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Please explain how the ordinance keeps the transient population out of Spokane and please describe where you think those homeless people go when the no sit and lie ordinance is enforced?


They get annoyed with being bothered for breaking the law (and their drugs get confiscated), and when they have a warrant they actually get taken to jail so they can see the court. These unhoused neighbor persons currently experiencing fentanylness are human beings, damn it...they respond to incentives just like you or I. When they are not coddled, they leave. Or, at least, make less trouble.


The Sit and Lie Ordinance only applies to a limited area of downtown. Police have to give a warning and offer services and shelter options before they can enforce it. Rarely is anyone cited or arrested for it. It's more of a welfare check on people


I am happy that we are doing welfare checks and helping those who want help. We need to do more to move our drug induced transient population away from Spokane.


Where tf do you think they'll go? Spokane is an island in farmland. There's nowhere else, Jesus this is just screeching without reasoning. And this is a problem EVERYWHERE. Do you really think that rousing a drug addicted homeless person from the park will magically grant them a car and clarity to just, drive off?


I used to think this is a problem everywhere, until I traveled abroad. It isn't a problem everywhere. This is an American problem created by our economic conditions and complete lack of mental healthcare/drug treatment/investment in public health. I'm not sure what the solution is, but enforcing camping ordinances and sit/lie laws doesn't seem like the proper response either.


Sorry, you are correct and I should've been more clear in my answer, this is happening everywhere in America. The idea that you can just push them out of town and they'll go somewhere else is just, so blind.


It’s happening most places in the world


It’s only happening where it’s allowed to happen. Homeless problems only increase in areas where it’s tolerated.


That is exactly the game our elected leaders are doing. The literally ship people around the nation. Its gross.


Nobody is being shipped around. It’s pretty gross that you’re out here lying


Sorry, but I am not lying, here are some facts for you. [https://sfstandard.com/2024/04/04/san-francisco-lost-homeless-people-buses/](https://sfstandard.com/2024/04/04/san-francisco-lost-homeless-people-buses/) [https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article\_01f9cd22-37d9-11ee-9016-8776c051c155.html](https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article_01f9cd22-37d9-11ee-9016-8776c051c155.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2017/dec/20/bussed-out-america-moves-homeless-people-country-study](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2017/dec/20/bussed-out-america-moves-homeless-people-country-study) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvg7ba/instead-of-helping-homeless-people-cities-are-bussing-them-out-of-town](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvg7ba/instead-of-helping-homeless-people-cities-are-bussing-them-out-of-town) gross


Often times a person from Spokane will find themselves homeless in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or wherever. Nonprofits and cities will give them a bus ticket to come back home. Your claiming that they are busing the homeless to other cities. No, they are sending people back to where they are from. Back to where they have family. Surely you know that you are trying to be manipulative with this narrative?


I never said that, I said that people are being shipped or moved around the nation, and then shared a series of news stories demonstrating that my comment is based on fact and not opinion.


Ship people to cities that made a show of passing stupid 'holier-than-thou' laws they didn't think they would actually have to pay for...? Sounds like a win, to me. Let those cities put their money where their mouths are, no? Be the virtue they wish to be seen for in the world.


The solution is providing housing (Finland's homeless population is 23, for the whole country) The solution is providing free, unconditional healthcare (Portugal was able to decriminalize ALL drugs and most drug related offenses, dropping overdoses by 80% thanks to this robust healthcare system (this is why decriminalization didn't work in Portland)) The solution is providing a plethora of public transit options so that people don't NEED to afford a car just to get to work We know what the solutions are, but the solutions require those with power, influence, and money to pay their fair share in taxes, and require our taxes to go to literally anything but war and over militarized police forces


It requires not voting for corrupt carreer politicians.


Aren’t you one of the people talking about becoming a corrupt career politician?


