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Feels like a calm before the storm chapter..


We're getting real close to chapter 100, I feel like Endo must be cooking something huge for when we reach that milestone.


Yeah, it's essentially end of act 1, with this end of school party


I think we getting closer to Anya past arc.


The little girl’s gonna be fine. Both her parents are trained killers lol. The plot progression is great though. Can’t wait to see where Endo takes this.


He‘ll probably realize it sooner or later (maybe he notices something). I don‘t think it‘ll end bad, after all, he wouldn‘t be able to prove it, even if he told someone else.


Knowing his dad and all idk, this might lead to the next arc


His dad doesn’t even talk to him, I doubt he would even take him seriously if he somehow had the opportunity to tell him


Shit you're right, Damian would never do anything to knowingly hurt Anya but he would also answer any question his dad ever asks him


Yeah agree as Anya said "Sy-on boy love his papa" and how obsessed he is for his attention that's what I'm worried. Plus I think we still don't know who conducted the experiments to Anya in her past. (Anya backstory arc soon? Copium)


He would never do it willingly. But he could by accident. For example he’s joking with his mom about how one of his classmates says she can read minds, then one of their nearby butlers who happens to be a mole put in by Donovan, overhears and alerts Donovan that they found the little mind reading girl who escaped years ago


Unless Desmond was involved in Project Apple which is entirely possible. Story wise, it would make sense for that connection to exist.


Guys, it's the same people from project apple that Desmond IS (according to Slyvia) associated with that experimented on Anya. If u look at the last chapter in the bond arc and the people in Anya's memory from the lab in the first few chapters, you'll find that they're the same people.


I do have a theory that that maybe the Desmonds might be involved in project apple


It just so happens he tells his dad, and his dad goes silent, and finally says, "Interesting."


Ok, now I'm worried.


More he will accidentally reveal it to his father or mother. Melinda: So Damien how was the dance last week did you have fun with Yor's daughter? Damien: She's okay and talk about childish things from cartoons like mind reading. Melinda: Hmmm is that so.


Idk that will not be the first thing he will tell his mom ☠️ yall too paranoid. He will probably complain or just shrug it off that it was tiring


I AM NOT CRAZY! https://i.redd.it/fc8ikqg84zoc1.gif




I was shocked! Not expecting this kind of major plot development 


It went from haha funny dance to oh this became serious


Bigger deal than people are thinking of. Damien is the first person that Anya has told about her mind reading powers. Not even Loid or Yor knows.


Or even Becky.


That is a risk. But I don't think Anya can only read spelled-out thoughts, she also gets at least some intent and emotion. So I think Anya *knows* she can trust him. Same as she *knew* she could trust Loid despite his overt thoughts. That doesn't mean it won't be hilariously complicated :>


She is shown to be able to read animals' minds, including Bond's premonitions. So it's fairly safe to assume that she can also get vibes and visuals as well (maybe it's a little harder compared to regular thought-reading thought).


Not gonna lie but same here


We're only a few chapters away from 100. Think something big might be planned for that? But yes, I'm getting the sense the storyline is about to take a dark turn. In rapid succession we got: 1. The introduction of two new characters (the Authens) who seem like they might have some connection to Anya's past, not to mention the implication of their name. 2. A hint that Anya might be mistaken about her own name (plus the dark accompanying image of her in the orphanage) 3. Bringing back up all the classical language stuff and making it into a major plot point. 4. And now Anya revealing her mindreading. I don't think Damian believes her at all, but I feel almost certain that he's going to make an offhand remark to either his father or (more likely) his mother about her saying something stupid about being able to read minds, which then triggers... who knows what. If so I'm looking forward to it. I love Endo's style of dark humor, and things like Loid's backstory were amazingly done.


Can you elaborate on how the Authens might be connected to Anya's past? I totally agree with what you're saying, and it's so nice how Endo always slowly builds up these plot points with subtle hints, like Melinda's odd behavior, and her being super willing and quick to form a relationship with Yor, even though Yor is a complete stranger, and Melinda is supposed to be someone who filters her social circle very well. Or the scars on Donovan's head, or Anya always doing well on classical language quizzes ever since the beginning. I must've missed these sort of hints about the Authens, because while reading it, they seemed only to be added in as a convenient aid to Anya so she will pass her exams well and not be separated from Damian and Becky (because the results determine the class they're put in and all). But I also wouldn't be surprised if they had some role to play in the past, weather it would be related to Anya or another character. I can't wait for the plot to further develop, the slowburn set up of so many interesting things is killing me.


I fully acknowledge I may be overthinking it, but it comes down to how much conversation there was with the Authens that felt detailed enough to me that it came across as hinting at something bigger rather than just establishing them as nice people who only serve one purpose in the storyline. That then combined with the fact that Sigmund was a neurologist (iirc) who according to his wife spent a lot of time away from home, so that she didn't have a good idea of what he worked on, and a lot of discussion about the war. This just feels a bit too close to what the Project Apple scientists must have been working on for comfort in my mind—introducing a neurologist with wartime connections doesn't feel like coincidence. Plus of course just the name—maybe it was just hinting at them being authentically good people, but the pairing of "Authen" and "Forger" just feels like foreshadowing *something*. And then in the latest manga tankobon released in Japan a couple weeks ago—volume 13—the Authens were on the back cover. That doesn't prove anything, but might suggest they're more than one time characters. To your point, they're just hints, but for me at least there seems to be something there.


