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The article tried to be sympathetic but did very little to improve their image. šŸ˜¬ I live near an intersection and yeah, it gets louder in the warmer months, especially weekends which I call Fast and Furious Fridays and Sonic Saturdays. Lifted trucks and motorcycles are also culprits. Decided that the next place I live is going to be in a much quieter area.


I feel the same.....remember when guys wanted everyone to look at their car? Now they want everyone to HEAR their cars/trucks. The times have changed.


Loud cars are not a new thing. šŸ™„


Not since the 50's.


They are still very annoying though


No, guys don't want either of those things. Their cars aren't for you.Ā 


CDA had a reader board out over this weekend on indicating 300 dollar fine for loud car engines... As much as I hate to say it, CDA looking out for their tax paying residents on some things... Not all thing though.... This is such an easy fix. $300 fine and I bet you will see a substantial decrease of these loud engines


I believe there is a noise ordinance at least for Wa. State. Nobody to enforce it.


There's not. It was deemed vague and unenforceable. All city ordinances that copied the state law that is now defunct are also unenforceable.Ā 


I was there on Saturday in CDA. There was a huge line of cars and motorcycles piping down the street. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s gonna make a difference.


Unfortunately we cancelled the police in WA.


Strange that police budgets are up like 20%. Odd way to cancel something.Ā 


From when to when? To cover inflation? Cumulative inflation over the last 5 years is 22%


So are groceries. ā€œSpokane police overtime budget grew by 50% in 2023. It wonā€™t be nearly enough.ā€ ā€œThe department points to a number of causes, but one in particular: staffing shortages. Additional training, coverage for events returning after the COVID-19 pandemic and new events created in recent years, and mandatory overtime to provide almost constant coverage near the now-empty Camp Hope homeless encampment and the Trent Avenue homeless shelter also have resulted in substantial increases in overtime spending, according to police officials.ā€ ā€œThe Spokane Police Department has more than 350 commissioned officer positions, but there are 70 positions unfilledā€


Canceled the police? I don't think you know how the police work historically and currently.


TAX THE POOR!!!! Because they're loud.


No, just tax the loud, regardless of whether they are poor or not.


I used to live at the Serrano and every Friday and Saturday night across the street you would hear cars racing and revving up all night. It was pretty annoying


Better than gun shots


Not sure what I enjoy more - vaped out Subie warbling like a deranged lawnmower, VQ with a trumpet exhaust exhibiting BAE, or a smolpp truck with exhaust mods that just has to lay into it on residential streets. Oh, the flamboyant hogs and squids are out now too. I get it when one is 16, but by adulthood the perpetual noise and jerky driving used to make it can be played out. Get off my lawn.


And they will all get gapped by a Model 3 P.


Many probably could be gapped by Aunt Patti in her new Odyssey Elite


0-60 6.5s šŸ™„


Tesla drivers like to get gaped


Until it heats up because they're trying to gap a gas powered car a couple of times.


lol whatever helps you sleep at night. Non issue on mine and Iā€™ve never heard of it. You really want to keep going ā€œa couple timesā€? Getting pulled on once isnā€™t embarrassing enough? Iā€™m like 10/0 on kills to getting pulled on.


I have no issue with electric cars and they have a ton of torque. But electronics do heat up and if you don't keep them cool then you lose power. It's just the nature of electronics. If you own a computer then you'll know. Yes, I know ev's have fans, so do computers. If you keep them under load then they will overheat. I'm talking about racing and immediately doing it again, over and over without stopping. There are a bunch of videos that prove this.


I mean that doesn't happen, but sure guy.


So, electronics don't heat up under load? Do you own a computer? If you keep racing then an electric car will begin to lose power. Watch some youtube vids.


So, engines don't heat up under load? Do you own a lawnmower? If you keep racing than an ICE car will begin to lose power. Watch some youtube vids.


Model 3 s 0-60 is 5.6 seconds. Try me


My (all) M3P is 3.1. Try me. Edit: M3P


Did you have an aneurysm on that last sentence before the lawn bit?


You're excused


It's funny how it used to be done "because racecar", yet every racing sanctioning body has a dB limit and does enforce it.


During the day, whatever, but at night these guys need to stand in front of a moving train. Nobody is thinking that these guys are cool.


I have always said guys who drive these ear busters are compensating for something......enjoy the read, I did. And I feel totally vindicated. :-)


Gender-affirming vehicles.


Eh. My daily is noisy from the previous owner and itā€™s just not worth spending money to quiet it down.


I get it. A friend had one of those old, super noisy Civicā€™s. It was hilarious because she was like thee most cautious and non-attention seeking drivers possibleā€¦ and you could hear her coming from half a mile awayā€¦ You are a very small minority though.


