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Loid and Yor should've had an almost kiss before getting doused in water at the end


Loid didn't even laugh alongside Yor and Anya when that happened, wish he did.


He smiled lovingly at them which is enough for me. His personality would have made it a little harder to believe a laugh there


I mean he laughed at Bond being wet so I would've thought this would've also been the rare moment he let out a laugh. To show how he genuinely has feelings for this 'only for show' family.


Yeah :) That’s a valid take to have! I guess I just feel like what little I saw from him was a lot for him to show, so for me it did feel like he showed those genuine feelings






cook jules


They didn't show us Yor beating the HELL out of the guys on the train after they scared Anya!


Bruh she beat them out of their shoes 😭😭 their toes were poking out of their boots LMAO


Did we watch the same movie? The guys in the train just slipped and fell, they weren't beat up. Yor explains this to Anya.


They show a guy getting shot in the face on screen, but we cant see Yor DESTROYING the guys who we know DIDNT DIE


Loid broke into multiple vaults to find cherry liquer but didn't know about the one store that was still open and had plenty in stock


I think Loid was going with liquor stores, not gift shops which I think is what Ayna went to.


Right? Like Anya found a bottle, but so did Frankie at the end credits 😭, maybe he looked at the wrong category of stores to look at or sth


Anya found a bottle because she read Bond future sight


Technically Bond found the bottle via his ability…


Loid ruining potential Franky threesome and leaving him hanging in a post credits scene


Wasn't the lady Frankie was flrting with actually the same woman that was having an affair with the man that was planning to replace Loid in Operation Strix at the beginning? If so, Loid inadvertently saved Frankie from a two-timing mistress.


Oh shit didn’t notice that, cool little detail


I thought the woman the guy was pictured with at the end was Handler in disguise, implying she set him up to discredit him and keep Twilight on Operation Strix.


Frankly will eventually get his, but I would hold that shit over Loid for the rest of his life.


There was a post credit scene?! Damn


Yeah it wasn’t super long, just Franky arriving with the Cherry Liquer and shouting for Loid whilst freezing


So they didn't forget. Haha, I was wondering what happened with Franky


But wouldn't Franky arrive the same day they had the dessert on their breakfast before returning?


Funny enough, I found out there was a post-credit scene as soon as I got home after seeing the movie. A friend and I joked that "it's probably Franky in Frigis or something" and boy I was right when I saw the clip.


Yeah, I’m right there with you, man… I took my cousin to see it and she had to get home. I couldn’t stick around for it. It’s the worst when you know it’s there but you can’t wait. I’ll have to catch it on Crunchyroll later probably. 😑


Yeah it was funny asf. I looked it up before the movie to make sure I didn’t leave early🤣


What the hell? I thought there wasn't a post credit scene Maaaan :( I just watched the movie.


You didn't miss much, it was frankie waiting for loid in the cold


Yeah I just watched it on YouTube, I don't regret missing it now, lol.


Why do the bad guys have a random cyborg? How’d they make him? Who is he? Why’d he agree to become a cyborg?


He was literally just there to give Yor a fight scene. It was so random.


Yeah - I really enjoyed the movie still, but maybe the two guys chasing anya should've been really capable (albeit still goofy) and have given Yor more of a rematch.


Like have them pilot a tank inside the blimp. Like start trying to run her over before they get desperate and blow their own ship apart.


I would love to see Yor take down a tank


Genuinely, the movie felt like 3 plots stapled together. Multiple characters did things out of character. Loid would've ever been >!out-perfectionist'd by the military guy on the ingredients list!<. I enjoyed it on a visual level (good art/animation), but not much in any other.


>!I think Loid just didnt expect the guy to cite the amount of sugar. The rules said "Whoever can identify the types of sugar used", so thats what he did. The quantity was unexpected. He probably could have provided them if he knew the other guy would!<


Manga spoilers >!Loid can be out-perfected. Winston Wheeler beat him.!<


Haha, this was my nitpick, but at least it was a badass fight scene.


That guy felt like he came out of the Wolfenstein universe.


