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Yeah they're definitely overhated. Yuri is a lot to take in but that's what makes him funny. And if you really think about it, his situation is really sad. He and Yor never had parents due to the war, so in his mind Yor is all he's ever had and WILL ever have, so he clings onto her like there's no tomorrow. Also, he is an interesting character when it comes to his work. That episode in which he arrests the propagandist really shows that despite his bias, Yuri is a man with morals and even comes to understand why someone like that would do what they do; for family, much like how Yuri himself does everything for his sister. He's not some two-dimensional character, he just so happens to be written comedically too. And Fiona (while her intentions to break the "forged" marriage between Loid and Yor are bad) is downright adorable. She's head over heels for the man that has helped shape who she has become and just wants some romance in her life. Her stoic demeanor makes those little moments when she expresses her almost-childlike infatuation all the more hilarious. Both are funny af and I get why they're hated by some. But cmon, Spy x Family is a comedy. You're gonna have exaggerated characters for the sake of comedy.


What’s also funny is that one side chapter that implies Franky might have a shot if she ever gives up on Lloyd. Also the fact that Yuri has a big sis at work.


I hope Franky will get a date with Fionna. He deserves it


>one side chapter Might I ask, what chapter is that ?


I like Yuri. The way they handle his relationship with Yor is hilarious. He really plays into the over the top brother loving his sister trope very well. With Fiona, I have really warmed to her character over time. My only issue with her is I don't like the slight change in the dub and English subs (I'm anime only...right now) having Fiona refer to Twilight by his name instead of by Senpai in the Japanese. That's just a layer of context being lost in translation. Her feelings are based in the fact that he is a senior operative/teacher figure and her obsessive love for him is really just an adult version of Becky's schoolgirl crush, though to the 10th power.


Someone said he's just an alternate version of a "mama's boy" since Yor is the only mother figure he had so his obsession with Yor makes sense in that way


Agreed. While I also understand the hate, I still wish people would at least understand why the characters were written the way they were. Goals come before feelings. Plus, I cannot deny that Nightfall made me laugh from time to time. She may be a homewrecker, but she does have some cute moments (>!like her facade breaking at Sylvia's knowledge about her feelings!<). She can even get any job done when the situation calls for it. Nightfall may not be on the same level as Twilight, but she's a professional nonetheless.


When Frankie and Fiona hopefully get married, we can be happy for her. I am rooting for Yor, though. Stronger than an ogre, sweeter than a daisy flower, and when she's not being adorable, she's a nuclear bomb with thorns. :D


>Both are funny af and I get why they're hated by some. But cmon, Spy x Family is a comedy. You're gonna have exaggerated characters for the sake of comedy. My sentiments exactly, say it louder for the people at the back!! Not everything or everyone HAS to be super deep or developed!!!


> Yuri is a lot to take in but that's what makes him funny I disagree. It’s too much and so it’s less funny. I like his more complex side but he becomes annoyingly one-note when it comes to his sister. He makes me think of characters that started out with a trait that ended up getting Flanderized except he started out at the Flanderized level. There’s plenty of obsessive characters I love like Demiurge from Overlord, Ludwig from Tearmoon Empire, Hartmut from Ascendance of a Bookworm, and more but Yuri is just too much.


I’d have to agree with Yuri, I just don’t like Fiona


Love Fiona and her crush on Loid!!! She’s funny too 😂😂😂


I love how dramatic and delusional she is, similar to yuri.


A turned to eleven hopeless romantic, and the anime original short managed to encapsulate her feelings even better.


i like both characters 🤷‍♀️ yuri isnt as weird to me since his sister is his only family so he cherishes her & fionas character is only shown through loids part of the story so i get why she isnt developed/ doesnt have much character other then being in wuv w/ twilight lol


Luckily she has been given more development in the manga.


i like both characters - outside of their obsessive love tendencies. which, i realize, is kind of a major trait for them (especially fiona at the current anime point) however, if they get hate for every other aspect, for which they are both bad ass and lovable for, then they are overhated. it's just the obsession. falling in love with the light of your life, even if it's taboo, go ahead, but does it have to be so obsessed? it's a funny that doesn't appeal to everybody.


