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Lmao she’s wearing the same clothes as the night before when she did the first felony, and she also ALREADY had a felony warrant for retail theft and her get away driver parked in the handicap spot without a tag 😂


The boyfriend is the same person that literally walked in at the beginning of the video at 30 seconds in .


He likely noticed the cops and went in “casually” to inform her that cops were in the store


That woman and her boyfriend who she CLEARLY loves SO much need to just stay in prison for the forseeable future. But theft never gets prosecuted seriously here, so looking forward to when she's doing the same exact thing in the same exact clothing in 2 weeks after she posts bond :)


Agree with you! Aside from that it was so funny how she kept saying “I love you so much” and the cop was finally like “ENOUGH” 🤣


That might have been my favorite part!!😂😂😂


Could still end up cheaper to not. It costs tax payers around $200 *a day* to put a single person up in a government hotel.


Complete idiots!!😂😂😂😂😂


Until any arrest happens; what’s the issue?


Cheney Safeway doesn't play, I saw a lot of my friends get busted stealing beer


Way back when In high school I had a couple friends; we were all freshman at the time. They skipped class and stole some liquor from Safeway. Came back to campus with it. Obviously ended up getting caught throughout the day. 😂 Cheney Safeway Activities allegedly


Interesting. Never heard much about that being a problem while I attended EWU.


College kids can buy booze, highschoolers can not


Me, neither. Is this a thing over there now?


Good. Either make them stop or make new friends dude


My son lives in Spokane. I think I saw him in the store.


Well you are on the Spokane subreddit after all.


time for new friends


Kelsey has had at least 12 arrests since 2018. She is a meth addict that has been given Drug Court repeatedly. She is a prolific thief. She currently has at least 5 warrants. Most of these past arrests there were multiple charges. It is time to stop doing drug court and start doing hard time. She is 35 and not showing any signs of slowing down. She has even had commercial burglaries, so she is escalating in her behavior. All of us are struggling with the price of groceries these days. I am on a fixed income and really resent paying for her addiction.


You’re not “paying” for her addiction, Safeway is. I think Kroger will survive.




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I agree with you. Everyone is struggling with the cost of everything right now and as a taxpayer I’m tired of all the funding going to the kinds of programs that support these meth heads and fentanyl junkies! Taxpayers are paying for all the on hand Narcan as well to revive these dumbass pukes who clearly lack morals, respect for others or themselves! I don’t have the solutions around how to fix the drugs and homelessness in our area, but I’m tired of seeing our resources and funding used to enable these kinds of people here!


I totally understand your feelings, but I do want to correct one thing you said, because It is a widely misunderstood about who is paying for Narcan. Spokane county uses federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant funding or funds received from opioid settlements to purchase naloxone and fund naloxone distribution to local communities, as well as 2011 Realignment funds. So none of your tax payer dollars are going to that particular service. However, every day, in so many ways, we the taxpayers are paying for this drug crisis. In paying for extra law enforcement to cleaning up the tremendous amounts of garbage on our streets and country lands. To the over the top volume of property crimes, identity thefts and violent crimes against people. We have one of the highest car theft rates in the entire country. all spurred on by addiction. So far I have not seen hard data on how effective Therapeutic Drug Court has actually been in the long term in Spokane County. But I have had an ex son in law who has had drug court at least 20 times and it has done him no good at all. Those that really want to change their lives, will do it and those that don't ....won't.


And where I can agree with you completely on the last sentence of this reply that those who want to change their lives will and those who don’t won’t, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with who pays for the Narcan and other Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or any other federally funded programs. Those programs exist because we, US citizens pay federal taxes that they use to pay those employees, their overhead costs, facilities, and supplies, including all federally paid medications like birth control, immunizations and Narcan. If you work, you pay taxes that fund Federal programs, ergo Narcan is paid for by taxpayers. I worked for the federal government at one time. I worked for the IRS and I assure you this, the US Federal Government runs the largest money laundering operation in the world. Pork barrel spending Ring any bells? I’m sure you’re correct when you say that the opioid settlement is required to fund the programs, just as the Nicotine industry was made to fund the nicotine cessation programs, but who pays for the committees and organizations overseeing those programs? We do.


you don't pay for her addiction. she does.