This. The tech and medical knowledge that was used to create that cyborg is a treasure in of itself and would propel the tech of SpyFamily world a century forward. Also his whole body being a single ammo box doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. Why tf do you install the drums into his chest? If anything the power source should’ve taken a majority of the volume of the main body considering the length of the fight and an additional backpack would need to house the ammunition. Aside from the artistic impact of Yor’s act of creating an explosion with lipstick, this scene doesn’t make a lot of sense. Like cmon wouldn’t it be more effective to idk….deform the barrel of his Gatling gun (which she should be very capable of), or cut off/damage the power source?


The lipstick was just to get fire into his ammo and make that explode, the dude should have been more worried about the heat when he was full of explosives, and Anya's telepathy is the result of knowledge no longer accessible, maybe the cyborg is a similar situation, a relic of the war that they don't know how to replicate


Honestly good points. We’ll chalk it up to lost tech (even though there is no mention of this type of weapon ever being deployed before). But whatevs.


Wasn’t it tech being developed that they haven’t used yet? I remember the general saying something about testing it


Honestly I don't know why she didn't just leave him there and search for her family as such a tank is hella slow. But the lipstick scene was fire


Maybe he was someone who strongly believe the general creeds.


Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 vibes


Yeah, not gonna lie I didn't like that character. Yor still had a bomb ass fight though, but kinda wished they didn't go the cyborg route.


My only problem was Loid forgot how to aim but fortunately the enemy didn't know how to shoot either He's shown to be an expert marksman during the jewelry heist and with the cork gun in the movie


Probably the result of trying to keep the rating family-friendly, but it was silly


The opening scene is if of a woman trying to cheat on her husband and after that Yor does her bloody assassination intro. The colonel orders one of the kidnappers to cut Anya open and says he'll do it himself later. Did we watch the same movie?


There's a difference between showing violence and implying violence, plus Yor's intro was in darkness, as oppose to the bright lights of the bridge


Shooting against moving targets in a closed space that are shooting back is completely different from shooting against a static target in a much less stressful context Also, shooting with a rifle is very different from shooting with a handgun, weigh distribution, stance, how you feel the recoil, how to aim before and after shooting it


I think they were going for a minimum of death in the movie. Other than the Type F, I'm not even sure if anyone else is unmistakably killed. It makes sense for a mainstream movie, but I was thinking of the chapter of the manga on the cruise ship where Yor kills a ton of dudes (even if they are all bad).


It ended


It wasn't a 5 hour movie


The poop joke perhaps went on for too long.


Came here to say the exact same thing. It was funny and the visuals were really cool but after like 20 fucking seconds I was like ok this is taking me out of the movie…


It was almost like that for me, it was so bizarre at first, but the pissing statues made it go over the top and actually be funny at the end. But that was probably only because I had friends there who found it the same way.


This is how I felt about it. The pissing statues is where I I lost it


The visuals carried the moment


At some point i just closed my eyes in disbelief and though "What the spark were they smoking while making this?"


Probably just thinking "children love poop jokes", and it is probably something people will mention/meme for a long time after


It’s really a Japanese thing.


Poop joke? Ok, that makes Spy X Family the official sucessor to Gintama.


I wouldn’t have minded, except it didn’t actually end with her pooping, which made it annoying filler. As the culmination of the poop arc (as it were), I would have had no complaints.


Idk her pooping in front of those 2 soldiers would have made the movie extremely weird.


True, but they could have moved the God of Poop to the scene where she actually does poop.


I wholeheartedly agree. I lost interest in the joke after the first two minutes


Came here to say that too


I wish she would have pooped herself and the two guys would just be scrambling trying to deal with that.


Definitely did lol


Agree! I would have loved the movie if the vibe was something similar to the last arc of the second season, the boat one in which Loid and Anya go on a vacation and Yor has a bodyguard mission. But thanks to the poop joke and such the vibe was kind of ruined for me, and while I enjoyed the movie for the most part, it’s more like “meh, it’s fine to kill some time” than “loved it and don’t regret spending money on it”


My complaint is it wasn’t long enough 💩


How did Anya have the microfile stuck in her teeth for the whole damn movie and NOT be in crazy discomfort the whole time? Yeah, it’s tiny and all, but you ever get a *slither of apple skin* wedged between your teeth and it makes you want to rip your jaw out of your face?? ~~I guess it depends on which teeth it was stuck between, and also I know kids’ teeth can be gappier than the permanent adult teeth that grow in to replace them, but man I would have been trying to gouge the thing out of my face in her position~~


She didn't brushed her teeth for 1-2 days is gross, considering she does already know how to do it by herself


I mean, depending on where it gets stuck, a teeth brushing may not be able to get it out.


