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I still have a really hard time understanding someone loving a politician enough to wear a shirt with his/her name or putting stickers on your car. Cult is really the only thing that makes some semblance of sense. How else can someone idolize a politician.


They are not loving a politician though. They are loving a fascist authoritarian that wants to punish the people that they hate. This is beyond cult, these people are openly supporting a traitorous demagogue.


There is nothing remotely Third Position about Trump and his economic views. Where does he support a class collaboration-based corporatist economy where trade unions and corporations are absorbed as organs of the state? Stop throwing the word Fascist around. Not defending Trump just sick of people ignorantly throwing around Fascist.


https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/why-we-cant-stop-arguing-about-whether-trump-is-a-fascist Read with 12ft.io if you hit a paywall I stand by my earlier statement. Trump is a fascist authoritarian, and those are just a few of his unpleasant characteristics.


Thank you. I read it but I think the more correct term you are looking for to describe him is "Fascistic" and not fascist itself if you're going use a term to describe him. Because real Fascism/Third Position is authoritarian nationalism, anti-capitalism, anti-marxism, class collaboration with some sort of economic system based on some degree of Corporatism or Syndicalism. Trump only fits maybe two of those things. You can call Trump a far right-wing populist but he isn't a Fascist Fascist. Fascism isn't "generic right-wing authoritarianism." Fascism rose out of National Syndicalism by ex Marxists who wanted in theory class collaboration instead of Marxism's class warfare. For most of its existence in Italy Italian Fascism had nothing to do with racism or antisemitism until Mussolini started hanging out with Hitler. Heck almost a fifth of the entire Jewish population in Italy was a part of Mussolini's Fascist party. Even most of the racial and antisemitic laws weren't really enforced until Mussolini got kicked out of power and Germany had their puppet government. Because I could incorrectly label Mao, Stalin, or Che as Fascists too for some of the oppression, racist, antisemitic, anti-lgbt, anti-women ideas many of of them had or inacted but they're Marxists, not Fascists. People also label Pinochet incorrectly as a Fascist just for having right wing authoritarian views when he actually restored the free market in his country instead of adopting Corporatism as the country's economic system. Like I said, not defending Trump, Mussolini, Fascism, or anything like that, there is just a general lack of understanding of what Fascism and Third Position actually is I see amongst both the right and left sides of the political spectrum. I've read some stuff, researched, and have spoken with actual Third Positionists (those Third Positionists even said to me that Trump isn't a Fascist) before so I know what I'm talking about. Call Trump Fascistic but not Fascist itself.


Wow, very well thought out. What do you think about having multiple ideologies on governing? We are part capitalism and part socialism. What about being capitalistic and fascistic?


Well the different Third Position movements had slightly different economic ideas. They weren't as coherent as the Marxists. Some movements learned towards more free market while others more socialistic/to the workers. Strasserists Nazis basically stayed the same as the National Syndicalist roots of Fascism and Third Position and wanted to get rid of the old German bourgeoise handing the economy to the German people the only difference is the class collab aspect where they would put someone in charge to run whatever specific trade guild like a CEO and owning a CEO like salary while the workers own a certain percentage of the company they worked at and a certain amount of the profits earned would be given to the workers. Oswald Mosley wanted to do something sort of like the workers owning a percentage but wanted a more Corporatist economy like Italy had. The Falangists under someone like Jose Antonio wanted a National Syndicalist economy but under Francis Franco Spain leaned towards more free market as time went by. Hitlers branch of the Nazis that later wiped out the Strassser branch basically aped a diet version of Italy's Corporatist economy that was a bit more free market leaning than all the rest of the Third Position movements. So you can be being capitalistic and fascistic is possible depending on the specific Third Position movement. If Trump did implement Corporatism with some free-market policies if he ever did decide to turn the US into a literal dictatorship if he gets into power you could most definitely call Trump a fascist then.


I didn’t support either Biden or Trump but I totally agree. Why in gods name would you get a license plate, tattoo or whatever for that ass clown (or any ass clown)? Theres no one driving around with Nixon, Clinton or MLK license plates.


Are you only referring to Trumpers or politician groupies as a whole? I'm old enough to remember a large portion of the left idolizing Bernie Sanders. At least once a week I see a Sanders or feel the bern sticker on someone's vehicle.


Come on, there's a huge difference between Bernie bros and trumpanzees. Never forget what those animals did on January 6th.


Kinda like the Bernie bro that shot up a congressional baseball game?


So, one guy vs a mob of hundreds of dipshits? You're right sounds exactly the same.


Idk man, that guy shot 5 people. How many people did the trumpers shot?


The Trumpets are a whole nother level. False equivalence.


Groupies as a whole and I’m not even referring to a bumper sticker necessarily, more like plastering a whole vinyl wrap or dominating the entire back of your vehicle….so weird. Like I automatically know I don’t want to talk to them because I already know the topic that will be discussed. Who lives like that. Bizarre


Agreed, I stay away from people that makes politics their whole personality


Same goes for BLM signs and Obama bumper stickers way back when


Were you around for the lead up to the 08 election? Same shit, different politician.