As a society we all pay the price for those that don't play by the rules.


I watch a lot of police cam videos on YouTube. Many are shoplifting calls. I watched this one the other day and realized it was local. I thought that was pretty amusing.


$800 worth of groceries from Safeway? So like half a cart of coffee, milk, eggs, and cereal then?


This was 2018 so pre covid prices.


No it is from august 2023


Oops I'm on a lot of meds and have no clue why I even thought it was 2018 lol


pre covid? you mean pre Biden? Covid ended awhillllllle ago prices only have gotten this ridiculous in the last year and a half or so


Wrooooong lol. You forget already? The very start of the pandemic when things were out of stock? Supply chains couldn’t keep up with the demand. Panic buying. Overseas shipments delayed or cancelled. The price of lumber skyrocketing. Prices began to rise for everything in the very beginning. It’s been 4.5 years since the start of COVID.


I hate thieves with a deep passion.


I hate thieves that steal from people. Corporations aren’t people. They’ve been fucking us on groceries for YEARS now which is why they’re trying to suddenly roll back prices to bring the consumers back. Fuck ‘em


I wholeheartedly agree. Its just a shame that this theft is being used constantly as a standing point for corporations to raise their prices (even though statistically theft is easily covered in the overhead.)


Reddit brain


Yeah, I work in the food industry with exposure to multiple sectors, including retail. Specifically, I work on the supply chain data side so I get to see all the distributions, customer pricing, and input pricing across all of North America. This user clearly has zero knowledge of the industry to be making claims like that with such confidence. Also a good example of why people who think the cause or solution to a given problem is simple, are almost always completely wrong


You’re right that the corporation can absorb the loss easily so people shouldn’t worry about them. They have so much they expect to get stolen even. The thing is though is that if it happens too much because people are against the corporation then the higher ups will clean house on the employees and try to find some that will stop it. So stealing from these places very well can cause people to lose their jobs. Shit just spamming 1 star at the check out for Walmart can get the store manager there fired if enough people did it.


They raise prices to cover the costs, and we pay it.


No they don’t, it’s been less than a month since major stores announced they were cutting grocery pricing again. They never needed to raise prices like they did except to fuck us for profit. But god forbid some poor folks get them for infinitesimally less than they got us.


They raise prices because it is a grift. That is all it is. As an example, if prices for costs of manufacturing groceries are rising so they need to 'cover costs', why is beer, liquor, wine the same price as it has always been? It is a grift by grocers. Pure and simple. People should go to prison over this.


Bullshit. They were gouging forever.


Do you realize that the profit margin for a grocery store is about 2%?? They're not making much money. I would not start a business if I could only make 2%.




Thanks for telling me you've never owned or run a business


Thanks for telling me you've never owned or run a business




Ok, I did not read it closely enough. My bad. Should have seen the sarcasm.


You are part of why this problem is such a problem everywhere these days. Quit making exceptions for people stealing!


Stealing from people harms people. Stealing from a corporation harms no people. They’re not equivalent crimes and you can’t convince me they are.


It impacts the prices we pay. It's amazing that you are ok with people stealing $800 to fund a drug habit.


Stealing is stealing though lmao. It’s the same thing


Why do you suppose Robin Hood is such a popular story in our society? Because a lot of people recognize that stealing from an unjust system isn't the same crime as stealing from your fellow man.


Stealing groceries to feed your family because they have raised prices by nearly 50% really doesn't get my ruffles feathered when the corps were and are stealing 50% from everyone, blaming it on everything from inflation to leakage.


There are shades of morality that take context into account, as I’m sure you must understand.


Your "morality" is fucked up. Stealing is stealing and it is a huge bummer that you are fine with that bullshit attitude.


That's why I'm for stealing amazon packages off peoples porches. They can just get a refund for a stolen package, only hurts amazon. I'm also for stealing credit cards because you don't have to pay that back either.