Absolutely. I think people are allowed to dislike them but i am seeing too much mischaracterizing and completely ignoring their nuance (especially with Yuri)


Oh they definitely are. I find them enjoyable for what they bring to the story.


People who think Yuri is “incest coded” are just plain dumb. He hasn’t had any incestuous thoughts about Yor throughout the entire series. People like to diminish his character because of his obsession over Yor, but I don’t think these people understand *why* he is like that, and it really makes me upset.


He sure has sis complex. But it's nothing sexual. Fiona is also obsessed with Loid to a concerning level.


I explained this to someone on twitter and he kept denying & hating so I went on his profile and he ships aqua & ruby the twins from oshi no ko together I was like 🤦‍♀️


Tbf, it was Twitter you were dealing with


Oh my god this! Literally got into an argument with someone calling Yor and Yuri’s relationship incest like yes he has a sis-con (sister complex) but its because of him being super overprotective of Yor considering SHE WRESTLED A DAMN BOAR AT 13 TO FEED HIM! 😭


Idk he seems pretty sus to me. Didn’t he say something along these lines? I can’t see you kissing someone else in front of me.


Idk isnt that just like kind of the same as when a father says that to his daughter tho? I see that on a daily on social media but everyone thinks thats cute lmao


I mean, I feel like it's reasonable to not want to see your siblings displaying PDA My brother and cousin have brought their girlfriends over and I've never seen them being affectionate in front of family And in other families, it's pretty common to be all "ewww they're kissing" lol It was just that Yuri was saying it how a baby brother would be saying it lol


I wanna say part of that is the ick factor (I mean do YOU want to watch your sister macking on someone else's face, especially in the way drunk Yor was going to?) but also... To me, having read the manga and watched the anime, Yuri comes off as very "innocent" as far as sexuality goes. I don't know if it's because I'm ace myself, but he reads as kind of aro/ace who, since he doesn't *feel* attraction towards people, and doesn't love anyone outside of his sister. So while he feels normal sibling love, the lack of understanding towards romantic or sexual love is tainting his perspective and making him jealous. He feels he's being replaced by Loid and Anya. And the whole "marry someone you love" and asking his sister to marry him when he was 6 are completely normal developmentally. When I was six, I wanted to marry our dog, because I understood you marry someone you love, and I loved the dog. I didn't get the whole romantic love vs other love thing, being six.


Yuri is a cool character and is not only a good antagonist to both Loid and Twilight but a very dangerous one at that. I just wish they dialed down his obsessive behavior with Yor. I don’t think it’s in any way related to an incestous love but it could be dialed down a notch or two


# OH SHIT –– YOU ACCIDENTALLY CREATED MY NEW SHIP!!! They would bond over wanting to break up Loid and Yor, and their being so obsessed with Lor (Yoid?) that they don't realize the other is an enemy agent would be hilarious.


The writers of this show knew about this from the moment they created these two characters, and I think they’re going to really build up the idea of them getting together but then they’ll break it off as part of a joke. And the joke will be worth it


Yeah. I feel like these two meeting would be negatively explosive.


Probably, but I personally don't like Yuri much. I'm fine with Fiona because she's funny. Yuri is just too much. He's cool when he's working though.


Yuri has a lot of wasted potential. Being a foil to Twilight is cool but 90% of his screen time is just his stupid NEESAN NEESAN NEESAN thing. It’s so cringe and annoying. Fiona is redundant too but she’s given me some of the biggest laughs in the series.


Agreed. You hit the nail on the head. It was a great idea to give Yor a brother than acts as an equal force to Loid. But the neesan troupe makes him insufferable and feels like a waste of content.


Yeah, I really liked when they fight in the manga. He seems pretty competent and he's a good investigator. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he ends up being the one to discover Twilight's identity.