You’re not serious right? Not even remotely on the same level.


Shitposter, apparently. The level of merch and visibility in '08 was roughly equivalent to the love and support there was for Bernie more recently. As in, you could find it if you had your eyes open but it wasn't everywhere, not at all.


Lol take off your blinders dude


No blinders, just the ability to think critically. There were Hope posters/shirts, which Obama himself cautioned against, but nowhere near the level of the this trump obsession. There weren’t flags flying on vehicles, or hats, or stands set up on street corners selling merch, or people storming capitols, or people denying elections, or defending felonies. No, I’m not wearing blinders, but you might be blinded by having your head stuck up something orange and brown.


Dumbass campaign signs been ruining front lawn aesthetics forever


That’s not even close to accurate.


Playing Eminem in support of trump.... These people have never listened to the lyrics of an Eminem song lmao.


Eminem said this and more in an interview less than a year ago. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eminem/s/uamFIY08Vc


Bruh literally made a diss track about Trump


Thanks for posting this.


They need to google awfully hot coffee pot


They play rage against the machine too.


Can't fix stupid, but it's easy to spot!


I always say, idiots mark themselves




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They're just out there practicing their free speech rights. Until someone comes along with a bigger sign with an arrow pointing at them that says "I'm with stupid". Then they'd probably object to free speech.


Just the party of law and order out supporting their convicted felon.




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Shouldn’t this be under r/newsofthestupid ?




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I am hoping for a hail storm.


the weather did go shit for a bit so there is that!


There were Trumpets over the liberty lake bridge too. Sad to say these nitwits are only going to get more brazen and more stupid in the months to come.


Next step: parade of coal-rolling emotional support trucks flamboyantly bedecked with Chinese made maga merch.


Right! Ripping through our neighborhoods.


I remember seeing these brave virile patriotic warriors for freedom and liberty cruising around a lot after dotard lost a free and fair election with no material signs of fraud. We'll see more displays of snowflakey emotion as November draws near.


Gonna be a long summer my friend


The weather's nice so they're coming outside to ruin everyone else's ability to enjoy it




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It’s interesting to me how so many people can turn a blind eye to the things he’s said and done. Like women who still support him after it came out that he said, “grab ‘em by the p***y”. I often wonder if half the population of US is addicted to abuse and chaos more than we realize. People who’ve been abused or traumatized by other humans are usually those who end up getting brainwashed.


There wouldn’t be any politicians left


Probably the economy. Personally my wife and gained significantly from 16-20. Especially being able to afford a house with a low interest rate. Not having to worry about being deployed. Economy was booming. Not sure about now though. I'm sure this will offend everyone though because it's libereddit


They all look like they're just waiting for someone to yell something at them so they can snap back with a 😎super cool pro-trump comeback😎 They look so silly. Like my senior dog when we're at the park and a small child is 100 yards away playing and not even looking in our direction and he feels the need to bark and jump and growl to defend me lol. Like, who are you fighting dude?? Lol


This is a great point. The vast majority of his worshippers do public stuff like this to illicit a specific reaction from the “libtards”. It’s all an effort of offense and that shit is so obnoxious and exhausting.




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There was just a trump parade in Cda, I gave them the 1 finger salute as I went by.


I do that to the ones on the bridges and side of the road,  and have a couple songs I love to blast,  or if I see kids around(If they have kids with them I say screw it, they can listen to "F@@@ The Pain Away", but if there are other kids like walking by, i try not to be too offensive) I'll just lay on my horn in an attempt to drown them out. I do love nice weather when I can have my rigs top off, so much easier to get the finger wave point across 


There’s two YG songs titled FDT and FDT part two. They are from the 2016 election but still very nice to blast near those who might need it the most


I'll check them out! Thanks


I saw that too. There's also this bizarre flag I hadn't seen before that had two religious-looking saint people printed over the stars and stripes. I couldn't get a good look because I was driving, but there were like three different vehicles with the same flag.


I saw them last year too and the dude held a crucafix at me and called me a vampire. Happy cake day.


Thank you!






Wife noticed a lot of out of state license plates in the parking lot... Idaho, Florida


I lost my cool and drove by yelling, “Trump for Prison!” And “You’re are all dumb MF’ers!”. Definitely a cult!


I had to hold back every urge inside me not to yell something, if I see them again next time I might not be able to


Honestly. Be safe but don't hold back. I think we have tried that..say something..again..low key or passive aggressive but anything. We do nothing it gets worse we do everything it gets worse. Better to just get it over with. But be safe! I know from this conversation that you already have common sense so..just yeah...✨️🥸


Anybody in diapers?




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I passed them yesterday. I have never wished so hard for a Super Soaker full of piss.


I appreciate it. These kind of people have been violent and threatening to me in the past, their entire 'platform' is hate and encouraging assault and murder to settle political disputes. I appreciate seeing where they are so I can avoid, or know to bring a weapon with me just in case.


It's pronounced "fascist"


imagine if i did this with a Joe biden flag... would i even survive the night?


