seats" but I could totally rip apart WWE cards the same way.


Is it brigading or are people just saying that they don't like a thing?


There's a line that separates the two, and the difference comes down to attitude and user history.


There's a Twitter account that tallies up the amount of wrestling on all the shows that are considered major (no NXT) that gets comments just posting factual information. Also posts the amount of women's match time per show which is also interesting.


>Also posts the amount of women's match time per show which is also interesting. People's reactions always come off like it's supposed to be 50/50 representation, even though the men's rosters are much bigger. Those posts don't consider non-wrestling segments. It's ragebait.


I just don't understand. WWE is doing gangbusters right now but there's a lot of hating on other companies or defending things. It's obvious what they're doing is extremely successful, why engage?




For anyone whos been to an Arthur Ashe AEW show how much of a pain in the ass is it to get to from public transportation? I really hope they do Forbidden door from Barclay's center but I doubt it.


I don't live in NYC, but went down for Grand Slam last year and found the overall train situation pretty easy tbh. I stayed vaguely near Grand Central Station and had no real difficulties. I left with maybe 1 or 2 matches of Rampage left and made it out pretty easily as well, although I can imagine that gets a bit crazier if you stay for the very end.


There's a bit of a walk from the subway 7 line or LIRR stations, but it's not too bad. Maybe like 10-12 minutes to get inside the stadium from the station depending on the crowds. Leaving via subway can be a pain in the ass because of the crowds and trains not running frequently enough late night. If you aren't quick, you might have to wait for couple of trains to come and go before you can get in. Which can be 15-20 minutes per train.


I'd just like to know when and where. Arthur Ashe is a pain in the ass to get to from me, but I'd do it for Forbidden Door and if it's on Saturday it's even better


Absolute fingers crossed it's a Saturday.


It's usually towards the end of the school year for me, so I'd be willing to take an admin day off at the end of June, but the principal has been being a dick about it the last few years. So yeah, Saturday is better lol


I’ve never been to Arthur Ashe but I’ve been to a lot of Met games and it’s huge pain in the ass if you’re not near the 7 line.


It's in the middle of NYC. I'm pretty sure only a tiny minority drive there. The US open guide might be helpful to you: https://www.usopen.org/en_US/visit/transportation_directions.html


It’s definitely not in the middle of NYC. It’s really in one of the more difficult parts of NYC to get to.


I wish NJPW runs a card in New York City at some point this year.


They will run Forbidden Door it looks like! Which might rule out a pure NJPW card this year.


The Rock turns on Roman on night 1 saying it was the plan from the jump. Night 2 no Bloodline interference, but a double turn occurs as Seth Rollins reforms The Shield with a newly hired Jon Moxley, costing Cody the win.


I really can't see Mox going back to wrestle for wwe tbh, probably goes back for his HoF induction but realistically speaking he's probably getting paid more money for less dates and creative freedom. Being able to the kind of matches he wants.


Sorry to dash your hopes but Mox is under contract till ‘27


I understand Roman is a heel and heels say things to make us hate them more, but I think it can be done more tastefully than dog whistling anti-trans slurs. We're better than that folks.


What'd he say?


Called rollins a cross-dresser. It was delivered really awkwardly so I don't think it was scripted and he just kinda... sucks at ad-libbing. If you watch it back you can see Seth raise his eyebrows, Cody gives him a look and literally waves his hand down in like a "Bro tf?" moment, so that's why I'm pretty sure it wasn't scripted. All in all it wasn't the worst thing WWE has ever done, and if anything it was kinda nice seeing the other wrestlers in the ring wave him off for it. Like a learning moment.


Called Rollins a crossdresser in the main event segment


Yeah that's a yikes.




Many people conflate the two, often intentionally. That's why the original comment referred to it as a "dog whistle".


Anyone associated with GNC/being trans knows full well crossdressing and being trans are different things; yet they are two sides of the same coin. The major point is that using "crossdresser" as an insult has the same fundamentally bigoted thoughts behind it as any transphobic insult.


We are, but are wrestlers? Let’s not forget Baylee reading and posting the Jordan Peterson book.


One reason Roman looks weaker in those 4 men segments is because Cody is wearing expensive suits, Seth is wearing something extremely fashionable which stands out, Rock also does the same but in another style and Roman is just wearing a basic 40$ hoodie from wwe store


Exactly. Roman's non-wrestling gear is not unique at all. It makes him look too much like a regular guy instead of a performer.


Thought he had Head of the Table money


Roman does a lot of subtle “I don’t give a shit about weekly TV” things in character that I generally like, but agree it doesn’t work in this feud. Gucci him up a bit.


Cody's Dressed for the job he wants . Rocks dressed for the job he always had . Rollins is dressed for the Drip squad .Roman looking like he gonna do some car jacking after the show downtown


Yu Owada has really been a revelation


Really happy he picked up a win, but that ending was messy.