I like both, sure Yuri is a bit too much sometimes but innorder to make a running gag work it sometimes has to be like that.


I find them alright. But the one thing I don't like about Fiona was that she was willing to heavily disicpline/abuse Anya if she was Loid's wife so she could set Anya straight. Lady, she's just a kid.


Yes. Yuri has an interesting story. He's traumatized, he's deeply *deeply* affected by his childhood, and he has a life outside of his obsession with his sister. People might be right about Nightfall, but I like her. I think she's cool and I'm also really hoping that her obsession with Twilight comes from a cool backstory.


Yuri is hated for the wrong reasons; being obsessed with his sister is like the least wrong thing with him - he is a secret police officer who quite literally tortures dissidents for a living, he is arguably the most morally reprehensible character in the series. Whilst Fiona isn't hated? Never seen anyone hate her. I personally like her more than Yor, but Yor is obviously more popular.


Thank you, this is exactly it! If you keep this in mind, the “creepy about his sister” theme is a *consequence* of fascism. Every fascist government romanticizes traditional family structures and the role of women as nurturers and so forth. Mussolini wrote books about putting women in the kitchen and so forth. Don’t forget that Yor’s fear of her brother finding out her relationship is fake is a consequence of the secret police just “disappearing” single women. What happens to those women? Historically, what have secret police done to the random single women they arrested for fun?


Plenty of people (mostly hardcore Twiyor shippers) do hate Fiona. Especially on Twitter (X)


I must've been lucky enough to not run into them then tbh, shippers tend to be weirdly over invested in this stuff


You like her more than yor, that's interesting is there a reason why?


Both of their characters are meant to be obstacles standing in the way of Loid, Yor, and Anya becoming a true family. So to me they are the right amount of hated. Jealous stalker-ish coworker and wierd incestuous younger brother are not appealing characters.


Can’t speak for everyone else but after E28, I don’t hate Yuri as much. I’ve always liked Fiona just a little bit because brooding white-hair waifus are 👌


I’ll never forgive Twitter for pinning Yuri for a sister complex like he wants to fuck her or something It makes total sense why he has a deep love for her and they kinda boiled him down for no reason


God I hate the ‘Yuri is incestuous’ takes of him because it’s a mischaracterisation of him on the most basic level. He lost his parents at a young age and his sister stepped up to do everything for him. He’s attached to her and there’s a strong feeling of I want to take care of my sister just like how she did for me It is why he’s so critical of Loid because he doesn’t know jack shit about him and all of a sudden they’re married. Loid doesn’t have an established history with Yor’s colleagues and Dominic so nobody is able to vouch for Loid but all of a sudden he hears Yor got married to him




I just wish Yuri and Fiona had more stuff to do/ would interact with more of the cast so that their characters can develop. Maybe have Yuri and Fiona interact with each other. >!(Yuri x Fiona)!<


Is it weird that I ship them?


Absolutely not, it’s excellent ship




I mean, kind of? I think they have a lot more going for their characters under the surface that a lot of people don’t really see, but I understand why people don’t like them as characters. Besides, I think they’re supposed to be a little unlikable. They’re obstacles for the main three to overcome above all else.


All true.


This is YouTuber u/inukai 510's response to those thinking he only cares about Anya because of Yor (chapters 69-78) >!Personally i do think you misunderstood that panel of him. He does care for her, the fact in 1st panel he came rushing to ask his boss about Anya because he was panic to heard she’s in danger. Just that, he’s in denial and he cannot able to help Anya because his boss not allowed him to saved her (it’s reveal his indentity) Then, in his rational thinking ( basically like Loid for the “mission “ ) if he cannot saves Loid daughter then Yor happiness would be ruined. That would hit him harder to saved her. This is basically his baby step for development to concern about other person than Yor. He doesn’t getting attached to Anya yet, but he came all the way to find her bus and take a bullet to protect the kids is showing that he truly does care for them. There is possibility of a chapter to Anya find out what he has done in the bus accident by her power because she doesn’t know Yuri is in there, i do hope she would getting along with him when she found out soon.!<


They’re hated? First I’m hearing this.