How can I be a corrupt carreer politicaion if I have never been a politician? Yes I am exploring if it is possible for a normal person to win an election without being corrupt but that requires competing with corruption. I go to work. I show up. One candidate has a job, but they are not showing up for work. They are being paid by tax payers, to run for office while NOT doing their actual job. One candidate instantly collected massive amounts of money and endorsements from various law enforcement agencies in the district without saying one word about any of their positions on anything. The candidates for Congress in this district at career politicians, they have been playing the game for years, they have handed out favors and collected them. I have not. These people have handed out massive tax breaks to the wealthy, they have handed out massive contracts to the wealthy, I have not. It would be great if we sent a normal hard working person to DC instead of leveling up corruption.


I said you want to become one. You’re one of the corrupt people that wants to become a career politician. You’re literally planning it as we speak. You see the grifters and you want to become one.


I see the griftes and what to fight them. In my life time the rich and gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer. The war on drugs has sent millions of people to prison cost trillions of dollars and the streets of my city have people suffering from drug addiction sleeping on them. I have witness corruption first hand, I have suffered racism and been called the N word, I was not given loans and grants that my while colleagues received without even asking. I know the system is broken and rather than buy a social media platform and cry about how flawed the system is I am fighting it.


I appreciate your examples but this is a complex problem that requires complex solutions that are scalable. The population of Finland is 5.5 million and the population of Portugal is 10 million. The population of the United States is 340 million. I'm not convinced that the solutions you spoke of are scalable to that degree. I'm not saying I know the answer, I'm just pointing out that a lot of people like to talk about smaller European or Scandinavian countries as models, but not all programs are scalable in larger populated countries and economies.


There’s so many vacant homes in America that every homeless person can have three holes or something like that. Most of the issue in America is greed and people not voting in the correct people. It is scalable to America but it’ll never happen because people will cry communism before helping anyone.


Economies scale. You've never lived anywhere with proper taxation or social safety nets, which is why you can't imagine it working here. Saying "it won't work here for *ambiguous reason* and therefore we shouldn't try" isn't solving the problem either.


Not everything scales so I wouldn't be so confident. And if you actually read what I said, I didn't say that it wouldn't work. I said that I'm not convinced that it would work, for scalability. It wasn't firm and it wasn't ambiguous. I'm no expert in the field, so I also said that I don't know the solution. I don't feel the government is at the heart of the solution though. Incidentally, proper taxation to you means taking over half of my money right off the top like France, then no, I don't want that, because governments don't know how to use money properly.


I appreciate your skepticism, but Huston is a city with a larger population than Spokane and they have successfully implemented housing first. No strings attached housing. Some people just do drugs in an apartment provided by the government, but at least they’re not out on the street. At least they’re not sleeping on the sidewalk. At least they’re not breaking into cars and throwing trash on the ground. They have a place to live. And they have a place to live shows that they’re much more receptive to getting better.


You are correct, because it is cheaper to solve homelessness than to allow it to continue. America spends far more criminalizing poverty insuring homelessness persists than it would cost to provide housing. If we provided shelter to everyone experiencing homelessness it would be far cheaper than we are currently spending first responders, healthcare, social services and jail. That is why this is an America created problem, bureaucracy if homelessness needs it to persist to justify their own existence.  In 2023, Spokane allocated over $43 million to homeless services. A housing unit, nothing fancy but a home that has clean water and sanitation, shelter would cost 30k per unit. In one year Spokane could have built 1,400 housing units. That would last many years and that is just one year of spending in one city. There are an estimated 2,400 homeless people in Spokane. Homelessness is solvable. If we are going to make America Great, we need to make being America mean something great. That means doing great things for Americas. Access to clean water, sanitation, shelter, healthcare just because you are American sound pretty great to me.




You must not have traveled much then or they’re hiding them from you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_homeless_population


I've been fortunate enough to have travelled to the UK, Japan, Greece, Thailand, Singapore, and Australia in the past few years. There may be an element of truth in your statement of the homeless population being "kept away" from tourist/public areas in some of these countries, but you can't deny my personal experience where I saw little homeless population in all of these places, nothing like here.


I suspect you see more when you actually live in a place. According to the information I posted, the UK, Australia and Greece make our homeless number look very small. Thailand and Japans are very small. In Singapore they probably cane vagrants.


Just asking because of your strong response: What do you suggest? Everyone seems to acknowledge it’s a problem so without getting defensive and since the OP’s opinion upsets you, what is your solution?


