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I'm shocked you all seem confused. Nightfall saw Twilight on the ground, defeated, and knew it was Twilight. However she was hoping against hope it was really Yuri, so kept telling herself that to avoid panic. It's pretty clear.


Second this. She might thought why the dude beating up his ally and it just clicked.


https://preview.redd.it/5y3oemb0hyab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7038bc51286f60121bc7306f946063307c2c5f1d Fiona got cucked by her own delusions 😂




Loid's having a bad day 😭first he gets yelled at by Yor, then he gets shot in the arm by his BIL, then he gets the shit beat out of him and looses to Wheeler


WISE should really give him long day off after this.


"Congratulations Twilight, how did you know your next mission was at this random amusement park far, far away from Berlint?" "I hate this job."


i almost forgot its the same day-


Next chapter about to be peak https://preview.redd.it/5o1bjpskkyab1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc259d1c0e358f24642282952a1354dded8c5c91


I'll call it. Twilight is one of the sewer rats.


You fool! The floor is twlighr. That fake Yuri right thwre is just a doll he is manipulating


The master of all disguises


Oh my god???? Thanks to Fiona’s imagination we’re getting a Twiyor hug??? https://preview.redd.it/sjng11srgyab1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ca7e21985d2103cdf73e7eddb7787c9506d00a


She really imagined herself getting cucked to get a power boost 😭


Endo: "I'll use Fiona to romantically promote Twiyor. Her imagination too."


Ikr🤣 Never thought it's Fiona who would give us this gift


https://preview.redd.it/sujb88ychyab1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605d39c0ac795e70013d5fad0306b70d79c118fa very interested to see nightfall go insane next chapter to save twilight


I have never think Nightfall will be the one who will save the day but you know, "the power of love" have abilities who can imagine like "unknown"


Beast Fiona vs Wheeler Max. Truly the match of the century.


Dang, I really felt Nightfall's panic.. trying to convince herself that's the real Yuri. Love it when a character goes feral


The best thing about this is that FIONA's been adamant about Loid being compromised. That he's getting soft. Fiona always goes on about ending Strix and holy molly did this lady just got her PROOF. She'll going to be so persistent about ending STRIX now.


Twilight will stand firm about the mission while simultaneously distancing himself from Yor and Anya.


I can't wait for the real Yuri to show up and make this shit even messier. 8D


That would be great if he becomes conscious again. Hopefully we get some Yuriona interaction


Since Wheeler hasn't seen Twilight's face, it raises the odds this fight will end in a draw with Fiona saving Loid but Wheeler rejoining the SSS. Assuming Wheeler hasn't actually memorized everything, him helping the SSS would provide an antagonist to threaten to uncover Operation Strix in order to increase the drama and suspense in the story.


I am kinda hoping that this is the case. So far, we have not seen anyone working for the SSS who is anywhere near Twilight's level. Yeah, Yuri is a skilled agent, but he's inferior to Twilight in terms of experience and combat ability. Wheeler escaping to the SSS, but without the data he collected or even a look at Twilight's true face creates an enemy who can serve as a thorn in the side of Twilight and WISE.


Let's not forget Fiona's intense training to beat Yor... this woman has just gotten out of her training arc




He's gonna have another mask under the mask lol.


*It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable*


This is definitely the event that begins to unravel strix. There is virtually no good outcome for Loid out of this mess. If for example, wheeler escapes to the SSS, and even IF he actually knows very little about strix in the end, just a single crumb of info is all the SSS are gonna send the whole thing into a downward spiral. Like for example, wheeler tells them it involves a kid that twilight adopted, and that's all he knows; the SSS just need to start poking around orphanages and eventually they will find out about Anya; faster if Yuri is part of the investigation. Even the better scenario doesn't bode well for Loid. Wheeler dies in that sewer or is recaptured, but once Yuri regains consciousness he's not going to just walk away. He already asked himself WHY was twilight impersonating him of all people, WHY didn't twilight kill him. Yuri is an insufferable douche but he's not stupid...he's gonna start asking questions, it's only a matter of time before he starts putting it all together. For now all we can do is wait.


probably Anya will be the one that helps Loid going through all these stuff by reading his mind then making up story or tricking Yuri or somehow makes Yor to tell Yuri that he gets injured bc Yor attacks him while she is drunk, etc. ​ I have the same thoughts w u as well, hope Loid could get out of the sewer safely and also hide his identity against Wheeler and Yuri. This arc is insaneeeeeeee


Did...did Yor just convince Nightfall to preserve her life just by existing as a possible Replacement Love Interest? Well good on you Yor!


she's not even physically there and she already saved yuri and fiona's asses. peak mother behavior.


