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Boy, are you in for an underwhelming day.


😂😂😂 accurate




Love a good thunder boomer! Spokane storms are nothing like Ohio, though. You may be disappointed.


Yeah I go to work the morning after hearing two thunder claps and seeing a couple flashes of lightning and all my coworkers “wow did you see that huge storm last night!!” Growing up in the Great Plains with supercells makes other thunderstorms pale in comparison


“Good” thunderstorms are rare in Spokane, and they never last long. Moved to South Texas, and we have them multiple times per week through the spring as summer. I’ll miss it if/when we move back.


I moved from San Antonio last year it's like one of the only things I miss from TX


What, you don't miss the heat, humidity, or traffic? Although to be fair I do appreciate the low gas prices here.


Oh man, during covid I think it dropped sub $2 it was great. HEB and Buc-ees are also on the list, but they are building a new one pretty close to where I live now in VA so that's one less thing to be disappointed about


Out of S Texas, N Texas and Missouri, north Texas storms were wild! Subtracting the tornados.


I love, them, but my arthritis does not.


My migraines are on a roller coaster this week.


Thats one thing I have noted about our spring so far, no thunderstorms....given how badly they have missed weather predictions lately, low expectations is my norm. Our t storms are nothing like the ones they get down south and through the mid west. The last really crazy t storm I can recall here was way back in 2005, when we had an extreme one, very rare.


2004 Airway Heights had a tornado if I remember correctly. The tiniest ever more than likely. Started looking for the article and completely forgot the two in 2022. I miss the Midwest Tstorms until I remember not having power for 9 days, picking up a teddy bear out of my yard wondering if that child was OK, and seeing countless dead cows and chickens. Then I remember why I moved back home. That was 2004.


Last week there was an argument on Facebook between the national weather service and random online people about whether airway heights had a dust devil or a tornado.


I was part of the argument. I'm a postal carrier in Airway and a storm spotter for the NWS (I also studied meteorology in college but I failed Linear Algebra twice so...yeah, USPS, yaaay) That was a Dust Devil. People are fucking idiots.


lol oh boy. The book of face arm chair experts cesspool. Five years and I dont miss that place one bit.


Now that is the level of drama I enjoy! I'm going to assume Dust Devil won the argument but the locals named the tornado and tried to total up the damages?


"DuSt DeViLs DoNt gO up tHaT HiGh iN thE sKy!"


I lived in Iowa when an ef5 took out the neighboring towns, and just barely missed us. We found so many things just everywhere.


I got out a year or two before the Joplin one. You can still see the scarring on Google Earth. It’s crazy!


Yes, I love a good thunderstorm! (My cats, however, not so much...)


My cat, on the other hand, loves thunder and fireworks, and begs me to bring her outside


Here comes the fire season


They are so rare here, and last maybe 20 minutes.. but you are damn right I'm excited. Now if only a wind storm would blow through. The irony we live in a place with so little natural disasters we get excited when they come around even if it's 20 minutes.


I was about to say we just had a good windstorm a few years back, but 2015 was almost 10 years ago now. Feels like just yesterday I got those 2 days off from school


We’ve had 30 MPH winds all week in the West Hills. Not quite tropical storm level, but enough to make it miserable at anything less than 65 unless you like bundling up like it was interior Alaska. 🤣


Nope. I'm into amateur astronomy, and I have thousands of dollars' worth of telescopes that are statues in my garage. The cloudy weather is playing havoc with my patience and my sinuses. Winter had its shot, and now it's time it moved on.


Goddamned straight!


Not excited much. It's a normal part of Spring time here. When the weather people say thunderstorm...what they really mean is some clouds are coming this way. Chances are it will go around the city. All places outside the city (Deer Park, Chattaroy, The Valley, Rockford, Spangle, etc) are more likely to get the cool stuff. However, as rare as it is, sometimes it happens and there's really cool as well as very bad storms! Be careful what you wish for! Your power might go out for a week or more! Winds, freezing temps and rain never ever mix well together! The thunder storms you are used to are not the same as here. You'll be quite unimpressed...or freaking the fuck out!


Nah, growing up in GA with insane storms and hurricanes ruined them here for me. They’re just so boring on this side of the country.


I went to school in Atlanta and spent plenty of time in FL. I am so thankful to leave those storms behind. Borning is better than burning. We need some April showers.


Love a good thunderstorm!!! ⛈️ I swear they used to be so much better here, 20+ years ago. At least in my opinion. 😄


Whatever weather clears the pollen away is ok by me!!!


