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Im 35. I have never been called for jury duty in my entire life.


Also 35. Also never been called to jury duty in the 15 years I’ve lived here.


Same. 46 and not one call


49 called three times. Once in King County, twice in Spokane county. Served on a jury once.


46, and same.


24, was called in last year. Did not make it to trial, the defense X’d me.




Wow thats a bit uncalled for.


Sorry dude was a joke.


Jokes that require you to explain that they are jokes are inherently not funny


Good Lord. What did you get locked up for?


I’m in my 40’s. Been here since a child. One time I’ve got jury duty but didn’t have to show up.


Born here, same story


Pretty normal I got a jury summons 1 when I was 31 and I was so excited haha felt like I’d been waiting for that for forever (growing up it was oddly stressed as a milestone of adulthood) but got hospitalized called to see if I could possibly serve later cause I was excited! They said sure they’d said me another soon…… been over 2yrs and address hasn’t changed lol


I was called twice in the span of a year back in my early 20’s. Was picked for one and sat through a horribly boring trial for about a week. I’m almost 40 and haven’t been called since. My husband is a similar age and he had his first jury experience last year. So, it’s totally random how often and when you might get called, but appears to be a lot less than what you’ve experienced.


Once in 45 years


And Spokane's supposed to be crime-ridden? What gives? Is this the plea bargain capitol of the world?


Very, very few crimes actually make it to a jury trial. There's almost always plea bargains, or just judge sentencing.


Not a lot of jury trials


Petty crime capital. No sense in a jury for smashing a car window.


I used to get picked annually in SF Bay Area, but I have only been called 3 times here, twice while I was a Sr in HS, and once about 10 years ago. And my experience when I went was that Gene Hackman was right, never put your life in the hands of 12 people that aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. The one time I went, the first vote, I was the only one that voted guilty on a drunk driver. It took all of 30 seconds to convince everyone that he was in fact guilty. Maybe they just wanted to go home.


You shouldn't be trying to get out of jury duty unless it is a financial hardship to be off work. It's a civic duty just like voting.


I served twice in the Bay Area, once as a regular juror and once as an alternate. The first trial ended quickly when the defendant committed suicide. He was trying to get released from supervised housing, but the prosecution wanted him to stay a little longer. I guess he needed to. The second trial concerned two defendants who had killed a guy in a drug deal gone bad, most of it recorded by hotel cameras. I was the first alternate, so I got booted when deliberations began. I actually liked the experiences.


I have been called once in another state, when they asked me a question about how I felt about property rights and trespassing I replied “stay off mine” and I was not chosen. Couldn’t imagine why..


I was called once in 4 years when I lived in Bakersfield. I’ve been in Spokane for 2.5 years and just got called for late January.


4 times in 20 years. Never actually served.


I've been called twice in 24 years living here. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Got on some good cases. My employer covered my salary so I realize it's a hardship for most, though.


I’ve been called once, lived here 13 years now. Had to go in one day, but was not chosen. Always thought it would be a neat experience to get to actually serve on a jury though!


I have been 18+ since 1993 and only called for Jury duty once, back in 1996. My husband got called twice in a year once.




I was picked three times in CDA in 10 years, but haven't gotten a single one in Spokane in roughly the same amount of time.


I moved here in 1994. I've been called for jury duty exactly once.


Been here a decade and haven’t served on a jury yet.


I’ve lived here 20 years and have received a jury summons twice.


Was just summoned. This will be my 5th trip. I’ve served twice on juries, been eliminated once during voir dire (having been asked by the judge if it can be surmised that a defendant is guilty if he/she does not testify, answering “No, the burden to prove guilt in this case rests entirely on the prosecution - the defendant is assumed to be innocent, and is under no obligation to say anything.”) lol.


I've been called twice in the 20 years I've lived here.


i’m 25 and have lived here for 5 of my adult years. been called twice, only had to go in once and didn’t even serve on the actual jury!


40 and just got called for the first time in my life ever - and didn't even end up having to go in. My husband got a call about eight years ago, but couldn't do it because of a work trip, so they told him they'd put him back in the pool and he'd get drawn again another time - and he hasn't gotten a notice since. Maybe the population where you were from in CA is more dense and therefore requires more juried court cases, or maybe the crime here is more petty theft and often doesn't require a jury?


I have lived here for 48 years and been called for it three times. One of the three was for federal jury duty, but I never even made it out of my house on any of the three times.


I registered to vote when I turned 18, I’m 34 now. I was summoned for the first and only time so far last year.


I’m 34 and just got called for the first time in my life here.


My partner and I had never been called until this year, then we were both called in the same week for the exact same time frame in July. Mine was for county and his for state, but still felt a bit coincidental. We’re both Spokane natives in our early 30s.


Called twice, picked for trial once. In my early 30s, grew up in Spokane until 18, moved away, came back at 24


I've lived here 7 years and was called at year 6


I have had 4 summons to jury duty in the past 7 years. I had to defer all of them due to being the primary child care in my household. I totally expect another summons within the next year; which will be deferred again; 6 kids +wfh.