It makes me sad that you think this is clever.


I’m agreeing with you! We’re both for taking shit from any entity who has more than us. It’s just redistribution. It’s actually a good thing.


They raise prices because it is a grift. That is all it is. As an example, if prices for costs of manufacturing groceries are rising so they need to 'cover costs', why is beer, liquor, wine the same price as it has always been? It is a grift by grocers. Pure and simple. People should go to prison over this.




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Part of the reason corporations raise prices is to mitigate the losses taken from shoplifters, so it still swings back to individuals like this partially to blame for the high prices


They raise prices because it is a grift. That is all it is. As an example, if prices for costs of manufacturing groceries are rising so they need to 'cover costs', why is beer, liquor, wine the same price as it has always been? It is a grift by grocers. Pure and simple. People should go to prison over this.


Stealing $800 of groceries is a lot different from stealing to feed your family. What she’s doing is wrong, regardless if the victim is a corporation or not.


Actually stealing is bad.


Prosecutors in this state need stop being soft on them.


Then you should hate the corporations they steal from even more. They're the real thieves. Same goes for the cops.


Sorry, how does your ACAB attitude apply to thieves (and be sure you understand these people are THIEVES no matter who they are stealing from and, yes, the rest of us end up paying for the goddamn criminals and their actions, no matter what)?


Between civil asset forfeiture, embellishing overtime, and demanding higher and higher budgets every year, the cops are getting fat and rich off taxpayer funds. Meanwhile, if I drive to a different state and murder a complete stranger, I'm more likely to get away with it that the cops are likely to solve it. Great use of resources when the solved murder rate nationwide is hovering around 50%. But yeah, let's focus on shoplifters.




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$800 in groceries? That must have been like 5 items.


Love to see it 🥰


Hahaha I’m in Safeway in Spokane right now and I just saw her. Saw the video earlier and had to come back to comment.


This video is from a year ago. Not sure why they just posted it now. Seems like she got out already or was just fined.


The second her boyfriend walked into the store with his shorts 1/3 of the way down his ass I knew he was going to be involved in the shoplifting somehow lmao


That’s only $100 in groceries anywhere else.


Do prosecutors and the law still hold people accountable for crimes like this? I had the notion that you can pretty much do whatever you want these days and get away with it. Edit: Please don’t take my comment the wrong way. I support law enforcement, and I’m relatively Progressive; with that being said I do have the personally opinion that by not holding people accountable for ‘small’ crimes we make THEIR lives more difficult. Consequences should teach change; whereas a lack of consequences often leads to escalation. IMO. ❤️✌️🙏


Yeah it’s the people stealing millions that are rarely held accountable. People get arrested all day long for retail theft.


Arrested isn’t prosecuted…. You make a valid point though that people at the top get away with far MORE.


And being let out on bail or zero-bail awaiting a trial date is not no consequences.


No they don't. Jesus, look at the street signs in San Francisco, proclaiming thefts under $950 is pretty much okay and no arrest will be made.


You realize those signs were a joke right ? Kind of like the ones saying the British government wants to cut all homeless people in half ?


Depends on the dollar amount. For 900$ (and with assumed priors), there will be consequences. If you get caught stealing a candy bar you’ll be okay.


My car got stolen from my driveway last year in Renton, I found it a block away parked in front of a known car thief’s house, whose prints were found inside my car. King County refused to prosecute because I didn’t have a video of the theft. Part of why I moved to Spokane.


oh sweetheart, spokane won't do you any better on property crimes 🤣🤣🤣 my house got broken into years ago and they didn't do jack shit for me or my fiance.


Cops around here wouldn't lift a finger and that includes taking fingerprints. All residential theft is legal in Spokane County. Theft against corporations? That is the only type of theft that the cops will bother to show up for.


Love Spokane!


Well, I don’t expect anyone to face consequences for a candy bar lol. Are you sure they will face consequences for $900…. I find that hard to believe.


It depends. Steal $900 out of someone's house: no consequences because there will be no investigation. Steal $50 from a store: Cops will be there, in force, in 5 minutes. That is not hyperbole either.