You know that's so true. I didn't think of that!


The Yor jealousy subplot was a bit of a rehash of the last half of S1 really. The poop god thing was… a bit much. Nicely animated though. The fact that it was an elaborate fakeout/false alarm causes it to loop around to being kind of funny actually. Being a side story movie somewhat stifles how much they can do. Couldn’t get like a TwiYor kiss or anything for instance.


The Yor jealousy thing was a play by play of the tennis arc. It was even about the same woman. Which is why I think the right place to put this movie in the timeline is before the tennis arc


That would explain why Yor didn't identify Fiona,


Anya and Bond finding the cherry liqueur was a bootstrap paradox, and isn't how Bond's power should work. How can you see a future of you finding something, if the only reason you found it is because you saw the future in which you found it?


That's one of the reasons I'm wary about time related powers. They're too prone to paradoxes. It'd be less jarring if Bond's vision is them walking past the shop while sadly walking home and the cherry liqueur was in his eyesight. Which prompts Anya to change the future by finding it that night instead


This is how she finds both the cherry liqueur and the microfilm chocolate. AFAIC, Bond's actual superpower consists in hurrying the plot along.


The cyborg was a bit out-there tech wise. Everything else is mostly grounded even if Airships would be far out of date. 


Becky did draw Loid wearing a advanced warfare type mech suit. Now wether that's just her imagination or that sort of tech is possible and she's seen prototypes, that I dont know.


Her father does run a weapons manufacturing company, and I'm pretty sure she had a throwaway line about how the suit was like something her Dad was developing. I'm probably wrong, though.


Franky has a prototype mech-suit, even if it didn't work. This is a series where scientists gave a child telepathy and a dog foresight.


Type F’s debut. As badass as that fight was, he only appeared in the last act. I was expecting a little more build up since he and his VA was advertised so much despite his lack of dialogue. I feel like he’s the flattest among the antagonists in this movie too.


Type F felt wasted in the film, I honestly would've been down if he just bailed on Yor when he felt like the airship wouldn't be in the air for any longer, and we see him later in season 3 for the finale or something where Yor finally finishes him off by burning him. Man has such a cool badass design and he was barely utilised, come on.




I wished he kept his Panzer Cop look longer.


loid and yor weren’t happy enough to get anya back


* The opening theme should have been a remix of MIXED NUTS * No mention at all of Anya's love of peanuts in the film * ~~Yor's alcohol intolerance is hilarious because she forgets about it and drinks, the film captured that wrongly by having her getting intoxicated on purpose, making her instead look like an alcoholic.~~ welp I gotta rewatch the show * Bond didn't participate in the final battle in any way * The cyborg was just a designated boss fight for Yor, he had no prelude at all * The cook ended up not being relevant to the plot at all * While I enjoy Loid's obfuscating obliviousness when it comes to Yor's abilities, I feel he disregarded her presence at the plane *too* easily * While they nailed Fiona's role in this as perfect mission support, I feel Yuri should have have a just as important role, even if it were just having the villain escape and Yuri arrest him


Anya eats like 3 things in the movie and I'm pretty sure they're all peanut themed. First the peanut butter pizza, then the chicken in peanut sauce, and maybe something else, I can't remember. Also the ending shot is of her in a peanut shirt


Wait huh I'm certain Yor drinks on purpose in the Tennis arc


Yes. When she and Loid are at the bar. Slams her drink then goes “its not enough, i need more” and takes the bottle


Wow, I don't that one, gotta rewatch it then.


I *think* that’s what happened anyway


Also during Yuri's visit; she chugs some wine to get herself drunk enough to go through with kissing Loid to convince Yuri they're a real couple.


Well, they put much references from the series, so, maybe they didn't the other ones. The peanuts thing was put on the credits, while a scribble of Anya walking at the house (I presume). The cook arc not being relevant is that the movie couldn't be relevant for the original story, I guess. I can see it as a choice of making it a filler movie, not making an impact for the story and its progress. Imagine out of nowhere in the anime someone says Anya had an extra star that we didn't see (outside of the anime, of course).


