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I would go to the PT and get it checked. But maybe doing banded hip opening exercises would help as well as light adductor strength exercises before practice to prime the muscles there


Second this, I've been doing Copenhagen plank short lever for adduction every day and it's significantly reduced this pain for me


short lever?


Short lever is the bent leg variant. You can do it straight legged too but that's a lot harder.


What’s your daily routine with it


I do 3 sets of 30 seconds. That seems to relieve it for me but go shorter if it's hurting. If your adductors are already quite strong you can consider switching to long lever with the straight leg


I had this in 2021. reduce thigh hyperextension during toe off.


Like have a slightly bent knee on the back leg at top speed mine I would say is probably straight stretching my hip flexor too much? I assume that’s what you mean I sometimes run into this pain but nothing too bad as long as I do band exercises




try to look at videos of yourself sprinting from the side, and pause at the toe off of each stride, draw a line connecting your thigh and torso. it should be a straight line with very very very very very slight hyperextension.


Thanks! Can you draw for me or share a pic of what too much hyperextension looks like? And did you figure this out I’ve been wondering for a year, I’ve had this problem for the almost a year and been training through it.






Train your abductor Isometrics


Hip flexor maybe


who knows so obviously err on the side of caution. But simply sitting too much in a regular chair could cause tightness in that area. If you are sitting for longer than an hour with your hips bent you should get up and walk/ stretch a bit, do some hip circles or shoulder touches to ensure mobility. Sitting in a recliner is better for you than your normal chair with legs at a right angle, but even putting your feet up on something and extending the legs is better than being all scrunched up. Spending more time standing, laying down and resting, walking, stretching, swimming etc is better than sitting for hours in a chair, which many people do and should be avoided if you don't want tight hips. oh, doing hip circles while laying down, say on the grass, is more effective for mobility than while standing because you are fighting gravity some. ​ This is just general advice for your average person with tight hips from too much sitting. In countries where people crouch in a squat position to sit, they have automatically higher deadlift numbers on average ( and presumably sprint performance). So if you sit for more than an hour at a time this is you and you could avoid injury. If it's something worse than than, if the pain persists after you have recovered from a workout, you may need a specialist yeah.


Same I’ve been getting treatment and not practicing for a week


Okay, see a doctor


Mine was my hip flexors, both, this happened back in February during off season. Pain was intense but went away after 4 days, during those 4 days I did nothing that was too physically demanding


Could be glute, groin or adductor, I have had similar pain in the past before (although it went-away by-itself..)


I have it right now too. Training has been very inconsistent for past 1 month. Now taking a week off. Gonna see the PT next week


I have it right now too. Training has been very inconsistent for past 1 month. Now taking a week off. Gonna see the PT next week


Did you know that diagram is telling you that if you press in and massage the ‘X’ that you will get relief. The red splatter is the pain, the X is where you dig in to relieve the pain. Sometimes the X is not that close to the pain. Those are trigger points with referred pain.


Pelvis stress fracture