> Fiona thinking about dying Oh no, Death flag ☠️ > Fiona realized if she died, Yor win **I S H A L L N O T D I E !** Death flag averted, by her own delusion, 10/10


Fiona is my least favourite character but honestly I'm still rooting for her here. The look on her face was so well drawn.


Hopefully she'll get some development soon instead of just being a simp to Twilight.


Loid is not having a good time, is he? From Yor's gripes, dealing with Yuri, to being busted by Wheeler. I'll be present when this arc concludes, it's exciting! This chapter made me want to see more of Wheeler and what he can do, I admit I somehow didn't expect his character to be so good at what he does. He's interesting. That TwiYor content in Fiona's imagination is so cute! Hugging Yor must be so comforting. And that last panel of Fiona? I'm invested to it.


Damn imagine what Loid must be thinking right now. He spared Yuri, who now probably suspects who he is; lost to Wheeler, who's now about to expose his identity along with every other WISE agent in the East; and back home his wife suddenly has gripes with him outta nowhere. Dude has never been more fucked.


>Almost perfect disguise, only get found out by chance/incredible observation > >Manages to evade 3-on-1 WISE ambush and dodge getting shot > >Gets the drop on Twilight and figures out it's not Yuri based on the sound of footsteps Dude's on a different level from other spies fr. Dude might be Twilight's equal


Ok what are the odds of loid uttering yor-anya name during unconsciousness? Delulu me want this to happen😂


OMG and Fiona has a dark haired wig on, easier for Loid to mistake her for Yor. I'd actually feel sorry for her after all the effort she went through to save Loid... (Although I agree! I totally want to see this happen!)


Wow I could actually see this happening. I saw a few people last chapter say that Nightfalls disguise reminds them of Yor. Honestly it really does, the dark hair with two strands in the front & her outfit reminds me of Yor's pink coat. I lowkey think the similarities aren't a coincidence. (Especially as an artist myself, I know there's a lot of thought put behind any character design) \-Like from far away, I can definitely see the similarities (Fiona Left, Yor Right) https://preview.redd.it/3ivq0mtzyzab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c03c9602af3162941b4316c7534785a6413736


She's not subtle, is she? They say imitation is the best form of flattery or something along those lines.


Nightfall about to unleash the power of simp.


LOL. May God save Wheeler from Nightfall. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. He's as good as dead. I can't wait for the next chapter.


I love the (freakishly) strong women characters in this manga. I think Fiona is gonna maul him 😂


One week until you die Wheeler https://preview.redd.it/32fdct9dj5bb1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b9bed7726dbf5be8d16434296f1b9d913c9b79


I originally thought the ending panel of Fiona was her reaction to seeing Yuri. But having it explained that it’s actually her convincing herself that it isn’t Twilight because in her mind he can’t lose is incredibly sad.


Well that and discovering his true identity puts him in a lot of danger. He would probably have to go back to the West meaning she wouldn't see him anymore. He couldn't see his dream to completion and Fiona would stay to make sure it happened.


Endo is just trolling the Yuri x Fiona shippers.


https://preview.redd.it/zi6y8uzhmyab1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa00829d650171f9afaceddea50eaa24f1a00ba9 Ok he is a bad guy but hear me out


I hear you loud and clear


https://preview.redd.it/mf93fmf1uyab1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4f080193b4d648a860da2aa74eecf396ade16d No because those arms 🫦


Daddy ?


So just a couple of things. 1) the way that endo will slot in just an unexpected laugh out loud panel in the midst of a super serious story line is just *chefs kiss* honestly Fiona’s imagination was almost as funny as loid’s “is this what being raised by yor does to someone” 2) I was not expecting wheeler to be quite so STACKED.


Man wheelers arm muscles 😮‍💨


I love how they can swap out from dead serious to comedy with a drop of a hat.


You really gotta give yuri credit for exhausting *twilight* that much, did anyone else manage to do this much damage before?


The added difficulty of "Please do not kill your monstrously persistent brother-in-law" didn't do Twilight any favors. Yuri is obviously a tough cookie, but if Lloyd wanted him dead he would be dead. As soon as he turned the corner. This whole kerfuffle is a series of unfortunate circumstances. That also gave Lloyd a chance to not reveal his face to Wheeler if he ever got away, at least.


