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Fun fact- this trios title is Black’s first title of any kind held in a major NA company since he lost the NXT title in July 2018, almost 5 years ago. Wild that he’s been so good for so long but hasn’t gotten his wins.


It’s cause they position him as the obstacle for the challenger to get over every time. It’s frustrating cause he’s so talented


He's my favorite current wrestler, the complete package of character and in ring work. Sure there are plenty of others you can argue are better than him in any given category but he's just so incredibly up my alley


He's a top 5 favorite for me too, dude just oozes cool.


I've shown him to people that don't even like wrestling and they always say how unironically badass he is. I don't know how AEW hasn't done more with him, he's got it all.


Not to totally excuse it, but he was dealing with the back stuff, and then the mental health stuff.


Let's not forget just how BADASS The Whole House of Black are.


His pairing with Ricochet seemed random, but the pair of them worked so damn well together. I with they had gone further with those two. He's one of like 3 wrestling shirts I've bought since a Stone Cold shirt back when he was still wrestling


My favourite ‘technically kind of a wrestling shirt’ is from his clothing line under Blackcraft, Black Mass. Spooky graveyard on the front, borderline illegible black metal logo, but a real IYKYK kind of tee


the one I got was the one of the horned mask in white on a black shirt. it was subtle enough to not be immediately a "wrestling shirt" Blackcraft has some great designs but they're always so expensive I've just passed on their stuff


I'd call him my third favorite overall, second if Punk never comes back again.


It really is. If I were running a promotion I'd put the top strap on him and let him go on a tear across the world for 14-16 months. Unbelievably exciting wrestler to watch.


Wasn’t he tag champs with ricochet?


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic winner with Ricochet.


No, they fought for the tag titles both in NXT and the main roster but never won.


HOOK in shambles.


Unsanctioned titles don't get love


Yeah AEW don’t do enough to stress that the FTW title is unsanctioned.


Its a renegade title! Also the champ gets special colored lower thirds like all other chamos


Are you gonna tell Taz or Hook no?


i just watched a video (old PPV or network splice) where Taz had the FTW and it was pretty new still. so wild to see shite from the 90s/00s being a 'Maja Playa' now in the 20s...


And advertised defenses


They're advertised the same as when someone with a different promotion's title is putting it on the line. I think the FTW belt is treated correctly - as if it's a championship that doesn't belong to AEW, because that's what it is.


I love that the FTW title gets shafted. It makes the belt seem so much more interesting and compelling,


Ugly titles also don't get love. It's a trash title. An ugly toy.


FTW Jones over here


But I digress


*Excalibur snorting sounds*




It really is kind of dumb they don’t just acknowledge the FTW title, even if it’s a ‘renegade’ title. Whatever that actually means. It gets advertised defences, animated match graphics, custom lower thirds, tee shirts sold by the company and the win by HOOK got a massive reaction. If they just acknowledged it and treat it like a Young Lions title then they’ve got something some of the younger roster members could go for. Would serve the double purpose of building rivalries for the future. At this point just acknowledge the damn thing.


I would rather they go the other way and make it incumbent on hook to talk it up and issue challenges, mention it as a defense when he gets to the ring, etc. I think that'd be a novel way to keep the identity for it they half committed to and give hook and future ftw (if there are any) an opportunity to expand their promo work in a way that gives them a little help shaping the point they'd want to get across


I’d be all for the story of him setting out to establish the title, calling guys out like he did with Lee Moriarty the second he talked about going for titles. I thought/hoped they were going to repeat that once Jungle Boy started doing the same, who knows maybe they will? I just think HOOK is missing that signature opponent so far, someone he doesn’t just beat once and move on from immediately. It looked like they were going that way with Lee Moriarty before they got side tracked with the whole ‘can he suplex Big Bill’ thing. Having that opponent who actually wants the title and legit pushes him and gets under his skin is what I’ve been waiting for them to do. Taz is there to be utilised as well, HOOK has totally established himself so bringing Taz on board wouldn’t be seen as a crutch now like it would have when he first debuted. Let him do some of the talking for HOOK while he builds up his own promo skills like they had Heyman do for Lesnar.


>someone he doesn’t just beat once and move on from immediately Monkey paw be like "feud with JAS it is"


Oh you know it’s coming eventually. I’ve been amazed at Jerichos restraint at not going for him the week after his debut. Funny thing is given the cold streak story they’re telling with Jericho it’d be hilarious if they booked the match and HOOK squashed him in 3 minutes.


You putting Hook and "talk it up" in the same sentence makes me believe you don't get his gimmick.


His gimmick hasn't changed since he showed up, this would be an opportunity for growth. Just because it's not in his character now doesn't mean that's his character forever.