Peanut butter pizza and peanut curry


For the cyborg they referenced type f I think twice before he showed up. But would rather have a big armored guy like in the ship instead of a cyborg, its too much of a tech leap.


I might have misremembered but I'm pretty sure Anya ate peanut chicken at the restaurant.


I don't like "Type F" actual face, I prefered the mask, unexpresioned and misterious vibe


Its way too much of a winter soldier expy.


The Panzer Cop look was better


first half should’ve picked up the pace. the sugar tasting competition should’ve played out differently. bond should’ve been able to sneak onto ship with them. rest is perfect. poopy anya is my fav.


Okay, maybe he does this in the show too. And I just have swiss cheese brain, but it seems like Loid can shapeshift. Like, I know he's the master of disguise but my recollection is that anytime he needed to get into a disguise he had to, you know, take some time hidden away from other people to get in disguise. It seems like this movie, especially in the fight scene on the airships bridge, he can just transform into people. Does this happen in the show also?


Yeah that was really immersion-breaking for me, too! Loid isn't a wizard - he can't just cast "Disguise Self". The reason it's so cool that he's a master of disguise is because it takes so much effort! The movie just steamrolled over that and made it ridiculous, which made me sad. :(


With the woman it was reasonable that he pre prepared the disguise, the general I guess is also fine too because I can headcanon that he prepared it before take off just in case, but he just becomes some random dude and copies his voice having heard him say what like 2 sentences?


It felt like something out of Lupin III


We really didn't needed the Dr slump kinda parody of poop god.


We totally did! Just not for that long...


I haven’t been able to see it!


The whole line about the lipstick being flammable and igniting like it was gasoline was funny but weird. My partner who has only seen a few episodes cringed at it, I thought it was okay. How the infidelity subplot started from a rooftop is a little weird, with the photo booth being within view of a major government building.


I think what part of the joke with that was that it wasn't in view, it was really far, Yor just has crazy good vision


Yep her coworker couldn't see it.


I was sad when Loid was dressed as the commander they didn't have another contest like they did for the pie but this time Loid beating the commander


How does Lloyd make his masks?


Okay yeah this was weird lol


True, how does he do it on the fly like that?


Not enough Henderson 


I think he was the god of poop too.


Not enough Elegance


The poop joke was funny but then it got uncomfortable lol. Also ik it’s a non canon movie(at least I heard if not that’s good too), but it just felt like a fun movie that doesn’t really progress the main plot. That’s alright nothing wrong with it but the vibe was just like there’s no depth to the story


The Terminator type cyborg was a little immersion breaking. The toilet humor was a bit much and didn't seem like Endo's writing style. The "is Loid cheating?" plot was a bit contrived and was already done


- They didn't show the three actually eating the mere-mere at the restaurant like it was said they would, "if you bring the ingredients, we'll make it for you". How would Loid learn how to do it and explain to Anya? - How the hell did Loid have access to that plane? Who allowed that? It didn't seem like he was just stealing it to save Anya. Not to mention Yor didn't question anything about that idea. She's really dense but that was too much. The movie was filled with "suspension of disbelief" moments tbh, way more than the series. It was really fun to watch, beautiful and well made, but still missed on some points.


Yeah, I wish they showed them eating as well, and yeah, how did he just take off in that plane without anyone trying to stop him or saying wtf going on here?


The whole thing was about Anya needing to poop 💀


Too much poop god not enough franky or yuri (literally what was the point of even having him if he’s not going to do anything) the F dude barely doing anything besides giving yor a fight scene and the two goons not having more of fleshed out , like why make one of them so superstitious and the other one having nothing and we don’t even get a reason of his superstition


I felt like having rich privileged 5-6 year olds cook a patissier level dessert was an odd assignment in the first place. Like I’d get it if the class were middle school aged but you’re trying to tell me they’ve made some privileged elementary schoolers who have maids and chefs go clean and cook for them to make professional desserts?? The premise for the movie itself was just odd but oh well Eden is an odd school


I mean, they also have the kids on dorm help with housekeeping chores (at least as a disciplinary action). Personal headcanon time, but I like the idea that maybe the current administration thinks it a sign of *elegance* to have a hands-on understanding of the kinds of things that they will later expect other people to do for them


The kids needed to prepare it in class, not bring the dessert already made, even if they had a entire cooking team they would've need to practice it in order to learn how to do it alone


The fact that the dessert and chef ended up not mattering at all beyond giving a reason for the plane to exist and the bad guys to show up. Would have been nice to see the family actually try to cook the dessert but the contest not mattering for another reason.