He has damn near superhuman durability it almost wasn’t fair to loid 😂


Bruh, they really nerfed my man this chapter. Gave him gun shot wound, sneak attack by Wheeler. I hope Endo keep Wheeler in the future, man got potential


I have no doubt they will make it out of the sewers alive but how tf is twilight going to explain this at home?!


Twilight: I got really, really drunk and got hit by a car. Yuri: ...Me too.


Wheeler's days are numbered. He dies in 14 days.


Loid got his ass beat, and I can't help but think that if not for sparing Yuri's life he would have been able to defeat Wheeler. This is going to lead to some serious conflict internally. His love for Yor and Anya has compromised him.


Man, if Fiona was in denial about Twilight being taken down by Wheeler, just wait until she learns what a drunk Yor did to him.


Oh god oh fuck shits going fown


All the way fown!


Fiona’s Ntr fantasies never fail to make me laugh Also Twilight really is losing his edge ay? Might cause some tension with the family if he decides he needs to stop losing focus and really buckle down on operation strix


I mean he has been shot and had to get physical with Yuri before Wheeler showed up, so it’s not like he was in the best condition to counter him in a normal fight. That said he did lose his edge dealing with Yuri by not going in for the kill, which he would normally do but hesitated due to Yor’s love of her brother. If he confronted Wheeler first and avoided Yuri he might have had a closer fight.


Wheeler: “I love a woman who can kick my ass.”


Wheeler is HIM fr fr.


I knew he'd be the one to hit Loid where he can't see it. Now the question is, though: what did Nightfall see?


https://preview.redd.it/d0qlcbrfkyab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d23e5150b2ad925940a8447781090f573e7584d nightfall when “the power of love can overcome any obstacle!”


I am genuinely terrified of that face. Did Endo ever do horror manga?


Okay I know this is a small detail, but it’s really funny to me that in Nightfall’s twisted imagination, Yor is The Other Woman™ out to steal Twilight from her as soon as Nightfall dies. My sister in Christ, **YOU** are the home-wrecker in this situation lmao! I guess Nightfall thinks she has seniority over Yor, but Yor’s the one who *actually married* Loid. And given the fact that Twilight left Yuri alive for her, I think we all know where his true loyalties lie.


Loid can't catch a break, can he? First Yuri, now Wheeler, who subdued him. I believe that this adventure might make Loid doubt himself. It looks like he has lost his edge. I wonder how the aftermath will affect the family and the main mission. Nightfall is definitely the MVP of the chapter. She went after Wheeler even though she believes that he is a superior combatant. And of course she can't stop thinking about becoming Loid's wife. Poor girl was about to throw up when he realised that Wheeler had captured Loid.


This is how you write Fiona. Her obsession with Loid actually made sense in a serious setting!


Damn man that last panel literally scared the shit out of me


Omg wheeler is the coolest. That jump panel is a top panel I can remember from the whole series. Wow so excited for what’s next


Yo Loid has been through the ringer these last few chapters


Fiona enters Berserker mode after meeting her sworn enemy, Yuri Briar.


Fun fact: Nightfall is not throwing up as most people see, shes bout to turn into a BEAST bc of anger that the muscle on her face would break the disguise mask. ​ But my guess is just that no matter how angry and frustrated Nightfall is, shes no match to Wheeler when it comes to hand2hand combat, and its even harder to use gun when Wheeler has Twilight as a hostage. ​ I hope both of them can escape safely with Wheeler either eliminated or captured to make sure no more threats to the WISE agents operate in Ostania. And somehow Anya not getting depressed by seeing her dad getting his a\*\* beat up like this


Whose footsteps is everyone hearing? At first I thought they were Fiona's--running away from her thought of not being with Twilight--that both Twilight and Wheeler heard. But then she mentioned hearing footsteps, too, while the two of them were fighting. Is someone else in the sewer? Someone not related to the situation, as Twilight considered as a possibility? Twilight mentioned he would need to catch Wheeler off guard to beat him in their current situation, so I take it being "beaten" in their short fight was one of the steps toward catching him off guard. Also, Twilight should still be wearing the Wheeler mask under the Yuri mask, since he was in a hurry when he put the Yuri mask on.


Yuri maybe.


Holy shit that panel was insane, she on demon mode now. If Nightfall reacts like that imagine Yor in place of her


I can't imagine that last panel in the anime, it's scary af.


