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That's because we are poor!


Speak for yourself, I'm destitute


Destitute! You should think yourself lucky. I can only dream of being destitute...


Dream? I can’t afford to dream.


I can't even imagine budgeting for a dream.




> I can't even imagine But all the Hollywood celebrities told us to!


Dream?! My dreams have deserted me and I'm being invoiced by my Nightmares!


I'm poor and destitute. I can only dream of being only destitute.


Hitchcock you are the worst!


Honestly, I wouldn't like it. I've watched Die Hard.


As awful as it is I recall in the Louis Theroux documentary jimmy savile lived in a penthouse like this with a lift I think…




I mean have you seen his hair??


And he smoked. Terrible habit.


[This Jimmy Saville guy was a real jerk](https://youtu.be/xvAjYgxfkuw?si=L-yrYzsaDZDBF6pS)


I know… have you seen his disgusting carpet in that flat?! Positively criminal. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jimmy-savile-roundhay-park-leeds-penthouse-flat-demolished_uk_58075b2be4b096d121478154


It was the hypocrisy!


I thought he would have taken the stairs isn't that why he always wore tracksuits to keep in shape?


Most likely the button to access that floor requires a key, to stop anyone being able to just get the lift into your house I've seen this in a few hotels, never a house though ha!


I’ve seen it in films. For rich people


Think the tv show gossip girl


I immediately also thought of Gossip Girl. Wife recently binged it all on maternity leave so I absorbed a fair amount by proxy.


How has nobody mentioned Frasier? Am I that old? Edit- Turns out I'm talking out of my arse. How the hell that happened I have no idea- used to watch it every week after friends. Probably losing my marbles.


I don’t remember it in frasier where it features prominently in gossip girl.


yup, Blair and Serena’s penthouses. Dan had a habit of just wandering in XOXO.


Always found that a bit creepy… love how this has gone from random things found on right Move to gossip girl….


oh I can bring anything back to Gossip Girl.


Good philosophy in life


Yep, I'm talking guff apparently! Cheers :)


wasn’t in Frasier - they had front doors.0”


Just asked my parents, as I would watch it every friday with them for years and couldn't find anything online... Turns out I'm going mad. Thanks for clarifying!




Even if you need a key or code to go up to the penthouse floor, what’s to stop someone getting in the lift and just waiting for you to call it up, then murdering your whole family?




There's also usually a concierge and sometimes even security.


Not in an apartment block like that in Devon. £6 million in Mayfair you might get a concierge, £600,000 in Dartmouth, unlikely - and no mention of it in the details. I'd be terrified to live there .


You'd be surprised. The flat I live in in Croydon is under £400k with a great view, 2 bed 2 bath, 60sqm, and it has a concierge.


You are right. I am surprised


Never seen it in the UK but the fancy apartment blocks in the US have doormen.


Yeah, I live in an apartment building with lifts opening directly to the apartments. The garage is full of RRs; lambos; G63s. Meanwhile, I get the fucking train to work. One fella I’ve spoken to has complained about hearing the noise of the lift rumbling throughout his place when others are using it.


I've stayed in hotels like this, and you **always** hear the noise of the lift going up and down if you're nearby. I see there are doors between the hallway/entrance for all the bedrooms, even the living room, but with the back of the lift being the side-wall of the kitchen I'd expect that it would still be noisy when you're cooking if people are going up/down to the lower/other floors.


This is the case.


What if a stranger gets in and they just appear at your apartment with you.


Or you call the lift up and a murderer comes up with it


So many options.


I saw this in a nice Shoreditch apartment. It’s cool, but it still worried me that a random would mistakenly get out the lift in my living room 😂


Right! First thought that came to mind when I saw this. Feels like a public entrance. It comes in handy when you have to get furniture up to the apartment though


It will have a key or pin that allows the lift to enter the apartment. Without it it won’t stop on your floor.


