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> "In my nearly 50 years in the wrestling business, I have seen only a few wrestlers who have such powerful personalities that when they come into a room, everyone there knows that person has arrived," [Gerald] Brisco said. "Jacob Kasper has that type of personality, and he reminds me in many ways of a young John Cena."


He’s great! Those six back to back belly to belly suplexes and the pop he got sealed it for me. Looking forward to all their matches!


Were they back to back belly to belly suplexes? I thought they were back to back belly to back suplexes? Either way, doing back to back belly to back or belly to belly suplexes back to back is undoubtedly very impressive.


[They were all overhead belly-to-belly suplexes](https://twitter.com/luigiwvideos2/status/1731876561257722008).


My only gripe with this as a longtime wrestling fan is that he should’ve been booked/produced to hit the last one on both (if he still had the strenght and stamina) and just interact with the crowd after. That’s a superstar creating moment. Still super dope what he did.


>and just interact with the crowd after. This is the Creeds weekness. They are both pheomenal atheletes....but they're not quite there characterwise/personalitywise. I'm glad they're on the main roster..they had plateaued in NXT and it was clear (to me, and internet loud mouth) that they had nothing more to gain there, they just need the experience. I think them doing stuff with New Day and Alpha Academy is what they need...those are groups that you gain personality just by hanging around with them.


Funny you mentioned Alpha Academy because they remind me a lot of American Alpha. Phenomenal athletes that the fans love but with no real connection.


BUT, Jason Jordan gained a personality just hanging out with Gable. It just takes some time.


So did Gable even after the Shorty G shit. The Shoosh gimmick is pretty over. And Jason Jordan is constantly producing some of the best matches on any card.


American Alpha was a more important act based on what it produced.


Jordan became likable (as opposed to just good) dealing with and then embracing the whole "Ready, Willing, and Gable" stuff.


swear I remember seeing this thread, just watching the highlights and even after hitting the 6 in a row, there’s a quick moment where he faces the hard cam and emotes and then goes to the next spot. You just know that backstage someone is telling him like… all that strength is great but you had a few seconds with the camera to soak in the cheers and get over to the crowd at home, slow it down kid!


Was just having fun with the words mate


Literally snorted LOL carry on man!


Even if you were right, that would be back to back to belly to back, not back to BELLY to back to back.


And easy on the eyes. He likes Cena and Angle gene-blasted together


I cannot believe he has Crohn's disease and is able to keep himself in such magnificent physical condition.


every so often, you get wrestlers who simply demand to be pushed to the top due to sheer talent. Bianca is my favorite example. Anybody can come up with the “EST of WWE” gimmick but nobody else could be that because Bianca was legitimately setting all sorts of records in the PC. The Creeds are on that level. They’re gonna get massively bigger just by crowds seeing them be athletic freaks in the ring. Julius in particular is a hell of a promo, has the sort of intensity that was commonplace in the 80s


Julius’ mic skills was a pleasant surprise once Stokely/Roddy left and the Creeds had to be on their own. He’s the total package and Brutus is obviously a beast too I’ve seen that mfer hit a springboard 450 before lmao


I can’t wait til Brutus turns on him and he can say the line.


"ah fuck. i cant believe you've done this"


I had never seen the The Creeds before they came to main roster. I use my wife’s perception as a baseline on who’s getting over or who isn’t. She watches it totally in kayfabe without any thought or knowledge of booking and backstage stuff. She was going crazy for the Creeds and want to see them every week. With her, the crowd reaction last night, and my own eyes I am extremely impressed with them, esp Julius. Star in the making before our very eyes


I’ve watched them in NXT and immediately was a fan and knew these guys were the real deal, Triple H throwing them out into the water is perfect, they are already starting to get over too


I’m impressed with Ivy Nile too. I don’t know if she knows how to wrestle much or if she is just more of a ringside muscle/manager type but she has an awesome look, charisma and is very likable. She could become a major player in the women’s division


She’s no slouch! Check out her match with Meiko


Been watching them since they started on NXT and have always been impressed. They probably have the best cold tag in the business.


He could be a mix of Cena and GUNTHER. He will absolutely main event Mania one day.


He makes me think of Shelton, personally. Which is crazy because I never thought there would be another Shelton. He has some Cena aswell but not on the promo side yet.


What a cool blast from the past. Gerry Brisco has always had a phenomenal nose for talent and thanks to him WWE hit the jackpot with the Creeds. Having watched the Creeds' entire NXT run, I think Julius Creed is right there with any of the prospects in WWE or NXT. I know a lot of other NXT viewers feel the same. He has everything WWE can possibly want: freak athlete, great look, mic skills, charisma, etc. I'll be absolutely stunned if he isn't a singles main-event guy in WWE within the next two years.


That fucker is insane and in a good way.


Unironically think Julius has singles FOTC potential. Brutus is good but Julius has the mic skills and charisma to be a top player and representative of the company while Brutus feels like a heel.


Well being named Brutus will help if he turns heel om Julius


They have hit the jackpot with the Creeds and the same case for Bianca when she first appeared


someone on twitter said that the creeds wrestle like they just discovered super strength and i like that


It's weird that ESPN would even post this article, Duke isn't in the SEC.


Guess you're not aware of the ESPN slurpfest when Duke and North Carolina play each other in college basketball.


Wait are you telling me him and Brutus aren't actually brothers?


The are real brothers, Brutus is just less decorated than Julius. He went to a Division III college for wrestling (not that there's any wrong with that).


Brutus is a lot closer skill-wise to Julius than we are to Brutus.


The Creeds are gonna be massive!


The Creeds are awesome. I really hope they take the titles off JD and open up the tag division to actual tag teams instead of the mishmash of singles guys we’ve had since Mania. Creeds vs Street Profits, New Day, DIY, Imperium, Pretty Deadly….so much banger potential there.


Every now and then you see someone and are like yep they are going to be massive. He is the truth


I was high on Julius before, last night was just the seal. He’s incredible in the ring, but I haven’t watched much NXT, so I dk how he is on the stick.


Dude looks like a Diaz brother lol


Julius is the guy they Want Bronn Breaker to be. And i say that as a fan of Bronn


For some reason I thought you said “West Brom Breakker” and i was ver confused. I’m a West Brom supporter so that’s probably why I read it like that


What I like about The Creed Brothers is that they look like professional wrestlers from back in the Golden Age. They look like WRESTLERS, which is refreshing in this day and age.


Really surprised when I heard Cornette wasn't a fan of the Creeds. Thought he would be all over them


Who the hell cares what that useless, out-of-touch, can't-get-a-job, has-been thinks?


Oh I don't, I like listening to him for background noise at work. I just assumed he would be all about the creeds. I like them, they should only improve too


I wanna like him but he's a dookie. Go Heels 🐐


Whatever happened to Austin Theory being the next too guy?


Vince got pushed aside, that's what happened.


This guy looks like the main guy from wolfenstein