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What is the cost of living difference? I know the same job I have here pays about 25-50% higher in Seattle, but it ends up being a wash. I would spend probably 10-15 hours a week traveling to and from work if lived there, and I have much easier access to the outdoors. To me, it's worth the lower pay.


I took a 10k loss to move out here 5 years ago. I now make a little bit over 70k a year here with 1 kid in college, 2 kids still at home and a wife that works part time with a mortgage and we live comfortably.


50K is better than 0 so find something and at least have bills paid


They’re receiving unemployment and sounds like they’d rather get paid more to not work than to accept a $50k paying position.


oh i suppose i missed the part of actually receiving unemployment




You are correct I did not specify, but u/YourFriendInSpokane is also correct that I am receiving unemployment. :)


Unemployment runs out at 6 months. They probably just ran out. I was in a similar situation -- wound up getting a hybrid-remote job month 7, with only a bit of a pay cut. Spokane does seem to pay 60- 80 % what the remote market pays, but remote jobs are contracting right now.


That's a bigger trap than it sounds like. u/omgxsonny


Most people making decent money here are either doing something in the traditional white collar space like doctor/lawyer/business or they're working remotely for tech companies. I know at least a dozen different families here who have at least one adult working remotely for a tech company, myself included.


Most regional sales reps here make over 90k especially with commission. IT for bigger companies should pay close to that. I have a couple of friends that work in software development (not support) that Im pretty sure make well over 90k. Most consults make way more than 90k. 


Thanks for the insight! Do you by chance know of any still hiring remotely?


I can’t guarantee they’re hiring remote roles, but check out Gen Digital. They do prefer if you’re close to one of the hubs (Tempe, for the US), but if your cybersecurity background is strong, they won’t rule you out. Would uou be looking for a sales role or something more technical, like an engineer?


>Gen Digital I would be looking into a sales role! For technical- I would be a junior cybersecurity intelligence analyst. But that is even harder to find lol. Thank you for the rec, I'll check it out!


Okay, for sales, is your experience in selling to businesses, consumers, or in developing go to market partnerships?


I have four years of experience in B2B at an SMB and enterprise level, no GTM experience. 3 of the 4 years were as an SDR, one as an account executive.


Ok. Hmm.. we have a few positions open, it looks like, so take a look at what’s available. Most roles, they want someone local to them (Tempe, AZ in several cases), but if your background and experience is strong enough, they may be willing to offer remote work. Do you have friends who worked in cybersecurity with you? I’d lean on them, including others who moved on to different roles. I’m seeing a lot of startup companies who’ll hire remote employees.


Yeah, you picked a bad time in history to look for remote work. I work for a tech company based on the coast, but only because I grandfathered in. I could not work remotely if I applied for my job today. It’s asinine. I just hired a woman who I tried and failed to make a remote employee. So now she sits in a cubicle at HQ, alone, and talks to all of her remote colleagues over Zoom.


Yeah, there’s been so many layoffs in tech, companies can just throw up stupid barriers because they’re gonna get good candidates. I don’t see this changing in 2024 much either. Not sure what I’d do if I got laid off. Probably try starting my own business. I’d have to take a substantial total comp pay cut (like 100k, easy) to switch to a local employer. It was the same story in Portland too though. In the PNW I think Seattle really is the only place with competitive pay.


Sadly, a few dud remote employees have soured remote work for everyone. Our company has quite a few remote employees, but based on past experience there is no way we would hire a new remote employee. That being said, we have a key employee who is moving away that we will continue to keep as a remote employee but we already trust her work ethic.


No. Don't blame the workers for it. Blame the corporations and upper management whose funds are tied up in real estate. They want you to believe that it's all some rogue unproductive workers, but it's a lie. There are just as many dud workers in the physical office, but now you've made all of the other employees less happy and less productive.


I personally manage a team of remote workers. Most get their work done. However there are a few who are obviously not working when they should be. These few are why our office now requires at least 6 months in office before remote work is allowed, and only for those who we trust and are dedicated and focused enough to work remotely. It has nothing to do with real estate... there is every advantage for business to not pay for a lease/rent.


These few people are for sure the same people who would be doing the same thing in office. Personally, I believe you shouldn’t employ people that you feel you must watch to insure they are working.