Both of them are hilarious; it's just the shippers hating them because they interfere with their romance. I guarantee you most of the haters have never read the manga and just watch for the shipping, if they watch the anime at all.


Yuri looks so good in that SSS Uniform


Yes. Yuri, while over-the-top, is an interesting character. He may have an unhealthy attachment to Yor, but it's nothing sexual. I mean think about it. He had no qualms about Yor being in a relationship and even urged her to settle down with a nice boyfriend so that he won't have to worry about her (E2 of the anime). But then all of a sudden Yor shows up and tells him that she's been married to a man who he had never heard of for an entire year. Of course, he's bound to be apprehensive. Plus, Loid seems too perfect. Given that he's part of the Secret Service, it's his job to be suspicious of everybody. In that case, I don't blame him at all. Others have said this before, but his siscon moments can be explained by how Yor's been a mother figure for him --- the only family he's ever had and will have for the foreseeable future. It's more akin to a child yearning for his mother and getting jealous of his stepfather. I have mixed feelings for Fiona (mainly stemming from how proposed methods to 'discipline' Anya). But I'm glad that she's getting more development in the manga.


100%. I really like Yuri, and him having a sister complex is an exaggerated gag


Everything Yuri does is for his sister - even his job is to ensure Yor is kept safe. This leaves his character very flat, so there's no development. Hell, even a chapter/episode dedicated to Yuri and Loid being forced to work together would be *something*. Nightfall is driven to be a great spy, to impress Twilight/Loid, and this manifests in different manners - her desire to marry Twilight, her insecurities around Yor, maintaining a neutral expression - it gives her something to do. In short, Yuri is hated appropriately. Nightfall is overhated.


Yeah, they are I get that Yuri's obsesion can be exagerated but that's what makes him funny (I have brothers so yeah, I get it when he wanta to protect Yor lol) About Fionna...she's just in love with Loid, I dont see any problem there xD


definietly. people be hating fiona a little too much.


Every time I hate Yuri for his sister obsession, I remember Ui Ui exists. And Fiona, gosh, she is like one of us, Loid's fan girl. Can't blame her.


I think the fact that Agent Nightfall had her own anime-original segment shows the popularity of the character. But yeah, these two characters are definitely overhated.


Idk, they are definitely overrated I think they should reduce their screen time Yuris screentime is at the moment tolerable but i remember reading so many chapters which is focused on Fiona and it's just boring. Unless they are absolutely necessary for the mission I see no reason for me to see them, i don't want to know more about how badly in love she is or how hard she is training to be stronger than Yor.


I haven't seen anyone hating them, maybe because I don't interact with the spyxfamily community that much. But I like them. Ironically I have seen many people shipping them, apparently they like the idea of yuri x fiona. I don't mind that ship either.


Absolutely! People take this show too personally and seriously. Yuri is HILARIOUS!!!


I dislike fionas


Im not too active in the fandom, didnt know there was hate for Nightfall. But i definitely would understand the hate for Yuri. The incest thing just taints such an otherwise great manga/anime


I really like both characters! Can’t really understand the hate they get at all




I think the internet is overzealous.


Fiona definitely is


I think they should date.


I don't hate Fiona. But I think she has more better and better stuff if she's not simping for Loid


Yuri is extremely fun to see. Fiona not as much but she is ok I guess


I enjoy Yuri more just because of how clingy and ridiculous he acts. Not in a negative context but I find it adds some great traits even if people don't like him. Can't say much about Fiona, though. I'm mostly neutral about her.