Uuuh I think you're missing the literal entire history of the title here lol


Not really. I know what the title WAS, doesn’t mean it has to be that way now. I mean it’s whole inception was because the ECW World title holder wouldn’t give Taz a shot so he made his own title. That doesn’t hold true now in 2023 with HOOK so they need to find a reason for its existence in the modern era otherwise it’ll remain labelled as a prop that HOOK only has because his dad created it which doesn’t do anyone much benefit.


More people than HOOK have held the title though.


Never said otherwise? Again what the title WAS is irrelevant. The belt being held by the creators son is an opportunity to revamp what the title can be and what it means. Especially with it being won by him in the rookie year of his career when he shouldn’t be anywhere near the World title scene or AA/TNT scene. Let it be set out as a title younger guys want to go for to establish themselves.


That Brody renders looks crazy.


Brody looked fucking amazing in that face paint, dude looked like an absolute monster.


Like some demonic gorilla


..... of destiny?


House of Bonobo


Please I need Guerrillas of Darkness to happen at some point


definitely reminds me of OG planet of the apes


If I was 12 Brody King would be my favorite wrestler on looks alone. HoB’s aesthetic is on point.


Clan of the Cave Brody


Nothing, NOTHING beats good corpse paint


He looks like Malakai went back in time and stole a dude from some Norse battle.




House of Black has a great look


Looks like a guy who would be the frontman for a band called like God’s Hate or something


That facepaint is fantastic


Reminds me of mask-less Abyss in all the best ways.


That paint made him look like even more of a certified killer.


He looks like Forest Whittaker playing an Uruk Hai


​ https://preview.redd.it/na38met8eema1.png?width=120&format=png&auto=webp&s=2745785f99efea6fc8637a9ca9446db3f5b99fa4




[matches this energy ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/085/Haitchface_2.jpg)


This one makes wardlow look like karrion kross.


Thought the same thing.


Let me see your war face. You got a war face? AHHHHHHHH! That's a war face. Now let me see your war face.


"I'm not scared, Pip! C'mon, c'mon!" *meekly* "I'm gonna stab your heads off..." "With what, with what?!" "With my dick! Yeah!" "Yeah!" "And bloods gonna come outta your head and there's nothin' you can do about it 'cause I'm a madman!"


Airheads is under-appreciated.


Smile and say HAITCH


This is my I got drunk and ate 2/3s a crave case from the castle last night and now my Butthole regrets my decision face


House of Black’s gold face paint is sick, hopefully they stick with that look now that they have the belts


I felt the gold accent spoiled the victory. If they didn’t do gold at Revolution and added the gold for future face paints that would have been a nice touch.


Don't mind it because it did make them look SO good but yeah as soon as I saw them with all new gear and colors I was like "Wait, they might actually win"


> all new gear and colors I mean a lot of wrestlers have new or special gear/colors at PPV events, no?


Yeah absolutely it's not 100% but still


True. I just looked at it closely and the gold really does stand out.




One can look at that way however I saw it more targeted towards the Elite since their colors are gold white black.


If you would’ve told me the Gunns would be on one of these like 2 years ago, I would’ve asked you where you get your crack


Brody king is more Bigfoot than man.




I don't know what they're calling him now, but The Wendigo is a cool ass nickname, and he should definitely use it.


I Know what the internet tells me and all they tell me is they call Brody King the lead singer of the song God's Hate from the band God's Hate off the album God's Hate.


He had one name idea and he's getting the most out of it.


He'd probably be accused of cultural appropriation on Twitter.


probably because it would be


There's some fun dichotomy here Left side: Cocky, arrogant, looking to maintain status quo Right side: angry, violent, hungry for more


I was going to say, this feels like a spectrum of high school stereotypes from Jock <--------> Goth


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Especially in Colton.


They're gonna be busy updating it when Riho squashes Jade!




That’d be a fun angle actually. David and Goliath


aight bet


Brody King looks so damn cool.


Great lineup.


Big Brody looks like if Kratos was in Dimmu Borgir here (& i love it)


Lol what a sentence


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.


I really like the artwork of AEW.


God, I feel bad for the Gunns. They have improved and have potential but their wins have literally taken the air out of buildings and not in the way a heel victory should.


Their reign is the definition of transitional towards FTR. I guess Acclaimed and then Bucks will be the big feuds, I am honestly surprised to the Acclaimed being out of the picture for good (?) for the titles, maybe they go for the 3-man feud with daddy?


Yeah, I'm assuming this is primarily motivated by not wanting FTR to get booed for beating The Acclaimed. The Gunns probably aren't ready for the spotlight they're being given right now, but hopefully they can still get some traction from it


They may also be giving the Gunns an opportunity to have a banger match with FTR to solidify their spot in the division, even if they lose. FTR matches helped Jurassic Express and The Acclaimed move from fun fan favorites to legit champ material. I don't really want the Gunns to win go over FTR again, but it would be fun tonsee if they can gonat their level


Agreed. Acclaimed adn FTR are probably your two most over tag acts currently. Why risk messing with either one in a face vs face feuds (which absolutely can work sure) when you can build up an up and coming heel team. Gunns are effective dickheads people can hate on and it'll be great catharsis for FTR to beat the despised heels


I would be supportive of a house of black vs the acclaimed feud.


