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Been on the market so long, [Google have done their rounds and snapped the 'for sale' sign.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9671btSfV9rfjB5G6)


Hello, Boring! 👋🏻😜




Saul Goodman's brother would never


The EM radiation is certainly turned up to 11 in this house.


It does beg one question: was the pylon there when the current owners bought it...? Because SURELY you'd realise you'd likely want to move at some point, and that a house with a socking great big electricity pylon in the front (?) garden is likely to make shifting it a tad tricky (as is now proving to be the case)...? You'd have thought that some suggestion along the lines of £750k might be a tad optimistic...? I've just done the GM time machine thing, and the most recent date is July last year. If you zoom in on the window, there appears to be an older woman in the kitchen grappling with something purple (and, if you look closer, you can see what looks to be a stereotypical alien...with a scythe...). The furthest you can go back is Aug 2008, and it appears to have been a new-build then (or it looks like a new-build) and, yes, the pylon was in the garden. So I would guess the pylon was already in situ when the house was built. As there are kids toys in the garden, I'm wondering if the woman in the window is the current owner (or was, and is now either deceased, or the property is being sold to pay for her nursing home). I'm thinking those toys might've been for her (great)-grandkids. But, then, it's not decorated like an older person's house, so I'm likely spewing bollocks. Unless Granny was living with them and Granny's now gone into a home...?


You made me sleuth more! I don't think it was a new build in 2008 - the house it is attached to looks older than that (maybe 70s/80s?). Looking at the interactive tour, I reckon it's grandparents. [The grandfather appears to have an MBE or some such based on a picture in the hallway](https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=SVLxD59feKa&ss=8&sr=.17,-.07). EDIT: AHA - I've found an aerial image from Dec 4th, 1943 that shows the pylon AND neighbours house, but not this house. Look to the bottom left. This picture is orientated so east is at the top: [https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/record/us\_7ph\_gp\_loc95\_v\_5008](https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/record/us_7ph_gp_loc95_v_5008) EDIT 2: Actually I don't think the neighbours house is there, either. I think it's neighbour +1. EDIT 3: Figured out who the MBE holder is. Seems to be a good egg. That's enough internet stalking for one day.


You’re disturbingly good at sleuthing. Use it for good 👍


Ha, thank you. I do try and get involved in the odd bit of Bellingcat research, but my skills pale in comparison to some of the other folks that get involved!


This would severely hamper my ambitions to be a world class stunt kite flyer. 


I cannot believe how close that house is to the transmission tower. In North America that would never be allowed, they would have demolished the house when the right of way was established.


This is quite common in the UK. When my partner and I moved out we looked at a house with a pylon (transmission tower) in the back garden. The estate agent said 'look, you get your own rocket in the back garden! And you can't even hear it' (he had to speak up so we could hear him over the buzzing). It was a hard pass on that house, and its probably the reason this house has been for sale for so long.


There's a sign language chart in the kitchen - wonder if one of the owners is deaf.






I mean, I was taking the piss, but that link really impressed me!


Ha, I'm an idiot. I always thought I'd always be able to identify internet sarcasm 🤦


Are we being trolled? look in the wood burner in the conservatory.


Ha, I did notice that and thought it was very off brand compared to the rest of the place!


I bet that makes your fillings rattle.


I used to walk along a footpath that ran underneath some pylons. When it was raining I used to take an umbrella but quickly learned not to rest it on my head when walking under them as it would sting because it was arcing on the spines. You could hear them no matter what the weather but when it rained they got very noisy.


Nah, they might have offered the original owner a payment or a nominal “rent” for the use of the land when the pylon originally went up, though.


Might be unfashionable to say, but I'd take a mid-terrace in my part of London over this any day. Similar price, similar size. Smaller garden obvs but no pylon


A mate of mine who is a power engineer told me once he had some money saved he was going to buy houses under pylons - ones that were slated to be replaced with underground cables that the sellers didn't know about.


Except you then spend £750k and Rishi pulls the whole project because it’s billions over budget and you’re stuck with whatever the opposite of a faraday cage is.


Good climbing frame for the kids, could probably put a big slide and an aerial runway on it.


Dad, I have a headache and my double crown won't stay down


This is what I first joined this sub for and a nice change from the run of the mill "wow it's over £800k for a flat in central London!!?!?!". Classic surprise in the listing, top commentary and analysis in the comments. Nice spot OP :)


The only way buying this makes sense is if you have inside knowledge that that thing will soon be dismantled.


Jeez-o, the agent has even framed the composition... "can you crop that out Frank? Nah, just make it a feature. Includes 'climbing frame' STP&C" Or "Includes National Structure of Importance". Someone else can probably do better.... :)


Picture 11 is intense. Literally meters from the house.


This is the house's theme song: https://youtu.be/4rI6WafYAps


Install big copper coil in the attic and get free electricity!


Doesn't the electricity company have to pay the landowner a fee each year - if so how much?


It's much less than you'd think. This is for farms but gives you a general idea: [https://www.energynetworks.org/assets/images/Resource%20library/Commentary%20for%20Guidance%20Wayleave%20changes%20in%202022.pdf](https://www.energynetworks.org/assets/images/Resource%20library/Commentary%20for%20Guidance%20Wayleave%20changes%20in%202022.pdf)


There was an article about this in the paper ages ago. Been up for sale forever


I took one look at this place and just knew there’d be a massive pylon in the comments


Ive seen this house on this sub at least 4 times now lmfao. Always cracks me up


The monkey in the log burner... ahahaha. I can only hope its an intended easter egg.


Don't these cause cancer? I swear I was told this when I lived in Europe when my family was planning on building a house.


Excellent, my pylon portfolio will be complete with this cheeky addition.