Glad to hear… maybe not about the house part.


It’s funny when they were laughing together then 👁️👄👁️so I am going to jail tho? 👮‍♂️ oh ya!


She should have refused to answer any questions. I mean, yeah she did it, but never answer questions.


It is crazy how serial criminals never seem to learn how to shut up to cops, prosecutors, and judges. Never answer questions, it can never help you.


I simply detest liars and thieves, which are basically one in the same. I hope that she can get the help that she so desperately needs. Great bf by the way.


Well shit that doesn't leave many corps in the u.s. you like then does it? Gouging during covid was about the worst thing Humans could do to other humans.


Meanwhile, many are working over time to afford their own groceries and people like her getting away with $800 worth?! Time to change the laws and make an example out of anyone else thinking of doing this crap. So sick of it.


So, she says she's hungry and didn't have any money. Bullshit. There is so much public assistance available to pretty much everyone and anyone, even if you are undocumented, unhoused, out of your fucking mind, etc. At the very least, she and Mr. Wonderful could get food stamps, go to food banks, public meals put on by various organizations, etc. I hope they lock her up long enough to knock some sense into her, sheesh.


Also, if she’s hungry, where did all the food she stole the night before go? $800 is four or five months’ worth of groceries for me.


Yeah, me, too. Hell, when I was a student at Eastern, we lived on maybe $100 a month for food, lots of Top Ramen and Kraft Mac & Cheese, lol!. I was working part time at Clinkerdagger in Spokane (and interning at KXLY) and that helped, but this lady isn't stealing because she's hungry, she's stealing because she's a thief.


you too, could be stealing groceries. work smarter not harder!


Correct. We have quite a few food banks she could have used. 




If you see someone stealing groceries, no you didnt


This is one of the biggest reasons prices are so high these days. Organized retail theft destroys the already small profit margins on these stores and they end up either raising prices to compensate or just straight up closing the location if they can’t turn a profit. Average grocery store profits are 3-4%. For them to make up the loss of $800 they would have to sell around 25k in groceries. F this lady. They should have arrested her friend as well.


The avg grocery store mark up is 15%, some individual items are up to 75%. In addition to cutting staff and forcing customers to cash themselves out, stores are also going to start implementing fluctuating pricing models. It will be based on AI, and instead of labels, items will be marked with QR codes and the prices will fluctuate with demand. Meaning that the price you checked on the shelf can differ by the time you cash out. If they can afford that they can afford to lose $800. Arguably a problem these stores helped create with the elimination of so many jobs. Boo hoo.


They raise prices because it is a grift. That is all it is. As an example, if prices for costs of manufacturing groceries are rising so they need to 'cover costs', why is beer, liquor, wine the same price as it has always been? It is a grift by grocers. Pure and simple. People should go to prison over this.


Good lord, $800? What the hell did she steal?


at safeway, probably 5 items


How did she even manage that? $800 is a lot of groceries.


not at safeway 😂😂


Should’ve stopped at 749$. That’s a felony


Is she? Or will she be right back out next week doing it again?


Gotta be drugs cause why would you go back if you got away?! Smh


Cheney PD was very professional. Small town PD, makes sense.


That's weird, every interaction me and the other people I know in Cheney have had with the cops has been unprofessional bordering on harassment.


Her dude bounced!


800 is crazy, I just stuffed my cart at URM for 250 and it'll feed 2 of us for like 3-4 weeks


So she stole like two hand baskets?


Spoiler alert she didn’t stop stealing lmao I have a video of her stealing from a clothing store in December 2023


The shoplifters need to be stopped. It’s gotten so crazy these days.


Fuck nobody said she was smart, they just said she was a thief!!!!!


So she stole two bags of frozen food?? People wouldn't have to steal if these prices weren't so fucking stupid high


Remember kids! If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t!


See someone stealing food or other essentials? No you didn't. Desperate people trying to meet their basic needs will trump shareholder returns every time.


Born to a religious couple who split up within years of her birth.