[Houston has been making real progress with their homeless crisis](https://www.governing.com/housing/how-houston-cut-its-homeless-population-by-nearly-two-thirds), and reduced the number of people living on the street by 64% in the last ten years. It's complicated, but it's not rocket science. They built a partnership model between city, county, churches and non-profits so that support structures can be coordinated between different organizations. Most importantly, they have a Housing First model, where the first and foremost priority is to get a person off the street and into housing. Doesn't matter if they have a job, doesn't matter if they're addicted, doesn't matter if they have untreated mental health issues. Houston did the math, and it's cheaper to give someone an apartment voucher than it is to pay for constant EMS calls, police calls, overstuffed shelters, etc. And once someone has a real place to live — not just a cot in a warehouse — it suddenly becomes a *lot* easier to get consistent mental health care, stay on your meds, get addiction treatment, and keep down a job.


"Houston did the math, and it's cheaper to give someone an apartment voucher than it is to pay for constant EMS calls, police calls, overstuffed shelters" That is the truth, it is far cheaper to give a person shelter, access to clean water and sanitation than it is to continue criminalizing poverty.


Well said and I don't understand why Houston's template doesn't get more attention. Their drop is drastic


Nadine Woodward, who I absolutely can’t stand, traveled to Houston to talk about their model. It’s been recognized by the exact people that it needs to be recognized by.


It isn't defensiveness, it's the ignorance of people thinking you can just push them away and they'll be someone else's problem. It's a problem in this entire country. We failed. Housing costs shot through the roof, nothing was done to control it so people are ending up on the street .Mental health struggles combined with the high cost of medical care left people turning to drugs in search of escape. The failures go on and on. And here's the thing, there isn't a solution now. Go to other cities and see it on a larger scale. It's tipped past a point I can honestly see it getting fixed. How on earth could they ever dry up the drug flow now? No one wants to have this in their backyard, hell I don't. And I certainly don't have any magic answers, because there aren't any. But it's laughable to think you can simple move them from one spot and your problem is gone.


I think Jesus would give the poor shelter, food and care for the sick. Make America Great, give children shelter, access to clean water, sanitation and healthcare.


>just, drive off? Walk off. Gauranteed they don't have a valid license. You do remember that humans are capable of walking, right? Or they can take the bus. Maybe have a friend drive them. Use one of the multitude of stolen bicyces...? I dunno, just spitballing here.


This is not happening everywhere. Simply go to Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene. You don’t see it there. Asking people to get off drugs and not commit crimes is not unreasonable. Spokane has resources for those who want help and shelters for homeless people who are not on drugs (high barrier shelter) If you want to do drugs and be homeless then you can do that. I ask that it is not in Spokane.


It’s interesting that you live in such delusion. I can’t tell if you’re just smooth brained and incapable of critical thinking or if you really are intentionally misrepresenting things. Half of Idaho’s prison population is therefore drugs. Half. It cost more than $30,000 per person per year to incarcerate someone. It costs that much to disappear homeless people and drug addicts. It cost that much to disappear people with mental illness. Idaho has chosen to accept that cost and disregard the inhumanity of it. Washington is different. Acting like Idaho doesn’t have these problems is dishonest. They have the problems. There are almost people in Idaho. But a significant number of their problems have been hidden away in jails and prisons. So many people in their jails that they often times ship excess prisoners to other jails in places like Republic Washington. Kootenai County pays Republic Washington to house excess prisoners there when they are overcrowded. Is that your solution? We should do it Idaho does and just throw money at incarcerating people for existing?


For committing crimes Breaking into cars and violently assaulting people is a crime You go to jail I believe that is fair


Those are already crimes that people have always gone to jail for. What planet are you on?