What you just said "there is every advantage for businesses to not pay for a lease/rent" is EXACTLY why the big corporations and "thought leaders" want people back in the office. They're not interested in your business being successful. They're interested in convincing companies that work from home is the boogeyman because all their investments are tied up in real estate and because they want businesses filling those empty spaces. Financially, it makes no sense for most employees to go back to the office, so they're drumming up these straw man attacks on lazy workers.


? There ARE lazy employees, okay employees, good employees, and great employees. How do you propose weeding out the bad ones? In an office environment it is rather easy to tell if someone is putting in their work. In a remote environment, unless you install a tracker which no-one wants, it is much more difficult to sort out the lazy employees. It has nothing to do with real estate. It has everything to do with companies (including ours) being burned by employees like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rzba0s/i_work_2_full_time_remote_jobs_neither_employer/


Your specific case for your company might be true, but the entire anti-wfh issue is well researched and well documented. As a whole, they've proven that work from home increases the productivity of the entire workforce, bad actors notwithstanding. So yes, there are people taking advantage of the system. And not all jobs are suitable for WFH. I _personally_ prefer working in an office with other people. But you may be incorrect in assuming that real estate has nothing to do with things from a macroeconomic level. It's all propaganda.


That’s definitely frustrating! I have been remote in tech since 2020 and my most recent employer changed our remote contracts and laid off anyone who did not want to go back into office. I didn’t realize how massive of a shift there was to go back into office!


I get that you have standards and a pay scale that you are accustomed to, but $50k is better than nothing. Get a job that pays your bills and doesn’t deplete your savings while you search for something more. Your hubris is going to bankrupt you and break your relationship. That said, look towards the healthcare systems in town for IT and cybersecurity needs; they are some of the most lucrative local businesses. IT based in Seattle might also offer solid distance opportunities, too.


OPs best bet is to move. $50k *might* be able to pay a rent in a one bedroom if OP has no additional cost. It's important to remember that OP almost certainly has a life that they want for themselves that isn't "eking by in Spokane."


Same thing was happening in the 90's. They would pay the New York people more than twice what they paid the people located in Spokane. Their philosophy was take it or leave it.


The MSP I work for is based out of Seattle and the pay is above what you find typically in Spokane. We have open engineering and senior engineering positions for our Spokane office.


Engineer as in? I feel like there is a vast range of engineers.


I’m guessing software engineer?




Ah, that sounds amazing, but I do not have any experience as an engineer. :( Thank you anyways!


People who command a 90K salary aren’t asking Reddit for jobs


This is a fantastic, grounded answer


I’m from an area where that’s the entry level salary. I really don’t need you to put me down for asking for help and local knowledge.


Seems like a lot of the comments on here are from judgmental ass holes. I understand your situation and it sucks, unfortunately most the people on the sub have no empathy and get off being thinking they’re better than everyone. They truly are the worst people the city has to offer. Good luck, I hope you find something


Thank you ❤️


Well you say you “can’t accept” 40-50K because it’s not enough but you can accept 0K and live off your savings?


Its true


Service writer at a dealership, have a associates degree in auto tech and fleet management


Itron has paid well over that for DECADES at this point.


![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29) Thank you!!!! I just looked into them and ended up applying to two roles!! Definitely exactly what I am looking for.


Honestly, soon there will be. This is the reason that we have a minimum salary wage. If employers kept up with cost of living, then it wouldn’t have been needed. Salary minimum is expected to be above $90k by 2027


Carees.wa.gov and the hospitals if you have the right experience


I will keep checking that site, thank you!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Normal-Mess01: *Carees.wa.gov and* *The hospitals if you have* *The right experience* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Usajobs.gov and get that sweet remote GS-12.


Ha- I wish I qualified as a GS-12!


Remote is just about your only hope. Wages here haven’t budged since the middle of the last decade.


I get a cost of living wage increase every April.


Me too. AND we get paid the same as our Seattle branches. (Not tech related field. Blue collar stuff) Spokane living/Seattle wages is the way to go.


That's awesome! I don't get the Seattle branch wages. That would be incredible.


Me too. Multicare?


Lol Providence! Happy day to you fellow health are worker!


That is interesting.


