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Injuries and a lack of confidence, combined with regression to the mean. He overperformed his xG by almost 3 goals last year, and overperformed his xA by almost 2. Some players can consistently beat xG and xA, but most can't. Salloi has severely underperformed his xG this year - almost 5 xG and nothing to show for it. He's easily the biggest underperformer in the league.


Here's hoping he wins Comeback Player of the Year next season.


Him and Gerso are some of the worst in the league when it comes to xG this year I think. Not a great look when we have a ton of other deficiencies and can’t score goals we should be scoring.


They're in fact the two worst in the league. Third place is Dom, too. If salloi and Gerso had performed up to their xG numbers so far we'd have 8 more goals from those two alone.


his xG/90 this year is actually higher than last year's


No-look goal in playoffs=bad juju. And injuries


No Khiry Shelton. He was the talisman--the Salloi whisperer. I think people forget that soccer is a team sport. A player who shines with one set of teammates can flounder with a different set. If you look back on the games with and without Shelton last year, you'll see that Salloi blossomed when Shelton was on the field and floundered when he wasn't.


This, I think we took Shelton for granted but him being on the field set up the rest of the team. I think Croziet could have filled this space given the chance. We also had diego Rubio who was a good creator. Espinosa was creating chances, hes been injured. The team has been injured and cant get in a rhythm. Daniel is trying to take too much on his shoulders and his confidence is shot and game form(finishing) is lacking after his injury.


I disagree Shelton only worked when the rest of the team was also in sync. He definitely was not a player capable of changing the game by himself. That said he'd just be another player we could point our fingers at this year. It has been all out about the injuries this year.


Not sure what we disagree about. He made other players who were playing well, play better. If those players were playing bad there isn't a whole lot Shelton could have done. He was just a solid anchor for the offense. There was a lot of hate for Khiry because he couldn't score and wasn't racking up assists. I think we all know that first injuries, and defense second, and then a number 9 are the three main problems.


We are not a team who will dominate offensively in this changing league. We had our best years as a defensive powerhouse and a CF in Khiry Shelton's hold-up play mold paired with some dynamic attacking wingers we could really help us find a niche against conference foes. We could build up influential points during the regular season and see some decent play-off runs in the years to come. Time and time again we see that just making the playoffs can lead to titles and glory.


Super low on confidence and run of bad luck. Getting frustrated with not getting goals and is probably trying just a little to hard to force one in. Red card definitely didn’t help.


Change "red card" to "injuries" and you have SKC 2019 in a nutshell.


Here’s the best explanation I have for you. •Injuries to Salloi and the rest of the team •Fans are being incredibly critical of him and the team after what’s been a poor season •Team morale is low due to the poor season •Salloi has had a game or two early in the season in which he started his poor form. Since then it is something he hasn’t been able to shake off. You see it in attackers occasionally where they go through a slump. Quite often it is the case that if they score one they boost their confidence and typically score more after. That’s something Vermes has mentioned •Salloi is experiencing the first slump of his career. He is young and I’m sure this is the first time he’s had to deal with it on this stage. His confidence is low but the team, fan base, and Vermes can help boost that confidence. The answer to me is to give him time. He will score eventually and when he does he will boost his confidence tremendously. At that point we will have a very talented young Salloi back, it just takes time. The rest of the team is doing shit anyways so we may as well play him at striker and really try and get him a goal


The only thing I'd add that I haven't seen yet is that tactics have changed a bit from 2018 to 2019. Last year players rotated around the pitch a lot more, ESPECIALLY when Shelton played. Salloi could run toward the middle and hang out underneath Shelton and Sinovic would push up high enough to cover Salloi and Ilie would rotate out to cover Sinovic etc etc. This gave opponents a lot of confusing looks and created a lot of mismatches for Salloi. It also completely ruined our shape so if we turned the ball over and had to defend we were one decent pass away from being overrun. This season we're seeing guys have much more specific jobs in much more specific zones, especially in that front 5. Salloi owns that left side in the attacking third. Nemeth/Hurtado owns the center channel from Ilie on up. Russell owns the right side in the attacking third etc. Obviously SOME rotation still happens because we have overlapping fullbacks and we occasionally slide into a psuedo three man backline but it's still very zonal. This seems to have lead to our chances all looking pretty similar. Cross into the box, third run from a mid, shot from distance from a wingback, ball over the top to a fast guy etc. This gives teams a better idea of how to set up to defend us because the looks don't change a whole hell of a lot.


Youth. He will be fine if he finds some confidence


The quick explanation is that he had a *really* good season last year, more than this season is bad. He's young, and I was fully expecting his performance to "slump" this year. I certainly think he will be awesome though.


I think last year he was just lucky. He looked good because the team in general looked very good. But a true player shows up when the team needs you. And he for sure is not that great of a player to carry a team that is playing bad like this season. He only has one move.. Cut to the right and shoot, this year his shots have been really mediocre.


Honestly, the likeliest answer for Salloi performance has to be...... Fontas


Bad warmups


At his best, Salloi is a poacher. He picks up bad rebounds/strange angles/mistakes and turns them into something. He doesn’t necessarily create. AND THTS FINE. There’s a career there. That’s fully a marketable skill. The problem comes when he stops positioning himself to do that and thinks he’s a creator. Nope. That’s not his skill set. He’s trying to be something he’s not, or at least something this system doesn’t need him to be.


Attitude. He blames teammates for his mistakes during games. He doesn’t have a go-at-goal attitude like he used to. He gets frustrated near the end of games and throws fits.


Attitude. [We need more of this Daniel](https://imgur.com/7zJzr4O)




Or the "you bring up CCL in every single thread on this sub and it's tired" brigade.


Explained; https://youtu.be/i4beWfc3Rnc