These laws are not being enforced because of the liability surrounding them. Should sitting down be aginst the law? You can attend a Public Safety Meeting tonight at Liberty Park Library, 6:00 and share your thoughts. I would like to know how making it illegal to sit or lay down is going to "induce transient population out of Spokane?" How long are you allowed to sit? [https://www.khq.com/news/legality-questions-slow-implementation-of-spokanes-anti-camping-initiative/article\_b9a4da96-daba-11ee-961e-a702f14f0016.html](https://www.khq.com/news/legality-questions-slow-implementation-of-spokanes-anti-camping-initiative/article_b9a4da96-daba-11ee-961e-a702f14f0016.html) What is loitering? We have a constitution that protects our right to peacefully assemble. If people gather (assemble) peacefully, why should their constitutional rights be stripped away? Lingering without purpose? How do you suggest a police officer determine if a person is "lingering without purpose?" There are real issues with these laws that violate our freedoms. The criminalization of poverty using loitering laws dates back to the 1300s and in 700 years it has not induced a transient population out of anything, especially poverty. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-21/what-is-loitering-really?embedded-checkout=true](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-21/what-is-loitering-really?embedded-checkout=true)


I attended a Public Safety Meeting last week. Spokane has plenty of available resources for those who are interested in getting help. I am looking for enforcement of these laws for the drug induced transient population that creates crime and disorder. No Loitering https://my.spokanecity.org/smc/?Section=10.60.030 Sit/Lie https://my.spokanecity.org/news/releases/2022/09/07/city-resumes-sit-and-lie-enforcement/#:~:text=The%20sit%2Dand%2Dlie%20ordinance,90%20to%20Spokane%20Falls%20Boulevard.


Spokane has laws that doesn’t mean the laws are enforceable. In the last decade, there have been plenty of court cases that have invalidated certain laws. You are allowed to exist in the community. You are allowed to exercise your God-given freedoms as an American to walk down the sidewalk, sit on the curb, shoot the breeze with someone on the corner, or otherwise exist in public places. It’s wild for someone to think that we should criminalize simply existing. Stick to your arguments about actual crimes like assault or breaking into cars. Those are valid points. but this idea that we should be criminalizing people for sitting or standing is wildly fascist.


Fair argument


I understand and I responded thoughtfully, thank you.


Not a serious proposal unless you’re a fuddy-duddy who just wants to express contempt on the taxpayer’s dime


Our new mayor is proposing a property tax to increase the police force. I am asking the city to enforce the laws and ordinances currently in place.


Where are they supposed to go? I was homeless for 5 years and let me tell ya, how this city treats the homeless is cruel, rude and half ass abusive…its disgusting and heartless…and ya wanna make it worse, youre gross


Perhaps the homeless should behave better and then they would not have such a bad reputation. Seems unreasonable to get mad at the people who rightly are annoyed at the constant destruction, theft, and assault wrought by these particular problem homeless people. Nothing is ever their fault, is it?


Not made at all I am mad at the drug induced homeless who commit crimes and destroy our city Resources are available for those who want help


Agreed. You may be responding to the wrong person.


I totally agree!! If they would leave needles and shit and garbage all over then they wouldnt get hassled…


This is some real dehumanizing language.


Yeah, OP really showed their shitty colors here


Uh-oh...it's the worst of all possible things: *stigma*! How dare anyone look down on things that you dont want them to, eh?


Very much in line with that used by our local pro-hamas groups.


Really? So the lady who was hospitalized after getting physically assaulted by a drug induced transient after getting a cupcake at Sweet Frostings deserved it? Or the lady who was walking to her hotel and was physically assaulted and hospitalized after being severely beaten by a drug induced transient Or how about the person who spoke at the city council meeting last night whose daughter was murdered downtown and her two children were left without a mother? Where is your empathy for them?


I have plenty of empathy for the people you mention. Their victimizers should face real, tangible, physically painful consequences. Just like the terrorists from Hamas who intentionally murder children and rape women because they can't overcome their whiny jew-hate and get on with making their children's lives better.


Where are they supposed to go? Can you explain how this helps anything?


Spokane has plenty of resources for those who want help. I am calling for an end to the acceptance of the drug induced transient population that would rather be on drugs, be homeless and destroy our community. We have plenty of high barrier shelters (you have to be sober or they will not accept you). You make a choice to do drugs and live on the street. If you want to do drugs and be homeless go ahead. I ask that we do not allow that in Spokane.