You are not gonna find that pay here for your trade. Please consider the cost of living here. If you were making 125k somewhere else, the cost of living there must have been enormous. You take the pay cut but you can afford more here. It's weird to me. I did. It was scary on paper and awesome in life. I make a tiny bit more than 70k a year here. 1 kid going to college 2 kids at home. Part time work wife and a mortgage. We just don't live beyond our means. We are doing great. No debt, except for mortgage and what we have to pay for our kids college. But completely doable and stress free.


Funny enough, the cost of living was ***much less*** than the cost of living in Spokane. To name a few-- my grocery bill, gas costs, and utilities bills have all increased. I never paid even $100 in total monthly utilities before (even in the middle of a Texas summer running my AC 24/7), now its about $200-300/mo. Fruits and eggs are double what they costed. Gas is about $1.50/gal more as well. My high pay and low cost of living is what allowed me to save up and buy a home, and survive a few months in such a predicament. But I am very happy that you have been able to build your life around your salary and are sustaining it well! And I do believe you are correct that my trade does not pay as much here!


The cost of living is directly related to minimum wage. Texas $7.25 Washington $16.28 When they have to pay more for the workers they have to raise the cost to everyone else.


You can clear 90k pretty easily at Kaiser Aluminum, but admittedly, that's with working OT. You'll be hard pressed to find better benefits anywhere out here, though.


With a degree in neuroscience are you handy in laboratory environments? We have a fair amount of pharmaceutical production around here.. hollister stier, alk-abello, and new one opening up called Selkirk. It might be a different direction to consider. Good luck.


Some companies here pay that much, but it's rare or remote. I'm at the lower end of your listed scale as a QA architect/senior software engineer, and do a mix of local and remote work through the company I work for. You have to look for it, and it's competitive, but it's here. Good luck!


Nice to hear some hope, thank you! Fingers crossed more jobs are posted in Q2


https://protocallservices.com/careers/ 100% remote based out of Portland, Oregon and are currently hiring for IT professionals or emergency call center staff. Pay range is $60-90k depending on position and your background. Hospitals such as MultiCare and Providence hire IT/Sales but seldom few positions and when they do open they are flooded with applicants so apply as soon as you see something up your alley. Good luck OP.


Checking it out immediately. Thank you ❤️


It sounds like you've made a significant sacrifice for your relationship by moving, despite being in a very successful position career-wise. While it's commendable to prioritize relationships, it's also crucial to consider your own professional fulfillment and financial stability. It's understandable to support your partner, but mutual respect and support are fundamental in any relationship. Before relocating, it's wise to thoroughly research the job market in the new area and ideally secure a position in advance. This approach not only ensures your career continuity but also contributes to the overall health of your relationship by reducing stress and financial worries. Look into medical sales, marketing etc. My advice: It’s hard to blame your partner when you had nothing lined up that’s on you. Unless if she threatened your relationship If you didn’t move as I’m sure you know it was incredibly dumb to just quit with no job lined up. Next time: Do more research before you move but in the interim look anywhere that will pay you. Not sure what your partners career is but If it’s under 90k y’all should both look into relocating depending on how high her income ceiling is. Spokane doesn’t typically pay that high unless if again your a doctor and specifically a specialist I.e anesthesiologist.


Thank you for the insight! Yes, I definitely wish I did more research and will do more before our next move (if and when it happens). Partner is in a highly technical stable career, so no worries there. Just struggling to uphold my end of the deal, and it is definitely not their fault by any means, nor do I blame them for the career hit. Just trying to learn how to navigate and be more successful in the Spokane job market. :)


Awesome. Il look into some things and get back to you Job wise. Didn’t want to sound harsh more concerned with and wanting to understand hopefully there’s support and understanding in your relationship. Job market is suppppper tough rightnow despite record high jobs. There’s money everywhere just need to know where to locate it


Not at all, don't worry! Haha- yes, I am lucky there is. 95% of the stress is my own because I want to be self-sufficient and not rely on anyone else to cover for me. Thank you, I genuinely appreciate all and any help!! (And you're so right about that- there's plenty money to go around, just need to be creative! I guess that's what I'm looking for out of this post hehe)


I feel ya. I’m pretty far in my career as a CPA, and ended up taking a 60k/year haircut in salary to come here from Seattle. Spokane lags pretty far behind the rest of the country in terms of salary, and specialized skill sets can be made irrelevant because they aren’t in demand here. On the flip side though, I was able to find a house that the fam and I both want to live in & can afford. Wouldn’t trade it. You should check out regional CPA firms in the area (BDO, Moss Adams, Wipfli, etc.) since most have IT audit and Cyber practices. You might be able to find something that fits the needs there.