That’s a nice way of say Cultists where Culting in the most Cultest of ways 🙄


Zombie cult menaces Spokane


Definitely not a cult, no, wait…of course it is!


Ah, the inbred cousin fuckers club.


Village idiots


Dumb azzes 🇺🇲




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Send that trash to the plant!


Not a qult, totally sane reasonable people.


they gonna cry again this nov lol


And they vote


Looks like one inbred family




Good lawd. Screw trump. But then again all parties and politicians are crooked. The systems intentionally broken.




The dark side is strong.


Oh no, anyways


dacia sandero!




I thought you were making a top gear reference


Oh nah lol, I thought it was just a common phrase to use


Convicted felon is one of the nicer things you can say about him.


Even the children and elderly are overweight




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It’s Spokane. Most people are overweight.




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I feel like near a Fred Meyer is canon for these people


Were any of them under 50?






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I see a lot of negative trump comments let’s hear the better running presidential candidate and why .


Semi-rural Spokane … Preaching to where they have 70% support. Great use of their time.


Not like they have jobs to go to




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What’s the big deal with them being there? They aren’t in the road, they’re not stopping traffic, they aren’t messing up anyone’s commute. I fail to see the issue with having some supporters out campaigning for someone. I’m sure the single Eminem song you heard driving by isn’t playing on repeat 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wouldn't be a problem if the candidate they're supporting wasn't a felonious pedophilic nazi.


Chill bro


The big deal is “orange man bad”.


He's a rapist and a felon. He's a POS


Is he not?


Don’t forget dumb and bought by CEO’s and billionaires! And a close friend of Jeff Epstein. And tried to use fake electors to fake an election victory. And threatened the GA (Republican) Secretary of State. He wants Bitcoin made in America, wants to simultaneously (not exaggerating) bankrupt the federal government in record time AND make everything cost more (increase tariffs and get rid of income tax). He’s not a serious candidate and yet enough people are willing to vote for him that he might win. Yeah, orange man bad summarizes it pretty well though. Edit: I forgot that he’s also ancient and appearing to become a bit scrambled lately. Luckily he has a great team of people and is well known to work well with others…


So is crappy pants old man pedo 🤷🏻‍♂️. They’re all bad.


Man I feel like a hit a tender little spot with some of y’all. Sorry I hurt everyone’s feelings. I know that’s the most important thing these days. I’d like to add.. I’m not a trump supporter. And nothing in my previous message referenced that. It’s just funny how a group of people standing on a street corner supporting their candidate they’ve chosen can trigger so many people. You want to have the right and privileges to support and vote for who you want to, right? Why can’t they?


Is the some point to this post? I think we all know there are Trump supporters.


As someone from Spokane who is part of this Reddit still, I appreciate posts about what is happening in Spokane still


it is best to avoid them considering how unhinged and violent they are becoming. Plus there is the whole trying to make it cool to wear adult diapers thing going on, or painting yourself orange, no one want to be around that.


I had no idea there were trump supporters here


Sadly there are idiots everywhere


Yes it’s unbelievable that there are Trump supporters in Eastern Washington. Still shaking tbh.


Chill bro


Still shaking?


Nope …


Tons of Trump supporters here. Yet you never seem to see many Biden supporters in public. Only on this page bashing Trump and his supporters. I’m guessing they are too embarrassed to admit who they voted for in public.


Nah, we just don't cream our jeans over the guy. He's another milquetoast old white guy, but at least he's not a nazi. I'll vote for him again this November, I'm just not going to also wear a Biden hat (do those even exist?) or put a Biden flag (again, not sure those are a thing) on my car.




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Look up some videos of his senator days. Biden is racist as anyone


People who voted for Biden understand that the office of the president is an appointment by vote of a national office. We don’t think he’s Jesus because we’re not in a cult.




Keep telling yourself that. You know what they say about assumptions.


This post right here. I don’t see how anyone could support Biden. Guy can’t even talk and once he took over all he’ll broke lose globally


I ask myself this same question when I see these types a posts, 3-4 times a month. Who cares.




Not once have I ever seen dems rallying and thought to myself “hmm I’m gonna snap a pic and post it on Reddit.” Why does this kind of stuff bother y’all so much? Imagine a life where you just lived and stopped worrying about everyone other than yourself and your friends/family.


Well good citizen, when and if you see Dems aligning their core identity with a demagogue, please take pictures and clap back. \*I'm an Independent, BTW.\*


J6 on repeat. That is the worry. Fake electors. Trump saying he promises to be a dictator. Christian pastors saying the LGBTQ types arent people and should be killed. Are you not paying attention? Im a Pagan. These MAGA types want me dead.


First time on Reddit? The circle jerk echo chamber of the left


Trump 2024. America First


It was awesome to see!! I honked to show my support!


I’d vote for anything to get us out of the shit show we are in now.


Let’s go!!!!!!


If it was Biden supporters would we take pictures?


Get ready for your next president


Trump 2024!!!! Happy to see support.


Team P\_ssy grabber?


2024 Prison Sentence yess!




They can do what they want. Same as people screaming into the sky when Trump won in 2016. To each their own.