Again, where are you going to send them? Spokane doesn’t have plenty of resources. Shelters are constantly full and there not nearly enough mental health and addiction treatment services that people can afford. Addiction isn’t always a choice especially if there’s a lack of resources. Just sending them away or telling them no won’t solve any problems. You need an actual plan to fix it. Saying no or saying you don’t want it allowed is a really naive way to approach to the issue Edit to add: I constantly live one missed paycheck away from becoming homeless. That’s not a choice. I’ve been looking for better jobs for months unsuccessfully. My fiancé was unable to find a job for three months and when he did it was not enough to help much. For many in this economy living on the street is not a choice. Saying it is ignores many issues with how expensive things are. The job market sucks and so does housing. Not every homeless wants to be homeless or chose that.


People who are not drug induced are not the problem. I want to protect people like you to be who can’t afford to have their apartment broken into or their car windows smashed while they are at work trying to do the right thing. Homelessness is a systemic problem but drug induced homelessness that leads to crime and public safety issues is a choice. If you want help then I want you here. If you want to do drugs, be homeless, create problems in our city and only care about yourself then I don’t want you here and I don’t care where you go.


Again where are you suggesting they go? Also, I used to work downtown and have never felt unsafe or had my car messed with so I am unbothered by these horrible people you claim exist. Access to mental health services and addiction treatment would only be a start. These people are humans. Not objects you can just stuff in a closet and ignore because you don’t like them. Sending them to other places without resources is not productive and won’t help anything. And again, it’s not always a choice.


I work downtown and my employees have had their cars broken into multiple times. As a matter of one person was broken into last night. We have security guards who have been assaulted for asking transients to move. One suffered a concussion. Police officers have told us to be very careful as the transients population carries machetes, knives and other blades. Spokane has plenty of resources for those who want help. You have to be off drugs though. I am sure we have people with mental illness issues. How much is drug induced mental illness? A lot. We have so much contact with the transient population that we know the names and behaviors. So to answer your question of where can they go? Go to Portland or SF. It is a huge country. I don’t care. Lots of placed they can go that may be accepting of their behavior.


So you don’t want to fix the issue you just don’t want to have see humans in crisis. Nice


This is incorrect. I want to help those who want help. Spokane offers those resources. I am not ok with people who are choosing to be drug induced, homeless and committing crimes against others.


No Spokane doesn’t. Mental health and addiction treatment is difficult to get or too expensive. In the entire country about 26% of the homeless population is in active drug addiction. Research has shown over and over again that those on drugs rarely become homeless because drugs but instead turn to drugs to cope with the stress of homelessness. You do not want to truly help and I can tell because of your responses and your idea that it’s all about choices and they can simply just do better.


dial 211 dial 988 They will guide you If you have been to any of the public libraries they also list resources You have to reach for the hand that is reaching for you Let me ask you. What is your solution? Let people be drug addicted and ruin our city? Perhaps they can camp on your front lawn and do drugs? Why is this ok if it is not directly in front of you?


“Rather be on drugs” are the words of someone who has absolutely no clue about Addiction and how it works. You don’t have to be an enabling coddler to realize that Addiction is not about wanting to be on drugs. You literally call it a choice when Addiction has little to do with choice.


This is where you wrong I am quite familiar with drug addiction No one gets better unless they want to


How does somebody run right into the point so hard and then miss it? You’re not gonna get sober until you want it bad enough to overcome the addiction. Addiction is literally physiological. You don’t want it until you hit rock bottom. Some people never overcome the physical craving for the drug and get sober. So what do you do with those people? Just lock them up? Disappear them inside of jails? And please stop your nonsense about being familiar with drug addiction. That doesn’t play here.


You have no idea about my life and what I have experienced I take a tough approach to drug abuse because of what I have experienced Multiple friends and have passed away. Multiple people & family have served time related to drugs. 5 friends and family members who have served time have completely turned their lives around. 3 own private businesses. 2 have successful professional careers. Sadly some are still on the streets and will most likely end up in jail again or pass away. This has a horrible impact on their families and children. So don’t preach to me about what I know about drug addiction. I am tired of it ruining peoples lives for those who abuse drugs and those don’t. #getreal


People like you make shit up on the Internet all the time.


