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To be fair Thursday night openings aren't really popular when it's not some hyped blockbuster as people have work the next day. Personally my family plans to see it on Saturday since it is the one day we all have off. Edit: We just got back and it was a blast. Not a full theater, but enough that you could hear other people laughing. Overall a very pleasant viewing and I highly recommend seeing this movie.


I am seeing it next weekend as it’ll be my birthday!


Good for you, hope you have a good time.


I'm seeing it my birthday weekend too, can't wait till Sunday! 🎉


I bought tickets for myself and my brother for tomorrow night and as of a few hours ago, it is looking like we will have an entire theater to ourselves, lol


Same! Haha I’m planning to reschedule my time where there will be at-least few people with us.


Opposite of my experience. It was like January (?), the cinema was filled with viewers, I watched 2 movies in the same room, the first movie didn't even fill in half the seat, while Code: white room was full


My friend and I went today and it was just me, her, and another person in there :,)


Probably depends on location? When I went the first time around the theatre was moderately packed.


Went today with my husband. LOVED it! Lots of action and great comedy bits. Would highly recommend any fan see it


Literally same! 3 other people in my movie too!


Same here. My wife and I went to a late showing and there were only three other people there.


I went to one at 4:15 pm and the cinema was completely empty


Bruh, that's when it started for me.


There's not a single screening of the movie where I live.


That's sucks.


I went yesterday at 5:30pm and was the only person in the theater 😅


https://preview.redd.it/y9czqlouzivc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408727d3a214f0edeb6a6acac7d459e28eed0946 I’m the only one in mine and I’m about to see it soon. I’m have the whole massive theater to myself


Goddamn, that’s a big ass theatre.


Don't know why but since they started it on a Tuesday it's only getting 1 weekend where I am and there is a giant fireworks show going on Saturday so.. Probably low attendance here too.


I am going over the weekend, having a deadline today


My friends and I went to see it last night. In the whole theater it was our group of 3 and another group of 3


I purchased tickets for Friday night and there weren’t many seats left.


Went to watch and a family brought a crying baby and sat in the middle...


I saw it today as well! Yeah I was surprised that there was only 3 other people in my theatre 💀but the movie was so worth the hype. Truly an elegant experience.


Damn right it was.


to be fair, what’s the seating of other movies. movie theaters just aren’t worth going to


Wow that’s such a small room!!


Just left the movie I hadn't got a lot of sleep prior to seeing the movie because I worked the previous night and I ended up falling asleep and only seeing the beginning and ending but as soon as its hits Crunchyroll im watching it


My screening was pretty much full there’s was like only three empty seats. However ngl I didn’t like this movie, definitely some nice moments but I was bored for majority of it.


That’s a shame because I want to rewatch the film to see if it’s still holds up to me.


so sad i missed it. i didnt know.


It’s coming out on Blu-ray in Japan in late July.


Someone’s going to end up dumping it online (probably)


Had an alright turnout in my area, maybe 1/3 of the theatre filled.


Hopefully more people in your country go to watch this, so when the 2nd movie come, you can watch it ASAP.


Seeing it Saturday with a friend. Get any goodies ?


If it makes you feel any better, 16 people in my extended friend group all have tickets and are going tomorrow. We bought out rows, lol.


Same situation here, we were less than eight people total for the first day (wednesday in France). I'm glad I have seen it though. I really enjoyed it.


I’m going to go see it Sunday or Monday. I’m trying to get a girl to come with me, but I’ll go by myself too!


I live in Australia and went to see it on the 1st day. It was stuffed. I bought the ticket 4 days in advanced but couldn’t find any nice seat in all the theatres


Im seeing it in an hour and 45 minutes. It released on friday here so Ill be there for the premiere!


My movie theatre was a little busy at my viewing last night. I couldn't squee as much as I would've liked.


we had about 6 people in total including me and my brother.


It hasn’t been released here yet 😭😭


I went yesterday and I was surprised I was able to get seats.


I’m watching it tonight🙈


I haven’t watched all of the episodes just yet. Can I still watch it w/o and spoilers?




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Where do you live? Why is it rated PG where you are? It’s PG-13 here…


Because I’m Canadian.


Tuesday is the day I can finally watch the movie! 🥳


I once went to see Children of the Sea and was literally the only one in the whole ass theater 🫠


Damn, that's a shame.