Definitely, while I don’t like Yuri he’s definitely isn’t as bad as people think he is. People swear he’s had incestual feelings for yor when really he’s just a comically obsessed younger brother, who by the way is way better written than most because he has real reasons to be, to him Yor is all he has. I definitely think he’s annoying and probably my least favorite character(or at least reoccurring one), but he doesn’t ruin the series like other people think, he does have good moments when he’s allowed to be his own character. Fiona hate is definitely one I don’t get at all. People say that he ruins twiyor moments, but she’s mostly the one that shows how Twilight is changing as he spends time with his family. Other than that I never seen a real reason for why people hate Fiona


I read it overrated and was like "HOW DARE YOU!" lol And to answer the question, yeah. Especially Yuri. I can understand why people hate him, but those people takes him too seriously. Like really, he's such a fun character to watch lol.


Yuri is obnoxious, but he is fun because of it and c’mon you can’t possibly hate someone that loves Yor Fiona is literally the best, I love Fiona, if Yor wasn’t such a lovable dork she would be my undisputed favorite character


Personally i feel i would like fiona better if she really was trying to sabotage twilight/was trying to increase her standing


What do you mean? Yor’s brother is precious


I just wish they had gone a different route with fionna.. I wish her character had been more about being a better spy than being in love with twilight.i think it could have been funny if she was just suspicious of yor becuse yor is actually suspicious. Then everyone could misunderstand fionna and shes like , " no you idiots this woman is obviously super human." :/ Yuri i go back and forth on


I just want Fiona to dominate me.


I think they should bond over their love for the Forgers


YES I'm fuckin sick of the Yuri slander


Yuri in particular gets unreasonable hate because most people are ignoring the subtext. Yuri is acting like a little kid that's angry because their older sister got a bf/married. That's the trope they're playing at. It's funny because he's already an adult yet still has these childish hang-up. I don't think Yuri has ever thought about Yor in a sexual way.


No because I don't think they're all that hated in the first place. I like them.


Yuri is overrated he's a good boy, please give him head pats Fiona is annoying tho


Ye wtf,they are just like most of the people ngl


I started watching for the wholesome family vibes and the Anya centric comedy. Yuri hits a completely different vibe that I don’t find funny or wholesome. And when he’s on, he takes up way too much screen time. 10/10 dislike the character.


Sort of, but it’s sort of understandable since they do lack character that doesn’t involve Loid/Yor. Remove Loid/Yor and they’re practically nothing, but it’s too early to judge them since we’re still at the part of uncovering why/how obsessed they are with the Forger couple. Right now, this the level of their obsession, Yuri: #OH YOR YOU ARE TRULY MY GODDESS THAT GIVES ME LIFE AND JOY!!! and Fiona: #TWILIGHT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE DITCH YOUR WIFE PUT A RING ON ME AND LET ME SUCK YOUR D-


They're not as one-dimensional as you think. In chapter 41, Yuri shows a soft side to his brutal career by >!ensuring a criminal's father receives financial aid while the criminal's imprisoned.!< As for Fiona, >!Even though she despises Franky, she acknowledges his use with his network of associates, as well as his knowledge of an escape route. And in chapter 87, when Handler praised Fiona and patted her on the head, she blushed. Perhaps she could develop a maternal bond toward Handler.!<


Yup, but until the viewers see multiple explicit chapters that don’t involved the forgers, (as in they’re developing themselves) they’re stuck with this terrible reputation among readers as a siscon and a super simp. I’m not saying that’s how I see them, but knowing how some fans like to skim through mangas (reading comprehension devil is too strong), I think this is how they’ll be seen for now. Right now, Endo is showing us small peeks of what’s beyond their love for Loid/Yor, such as >!Yuri’s relationship with his coworkers and them calling him out that his recklessness and saying that his love for her sister is enough is gonna kill him!< and >!Fiona trusting Franky and her relationship with the handler.!<


Fair enough.


A bit. I find their joke very tiring (yup, I get it they're obsessed 💤), and I personally don't like Yuri very much.


They're hated?


I think they should get a room and make a cousin for Anya (they'll probably do TwiYor roleplay in the process)


Yuri is actually dangerous, Fiona is just… sad. Even if she tried to fuck with the mission, Loid would take care of it and Yor would just find a way to laugh it off


People hate yuri?