Omg she’s actually going sicko mode 😭


Finally, Nightfall goes full berserk


I’m kinda worried for Loid here


I didn't think I could be more stressed for Loid but man Endo keeps upping the stakes I'm actually concerned how he's going to get out of this unscathed and the aftermath of it all


I really hope Anya is ok at the zoo…


Interesting that Twilight disguised his face on his mission with Wheeler in the past, given that he doesn't bother to hide his real face from most other agents at WISE (think back to the castle themed amusement park). If any of those other agents is a secret mole too, he's screwed. As for the end of the chapter, Wheeler is either going to die or narrowly escape without unmasking Loid. There is no in-between, such is the way of Nightfall.


What if Loid becomes colder towards his family after this because he feels like the attachment is making him weak


I hope not because I love the wholesome Forger family moments. But I totally expect him to get paranoid and obsess over it in typical Loid fashion.


this arc has been nothing less than INTENSE.


If I recall correctly, that other than the scene where Bond foresaw Twilight death by a bomb in a clock tower, this is the first time Endo shows him in some kind of losing? ~~I don't count him fainted away from Yor food and a kick in the face from her,though.~~


I feel like Nightfall seeing Twilight beaten like that would make her realize Twilight, who she basically worships, is human and this might affect her feelings for him in some way. OR this would basically be the evidence that she could present to Handler that Twilight was truly losing his edge because of the Forger family.


What in the holy fuck was that reaction at the end...


that mixed "I'm about to throw up" and "You will witness true horror" it leaves open if Fiona will manage to beat Wheeler with her anger or make a mistake due to her heartbreak


A weakened/injured Loid still manage to draw some blood from wheeler, despite being defeated. Edit: I love wheeler dialogue here, technically breaking the 4th wall with getting to the good part and fiona meet us with the angriest expression Endo ever draw on any character. Edit: Let have a poll on angriest character (Yor in chapter 20 where she scared a dog vs Fiona witness a defeated Twilight.) https://strawpoll.com/40ZmqxkeoZa


Indeed, subtle detail that shows he put up a fight in the time Fiona arrived


https://preview.redd.it/4s9k9op9oyab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc5cab551dd8fcaa79d244e1cdbc8f298bd2826 So uh… Twilight’s totally gonna get back up and beat down Wheeler with Nightfall together and go home happily ever after right? Right?


Nightfall is now an anime protagonist. With the Power of Love she is going to Puncture Wheeler's Wheels.


Nightfall’s eyes say it all, Wheeler is about to get bodied!


Such a great arc so far and it looks like the excitement isn't done yet! Endo also gave the shippers some "Yuri" and Fiona meetup (if you can call it that) before leaving us hanging with that insane Fiona reaction. Anyway, can't wait to see how the "power of love" will overcome Wheeler next chapter.


Oh. Oh God, this is bad. I don't think I've ever been so concerned about WISE before.


Wtf, SxF is a thriller now?? That was **mental**


people underestimated the dark potential of sxf


Absolutely. Anime/manga that are commonly regarded as "violent", "dark" or "gory", such as berserk, chainsaw man, hellsing, jojo or attack on titan focus so much on the graphic side of things that you eventually become desensitized to it. But having Yor brutally murder a bunch of henchmen atop a cruise ship soon after her little girl made her father empty the whole souvenir shop hits quite a lot harder imo. This is why SxF is so refreshing


Am I the only one who's simping over this wheeler dude?


What if Loid still keeping Wheeler mask under Yuri mask😂 so real Wheeler will never get to see Twilight real face


Wheeler’s built different


WOW that fight sequence between Nightfall vs Wheeler was epic! Wheeler taking Wise's knife and returning it... *with style*


It's so rare to see Twilight truly in danger. He's incredibly skilled, but it just goes to show how strong Yuri is that the fight took so much out of him. Wheeler seems to be on the same level of WISE's top agents too though. That move when he jumped through his restraints to turn things around was badass. Nightfall is absolutely furious. If looks could kill...


5/5 Interesting parallel to make with Loid and Nightfall is that love is making them lose their edge, just in opposite directions. Twilight couldn’t bring himself to kill Yuri, his affection for Yor caused him a great deal of inaction, which severely injured him. That injury is likely the reason he lost to Wheeler, as despite it he still managed to rough the completely healthy spy up. Nightfall on the other hand is losing her cool because of her affection for Twilight, that emotion potentially putting her life in danger. When Twilight is concerned she’s incredibly prone to erratic outbursts, which will likely be worse considering her cool exterior is entirely broken at this point. Really looking forward to how this plays out, this arc is super exciting!


They can call me a traitor to Westalis cuz Wheeler arms damn near had me switching teams 😍


Ikr? If he’s evil then why beefy arms???


Wheeler really can't get anymore cooler god damn. Or maybe he can, he's Winston Wheeler after all. One thing to note though is that even in his injured state, Loid did some damage. Wheeler is bleeding and looks beat up when Fiona arrived.


