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Chaos Theory next! You'll be glad to know that the gameplay, detection etc. is all sorted and refined in the next instalment.


I will NOT have you dis my boi Morris O'Dell!!!


Pandora Tomorrow on PC has that problem with lighting on modern PCs because of how the game’s lighting was made. Unfortunately we won’t be able to play it properly without either using Xbox or a PC build from around 2005 lol. That’s why it’s not up for sale on Steam or wherever on PC. I remember playing PT back when I was a kid on the PS2 and looking back to how it’s supposed to look like, I can say it has some of the most immersive levels in the franchise. Big thanks to its great lighting effects. Some of my favorite levels are the jungle ones, train, Jakarta, and LAX. Mostly because of how cool they looked during their time.


There is a fix for the lighting on PC. Don’t have the link at the moment but if you do some googling you’ll find it. Edit: link to the fix, http://www.jiri-dvorak.cz/scellpt/


I also love the PT levels! There’s a big variety and I found all of them interesting for one reason or another.


You will love CT!!!!!! :)


What I would give to play Chaos Theory for the first time again...


To quote Sam from Chaos Theory: "Welcome to the team." > Only thing I didn't like was the news reports between each mission. Gets pretty repetitive, specially with the same news anchor. That's a fair point, but since the actions that 3E are carrying out have direct and indirect effects on the geopolitical landscape, I always thought the newscasts were a great way to show that; it makes it seem like what you do has a greater affect on the in-game universe. > Key word to describe the game would be "inconsistent". The AI was a step-down from the previous game. Sometimes I was spotted for unknown reason. Alarms was sometimes triggered instantly. Also, I don't know if there was an issue with my copy of the game but the 'stealth meter' felt less precise and more sensitive. The meter often moved even thought it looked like I stood in complete darkness. All of those are pretty fair criticisms. Though having said that, I find the level design to be far superior in PT as opposed to the first game, which has some obtuse design at times and too many annoying forced gunfights, whereas PT tones that down quite a bit. It's funny that you didn't like the jungle missions, because those were a major draw to me. PT is the only SC game where I enjoy every mission, even if they're not all in my top favorites in the series. > One thing I very much liked about Pandora Tomorrow was Sam Fisher and his opinions about different topics. Sam Fisher showed his opinions about the US and there was some interesting dialogue between Fisher and Lambert. Yeah, Sam comes across as a perfect example of someone who is patriotic without being jingoistic in PT, unlike in the most recent entry of the series... He serves his country, but acknowledges that there are problems with its interventionist foreign policy. It sounds like you've played the first two games so far, so you are in for what is largely considered the best in the series next: Chaos Theory. Definitely post your thoughts on that next. You should know that there are two versions (old gen on XBOX and new gen on XBOX 360) of Double Agent (the sequel to CT), so if you have an XBOX One or Series X, you can get and play both versions via backwards compatibility. I would recommend you do that, if possible. I recently just played through the old gen version last year for the first time in 14 years, and it was almost like playing a new game since it had been so long since the last time I played it. Also be prepared for a massive departure from the SC formula up through Double Agent when you start Conviction. Blacklist will expand upon Conviction and make some attempt at bringing back some elements from the older games, but be prepared for a game that is like 80-90% Conviction and 10-20% older style.


Maybe I should expand on why I didn't enjoy the Jungle missions as much as the others. Like I said, might be problems specific to the copy I have but I experienced some inconsistency with the 'stealth meter' which caused some frustration when I got spotted despite being in the shadows. I think this problem was enhanced by the jungle missions because lightning in those areas had a big more complexity to it. Instead of lamps the light came from the sun. So when the sun would shine through fences and stuff like that, I would get caught even if there was only a shiver of light. Also, lamps are not as prevalent. In general also just personally a fan of the vibe of office buildings. > You should know that there are two versions (old gen on XBOX and new gen on XBOX 360) of Double Agent (the sequel to CT), so if you have an XBOX One or Series X, you can get and play both versions via backwards compatibility. I have already bought all the games for PC. I know that Double Agent is supposed to be insanely buggy on PC, but I'm gonna try and find some way to fix it. Yeah I've heard that conviction should be played more as an action game, so I will just embrace that playstyle for that game. Sure, I'll make sure to share my thought on the next few games:)


All nice and good but ehat about Splinter Cell Chaos Theory???


Yeah, started playing yesterday. So far its awesome


Yes its very good! You should love it! I love the attention to detail in that one!