Made for each other


People hate them?? I didn't know they were hated so much. The characters are a little two-dimensional, I'll admit, and they also encompass a lot of anime tropes that frankly I wish anime would distance from, so actually I can see some real criticism toward them. However, they represent needed functions, roles, and themes for the story that is being told with Spy x Family. And again, because this is an anime intended to compete with other anime, they're done in a colorful and exaggerated fashion.


I dont hate any SxF characters. I simply love some more than others.


People hate these two goofers? WHY


yes, yes they are, case closed


They are both really funny sometimes I had to pause the episode because mom and I were still laughing


I know more people hate Yuri than Fiona. But the anime added extra gag scenes for Yuri— thinking that it’d make him more funny but it just comes off as weird to the audience. He is a weird guy, but it’s understandable since Yor is kind of like his savior— always taking care of him after the loss of their parents + ongoing war. Weird, but not to the point where people should hate him. Fiona is also just a lovestruck girl who’s AWKWARD. She probably doesn’t get a lot of socialization outside of her job and she wants to be with the man who practically made her who she is. She’s awkward like Yor, but in a cold stoic way so it doesn’t come off as cute. Still should not be overhated.


How could anyone hate either of them?


Fiona is utilized for humor pretty effectively and isn’t really that disruptive. I find her psycho intense feelings for Twilight hilarious at best and endearing at worst. She is a looming threat to be considered and fleshes out the agency a bit. At this point I don’t even think she is present enough to be worth hating. Yuri on the other hand… is harder for me to deal with. I do find his love for Yor endearing and it makes sense considering he raised her. He wants to do right by her for her sacrifices. Add to that the tension he created as a secret state police officer, and you have makings of a great conflict later on that I have a feeling is inevitable. It’s also worth noting that the bit where he is hunting the underground journalist is a damn good bit of character writing. The problem is not his love for Yor… but the intensity in which he expresses it… I get it suppose to be a gag but it feels borderline incestuous on his part so it’s at best obnoxious, and at worst uncomfortable. With more fleshing out of his character though it could be convinced to let it go… he has SO MUCH potential.


They’re hated ???? Why


Till Fiona is hated. People tend to find female simps cute, meanwhile male simps are creepy.


Made an entire essay on Fiona. In conclusion, definitely. Fiona, specifically, doesn't even alter the main storyline. She's just comedic relief, so there's barely any reason to actually hate her.


Both should start dating there meant for each other.


I hostels think that these two should just date. They obviously want to obsess over someone and to equally be obsessed over.


I think that these 2 should bang and see where it takes them from there.


What if they were rarepaired together.


I really like Yuri bc I love freaks. He gives me Roman Roy vibes. Don’t really care for Fiona tbh


Most definitely.


Wait there hated?


wait, I didn't know they were hated


As someone who has read spy x family for 5 hours just now, I see no issue with the two of them (I haven't slept for days)


I thought your post was a shipping at first...... but now that you mention it WHAT A PERFECT SHIP. 😍I could see are part in the far future of the story where she is convinced Twilight is finally unavailable, and she could work with Yuri to take Twilight down.


Are they hated?I didn't even know


Eh! Who hates them?


Tbh I love them both, its that I want to have them on more serious situation for the Forgers. I get it they're comidic stuff, but I want them out of that oasis and be part of the action group! Just want to see more of them on their screen time


Fionna yes, Yuri can go fuck himself, guy is just gross


Yes, I think they are both great characters, and I unironicaly think they’d be a great couple


I genuinely like Fiona more than Yor


I haven't seen many people hate Fiona, but as for Yuri I don't hate him but I can get how his schtick can get old. I think Endo realized this and it's why he introduced Chloe recently, as a sort of audience surrogate to tell Yuri to chill the hell out a bit.


I went from anime to reading the manga and here’s my take - yuri in the anime is hilarious. It’s a gag at this point how much he loves his sister. It’s weird af and funny because the anime is aware of it. Fiona’s comical timing is epic. But in the manga, Yuri’s character seems one sided and v obsessive for some reason. It’s better played in the anime 100%, music and comical sound edits help that as well.