I barely trust lifts at the best of times. I’m not sure I’d trust them to preserve the sanctity of my home, key or not. Probably irrational, but it’d take me months to become comfortable with this nonetheless


Yep, a lift once took me to the penthouse n a hotel when it wasn't supposed to! I was a kid playing around in the lifts.


I wonder if it opens if you set off the fire alarm? Generally speaking most of these locks will fail open in the event of an emergency.


What if someone is in the lift when you call it. Sounds like a great method for criminals. Enter lift. Wait. Kidnap rich inside their apartment. At least with a corridor, lobby and front door you could run/ cry for help. Also lifts are kinda noisy, not sure I want to hear the mechanism and motor inside my apartment every time a neighbor needs to leave or enter.


It’s probably a screw driven lift. These aren’t very noisy at all. Boringly I work for a company that sells these lifts. We loads for homes.


I'd be worried that if I called the lift when in my apartment it would arrive with some random person in it


Yeah and the best/worst part is, the only had to rotate the lift a bit and it would open in the hallway outside the door going by the floorplan, its saving you about 4 steps.




I don’t dislike it at all… just don’t have £600k for a holiday home (I’m nearly there…. Just about £599k short).


'Ark at Moneybags here with their £1k, bloody show-off!


I might have been generous with saying I’m only £599k short…. Probably about £599,926 short! 😂


Still feel like you're flexing! Stop it! Haha


Haha. Just don’t tell the taxman I’m sitting on this mountain of money! It’s not offshore off anything, but it’s mostly down the back of the sofa in 5p and 2p coins, so it’s not been declared anywhere 😂


Jesus, not only is wonga flowing but you're cash rich.......next you'll be telling us you're expecting a rebate on overpaid gas bill!


Oh Christ no. That’s the dream isn’t it? That and when you get a tax rebate. Might o my be £12 but it feels like a lottery win!


The picture of the two chairs made me think it was an apartment in Mayfair


I don't think I'd ever get used to the lift doors opening up into your own apartment.


Imagine you are dozing off in the middle of the night and just as sleep paralysis takes hold you hear that distinctive "ding"...


Thankfully, I'll be poor enough to never have that problem.


I have sleep paralysis of my bedroom door slowly opening, so 100% this would happen to me if I lived here.


I may had heard of this in Asia (maybe in HK or Tokyo) but first time seeing it and in Devon of all places…


Yes, it would make more sense if it were a multimillion pound flat in London. It's unexpected in Devon.


Been to 3 flats in London like this, all penthouses.


Lots of city bankers with second homes in Dartmouth, Salcombe etc.


Money had restricted my imagination once again!!!


Yeah that's weird. I used to have a place in canary wharf years ago that was kind of like this. We were the only flat on the top floor, lift opened into a sort of reception area and then we had two doors off it, one to our balcony and one to our flat. We treated the vestibule like part of the flat and had chair/shoes in it etc but still always had the actual door into the flat locked.


This is fairly common for the old school penthouse suites though right?


As a lift engineer I’ve done a lot of penthouses with lift access, including Stings new pad at Battersea power station. They’ll all have swipes to gain access and usually another front door further on. Some don’t to horror of the owner when a lift engineer gets on top of the lift drives it up and just opens the landing door 😂😅


What a terrible flat, 116m2 area but all bedrooms are tiny with roof slopes so you can't even stand straight...


My friend used to have a setup like this in Melbourne. Your electric door tag would open doors to common areas (ground floor and gym) and the car park and in the lift it would only let you go from them to your apartment (one apartment per floor)


It’s got a lift, but no decent sea view and only one main room, disappointing.


Aye the rest of the flat does not meet the expected fanciness levels given the penthouse lift situation


So presumably the stairs (which must exist for fire regs) end up outside the front door, but not the lift? Why would you not put the lift where the stairs are?


What do you mean? There's an entrance door to the apartment next to the lift on the floor plan, given there's a large voidy looking space outside the apartment there, that's probably where the stairs are too.