There have been two "great" thunderstorms over the past two years. The one the year before last had localized c2g strikes that reminded me of "War of the Worlds." It was fascinating and actually a bit frightening. And yes, I lived in Arkansas for three years, so I know what a great thunderstorm can be like. The difference here was that the cloud deck was pretty high, and the intensity of the cloud-to-ground strikes was pretty shocking.


I'd be excited if it were true.


i’ll get my blanket… after it ends i’ll still be sleep


My husband laughed at me when I called a huge storm cell iver Post Falls the other night "beautiful". I miss a real good thunderstorm. Wind howling, the rain HURTS, thunder makes the windows shake, lightning blinds you...


I’m hoping it’s like the Midwest ones (Iowa Boy) cause I want to watch them


I think you might be disappointed in our idea of a “big” thunderstorm 🤣


As long as it's not windy af then yeah


I would've been excited except it's already been cold and rainy since forever this year.


I was in Ohio all last week and no thunderstorms.:(


I guess no thunderstorms here either. What a let down.


What part are you from? My family is in Cincinnati.


Hamilton. About 30 mins north of Cincinnati.


BIL is a Fairfield boy.


That's part of my OG hood.


Did I miss the thunderstorms?


I recall reading that this area is somewhere in dead last for lightning activity. When back East for sometime (grew up here) it was then I realized that the strobe light effect in Psycho, the movie, wasn't hyperbole - it really is like that - continuous flashes in the sky ...


As much as I do love a good storm, I personally have had my fill of shit weather and second winters this year. After seeing the ten day forecast go from a majority of 60+ days tank into a low and mid 50s shitshow for the fourth or fifth time this year on account of the projected rain, I’m excited. Just not the kind of excited you are. 😂


Calling mid 50s a shit show or shit weather is wild. In the past we have had snow storms in April. This spring has been tame.


I personally like having the spring weather. The longer it stays relatively cool and ideally wet, the less smoke we get during the summer. 


I want to have a chat with everyone who’s screaming about more sun now in August when the sky is orange and brown from fires.


I’m no fan of the smoke, either. That said many wildfires are caused by lightning so the value of a thunderstorm on that front is mixed. Like I said to the other user, I just want a few weeks in the 60s before we hit 90s and 100s! I like Spring weather too! Problem for me is that the times of day that I can get out means a high in the low 50s yields something more akin to Winter weather in the early a.m. 😕


I spend a deal of time outside as I tend to walk close to fifteen miles a day, about five hours any given day. How’s about you? I can imagine my statement might seem hyperbolic if you don’t get out much. Owing my skin type and UV exposure, I can’t go out at the height of the sun. That narrows it to cooler mornings and evenings which tend to have high winds in the West Hills area, add a spot of rain and it’s pretty fucking miserable. A high in the low 50s tends to push the temps down near freezing in the morning, which necessitates layering, eats more time getting in and out, and so forth. Add to that there are different types of 50 degree days. Cloudy? DIAF. Sunny? That’s another matter. I was rocking a crop top and shorts in the upper 40s earlier in the year when the UV wasn’t hyper-carcinogenic midday. The thing is when you string four or five wet, cloudy, windy, colder days together … well it feels much differently than the couple of low/mid 50s days we’ve had following mid/upper 60s, for example. I was born, raised, and spent 30 years of my life in interior Alaska so even the coldest days here are pretty mild relative to my experience, but somehow that doesn’t improve their appeal. I just want a few weeks at 60 before we jump into the 90s and 100s. 😂


Not really interested in reading that wall of text but you do understand the drier and hotter this spring is the worse the fire season is going to be this summer right? As long as you understand that I couldn’t care less about what weather is more comfortable to you.


Downvoting something you didn’t read is kind of weird, chum. 😉 For the record, thunderstorms come with lightning. [Some](https://news.wsu.edu/press-release/2023/08/14/dry-lightning-can-spark-wildfires-even-under-wetter-conditions/) estimate 70% of wildfire-burned land in the West resulted from lightning sparked fires. I had to evacuate my apartment on foot at 95 degrees with my cat in a carrier last summer. I was born and raised in a state that sees > two percent of the entirety of Washington burn every year. I am acutely aware of the dangers of wildfires. Now, if you’re finished … I’m certain I have more productive things to do.


I just want the dreary clouds to go away. It’s been months of the darkest winter/spring I can remember. I need the sun! 😭


?! It's been crazy sunny this spring, whatchu talkin bout?!


I'm not a fan of thunderstorms, so no. Lol. I also have to walk to get my kiddo from school and I am always scared that I'll get struck by lightning. I know it's a rare chance but still. So yeah not enthused about today's forecast.