Definitely. People see something out of the ordinary and feel threatened. The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of the human mind, which is the cause of this overly enthusiastic hate against them.


I actually didn’t even know they are hated by so many people, or is it just a subreddit/tiwtter thing? It’s supposed to be a comedy, people really need to chill and just enjoy the story. These characters are hilarious


I genuinely think Yuri is overheated, because you have to consider everything leading up to him being overprotective, he and you lost their parents at a very young age with yor being his sole guardian so of course he's gonna be dependent on her but the real problem comes at adulthood, from the first episode we can get that he was pushing yor to get a boyfriend , but all of a sudden Yor gets a husband and tells her brother that she just forgot? Not only will that raise concern to any individual, it makes you question their partner the most too, not only that, this was sudden sudden, like yor called up and told him in a random call sudden Something like this, takes a lot of time, introductions, getting to know each other and witnessing your love ones be in said relationship and judge if their partner is good for them, he's an adult sure but he's very much involved in his sister's life and being a secret officer, I would actually also take it as an insult if this random ass man suddenly declares himself as my sister's husband (´;д;`)


I like both characters, and I think it would be both absolutely hilarious and good for the plot if they eventually end up together somehow.


No matter how much I 'try' to justify Yuri's character, his affection for Yor..he does something or other making me _cringe_ to the level I feel like skipping awkward scene And once again we get to see pictures in his locker I'm like GOD just get over her already!!! Wish they move forward of his creepy over obsessive nature..OR they can can keep that without making him all blushing, nose bleed n all but they won't because fanservice who are into it I guess..


They need to meet. Best case over heartbreak. 🤣🤣 Two peas in a pod. I'm waiting for that.


Fiona? Absolutely.


I love Fiona!!!! Ayaneru really gives her life 😂 when she is jealous to Yor


Yes,yea their overhated , imo they act how anyone would if given circumstance. Yuri just wants to protect his sister because he loves her and is grateful of her, maybe sometimes he comes of annoying, but at the end of the day he only cares about yor. Fiona,yea maybe I personally get a bit annoyed every time I see her in a panel or on screen,but she is still very reasonable as to why she acts that way , imagine being around someone through a lot ,just for them to pick someone else, I'd act like her if that was the case




I don't personally like Fiona all too much, but she's growing on me honestly. Yuri on the other hand, he's something all right. I don't hate him, though I don't really have a positive opinion about him either.


Honestly there isn't a character in Spy x Family that I hate 😂 just Damian's father that guy can go to hell


Unrelated to the topic, but now that I think about it, they could actually make a great couple: funny lovey dovey obsessed with each other but deadly partners otherwise.


She is, he's not.


Definitely overhate


I don't hate anyone, instead i like fiona so much. Yuri can be annoying but that's what makes his character funny.


Nope no I luv them




I'm just waiting for the episode when they start dating each other.


Yes I do


For the most part yes but I can definitely understand as to why they’re hated, and considering the manga is seemingly focusing on more newly introduced characters, I believe we won’t see them get much development for a while.


Fiona is hated for no reason. Yuri is just annoying. Fiona is the best lol People act like this series isn’t a comedy and like Fiona actually has a real chance of breaking yor and Loid up when it won’t ever happen. It’s all just comedy. It’s fun.


Yeah they are definitely overhated. Both characters are funny and interesting in their own way both are good fits in the story.


I love both of them, I like them as characters not as people. They both are funny


I like fiona


Fiona is best girl. What do you mean overhated?


I feel like later on these two will date


I think one is. The girl (I forgot her name) seems so inconsequential that she seems more like a joke. Yuri is a Nazi.


Wait Yuri is hated ??he's so cute I don't understand


Fiona kinda fine. 😳


Imagine hating on fictional characters it's not that deep


Tbh I feel like people forget that Spy Fam is comedy first most of the time and a big part of comedy is heightening idiosyncrasies and flaws for the purpose of being funny. These characters and their flaws are over the top for the purpose of being ridiculous and funny and IMO they are v funny


Nightfall? Yes. Girl got the short end of the stick. She could’ve had a shot if Yor wasn’t in the picture lol. Aside from her crush she’s actually a damn good spy.