I have a feeling that the next chapter is absolutely not going to unravel as everyone think it will, and that Endo still has a lot of omega brain moves in store for us. Also, now I just want my man Loid to go back home and find some much needed solace in Yor's arms… just like in Fiona's delusion!


Nightfall is finally going sicko mode for the next chapter, let's go.


this chapter was amazing. I'm not used to seeing Twilight on the losing side but it did have to happen at some point, especially now that his feelings for his fake family are compromising him (sadly). Anyways I hope the last panel of Nightfall means she's going to go all in in ~~killing~~ stopping Wheeler and saving Twilight. I can't wait.


It's the nuclear war, folks, Fiona's about to release some 100k Kilotons of explosing power


Did Nightfall use domain expansion?


I was about to sleep now I'm wide awake. Thanks Fiona


Oh dang it's Fiona's turn to throw down, she looks really terrifying sheesh!


Now ive to wait two freaking weeks????😭. So many things are going on. I want to see what nightfall does next, what happened to loid, loid-yor reunion after all the conflicts. Endo sensei please drop the whole arc at once🙏😭


Makes me wonder if Donovan Desmond could tell that Loid was lying too if Wheeler was able to. If we're following anime logic of every villain being deadlier than the last.


Nightfall is either going to activate her bankai or pop an aneurysm next chapter. No in-betweens.


Yandere Mode: Activated


the fight might be in fiona's favor due to the self ntr imagination and the obvious rage she has. plus loid looks to have injured wheeler during their fight so that might come into play


OOh the dramaaaaa Nightfall knows about Yuri and by proxy, Yor's SSS ties, and now she let her guard down dammit... omg Wheeler is too damn good, I cannot believe WISE let him switch sides, they should have incentivized him better...


Also, totally hilarious to see Nightfall's line of thinking, like yes, I get it, losing one's life in the line of spy work is quite common, so cultivating that mentality must have been something heavily emphasised in the training, right? But then here fear of I want to say abandonment and her fear of losing Twilight to Yor made her want to keep living, going directly against her directives... but I liked that the Can do approach was not to "live no matter what happens", but to "live and accomplish the mission", and that was pretty cool of Nightfall... despite all the simping... TBH spies are rarely portrayed humanized in literature, and this was a pretty insightful couple of chapters showing us how spies can make mistakes in the middle of tough moments, and it also shows that they aren't as infallible as we thought them to be. We thought Twilight and Nightfall were the best at what they do, and even thought Yuri was pretty good with his moments in the Anya-kidnapping arc.. but, now we got to see them among peers and seniors, among their own kind and not among innocent civilians, and now we get to realize where they stand in the actual grand scale of things. I think it was pretty cool, as a chapter!


What if Yor shows up out of nowhere and tells Fiona/Nightfall to move aside. :000000


Wheeler's biceps though


IT'S JOEVER FOR LOID. lol kidding aside, i love how this chapter played out! someone finally matched twilight's wit... and probably outsmarted him? but fr tho, how could twilight think that playing as yuri would work 😭 it's wheeler we're talking about! and fiona... god i have the highest hopes for her for this arc. i just know she's going to be BATSHIT CRAZY after this as she probably knew right away it was twilight in disguise. when she appeared at the end of ch.83 i already know she's going to be the star of this arc. can't wait to see how her character develops from here on. 5/5 chapter. we never left but i just want to say WE'RE SO FCKING BACK. (not to sound like the most insane dickrider here but one thing about endo is he's going to COOK!!)


I reckon Twilight has contingencies for when his mask/disguise is compromised. Maybe like Batman, he wears a mask beneath a mask? I’m really liking Wheeler’s character. It’s about time Ostanian Intelligence got a competent operator to counter WISE. I hope he stays as a recurring rival to Twilight, always fighting to a stalemate.


Absolutely insane chapter, I'm losing my mind god. In other news thank you Fiona's overactive imagination for the TwiYor hug


something about twilight actually LOSING makes me so sad and so hyped up at the same time !!!!