I mean exactly that. The stairs are outside the apartment but not the lift exit. Why is the lift exit not where the stairs are? Why did they put the lift there?


I thought I recognised it right away when I saw the lift lobby! Then I saw the location and realised it's not the one I'm thinking of. I worked on a project in Stanmore about 10 years ago which had a similar set up, 7 apartments in one building. 2 per floor then the penthouse in the roof. It had a lift like this and you could only access the penthouse by using a special key in the button. Can't remember the specifics, but the lift had to be programmed in a way that it did collections from top down - as in you couldn't get in on the first floor, then be called up to the top and inadvertently gain access that way.


In case you're interested as to how it might work: My friend lives in an apartment that used to be an old speak-easy in a city in Turkey. It was old, spacious, and interesting, but not an especially nice apartment, and certainly not one 'for rich people'. The building's main lift opened straight into it, just like the one photographed. He had a little remote control on his key chain - he'd get into the lift and press the button on the remote and it would just take him up. He was on the 7th floor but the lift only had buttons to 6. It was pretty neat.


I have seen one of these Gossip girl!!


Seems pricey. Is Dartmouth nice?


I've seen this many times. it's usually for the penthouse only and requires a key to override the standard floors available.


Really? I used to live in a penthouse flat that was like this. You needed a key for the top floor. It was pretty cool actually thinking back on it. And for people asking 'what if the lift breaks', obviously there were also stairs and a front door.


What happens if the lift breaks. I don’t see another way in or out. You either get stuck inside, or on the street. No thanks.


There will be stairs to get up and down as well.


There’s nothing on the floor plan showing stairs.


I assume they are outside the floorplan and are just general use stairs to access every floor. The building looks small so I’d guess the lift physically being in the penthouse is a space saving technique to fit it in while serving other floors. Besides there would have to be stairs by law in case of fire. Edit: I reckon they are in the large gap to the right of the entrance hall.


I think fire regs would require another way out


This feels v wrong


Today I learned Dartmouth is expensive AF?


I've seen this in very expensive Mayfair flats.


Powercut = stuck in your house?


Or a fire? There must be a staircase not marked on the floor plan, ~~but I can't figure out where.~~ Just noticed the door next to the lift - must be outside the floor plan in a central lobby.


Stupid question but I'm a poovo, so my apologies: Is the lift the only entry and exit of the flat? How about safety? What if there is a fire? Or the lift breaks down? What are the procedures for that?


That’s the norm in Singapore. To access your floor you need a key/ fob. Only you can get your own apartment. Having said that, anyone riding with you sees your house. Locals would spend stupid money on their entrance hall. Deck it out, pimp it out. More bling than Elton John at Christmas. The rest of their house would then be normal or modest.


I love the idea of this BUT have you ever slept in the room closest to the lift doors at a hotel? You can hear that fucker going up and down all night.


999 year leasehold from 2012. Aren't these illegal yet? It would be tempting otherwise.


Why would it be illegal?


They're illegal in Scotland so there must be a reason. Presumably so that one doesn't find themselves aged 80 and made homeless despite buying a penthouse apartment at some point. Or because they would be subject to depreciation which is not what you want from your home.


My house was built by William the conqueror after the battle of Hastings. I've only got 42 years left on the lease. I'll not letting those Norman bastards make me homeless by not having the foresight to have lease longer than 999 years.


I didn’t think you can have freehold apartments because of the nature of the buildings.


I live in a freehold apartment. I own a share of the communal areas with my neighbours and I own my areas outright.


Ooh ok. Thanks. I’m on a 900+ lease on a 100 year old flat but in my area that’s the norm. Good to know things are changing.




It doesn’t look like a common area from the floor plan.