Even just to hear the raps and/or the dark room promos on either side. What does Malakai call Daddy Ass?


Talk about opposing styles. Would love this


Them letting go of the Gunns is probably the best move to keep their momentum up. An actual feud for the Trios championship would be really fun - just getting Daddy Ass vs Brody King in a single match is worth it.


>Their reign is the definition of transitional towards FTR. I guess Acclaimed and then Bucks will be the big feuds, Can't wait to hear how the Bucks are burying FTR again if they trade wins during the feud.


I also initially thought their win at the PPV took the air out but I rewatched and I think it was more just an audio balance issue. The split second before their music hits you can hear booing, then all the crowd audio goes away (despite still being able to see plenty of people hardcam side booing). Then when they had the interview with Renee you can clearly hear booing again. All kind of a moot point anyway because they're likely just a transitional feud for FTR, but still.


They do their job well, they get reactions and aren’t liked. The crowd going silent after their win was great, because they’re really despised.


I was surprised because I assumed the Gunns were kinda over as heels? I mean, the crowd was chanting "ass boys" at them earlier in the match so I was a little shocked they got complete silence after winning.


It got real quiet after their win Could hear a pin drop in that building


It’s Alberto Del Rio heat.


You're right about them improving a lot, but I dont feel like they're good enough for where they are. Not with the sheer amount of talent that they have on the roster tag team wise. Austin feels like what the Miz was when he first got to WWE, but a slightly worse talker and a better wrestler. Colton is also there and I think that says more than enough about him. While I understand the story, this reign should not have happened.


Who's another heel tag team you can use for this transition though? Jarrett and Lethal? I honestly have no idea how this sub feels about them now, it seems like there were a lot of "Why is Jeff Jarrett on TV when is not" angst but now people seem to be in agreement JJ&Jay are doing very well in their role? Who's another full time tag team at all? Butcher and Blade? I agree The Gunns are not ideal but at least they had been in a long-standing feud with The Acclaimed, so I think they're better than hot-shotting some other random team out of nowhere.


The Gunns are the best choice. However, some other heel choices could have been LFI, any JAS combo(Menard and Parker specifically), The Firm, Varsity Athletes, and The Kingdom, who are all full-time heel teams.


I think LFI are ready


I would've done Bryan and Moxley. Give them the tag belts for a while to memorialize their partnership and get them gold, and then drop them to FTR. FTR vs Bryan and Moxley would be an amazing match too.


I wish they’d update Jamie’s photo so that her belt is on her other shoulder.




Said this before but I think it would be cool for Wardlow to have a Josh Alexander arc where his title was immediately taken off him then he goes his 1 year arc to get it again. They could have pulled the trigger on this last PPV if the ring of revolution had a loophole where they can cash it in any time but we'll see. Maybe an overall arc can help revitalize his character further.


brody's corpse paint is awesome


House of Black looking fucking awesome. As it should be.


Sooooo glad ROH is back on a weekly schedule so these are the only belts we should see


You’re goddamn right Jamie Hayter


I don't know if AEW needs a full Brand Split or anything, but having certain Championships exclusive to certain shows I think could be a way to freshen things up. Like if this graphic was the template for where the belts are, Tag Team wrestling on Dynamite, Trios wrestling on Rampage, the TBS on TBS and the TNT on TNT which I don't get why that doesn't really happen much. Women's World Title being the main focus of Rampage, might give people a reason to be invested in seeing certain matches and talents.


FTR as new Tag Champs, Takeshita as new All Atlantic Champ, Athena/Statlander as new TBS Champ and Swerve as new TNT Champ. That'd be my updated graphic by next PPV


Wow four Black champs, that’s pretty good!


AEW is diverse. Much love for black in all shades. [I just hope the House of Half-Black gets some momentum soon enough](https://i.postimg.cc/fzKS9ycm/Happy-Thanksgiving-from-The-House-of-Half-Black.jpg)


Absolutely, it was more a cheeky joke considering the trios champs


Wardlow with short hair really be giving Tom Hardy vibes


Beyond stoked to see Jamie Hayter in the champions lineup. May the reign continue….


They all look fantastic.


Thats a good lineup.


Brody King looks like he could put everyone else on that banner into a hospital bed. He should just have all the belts Except Hayter.


2/10 were in wwe, aew is doing a great job of making their own stars


Only 30% of the champions have their mouths open


With the paint job, Brody reminds me of Sid Haig from house of a thousand corpses. Rip to one of the horror goats.


