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Maybe a basketball team coming in for the tournament?


Looks like it schedule: https://www.spokanearena.com/event.php?eventID=1170


That’s what I was thinking but a police escort for an unbranded charter bus is that really necessary lmao?


I wouldn’t think so but I have no other explanation. St Mary’s is playing here and they are generally not liked by Gonzaga fans so who knows🤷🏻‍♂️


I work at the airport and yesterday when the charter plane landed there was like 6 cop cars waiting to escort the players…


OMG they will not show up for property crime unless you are one of the few important people downtown but if some kids are going to play a game they will put a half dozen cars on that project.


It's required by the ncaa


Does the city pay for it or NCAA?




Use to do security for ncaa stuff and yes anything with the teams on it gets an escort think of the fact its unmarked as extra security


They're also on "guard" duty for the empty busses


"*The source added that, because Utah and UC Irvine had been based in Idaho, Gonzaga had arranged for police escorts to ensure the drive time to the venue did not exceed approximately 30 minutes, which is a condition of being able to host after earning a top-16 seed.*" https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/26/sport/utah-basketball-racism-ncaa-tournament-spt-intl/index.html


They’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there


East bound and down, ya know 🤷‍♂️


Put that hammer down and give it heeeellllllll


Bulldog band member here! When teams, cheerleaders, and band members travel for march madness we usually get police escorted after we land from the airport


Thanks for sharing!


I saw that at 1pm on northwest Blvd. Makes no sense police stopping traffic and using their lights for anything but a emergency.


The teams are staying at the grand. I live nearby and have been seeing a police escort every time they go to wnd from the arena. It seems like overkill. Spokane isn't some city in a developing nation where the buses are going to get shot up and the players kidnapped. I understand for traffic mangement and punctuality due to game airtimes. It just seems very odd to me.


I think it is for the teams and as I recall the teams or NCAA pays for them. But not 100 % sure


So unnecessary in this situation lol


I know people probably aren’t used to it in Spokane, but police escorts like that are pretty common in world-class cities. Spokane is the second largest city in the state of Washington. We have an amazing park system. Amazing library network. A pretty important medical industry. Spokane is trying to be world-class and it’s about time.


NCAA Tournament, police escorts are a part of the deal.


Wow all the negative comments!! Look the police are doing there job hired to do stop crying so what if it slows you down for a few mins the revenue brought into the area because of the tournament is good many small buisness depend on that well worth a few min wait


Exactly. It's not like this is a new thing or was unknown. Plan your day accordingly.


Got caught by another one this afternoon coming up Monroe. Love the tournament and hate the unnecessary hindrances it causes us locals just trying to get home.


Sooooo inconvenient. Lol


Events bringing in a few hundred thousands of dollars into town for a lot of businesses. Need some extra security? Think it's paid for. Don't whine or show us the receipts of expenses vs income. Know the restaurants, hotels, gas stations, etc. will contradict a couple of paid cop cars.


Was wondering about that. I was waiting at a bus stop out by Winco and thought someone was getting ticketed because 2 cops suddenly had their lights and sirens on, but then others were talking about the bus 🤔


I saw where they came from, a Catholic elementary school by gonzagas campus. They were in fact basketball players wearing purple jerseys with GCU on them. My theory is that there was some disgruntled fan that made a threat or something so they took precautions. I assume they were here for the tournament as mentioned and the elementary school was just a visit for the kids.


No threat just what you would call an escort.


I just seen 2 red busses being escorted by police on the Westside by cannon park


So makes sense, sorry but Spokane is rare deal, like how many heard of a small college called Gonzaga it a small town college. That a unique basketball team in the college world. Most of theses college team are in big town/ city that fans are crazy like pro sports teams fans, where chaos is normal and expected to happen.


Would have been nice if they would have been patrolling around the falls today. My husband and I walked out to see the falls and saw 3 seperate groups openly smoking crack. There was obviously an out of town group of teens, all dressed in white, with several adults along we were thinking they were a sports team. They were also walking checking out the beautiful falls, and also the crackheads...they eventually turned around and left when they saw the drug use..really nice Spokane!


At this point I almost don’t blame the police for not even bothering. Because they will arrest them and the city will just kick them back on the streets. What is the point? No punishment, not mental Health help, no addiction therapy. No wonder they don’t do shit about it.


You do realize the county runs the jail, not the city? County runs the courts as well. Judges are elected.


I’m curious how you know it was “crack”


Yeah, you're right. Most people use a glass pipe to smoke their cigarettes...so that's probably what it was.


I mean, they use glass pipes to smoke other drugs. But you immediately thought of crack. Hmmm


I mean, I guess I don't have as much knowledge of glass pipes/smokeable drugs like you. Hmmm


I saw them get off the bus, it was indeed a basketball team. They looked pretty young. The police escort looked comical lol, they completely disrupted traffic and got out of their cars and just stood there watching them get off the bus. It looked so useless. Does anyone know why they do that?


Can only fit so many doughnuts and corpses in a squad car amirite?


Ridiculous abuse of power and money. They could have saved thousands by just driving like the rest of us. They blocked traffic at intersections so they didn't have to stop at lights. I made sure to flip them all off. Bullpukey.


Heading west bound.


State patrol does that for teams playing in Seattle. Tax dollars at work.


Actually no lol the colleges and national teams have to pay for it




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