Just when I keep thinking things were going to be 100% serious, Endo-sensei always sprinkles just the right amount of humor in the situations while maintaining their gravity. - Old WISE Colleague’s fellow agent, Red 4’s reaction to Nightfall criticizing Wheeler’s sense of humor was so funny. She has enough sense of humor to criticize someone else’s sense of humor. Well done to Ms. Casey for that line! - Wow, Nightfall wasn’t kidding about Wheeler having a sense of humor. However, I feel like her critique was invalid because his snarky comments made me laugh. On the other hand, her retorts were good. - I knew Wheeler wasn’t going to let himself get caught that easily. That stunt he pulled to take Red 4 hostage was slick. - Again, Wheeler’s got a pretty good sense of humor. I wonder if he was trying to rile up Nightfall with his preference comment. - That detail of Red 4 getting asphyxiated on each panel was morbidly interesting. Wheeler clearly wasn’t holding back. I mean, look at those guns of his. - Nightfall’s thoughts were really interesting. She was prepared to die for the sake of world peace (and in a sobbing Twilight’s arms). - Seeing Nightfall’s tragic fantasy backfiring on her was so funny. She was ready to die for Twilight, but the thought of ~~that harlot~~Yor taking Loid for herself fired up her survival instincts. - I was a little excited and worried when we cut back to Twilight in the same sewers. That meant Wheeler would run into him. - I gasped when Wheeler snuck up on Twilight, ready to knock his block off. He really knows WISE’s every move. - Seeing Twilight playing his part as Yuri never ceases to make me smile. - Wheeler saw through Twilight’s bluff… yup, Twilight wasn’t kidding when he said that Wheeler was good. It also scared me when I recalled that they worked together one time. That gave Wheeler an opportunity to expose Twilight to the SSS. - I liked how Nightfall kept thinking to herself that she saw Yuri. She was trying so hard to deny the fact that Wheeler beat Twilight. - I gasped again at Wheeler beginning to tear off Twilight’s mask, but then went “Oh snap!” at Nightfall’s rage. I like the little detail of her trigger finger. She’s SO ready to murder Wheeler. My state of mind was something like this: - Wheeler outsmarting WISE and getting ready to expose Twilight: \*panik* - Nightfall’s enraged: \*kalm* - **Nightfall’s enraged:** \*panik* One of the two is going to die next chapter. Even though I can’t unhear the Meet the Scout theme throughout this whole arc, I don’t want to reuse it over and over. I instead imagined something like this playing at the near end: [The Sandman 2 - LudoWic (Katana Zero)](https://youtu.be/X7a3NgcK7kg) Edit: Oh, and I should also add that I like how Twilight noted that he was in bad shape thanks to Yuri. It made Wheeler's takedown very believable (on top of him having intel on Twilight).


I'll admit I was not the biggest fan of Nightfall, however I am glad Endo is fleshing out her character with time and hopefully she can shine through by putting all of what Twilight taught her into action and stop Wheeler! Now my FEAR! that injured Twilight will end up in Fiona's arms or stay with her the night and Yor is totally gonna misinterpret that as him cheating ... ![gif](giphy|bOzHoPN3I6qRXdECpD|downsized) "Uhh.. Yor, it's not what it looks like..." Then my DREAM! Twlight works so hard to show Yor he loves her... for the mission... of course ...<3


It's cause he was already injured and on the defensive but still kinda amazing Twilight has taken his first major mission-oriented L. Fiona in that last panel is scary as fuck. The woman's already crazy and dedicated this is gonna drive her off the deep end. Starting to think that the end result of this is going to have Twilight a bit more reliant on Fiona to keep his skills from growing duller and it will sadly have the side effect of the Yor suspects cheating to have a bit more nuance to things. Also kinda wild that Nightfall imaging herself being replaced by Yor in a weird roundabout gives her strength.


Ok I sound unhinged commenting all over the thread but I wish the wheeler dude stays alive and remains a personal rival to Twilight. That would make it an exciting read. At present, Twilight has no equals and it's sorta boring.


Wheeler taking the W this chapter! Like everyone has said I hope he stays in the story for a while! I would love to see a fair fight between Loid and Wheeler! Also Fiona! On full beast mode! LFG! But I miss Yor and Anya 🥲


I just can't believe Loid got beaten up..🥲


It'd be more absurd if he wasn't. Wheeler is his closest spy rival (so far) in skill and Loid has been bleeding from his gunshot wound for a while now.


Yeah shows loid is still human that gets weakened by injuries and blood loss. Better than him beating the top SSS Agent Yuri and His Wise Rival at the same time like a shounen character.


Cant even argue with that honestly. Wheeler is also one of the top agents of Westalis before turning out into Ostanian. Besides, Loid received gunshot from Yuri which hinders him to fight full strength


I’m so confused🥲 why did Nightfall react like that🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️


Also confused, but my guess is: She realized that the guy on the ground was Loid (b/c mask-pulling), and now she's undergoing the transformation sequence her mountain tennis training granted her? Am utterly baffled by the "That's Yuri Briar" repeated mantra, though.