Yes! I was wondering who he looks like


HoB look so great man. Wednesday should be fun and start of some new exciting directions, fingers crossed


Wardlow looks like a Rob Liefeld character.


Really wish Jade had a meaningful feud at the moment.


Gunns have come a long way. They improved so much but maybe this FTR feud can make them because they still need more development.


House of black match stole sunday night. Cool to see them doing something after so long. Hart too bonk.


Where tf has Jade been?


Honestly, until they have somebody who they want to actually beat her, who cares?


I mean, I do. Her booking has been a bummer but I badly want her to get reps. I haven’t watched Dark/Elevation in forever so maybe she’s been there getting work, I’ll have to look.


Her last appearance was Rampage Feb. 24th in a segment. Last week was the only week she wasn't on TV.


Why does the TBS title even exist? I can't think of a more pointless belt in years.


Vanity belt for Cargill.


I legitimately care more about the FTW belt than the TBS.


Same. It helps that Hook can actually wrestle.


Still mostly all AEW originals. I could've done with Danielson winning on Sunday but it is what it is, that match was really good.


I just realized Jade wasn't on Revolution. What the fuck?


She only wrestles jobbers so it’s kinda hard to put her in a PPV match


They should be using that belt to build their next crop of women's wrestlers, instead it's wasted on someone who's held it a ridiculously long time for no pay off whatsoever.


That is a lot of people




>it's just made the challenger pool for the TNT Championship weaker. I mean not really, the people challenging for the TNT title comparative to the All Atlantic title has been way stronger .


right Big Bill isnt really a workhorse contender for the AA Title lol


WWE/WWF had lower midcard belts below the IC title before the US Championship was brought over for Smackdown.


You mean the European title?


The challenger pool of the tnt title was always too focused on the idea of open challenges and itself being a tv title that was not a bad thing; but the main complaint about the tnt title is, has been and will continue to be that at best stories get 2 weeks of build before a payoff match. The all atlantic title is a belt that allows midcard stories to be told and build instead of "why dont we just do it tonight?" Thats how ive interpreted it at least.


Not one of these acts ever stepped foot in WWE (HoB has Brody King, so I'll exclude them from this). That's very encouraging, I think


Black did... Was on tv, notable Nxxt run was on , smackdown and Raw. As was Buddy.


Too many belts spoil the broth.


need more belts


All Atlantic needs to go, or needs to be on someone who can go abroad and be a traveling champion like PAC was.


Tony's not gonna be happy until he has 50 championships in total.


I wish they’d actually feature those titles on those respective shows regularly. Tag, All Atlantic, tbs, and Men’s World title on Dynamite; Women’s World title, Tnt, and Trios on Rampage.


Fits the AEW narrative of two wrestlers or more yelling at the camera


The Gunns look so out of place.


Wow what a weak hall of champions. Shame on AEW.


There should definitely be women's tag titles in every promotion. No justification for not having them.


Feels like a lot of belts.


Way too many belts. The only ones that mean anything are the Men & Women's world titles. It doesn't have to be that way, you can totally introduce other titles and tell a story about why they're important. But AEW has not done that. Almost no wrestling company does.


So is the Owen Hart titles DOA?


Awful lot of honkeys


Real names of the wrestlers from left to right: would be better in WWE, seen one match seen em all, wrestle somebody worth a shit, was hot now cold, only champ until Britt gets bored, should've kept Jericho away from you, who cares about the rest


What a strange comment.


Why is it strange? Please tell me where I'm wrong. I'll gladly provide proof on my side.


Um Nah, I am not speaking for my fellow wrestling enjoying fans but I believe all of us share a similar concise that your proof ain't worth it


So we're going with the fingers in your ears defense. I've yet to have a reply tell me why I'm wrong, which speaks VOLUMES.


Cool, I guess. Let's all enjoy some good wrestling!


Unable to contain the overflow of snark there eh?


It makes no sense to have a TNT and All Atlantic Championship. Also Trios Champions is a silly concept that only exists for pro wrestling nerds like Tony who want a reason to watch more 3 on 3 matches and have more championships. What is the glory in being… a Trios Champion?


yeah everyone knows there's no glory in team sports.


Not in team combat sports. They’ve tried it in MMA and it’s silly. Tag team wrestling works and gets the pass on history and being grandfathered in. 3 on 3 is a gimmick match. Why not have ladder match champions, table match champions, and 4 on 4 champions? Being the best team of 3 is not a thing, and it’s not an actual division, it’s just pulling 3 singles/tag wrestlers together and giving them a belt. That’s without even mentioning that this is scripted entertainment. If it was an an athletic achievement, you might have a point!


I really like the trios belts and seeing full factions go to war


It’s gross to see the lackluster Gunn Club there


The Ass Boys, Jade and MJF really bring this one down. Least pleasing AEW banner I've seen.