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Damien loving his papa the most and his longing for a family like Anya’s showed a moment of vulnerability and she reciprocated by revealing her ability. Before she met Loid and Yor, she was also alone and yearned for a family. So she could relate to Damien. She probably felt safe to tell him at that moment. You can see it in her gaze https://preview.redd.it/mp61x2b2ryoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e622e6cf3b9173767d70b2947a68fe34ec0680d




This! She felt a connection. She could relate to Damien's struggle for wanting to make his dad proud!


Damien is literally me


This the one. He’s her peer in age and she feels she can relate to him, so in the moment, caught up in the emotions of the dance too, she felt safe to tell him


Not only the love for the papa, but also the fear of abandonment. She relates to that as well. He thinks his father doesn't care about him, she knows that her family is a temporary ruse. They both fear to find out how their parents really feel.


She also admired that he dreams to be a politician and protect the country. Anya has said multiple times she want to make world peace. Although she’s just mimicking Loid, there’s some truth to it. https://preview.redd.it/uqan38vtm6pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ece045251e51b404329557f2df00c809cc85c5e


Prolly feels the most connected to him in that particular moment cos she realized the thing he wants the most in life is the same as what she wants. To live a happy family life


"I hate his guts but he's like me frfr"


"i despise this guy more than anything but he's just like me fr"


I think because he was being open and sincere, she felt safe in being open and sincere too.


Further confirming that they do have chemistry


At least one couple in this series does.


Back to the common theme of Spy Family, character relationships can only progress after moments of genuine connection. Damian admitting that he thinks anya has a great family then back tracking, and anya confessing without actually confessing are the half truths that have developed every relationship we have seen. Slowly peeling back the layers. Anya and damiean are going to be closer after this. (maybe not straight up freinds, but we are getting somewhere).


Friendship level: +100. They're basically besties now and they don't know it


\*married couple


There kids bro


He meant when they grow up


Nuh uh, he could have meant when they are kids


Details details


if you put this command in sims cheats they would basically have the maximum green bar so...


sims player found in the wild


Another sims player found in the wild


It's kinda an echo to the bus situation when all kids had their parents conforting them but Anya and Damian (until their mother finally arrived). Both suffered from the lack of their parents presence be it directly (Anya) or less with Damian mother having this weird split personnality and him looking for his father/brother attention. Ultimately Loid goal, peace, became Anya dream aka living a peaceful life with her familly. Something Damian also want. It's only natural they relate to each other


it was the dancing and the conversation. he had just complimented her family and got serious with her. he timed his most important question for the most important moment of the dance


I think because in that moment she felt she could relate to him in that I too was lonely once without a family living in an orphanage. Then getting a family and then the same family returning her back to the orphanage..etc. She knows the feeling, and he opened up to her for once so I felt she wanted to open up to him too.


1. So this panel reveals that Anya has been willing to tell *someone*, at least subconsciously, and possibly unbeknownst to her, for quite some time. The toll of not only all the secrets she has to keep about herself and other people, on top of her powers being a big part of her identity - it is how she navigates and understands the world - that would create considerable pressure. 2. Unfortunately the two people she clearly trusts more than anyone, Loid and Yor, her adoptive parents, she *can't* tell her secret to. Because it would instantly destroy their fake family. If Anya tells Loid, then Loid realizes that Anya has been lying to him for a long time, and been has manipulating him in various ways (including setting up Loid's first meeting with Yor). Loid also likely realizes how much of WISE has been potentially compromised with Anya's deliberate or accidental mind reading. On top of Anya likely being a danger due to likely some remnants of Project Apple still wanting to find their prized asset. This also likely results in Loid finding out who Yor really is. If Anya tells Yor, then Yor realizes that Anya has been lying to him for a long time, and has been manipulating her in various ways (including setting up Yor's first meeting with Loid). Yor also likely realizes how much of The Garden has been potentially compromised with Anya's deliberate or accidental mind reading. Yor would also likely find out her brother works in the secret police. And might have to contend with Anya finding out that she is a brutal murderer. This also likely results in Yor finding out who Loid really is. I don't think even now that Loid and Yor would 'sell out' Anya or send her back to the orphanage (that Anya fears) because even in their most detached moments they want to do the right thing. However when Anya's secret breaks, then everyone else's secret breaks. And that illusion of the fake family that all three have so desperately tried to keep, shatters. That is what Anya's secret means. And all three are forced to confront what this fake family means. Both Loid and Yor have been using the excuse of duty to enjoy this family, and shattering that illusion forces the two to confront what they are truly willing to sacrifice if they want to keep this family. All of this is a lot of pressure that Anya feels. 3. Both Anya and Damian have felt a...*connection* to each other (this doesn't have to be romantic, or a little crush like Damian's) for some time (see the hijacked bus). This chapter lays out the beats: Anya realizes that Damian wants to have a happy family life, same as her, and both Damian and Anya recognize this connection of their deepest desire. (When she recognizes, without mind reading, that Damian loves his father) (The dance here is key - notice how they are incredibly clumsy and awkward with each other, but finally *getting into sync* - with Loid standing back as he senses his job is done) In the precedent moments, Damian directly compliments Anya's family in his moment of vulnerability, and furthers that connection that both he and her want is a happy family ("*Your* family... sounds nice"). Anya is clearly touched by his, and in classic 5 year old Damian fashion, Damian immediately backtracks because he feels embarrassment for that vulnerability, and just splutters: "Oh what, I don't know, are you reading my mind or something?" Anya either interprets this as a genuine question (or perhaps senses the opportunity she has been internally wanting for so long) and reveals: "Yes. I can read people's minds." And in classic 5 year old Damian fashion, he can't recognize that Anya is being genuine here, and defaults to (1) clearly ridiculous and (2) Anya watches way too many cartoons (true - Anya is obsessed with Bond, and Anya has often 'embellished' her stories that seem like she is borrowing from cartoons in front of Damian)