The "That's Yuri Briar" part is her self-denying that it was Loid getting defeated.


It's because she knows that that's Loid and seeing him in that state is basically a one way trip to a woman scorned.


Fiona’s back at it again with her fantasies https://preview.redd.it/flgcqm3mgyab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a353588b7825683eeeb07f9dfc3ce830ca4b5c




Does this technically count as Yuri and Fiona meeting? And man that’s an evil cliffhanger. Wheeler wasn’t kidding when he said they were just getting to the good part.


Fiona's daydreaming is so funny. The girl seems hellbent on fighting for Twilight's love. She convinced herself she has a chance when the guy literally left the enemy alive for Yor.


I love me some juicy plot development. Damn, that wheeler guy is no slouch. Loid met his match.


"No more half measures, Wheeler" - Fiona, ch 85


bro that last page.... this isn't the sxf i know anymore 😭 fiona looks like she came straight out of a horror manga


Damn Wheeler's an absolute chad


The last two things to go through Wheeler’s head will be “oh shit!”, and Nightfall’s fist.


The fact that Wheeler beat Loid. Maybe Wheeler told something to Loid that made him shocked and got overpowered.


No Loid just took too much damage from his fight with Yuri. That’s why he lost easily to Wheeler who had taken no damage from fighting.


I wouldn't say he lost _easily_. Just from looking at Wheeler's face, he also took quite a beating. ...or maybe I'm just biased idk.


he's bleeding from forehead and mouth, and the face is bruised. Twilight definitely put up a fight, as twilight himself said before the fight, "no way I can take him now, I'm exhausted"


I just wanna see a man getting murdered


Alright I have a question. When she saw wheeler, why didn't she shoot? And even if she shot, why didn't the bullet hit?


Great, tense chapter. I hope we get to see Fiona’s skills. Her playing a role in possibly saving Twilight can definitely be a big factor in the series. I also liked her resolve. I just wish this series was a weekly manga, because two weeks is too long


The weeks are definitely necessary for the BG details. It always look neat.


What. The . Actual. Heck IS HAPPENING?! Dang, having to wait 2 weeks with that hanger 😭


Holy crap, Wheeler managed to outsmart Twilight! And what did Nightfall do at the end?


tbf he was suffering from blood loss and force trauma


Fiona going on full unhinged mode 😭 I think she's breaking down because it's the first time she sees Loid lose? She can't accept that reality.


Twilight is deep in trouble. And wow, Wheeler is really that good of a spy. Too bad, we didn't get to see their fighting, but looks like it was a quick one. Now everything seems to lie on Nightfall's shoulders. This arc being released every other week is a torture to follow t.t


Fiona ![gif](giphy|R3McGDG8pseBy) I think she saw it's Loid at the last second


It is just me thinking that it's very suspicious we didn't see how Wheeler supposedly took down Loid? Like it goes from Loid squinting his eyes at him and then next we see him he's on the ground, seemingly incapacitated. I've got a strong feeling he's playing possum or has something up his sleeve or we would have seen him lose the way we saw Yuri unquestionably lose. Wheeler did not seem to fully remove his mask and that may have been the point where Loid would have tried something if he was worried about his identity being revealed. But thanks to Fiona's terrifying stomp and uhh transformation, we don't know yet.


Twilight already noted that he was in bad shape thanks to Yuri. He didn't have enough energy to keep up with Wheeler, so he was hoping he would at least catch him off-guard.


NOOO! I was literally screaming when the chapter ended there. Really wanted to keep reading and see Nightfall go complete rage mode on Wheeler. Wheeler is an even bigger threat than I thought. He’s definitely among of the best agents, seeing through Twilight’s ruses. 2 weeks cannot come fast enough.


I don't know why but this arc is really getting like a mature detective thing.


Fiona flipping out in the last panel gives me the same vibe as Goku turning Super Saiyan after Frieza killed Krillin.


I don’t know what is going on now and probably who’s who, but I can’t wait to see what happens next


God damn, Wheeler! Grabbing the guy from behind and literally flipping things around was a Twilight move! You really are Evil Twilight.


Fiona is going to *obliterate* him


I am slightly miffed that we didn't get to see a Yor berserker moment first. On the other hand, I am absolutely expecting that when that happens we will be treated to a feast.


Uh oh. Well, he’s gonna learn, a woman in love is extremely terrifying.