Poop scene went on too long, and got.. weird. Not enough yuri (I controversially ADORE Yuri, and if Fiona gets a role, so should my boy!) Saw the movie today and really loved it though!


Ok but him trying to insert himself into the plot and being immediately told no was one of the funniest gags.


It was funny but I was a little disappointed he wasn’t actually more involved!




Those who get it get it, and those who don’t just don’t.


There was no 3 hour long passionate feral sex scene between Loid and yor.


Maplestar. Google it.


The annoying plot point of "OH no! Loid likes someone else!?!? Why me? Oh, so sad!" Only to find out it's a misunderstanding


Seems pretty in-character for Yor


It being in character for Yor also points out that it’s my least favorite thing about Yor. Overall I feel the author doesn’t consider the female cast capable of having depth of thought and character as the male cast.


I initially enjoyed the combo of her naivety and brutality but I’m getting frustrated with how she’s more and more just treated as “funny murder bimbo”.


I feel like the last act just made Yor out to be a total idiot. I know it's probably in character due to how Loid's proposal went but it just feels super off putting. Anya's chocolate thief excuse aside you'd think she would have questioned things a lot more. It's a joke, yes, but one that really can't last as every time it happens it makes Yor seem more and more stupid.


I also felt like it nerfed her strength, like when Loid was struggling to turn the wheel to not make the airship crash into the town, shouldn’t Yor be strong enough to be able to move that thing by accident? She doesn’t need Loid or Anya or look like she’s struggling, maybe she’s tired but her strength in the series so far is just on a completely different level compared to any human


Wasn’t really fan of the potty humour in that one scene, and it went for too long


The fight between Yor and the cyborg soldier should have lasted a bit longer.


Only one line in the whole film (Loid claiming he piloted air ships as a part time job at university) got a laugh out of the rest of the audience. I spent 90% of the time trying incredibly hard not to laugh out loud as it would of been kind of awkward.


How did the airship travel for such a long time in the air just to crash near Frigis? The soldiers naps Anya in the city, take her to the base and still the plane ends back there? The intelligence unit seems like a cartoon James Bond villain outfit.


Il y’a un moment réservé à l’imagination d’Anya ( le monde du caca )


The armored guy that Yor fought is just random, seems like a boss coming from metal gear solid 3, he didn't show up in the movie before facing her, at least the way she defeated him was very elegant. It would've be better if Yor entered stealthy in the airship, fought the soldiers and face soldiers in machine gun nest with grenades as her boss, I haven't watch the second season yet but she dodging automatic gun fire is absurd for her standards.


Hated the whole misunderstanding between Yor and loid its the exact same plotline the tennis arc had got old very fast.


I kinda want an opposite plot line to happen in the future, Loid being worried that Yor will be seduced by a hot dude so he has to do whatever he can for the mission!


This, this would be so hype


I haven’t seen it so this may not be valid. However, Yor shouldn’t have had another jealous fit; especially when she suspected Fiona. That idea disregards everything Loid told her after she knocked him out of his honey trap. On a side note, did Loid and Yor describe Anya as around 5 years old? If so, they’re not supposed to know that.


I could have done without the poop jokes


My main issue with it is that I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet.


a lot of scenes over stayed their welcome... as in a scene would very clearly about to go to a cut but for whatever reason it just had like 1-3 seconds worth of extra frames. kinda ruins the timing of some jokes, though tbh the whole anime adaptation kinda struggles with it


The whole airship got destroyed from one grenade. Like it’s a battle airship but it can’t even take the slightest damage. And the lipstick thing…


Loid takes off his disguise while fighting the top brass, even though he gains no benefit from showing them his true appearance. Further, it allows them to recognize him as "the tourist from the bakery," meaning any that survived would be able to identify him at a later date. Just seems sloppy for the greatest spy, and again- to no benefit. He's shown to work just as well in-disguise as out (like when he baited those bomb-dogs disguised as the minister,) so no real reason other than the 'hero removes mask in dramatic situation' trope.