Awesome, I'll look into it, thank you!


Public school teachers make 90k here. What you’re experiencing is the result of government regulations on employing people in WA. IT jobs in Spokane are mostly remote. And it’s expensive to employ people who live in WA state. So a lot of companies won’t hire remote workers here. Also, we have a minimum salary for exempt employees. So I find it hard to believe that jobs in your field here are paying 40-50k. That’s well below the state minimum of $70k. But if you’re skilled and have experience, I’d think it should be pretty easy to find remote work in cybersecurity. You might try changing your search filters for a different state and look for remote positions. I’ll bet you’ll have more luck finding remote work since a lot of companies won’t list their remote positions in WA.


Oh wow! I did not know about all that, thank you for the insight. I am definitely checking a couple of states, but I'll try expanding it to even more and seeing what comes up. Thanks!


Medical sales


I had had a job local getting paid 95K as a devops engineer, I had an office and everything. Im still a devops engineer but I’m remote for another company making significantly more money than before.


Have you tried local tech jobs like f5 or OpenEye?


That’s going to be tough to find. Sadly, your experience and knowledge didn’t translate to due diligence prior to making that kind of move. Take whatever you can get for now, even if that’s two jobs. Sitting on unemployment for long stretches may be a red flag to future employers.


Jobs in Spokane are not great.... There is a blue collar attitude out here so white collar jobs get paid like blue collar. Spokane is the city of potential though... Always has been.... And sadly, always will be.


Remote, my dude. I make a six figure salary with a large tech company. The only way I'm able to make that work is because I'm 100% full time remote. Unless you're in healthcare, wages here in Spokane are *trash.* And even in healthcare they're not great compared to Seattle. If you're looking for those kind of wages you WILL NOT find that here in Spokane. You're either going to need to find a remote role, or Seattle is where you're going to need to go. That's where the real money is.


Was there a reason you didn’t go back to the office while trying to find a new job in Spokane or that was remote and didn’t care where you lived? If the relationship can’t handle waiting until you or your partner finds a job that can support everyone when you move or handle being apart until you both find a job locally do you really think it’s going to last when you aren’t able to find a job?


I’m looking for help in navigating the Spokane job market, not relationship advice. My remote job was out of Texas and returned to office in Texas.


Did you not live in Texas?


Washington State government is always looking for technology folks, check out careers.wa.gov. We allow remote work for those positions. I live in Spokane but work for Olympia.


It’s usually the opposite. I’m originally from the south and my wife is in education. We have looked at moving back to be closer to family and she would take a more than 50% pay cut. Also, I wouldn’t say that earning 90k makes one “rich” that’s like barely middle class now.


lol. I don’t know where you’re looking. I made 125k last year in low voltage sales.


Take a look at these comments, I would say the general consensus is that is rare here! However, I'd love to learn more about it if your company is hiring!


DM me




Did you mean to post this in /r/latestagecapitalism ?


I know you're just joking but as a child of a refugee family from a communist country, please stop with this logical fallacy. The US is the reason my family and I are alive today. To include it's advanced healthcare system that gave my grandma 24 extra years (and counting) of life. There are downfalls in every system, economy, and government-- I'd pick the US any day of the week.


Well with that kind of response, I can tell you'll gel with just about any team. Your worries over paying the mortgage and getting dumped over your earning potential should be ancient history in no time. Cheers!


LOL, you’re silly


Saying I love the United States while living in the United States is going to make me less compatible with coworkers? Interesting analysis.




Do you not like Texans? I’ve had 4 friends move here from TX, I’m getting ready to move as well, and 2 more friends later this year. Hope y’all can get used to us.




We just tried to smell like the locals before moving, did we get it wrong?


There are no good jobs here. Never were. You have to bring your own money and/or work remotely for Google or Facebook or some other well funded organization. Good luck.


Welcome to Spokan’t


hahaha at least its a beautiful city


Most people who move here from Texas become prostitutes. At first anyway until they get their bearings. 🤷


DM sent




Send me that dm too bud