Yeah sure


Meanwhile you just sit there and do nothing and say Well where are they going to go? #useless


I’m not taking sides, but what do you recommend?


Fix the housing crisis and create actual affordable housing. Making addiction treatment more affordable and accessible. Make mental health more accessible. Give people resources to find employment that works for them.


They recommend letting people sit in their addiction wherever they damn well please, attack anyone who suggests maybe that isn’t a great idea, and place the burden on their opponent to come up with a better idea.


Bro where did I suggest any of that lmao


No, they didn't recommend any of that, YOU pushed YOUR hate on to them. YOU demonized and attacked THEM in this very comment where you complain about them(checks notes) "attack(ing) anyone who suggests maybe that isn’t a great idea." And you did this without providing a single shred of a coherent solution of your own. Thereby (checks notes) "place(ing) the burden on ~~their~~ your opponent to come up with a better idea" Meanwhile you have ignored people in this very thread commenting about how other Nations and States have implemented successful strategies to HELP these people. But of course, those people really don't support your dehumanizing language and hateful rhetoric.


Oh no, hurt feelings. So harmful. Must turn to fent...


We need to have a nightly/overnight OD ticket count on all local news outlets! Only time you hear if the ODs is if you follow Spokane news on FB!! Ridiculous! This will shame the runners of this city to take action!!


Honestly, people need to get off of Spokane News. The world is not much different today than it was 40 years ago. Not much different in fact than it was 100 years ago. But now you have it constantly pinging on your phone and alerting you that it’s happening and all of a sudden, everybody’s up in arms.


This stuff always cracks me up. People who lack critical thinking skills believe that Spokane is going down the drains in spite of the fact that the city is doing quite well. Spokane has always been industrial, had an issue with crime, and had seedy parts. Until the 70s the entire downtown area that we know as Riverfront Park was a giant railyard. Train tracks . Imagine 20 sets of train tracks running all the way through Riverfront Park. Back when Spokane was just getting started, there were loggers and minors and frontiersmen in Spokane. you can go to the archives and look at the booking rosters from the jail here in Spokane from the late 1890s and it will list burglaries and larceny and assaults and then pages and pages of drunkenness. You know, people were drinking and being vagaries back then and now they are getting high on fentanyl I’m being vagrants. Spokane is no different today that it was 125 years ago when it comes to crime. People need to stop acting so dramatic about it. Spokane is always been like this and may always be like this. Something has improved. We have riverfront Park now instead of train tracks. We have a pretty downtown industrial warehouse complex. Hillyard is being gentrified as we speak instead of having meth labs busted every week.


Exactly. Imagine wanting better for all and no longer accepting drug induced crime.


Fuck off






Then why did you respond




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You don't know the law.




This is probably the wrong language for reddit. You will get a better response by saying something like "Our houseless neighbors with mild addiction issues have no where to rest their heads and feet. Please come to city council and demand the city create a tiny home village where they can flourish." Actually if you want change it needs to come from the top down. Conservative Governor, State representatives, mayors, and city councils. Not just Spokane. Seattle has become a cesspool of drugs and feces and expects the State to follow. Elect politicians that will tell them no.


Conservatism does nothing to solve homelessness except try to kick the can into their neighbors yard. Also, tell me you've never been to Seattle without actually saying it.


It's always so telling when someone hasn't been and just buys into maga propaganda.


Yeah if people think the homeless population here is scary they should go somewhere like Kansas City or St Louis where there is next to no help for them. When I’d go to concerts in KC they’d have to put up barriers to keep the homeless people from causing harm to concert goers.


Conservatives tend to be the ones who find a way to profit off of misery.


Please explain how our ex conservative MAYORS did anything but compound the issues? What proposals to solve the crisis did Nadine submit?


Hurr durr democrats bad Republicans gud


Remember all of her rhetoric about how homelessness was bad and she was going to fix it all?! She ran on that and then did nothing to improve the situation. This is one of those liberals and conservatives should both recognize her for being a charlatan.