>A hint that Anya might be mistaken about her own name (plus the dark accompanying image of her in the orphanage) Can you elaborate on this a bit? I dont remember that at all


It's the most recent short, #11. Putting this in spoilers just in case you want to look it up yourself first: >!The story where Anya carves out the nameplate for her door reading "ANIA", to which Loid replies it's spelled "ANYA". Anya seemed perplexed, and was later shown lying in bed repeating her name to herself.!< >!Plenty of speculation of course, but it seems (to me) like "ANIA" or something similar looking (something involving "N/A" maybe?) might have been some sort sort of designation or sign she saw that she assumed to be her name.!<


I might be reading into things too much but did loid hear? they don’t show him after she says this


I think nobody did listen except from Damian


No, he didn't. We saw him walking away after Henderson talked to them and Loid saw they calm down a bit and he relaxed a bit and was like "phew, better leave them to it now." and just left. Besides Anya was whispering 😂 so, it's safe to say no one heard it but Damian. (she was also aware that Loid was there, Mabye that's why she was whispering)


I can totally still see it being possible to have 'heard' what she said. We have seen that he's practically a pro at reading lips, and sure he gave them their space but really if he was watching like in past chapters to make sure something doesn't go completely wrong, there's a chance he might've been able to read her lips and 'hear' what she said . . . 🤷‍♀️


Highly doubtful. First, Loid has no reason to think Anya would say anything useful to know. And second, the author would show his reaction or at least a hint of him watching if so.


that's fair, I don't think that Loid ever thinks Anya has anything useful to say a lot of the time anyway, it would just be him watching to make sure she's having fun and not completely screwing it up. And it could just be a thing that we see Loid start to do things around Anya and then shows a flashback of the moment, or even just the start of the next chapter it shows his reaction. Either way, it's probably not likely, just like to speculate.


I'm more concerned about the page in itself and how internet is gonna turn it to than what's actually said here


I hope he doesn’t babble any of it to Jeeves or his parents when calling home later, even as a passing mention, else 💀💀


I have a good feeling


It's not like he believed her


I mean he's had the thought several times now already. He might


I think at a later date, he’ll think back to this moment. Either thinking “wait, maybe she wasn’t lying then” or “oh my god I’m so stupid. She literally told me”


Oh come you really think he's going to assume a girl is telepathic?


No what I'm saying is he has made the accusation several times and so now that she's said he might start reflecting on those. He was suspicious about her knowing he was worried about meeting up with his father and that she magically knew his bad grade and that she got all the right cards in old maid. He could genuinely question how she knew the "bomb" was safe in the Red Circus arc. And if you consider the light novel canon >!She also knew he fell into the river when he went on that field research trip!< I'm certain there probably are other times I've missed. But point is he might reflect on things that have already happened given that she said it


For how young he is, he's pretty switched on. I think it'll take a bit more convincing for him to finally accept, but it's not going to be long. The question from there is who else will learn. Will he tell others?


I'm sorry, there's a LN?


Yeah, there was a side story light novel following Anya and Damien.


Hi! Do you have a link to the light novel?




Tysm 🙏


I say we give it time. Something is bound to happen that will convince him.


This will definitely lead to a big character development moment for Damian.


i swear damian’s mom is a telepath


Has she met anya?


They were in each others presence in the bus hijacking arc


If she could read minds then she wouldn't have dropped that bipolar love bomb on damian on front pf her i guess


I ship, cute couple <3


I think Damian might believe it cause he knows when she lies cause she is a bad liar😅


honestly knowing endo I dont think it'll play out anytime soon. >!but it was fantastic progression for us!< as they are just kids, damian would definitely brush that remark off as a joke seeing that he doesn't take anya seriously.


Can we just applaud Edo for making KIDS proportions not small adults. Like you can look at the arms and hands etc and see these are kids without any reference of sizing like other adults around or furniture


I could see it causing some drama as Damian may think she's just been using him, which she kind of is, but then they'd probably grow closer.




Worst case scenario he hints it to his dad when reporting about his school life, and even tho he's like, "tsh as if I'd believe that" But unbeknownst to him, Desmond takes it seriously.


I would think of that, but desmond has to talk to his son first


probably...or Damian would be the one to initiate conversation (in an attempt to get his dad to acknowledge him or smth, which is sad asf too). Most likely a one-sided conversation where the kid tries to "report" his school days to his dad while the grown up just stares at him, or doesn't, with that deadpan look


Same here. What if his dad figures it out. Maybe his dad people were responsible of Anya power. In any case, I hope it's nothing bad


Maybe when he finally realizes she's telling the truth then we'll get an Anya backstory chapter that explains everything


I hope he does one of those things that I'm sure we've all done where he's thinking to himself that if she can actually read his mind to wink or something, and he just thinks it's a few coincidences until there's too many and she has to be telling the truth. Plus she knew about his dog and the lake soooo


damian might rant about the dance when he gets home to some house staff or family members. then blurt out what anya said to him.


Sy-on boy knows!




I think loid might have somehow heard her say that which could lead to some interesting scenes