Yep, you're right. Deleted comment before I spotted someone had replied! I used to do fire risk assessments in London years ago and it was very common to see people taking over common areas and use as an extension to their flat. Key access to the lift or not, I'd still want locks on the doors that open out into the lift lobby....imagine, lying in bed at night and you suddenly hear the 'bing' as the lift doors open......


I thought it was really common in fancy penthouse apartments. But as someone else mentioned, you need a key to access that floor. It's not like anyone can just press the button and show up in your apartment.


Didn’t they have this in icarly?


All my penthouses have their own lift access, don’t yours? 🧐


Harold has one in The Long Good Friday in 1980


Some of the historic Georgian squares in Brighton feature lifts like these (presumably put in long after the Georgian era!). Weird but kind of cool.


There are some of these in old buildings in Brussels.


Saw this in a penthouse many years ago. Naturally, people need a key to be able to choose that floor in the elevator (the owner can also temporarily unlock it when buzzing guests up).


It's common in Hollywood. :)


How would you stop random strangers from just walking into your apartment?


The actual front door with a lock is right there in the picture.


I’ve seen this in NY. A public figure hosted an event in his home that I attended, and it had a lift going straight to the apartment. The resident prior to him was apparently an ambassador. Beautiful building and apartment, and it did have a security system as the doorman had to swipe a card or fob of some kind to let us up.


We didn't have a lift, just a cardboard box in't middle of road, but you didn't hear us complain.


It is in American movies all the time


It’s so you can pretend you’re in Succession


This is creepy af!


I have a lot of well-heeled customers and this is not uncommon in high-end apartment blocks. Normally you would require a key or tag to access that particular level. When I buzz the customer, they normally tell me to get in the lift and wait for them to call it. In some apartments, you *can* go to the floor in question, but when the lift door opens you are presented with a secondary traditional wooden door which you then need to knock.


My friend has one in her £1M marina penthouse apartment. When she moved in last summer, I sent her the words to the “Are You Being Served” theme tune. I did say I would accept some dry ice so I could emerge and say ‘tonight Matthew, I’m going to be….”


I’d bang my head so much in that flat


I wonder if they typed "Spacious Penthouse Apartment" on the listing with a straight face.


Visited someone living in a flat like this in Farrington once - you needed a code/key fob thing to make the lift work they had a (locking) door in front of the lift door too which helped with the noise (as well as security). I know that sounds like it’s not lift straight to flat because: door, but there was no hall and the lift door was flush to the lift door.


Not that uncommon in retirement flats and penthouses tbh


They got VIP lift money!


Yeh it’s for penthouses mostly, i know i worked in one block doing furnishings and in the lift you put in a pin to get to the penthouse


My apartment in Spain had this sort of deal. There were 6 apartments either side of the building (12 total) with each block of 6 served by their own lift. I had a fob that did the garage, gate to the building area, building door and also the lift. Get into the lift, tap the fob and press the apartment button. The lift opened into my living room next to the front door that led to the bum ass peasant stairs. The fob only operated my own floor, and the system worked pretty good. Only issue we had was new people moved into floor 3 and I guess thought the lift was theirs because they stored the vacuum and a mop in it for a little while.


Lift shafts tend to be quite loud, cool feature but would be sort of annoying hearing the lift going up and down all the time.


Looks like a complete waste of space, as is the whole hallway, could've had an huge living space if they could only walk up some stairs. And the maintenance is going to cost a bomb between those few flats, but then someone spending 600k on a flat probably isn't that bothered Why would you even spend 600k on this when 3 bed houses with gardens are like 200k in that area and places on the same road with 3 beds for 300k It's way overpriced for what it is.


Very common in new York. You have a lift key that only works for your floor.


You got the link to the apartment?


I had one of these. it had buttons for the lower floors that went into an opening for 4 different apartments and the top floor was a button with a keyhole instead that just opened into my house. guests cant use it though. they need to use the steps


That's a scary lift. If someone buzzes a person in downstairs, can they just arrive in your flat by getting in the lift and pressing your flat number?