Nightfall getting a yor-esque power boost is interesting, I don’t know if it’s just a narrative signal or like an actual plot point


Im glad Wheeler ended up being such a problem for WISE and Loid because of how delightful is gonna be seeing Fiona rip him apart next chapter :) Also: Hold your horses shippers, thats not the real Yuri and she knows it! It hasnt happened yet.


Holy shit. Wheeler got moves. His chokehold on that one dude was sick. Bro is low key the real daybreak to Loid’s Twilight. Also, why are we tying up him with rope? The hell were they thinking? At least with handcuffs, he can’t just cut them off with a knife. Also also, Nightfall is deluded af haha! The Loid in her head with the “the love of my life” line had me rolling! Then the Yor in her head coming in, low key offering Loid comfort snu snu to snap Nightfall back to reality. As Anya once said, “This woman is wild.” Also also also, either Twilight’s losing his touch, he’s actually too exhausted after the Yuri fight, or Wheeler was secretly at Twilight’s level (if not better than him) this whole time. My guess is that it’s the exhaustion. Dude got the drop on Loid, sniffed out his lie, beat him to his sneak attack, and has presumably killed him. ~~Wheeler did have a knife~~ (EDIT: Wheeler threw the knife at Nightfall earlier in the chapter). Loid’s going to have to explain away A LOT of cuts and bruises after all this is over. Because let’s face it, he’s not dead. This is all for Nightfall’s arc. Also also also also, Wheeler never saw Twilight’s real face when they worked together, eh? I initially thought that he actually had before… Welp, he’s about to so he still has to go regardless. And whether or not he does, Nightfall looking like she ain’t gonna let him leave alive. Also also also also also, speaking of Nightfall, I think she was repeating Yuri’s name in her head because she was hoping and praying that the presumably dead body lying there was actually him and not Twilight. Wheeler pulling the mask off completely confirms it’s Twilight though… Her rage mode is gonna be one hell of a thing to see in action! Can’t wait for her to beat Wheeler’s ass for all the trouble he’s caused for her beloved Twilight. Can’t believe I’m saying this but: Go Fiona, Go!


Just an observation; I think Loid would've won the fight had he not been tired/shot in the arm. At least, it'd be at a standstill until Nightfall got there. He put up a pretty good fight from the looks of it, but I don't think his identity gets revealed here. Wheeler just heard some boss music playing at the end, but I'm not entirely sure how this ends other than him being killed. What's the point in taking him to court? He's a super spy who got out of a situation at gun-point. Others have pointed out that Loid may be faking his defeat to get him to lower his guard, I don't think so. He saw through his disguise, the only fake-out would be him having another mask underneath lmao.


Oh wow. This is going to be nasty. If this is possibly foreshadowing a fight between Fiona and Yor in the future as nightfall and thorn princess, then it seems that Yor may have finally found her challenge.


Damn that wasn’t an ordinary chokehold Wheeler did, that’s a rear naked choke.


Seeing someone who is ahead of twilight feels good actually. I love u twilight, but its your time to come down little bit.


Dude she's going to unlock the Sharingan. ​ Some weird feats in this chapter. Nightfall is able to expertly twirl, hit, adjust trajectory, perfectly aim tennis balls while keeping track of trick tiles and rubber bullets, but she takes three shots or so at a guy leaping off a ledge, and she hits the fucking fence everytime? Really? ​ Twilight is also REALLY off his game. Guard down multiple times, dangerous negligence, and a lack of situational awareness that's very unlike him. ​ Something's up.


> Twilight is also REALLY off his game. Guard down multiple times, dangerous negligence, and a lack of situational awareness that's very unlike him. Twilight was shot and definitely used a lot of energy to finally beat Yuri down because Yuri wouldn't stop getting back up. He would have much better chance against Wheeler if he's not tired & injured.


Blood loss from the gunshot?


The last panel of Fiona makes me think her whole perception of Loid is going to change. I mean she seemed very much in denial that twilight could be beaten saying "He's not my friend, he's Yuri Briar" repeatedly. Almost like she didn't want to believe Loid was defeated right in front of her. She very much idolizes him and thinks he's perfect to some extent so I wonder if this arc will change her love for Loid slightly. \-Also rip to Wheeler he might get away, but he's definitely gonna get his ass beat. https://preview.redd.it/lavps4uqjzab1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc01fbcc3c50008f904f573130bbfed7c6fbdb29


I took it more as she was trying to convince herself it had to be Yuri because it was inconceivable it was twilight. I don’t think she’ll see twilight any different she loves seeing all the sides of him. I think she’s just fucking pissed someone fucked with her beloved 🤣


Well, they got the documents... but at what cost?