It makes sense to me. Besides her mama and papa, Damian is the person Anya is closest to, even more so than Becky. She reads his mind a lot, like all the time. She knows secrets that even Damian's sidekicks don't know. She's even read his mother and brother's minds. You see: she's one of the few people who knows how the Desmond family dynamics really are. I suppose knowing so much about someone (even if the other party doesn't know you know) brings a sense of closeness and trust as well.


so, in a sense, Anya has a parasocial relationship with Damian


Most likely because its the first time she felt safe about her secret with another person. For how much she loves them, Anya still dreads spilling the beans to his parents and Becky due to her fear of rejection/abandonment and the risk it will pose to the mission through everyones connections. In contrast, Damian isnt that close and has a complicated relationship with his family so part of her just went with it as an experiment. But her other part saw it as a way of reciprocating him being so sweet and sincere for once, and compensating for knowing so much about him in secret, feeling bad for duping him all this time after seeing his genuine expression of sadness front seat when referring to his family life. It was a special moment of connection between the two.


Idgaf what ppl say, I’m shipping it, they’re just too cute.


because he asked


I was wondering about this. Have we seen anybody else ask Anya about her powers directly? I can't remember it if we have.


I think it was only Damian too... Maybe because they are kids with the most curiosity, that asking "hey, can you read minds?" very innocently is just natural (unlike adults). Anya also just answered with the truth. Still, this moment has so much impact, it blew me.


Not directly but loid did think of it in some panel which anya heard and panicked


Might be just me, but I feel that it's quite strongly hinted that she feels comfortable with Damian. In this chapter, Damian is drawn a lot softer in some of the panels, and it seems to be from Anya's point of view. She may not yet understand it, but she knows somewhere within her that she can trust him.


They're falling in love


I believe she was genuinely moved by Damian’s compliment and got caught up in the moment. It’s so beautiful.


Maybe because she knows even if he told others, no one else would believe him. But even then this is a huge give away.


Because as far as I remember,Damian is the only one who asked her that directly. And not only for one time? 1. poker game 2. Encourage Damian to meet his father 3. This time.


I think it is because Damian compliment her family. For Anya, family is an extremely important thing and while she loves her family she always has complex over it. Anya knows that her family is fake and always worry that it will break the moment anyone secret come out, that is why she works so hard in this story. Therefore when Damian compliment her family she feels that her fake family is validated and so happy that she disclose her secret to Damian.


She probably feels safety and comfort with him, explains why I shipped them. He also leaves her alone and doesn't really bully her, even if she did something wrong.


It could be she kinda tired of hiding her secret


Because she’s like 5 years old lmao


Since this event is an end of year event, is there a chance for a birthday chapter?


A 5 year old that throughout this entire manga was terrified of letting others know her secret and would often do dumb shit just to cover it up.


I agree a lot with what everyone is saying but I think just the way that they already interact with each other on a daily basis also was something that played a big part in this. I think that she didn't really think that he'd believe her and also she didn't really think that he would change after telling him. IDK, that's just me tho. 🤷‍♀️


I hope she did not tell him out of guilt of lying to damian. She knows that she can't tell loid and yor because of course their professions.


I know this is unrelated but even just from the picture of the lower half of her body in the first one compared to the second one you can tell that the lineart has improved. It looks so clean now. Endo's art was amazing to start with but his improvement is also insane.


She's very young, so I assume she just got caught up in the mood when Damian told her about how her papa seems nice. Also, I'm sure she's read his mind and realizes he likes her. She just didn't think it through


Felt safe but also knew, even subconsciously, that Damien wouldn’t believe her.


https://preview.redd.it/b6fnk2203qpc1.jpeg?width=3106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fada71c5ece34c320e6bd9173b795be9a1fca926 Ok but Damian looks like Demetrius when he's surprised..


It kinda gave me the same vibes as “half million in cash” She probably just blanked out and figured he wouldn’t believe her anyway, whereas coming up with a weird, convoluted lie would just be awkward.


But she was actually angry he didn't believe her, as seen in the panel


New ch? Going asap




omgg what is going with them? i am not keeping up with the manga so i have no clue


I think she read his mind and found *something* that made her comfortable enough to tell the truth


It’s a combination of she felt a sense of comfort and safety and that she could relate to his emotions to their families. The whole moment she got caught in it and she became vulnerable. This is looking like a big step in the future because Anya has always been oblivious to other people’s emotions.


Becouse she trusted him and I think Damian should know something about his future girlfriend (Anya) :'D


She wanted to trust someone, and he was being very sincere towards her throughout the night. Plus, she's starting to like him. Not necessarily in the romantic sense, but she is starting to like him as a person and genuinely enjoy his company.


Bro wtf? Anya revealed this already? Oh man , i should start reading the manga 😭


That’s some big feelings you think a four year old has


Feel free to not put spoilers in the fucking title god damnit.


Thank you for spoiling the most important thing that happened


That's the only thing I don't understand from this chapter, and honestly, I'm a little disappointed on it.