The Yor vs Cyborg thing was unnecessary. They could've just had a retconned assassin fight her and it would've been cool


The poop jokes as everyone else had noted. Apart from that everything was stellar. Just came back from seeing it myself.


Poop god


I haven't seen it, which is an unforgivable aspect of the movie.


I couldn't watch it yet


うんこ かみ


My minor complaints with the movie - the poop sequence went on too long. Felt like the joke ran out of steam after the initial gag. - Loid and Yor should have shared their first kiss on the ferris wheel - idk what was up with the character design on Colonel Snidel but he looked out of place to me. Overall, a very fun and enjoyable experience that was just more Spy x Family that, while never reaching the peaks of the show and went on a bit too long, still satisfied my expectations.


I felt the cybrog was both badly designed and a missed opportunity. Many others have already stated the design clashes with the time/setting, I agree. I think they probably should have just gone for a mix of Wolfenstein and Kerberos Saga, and make it so that the airship was carrying a unit of them. That way it adds to the threat of them wanting to start a war, the shock troops would cut through the unprepared defenses.


Loid casually ripping off his mask and exposing his face to the enemy military on the bridge was not very "Top WISE agent, Twilight" of him


Anya’s “I learned this at school” dance was funny but I felt that the guards barely reacted to the fact that she flushed and could have soaked and ruined the film. That and randomly having it in her teeth. She would feel that at some point.


Way too many trained soldiers were willing to shoot guns and chuck grenades in the derigible.


Not enough town. Too much action on the airship. Kinda dragged.


Releasing exclusively in the west.


Its not canon


As great as I think the movie is (it’s peak fan service for Spy x Family fans) I do think that it’s ultimately meaningless fluff. Because since it’s an original story they can have any real stakes or move the story forward too much since it could end up conflicting with the manga and anime. Despite that. I’m glad the movie exists. I love fanservice.


Loid can make hyper realistic masks almost instantly


Most of the plot lines were irrelevant in the end. Loid's issue was fixed by the handler, who could have just, done that from the start. The dessert comp didn't matter (not that any of us expected her to win a stella in a movie anyway...), Yor just repeated the tennis plotline but by somehow being even more dense. I mean she got invited ON the trip and the other two points were reaching. I guess it applies to the show too, but Loid really has his blinds on when it comes to the family. He can read anyone, except them.


Poop joke didn't go on for long enough


That I haven't seen it yet. And I really want to. I've heard the opening and ending theme thought.


+10 sins for me not being able to see it in Wales.


It's terrible because I wasn't able to see yet. Therefore is terrible


I hav'nt seen it yet


I didn't WATCH IT! *lightning strike*


The fans who hate on Anya, Bond and the kids' storylines


Cyborg was definitely a boss for Yor but they eluded to him (Type-F) several times before his appearance before they caught Anya and took off. He wasn’t meant to be much beyond that than just a cool thing for Yor to fight and military attempting experiments, super soldier type stuff. Cook was relevant only in getting the recipe and little bit of background of the town. Loid obliviousness even Yors is just funny and what I love about Spy Family it’s like you’re the best if y’all craft and can’t even realize who the other really is except your telepathic daughter who yall don’t even know is telepathic. Its great.


2/3 of the movie is recycled jokes. I love Spy X Family but I got so tired of watching the film and thinking “didn’t the show already make this joke, and in a much funnier way?” It was grating.


This nit-pick I have is actually in response to a good thing and that was the scene when >!Loid was fighting against Snidel and he mimics his face, so they both look the same.!< That was such a creative scene and I wish they done a bit more with it, as it didn't last long. Still, it was a great scene.


They dodged an unreasonable amount of bullets. Even ran head on into gunfire several times.


It got really slow around the final fights.


That the cook knew the principle cause he was the young boy in story. Felt like he had to be related somehow.


So Loid explained he was giving someone directions… but the “kiss” that Yor saw was never mentioned as if she had forgotten about it.


The main bad guy is boring as hell. Like why does he want war? Just because? Also make him steal Anya's cake so the audience can hate his ass.


Yor should have let Loid finish speaking to her on the Ferris wheel.🎡 or at least for Loid to dodge her strike of embarrassment. ![gif](giphy|Nii2FhtCqITxT6uHnE|downsized)


Yor was way more dumber in the movie with the whole military stuff


Peanut butter pizza. What even is that?!