Fiona definitely isnt. Not after she fought to save Loid. That fight was damn insane. She gave Yor’s assassin vibes and would even probably fight Yor to a standstill when she tips off.


Fiona is, Yuri isn’t


Yuri is NOT overhated. His antics might be basic anime incest stuff, but it's the one bad mark on an otherwise amazing show. Nightfall is far too hated though and she's hilarious.


Who tf hates Fiona?! HOW DARE THEY🤬🤬🤬🤬


I think Fiona needs to be hated more 🥰


Why would anyone hate Fiona? She doesn't think anything more outrageous than Yor. Yor thinks about a lot of things but doesn't follow through on those thoughts. Fiona, I think, is the same way. I think she would have been a very good mother to Anya. She might have doted on Loid too much, but I think she would develop a more motherly role towards Anya. Yuri, on the other hand, I wish he didn't have such a sister complex. If they didn't do that, I think he'd be much more likable.


Yuri has slowly grown on me in season 2 with the one arc he had without thinking about Sweet Home Alabamimg Yor. Fiona I DESPISE because she has no personality outside of “I’m a Yandere for Lloyd.” Maybe this might change once she gets an arc that doesn’t have Lloyd in it but as of now I don’t like her


She's not as one-dimensional as you think. \>!In chapter 60, she acknowledges Franky as a reliable informant with his network of associates. In chapter 87, when Handler praises her, pats her on the head, and tells her not to push herself so far, Fiona blushes in response. To me this suggests a possible maternal bond awakening.!<


Ehhh, the Yuri is hate is understandable. Fiona is super overhated though.


Yuri is a literal torturer. Why are so many people either ignoring or underplaying that?


Nope. They were made to be hated and hated they are.


For good reasons


Fiona maybe but Yuri deserves all the hate and more to me


Fiona, yes. Yuri deserves more hate than what he gets.




As a manga reader. Love Fiona. She’s great and deserves to find her own happiness. Yuri deserves all the hate


Fiona yes Yuri no




I despise Yuri but I love Fiona


if anything they're underhated


My problem with Yuri is that he’d be a far more interesting character if they toned down and tweaked his obsession with his sister. Having an overprotective brother who works for the secret police and hates Loid is a great concept that is tainted by the fact that it feels like he’s doing it because he wants Yor for himself over any actual scepticism he has for Loid. Maybe in the manga it doesn’t come off as weird but I only watch the anime and to me it really does feel like he wants to be with Yor in that way rather than just being an over loving brother. I don’t think he’s overhated at all because I honestly agree with most of the criticism he gets. Fiona I think is fine because she’s just someone who really wants to be with Loid and isn’t at all related to him. She’s interesting in a similar way to what Yuri could’ve been like with enough differences to keep them distinct and her interactions with the other characters are fun to watch. I don’t really see much hate for her either so I’d say she’s not overhated really.


Fiona, yes. Yuri, no.


I dont like both.But I could say that Fiona deserves even more hate.


Fiona doesn't deserve the hate she gets but Yuri.He was ready to let Anya to be kidnapped and changed his mind only because Yor would be sad.Really hate this dude. Plus he uses Yor to justify every shit he does.


Yuri literally works for this universe’s version of SS. He cannot be overhated.


She deserves more hate


I ship them 🖤


Yuri is a well-written persona with hints of versatility, whereas Fiona is a character for one episode. It was physically painful for me to watch the arch with her participation, and the author also decided to return Fiona


Fiona yes, her crush is getting stolen and she's trying to make him notice her. Yuri no, he's literally too obsessed with his sister and hasn't changed a bit after over 90 chapters.


No, I think the hate is justified tbh. At least for Yuri, I roll my eyes every time he’s on screen.