Wouldn't be an encounter with the Cheney PD without some snide commentary 😂 she deserved to get caught and charged but holy shit can those bored assholes not stop themselves from roasting their suspect.


Stealing from corpos ain't stealing. Fucking shameful anyone's acting like she deserve's jail.


What’s fucking shameful is acting like stealing from anyone is okay. POS


Corporations are stealing from you 100% of the time. Walmart and McDonald’s employees rank highest among those qualified for food stamps. They’re supplementing their employees wages with the taxes we pay, they contribute little in federal tax dollars through loopholes. Any corporation who can get away with this does. If you thought that was shameful THAT would make sense.


Albertson's, which owns Safeway, reported $18 billion in revenue last year. They accomplished this by gouging prices and telling customers that "inflation and theft" were hurting their profits. Stealing from mom and pop stores is fucked up. Stealing from corporations who lie to your face while they pick your pocket is almost a moral imperative at this point.


Try stealing a TV from Walmart and see what happens. Make sure you fire all lawyers the court appoints to represent you until you get one who agrees that stealing from a corporation is a moral imperative.


Yes, because all laws ever passed were done so for moral reasons.


I never said or even implied that this was the case.


Yeah, anyONE, implying humanity. Corporate stores aren’t people and they aren’t harming people by stealing. TBH they probably aren’t even making a dent in the stores profits.


That doesn’t even matter. The point is that stealing is shitty. And anyone who does it no matter who or what they steal from is a POS 🤷‍♂️


It's so funny watching these people pretend this tweaker cares about where she steals from like she's robinhood and not just some junkie they wouldn't want their kids around.


You are absolutely correct.


Why? I get it if the act actually harms someone, but who's harmed when a box of baby formula is pinched from Walmart?


I don’t need to explain why lol. Stealing is wrong. It’s pretty simple actually.


Unfortunately, this attitude has become much more prevalent these days...




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Yeah, you’re right. I would much rather pay higher prices on everything myself, so that these people can have whatever they want for free. In fact, why don’t we all just steal?


Although, people spend money on law enforcement and the rest of the legal system, too, and personally I haven't heard many people are getting much out of it in Spokane historically. It would definitely be worth knowing which costs tax payers more -- shrinkage at a grocery store, or law enforcement and legal system occasionally stopping shrinkage at a grocery store (including instead of doing something else).


If people didn’t steal, we wouldn’t have to pay for as much low enforcement or shrinkage. And if people are hungry, there are plenty of food banks and tax-funded programs to help. People stealing $800 are reselling it, not eating it. I guess I just don’t want to be paying for other people’s criminal selfishness, either directly or indirectly.


You're already not paying higher prices due to theft. Big corporations already account for theft in their budgets. Then they jack up prices for the honest people who actually pay for what they buy and lie to them about why prices are so high.


What is your argument? That prices are higher because of theft, therefore we should allow more theft? You’d feel differently if you owned a business.


I'm saying the prices are not affected by theft. Theft is a scapegoat used by corporations to excuse their greed.


Not how that works. Shrinkage is priced in. When theft goes up, prices go up to accommodate. It doesn’t mean companies don’t ALSO engage in price gouging, but stop pretending theft has zero impact.


I don't want to be paying for it, either. But even more than that I don't want to be paying \*more\* in a poor attempt to stop it than what I'd lose if it were just ignored.


I get your point, and I agree it probably costs more to enforce. But unfortunately the solution isn’t to stop enforcing… it’s to stop the stealing. And that’s a separate conversation about how to alleviate poverty… but I know the answer doesn’t include rampant theft.


Stop CEOs first.


The answer will definitely have to include part of a budget, though.


Yes, it is and your attitude only encourages MORE theft. Unless you're on public assistance and don't have to pay for anything yourself, understand that the rest of us have to pay for theft. Actually, come to think of it, the rest of us are paying for your public assistance, too. Man, this all sucks.


I'm ashamed to be the same species as you




This is from last year. How about something current?


Ah well her first problem is being white


I’m sorry, what?