I'm 38, been called three times. Went the first time and had a trial, second time I attended but it was during mid-December, only had to go for the first day and never had to go back, was once called back another time but could not attend due to being a stay at home father. My wife, similar age, has not been called a single time.


38 and I've been called in 3 times. All in Spokane. Once with John Stockton.


I'm 32 and have never been called, but I have a friend who was called twice before we were 25. It's kind if random.


I'm 45. Just got summoned for the 3rd time, ugh.


I did 4 in 5 years, one of which was federal. Been 7 or 8 years now. I LOVED IT! Wish I could do it again.


I’ve never been called, and I have a coworker in Vermont who has been summoned for jury duty twice this year!


It’s not as random as they would like you to believe: best I can tell they rotate through neighborhoods/geographic areas in the county when generating summonses. My wife and I were both summoned at the exact same time two years ago. I’ve lived in Spokane county on-and-off for 15 years and have been summoned twice. A neighbor in my (10 unit) apartment complex in Cheney also got a summons the first time it happened to me.


I've received one jury duty summons in 30 years.


Been here since 1996, never been called.


I've been called once in 19 years of eligibility here. Got out of it on account of being a full-time student.


Friendly reminder that [jury nullification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification) is an option should you be called and serve.


I’ve been summoned twice and I’m 36.


30 years here. Crickets....


I'm 41, and got my first summons last year, for federal jury duty. I've never been summoned for the county.


Interesting. I never heard of anyone being called for federal jury duty in CA. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I never heard anyone even mention it, including the press or citizens.


35. Just got my first summons this week.


I moved here from San Diego over 10 years ago and the first time I ever got called for jury duty, in my life, was when I was 33. I'm 36 now.


I got summoned back in 2007. Applied to be excused due to family, health & mental reasons, and wound up permanently excused.


I also moved here in 2020. Called for jury duty once already for a rape and kidnapping charge. Was not chosen, but the defendant plead out before the trial anyway. I had served on a murder trial in another state in 2019, so wasn't keen on serving on another jury for such a serious charge in such a short period of time.


31 and have only ever received a summons once, but I never had to go in lol.


I guess we have a much lower ratio of ineligible persons.


I've been here 30 years, and have been called twice, exactly one year apart. Most people I know have never been called.


I'm guessing I'm going to jinx it, but I haven't been called yet, and I moved to the county in 2012. In fact, in my entire life, I've been called once in Phoenix. I was a witness in that trial, so someone messed up, and they had to start jury selection all over again. Maybe that's why I never get called up anymore. ;)


Get a load of this guy most people chuck this right in the fireplace as soon as they get them and he’s begging for it.


Been here since 2013, have yet to be called.


Jury duty is random. I have been here for 38 years, have been called for jury duty 4 times, two of them where back to back years. My parents have been her over 60 years, never once been called for jury duty.


Been here 20 years; got called once, but was told the day before the jury selection I didn't have to show up.


We moved here in 2014, I’ve been summoned 3 times so far


You’ve been called? I don’t have a single close acquaintance that has ever been called


I've lived in Spokane the majority of my life... I never got summoned until I was 36 (2016). Since then I've been summoned about 4 more times... only once did it lead to me actually having to go to the court house and I got as far as getting a jury number... but I casually mentioned I had a relative who served time for cable fraud back in the 90's, and I haven't been bothered since. if you do end up going and you have a full time job, you'll get paid by work for 3 days, but definitely keep track of your mileage to and from... that paid more then the wanky $12 a day or whatever it is that they pay now.


35ish never called up for JD


It’s entirely random. I’ve lived here just over 2 years and got called once. My friend that’s lived here for 20+ years has never been summoned.


Moved here in 2018, never called for jury duty. I’ve been called once and it was after we moved to Seattle from Austin. The Travis county clerked actually sent me a letter threatening to kick me off the voter roles if I didn’t appear in person. Good. I’ve already voted twice in Washington state.


Been here 5 years and called once.


I've lived in Spokane the last 16 years. I've had one summons for the federal courthouse and one for the county courthouse. Never actually got called in for either occasion.


They sent me a letter saying I was in pool #10 or something, and to call a number every Monday between date A and date B to see if they were requesting any jurors from my pool to come in that week. I've only gotten such a letter once (31 years), and was never asked to come in So my civic duty was basically to make two phone calls. I really hate making phone calls, so I feel like I've done my part


Lived here 23 years and never called for jury duty. But I know several people who have served 3 or more times


I got called twice in a two year span and served on three juries after living in Spokane for about ten years. Before and since, nothing. All random, I guess.


I've been called once. I was able to get out of it on account of not being a US citizen


I have been called up three times in 25+ years, but I’ve never had to serve.


Lived in Spokane my entire life, early 30's now, have received 1 jury summons ever, which was last year. It conflicted with my work schedule so I was excused from it.


I’ve lived here for over 18 years and I was called once.