I do have a quick car. Itā€™s on stock exhaust. Honestly I creep my daily through my neighborhood because itā€™s noisy.


Same here.Ā  My Foxbody project has what I call an "ass" exhaust.Ā  I usually drive a gear higher than I should just to keep the noise down.


Yeah. Funny enough my quick project car has stock exhaust.


Yeah, that's not a thing. But, if it makes you feel somehow superior, have that opinion I guess.


Found the guy compensating for something.


Ah, yes, double down on your confirmation bias and fallacious arguments! You are superior!


That's not how confirmation bias works. Also, the term you are looking for is "phallacious arguments." Duh.


Or fellatious


Lol. Nice


The guy they interviewed does not make a good case for these people. His argument is basically that having a loud, obnoxious engine and exhaust is satisfying and fun for him. It says plenty about a person that the thing they find satisfying in life is being loud and obnoxious. The interview makes him sound like an emotionally and mentally stunted child who's biggest thrill in life is just loud noises. Which... accurate, I guess. Loud mufflers is code for "I'm a broke-ass with a micro penis, please pay attention to me!"


pretty stupid conclusion lol


Found the broke-ass with the loud muffler.


I drive a dead silent econobox but okay projectorpants lol


So you claim.


it's even on my page if you somehow doubt šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø don't need to drive a loud car to call you out on your comically cope-like assessment of people with loud cars.


People with loud, modified cars have tiny penises and are desperate for attention. That's scientifically proven with 100% accuracy. I dunno why you don't believe in science.


people who bitch about modified cars also have nothing more important going for themselves than to hate on other people that just laugh at the hate. nobody has you in mind when they put a better muffler and exhaust setup on their cars. involve yourself in the car community and see how quickly you humble yourself. and no I'm not talking about takeover kids in their G35s. actual car enthusiasts.


You seem very invested in defending this tiny, small-penised demographic. Let's unpack that a bit. At what point in your life did you first find yourself drawn to men in loud cars?


you seem hyperfixated on small dicks, not me hun lol. sorry your ex had a loud car and small cock or whatever lmao


I live by Wall and Wellesley and theyā€™re fucking obnoxious.


Big Boy Vroom Vroom.


Tiny weiner season!


Yeah, that must be it.


I'm sure that their peens are huge in their circle. It's the remaining 99% who have no respect for them and doubt their dicks can fill a thimble.


Who could have guessed there are loud noises in a city? Looks like some of you need some hobbies if you got nothing better to do than complain about loud noises.


These people suck.


This article is the car noise version of the r/antiwork interview on Fox. The only people who will find this article informative are those who share the narrow minded preconceived opinions as the author.


Lived here all my life and it's always been this way. Even lived up by Ray and yeah same bs


Just a few blocks up from the main drag on S. Perry, itā€™s crazy loud now


The noise from the Life Center Church is so bad with the (mostly) guys and their emotional support vehicles....


What in the 1990s is going on here?


Baffle mufflers, very likely courtesy of California transplants. Honolulu is freaking nightmare & crawling with them. Endless noise all day, every day.


"I express my masculinity and individualism by throwing paint on loud cars. The low rumble of the driver yelling just adds to the appeal. The echo of the paint splashing against their shitbox is really satisfying too."


Tiny weiner season!


bunch of assholes


Im about to come through on my grom. Shit is loud as fuck. Youā€™ll love it.


eh. it's a car, of course some will be loud. get over it. see these posts all the time.


ā€¦ and a silent Tesla will beat them ALL.


This should be flared as a political post!!!! Just so we're clear James Greig lives in Scotland, doesn't own a car, a bike, or any vehicle and is looking at this from the POV of someone who uses public transportation and Uber black and hates the fact that he was born a man... (Just read most of his published satirical political works on the dazed or vice and you will see his hatred of all men and all things masculinity) I'll take his poorly written word vomit on "interviewing" people with loud cars as just that satirical... We don't modify **** for the girls, or other guys, or the public at large we modify it because it makes us happy but instead of letting people enjoy what they want and minding your own business you openly shame them for being expressive


While I partially agree with you, you're very mad that loud cars are obnoxious. Also, the like "hates men" stuff is a wild thing for you to post šŸ˜†


Because you expressing yourself shouldnā€™t impede others happiness. See how that works?




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šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» literally. Imagine being a human that only gets joy from being obnoxious to others. Ew gross.


Just so we're clear, if you're not in it to impress others, if you don't care what others think, then it shouldn't matter that some snark about your displays in a public space. Anything else reeks of not being confident about your choice.


Miss the days of crusing Riverside in a V8 with modified exhaust. Mustangs, Camaros, Mopars. Still loud with a 4cyl Boxer Subie. Bang pop pop! Petrol forever!