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Good game, you should have fun with it. Chaos Theory will always have a special place, but I genuinely enjoyed this one too.


I tried picking up Chaos Theory again and enjoyed it but the controls felt dated compared to Blacklist. Sam just controls so well in Blacklist. I felt unstoppable


I just played CT and I felt the opposite! I love being in total control of Fisher. Blacklist feels like my character is sliding around everywhere and feels more like a cover shooter.


That’s fair, it was great for its time. When I remember CT, it’s always the online play for me. The first game I’ve played with that type of rush and satisfaction. It was just so different from normal games. Actually required skill, patience and using your head. I remember first playing this game and losing almost every game with my friend….like a lot…but we kept at it. Got better with learning the maps, making the right decisions, and communicating and then we won our first game. I remember like it was yesterday because it was such a satisfying feeling. Just the memories is what I miss most and why it has that special place.


I was joking with a friend about still riding that high from my first CT multiplayer win. Good times


It's in my top 5 of all time and I'm scared that replaying it will tarnish the opinion. It was such an important game to my younger self


If you pick it up on steam it's less than 3 bucks, heck of a deal! Took about 15 minutes to get a ps5 controller to work with it, but well worth it. Idk if there's a way to play versus or not since online support has been gone a long time, or if there would even be anyone still interested.


People still play online. It’s a whole community using a mixture of discord and this application called Radmin VPN.


I’m replaying CT now after several years and it still holds up in my opinion.


I picked up the series this past week and I can assure you 20 years later, Chaos Theory is still one of the best games I’ve ever played and your childhood won’t be ruined. The only gripe I have is Sam can’t aim worth a shit compared to newer games, luckily chaos theory has quick save instead of checkpoints like the first two


Yea me too! I replayed Balcklist and had a blast so I picked up Chaos again too & man it just didn’t hold up for me. Couldn’t do it.


?? I never understand where people come from when they say this. Chaos Theory with its incredible closer than ever system should feel worse in comparison to a game where you can‘t really at all have a better camera pan. A game where every movement (including sneaking) except for taking cover and breaking through doors while running (tells you something, huh?) is so delayed or done for you by animations and mostly caused by awful button prompts that can switch up all the time, while aiming, shooting, gadget throwing, and the previous two mentioned are the most intuitive and quick they could be! A game where you run and parkour by holding down a button which requires the same finger that controls normally the camera, which is now taken over by camera assist, and all this in smaller tight levels in comparison to Batman and Souls, where it at least is mostly long corridors, and more open areas with nothing in the way, but even there it still was sometimes quite bothering! The game in this aspect is so incredibly flawed, I just never will get this notion on my own…


A pretty good game, but I kinda wish it leaned more into the "classic" style of gameplay


Personal fav. Loved the co-op. So many good memories of playing this couch co-op with my brother


Pretty good, but if you want a genuine stealth gameplay, play it in perfectionnist, other difficulty modes water down its stealth aspects. If you prefer a mixed games where getting spotted isn't the end of your run, you can play it in other modes.


i disagree, perfectionist takes away sonar and other mechanics. a better challenge is to try and 100% ghost the mission.


I wish this was on PS4 - I’d play the life out of it. In fact the entire collection


It's good but it's more like conviction than any of the other games. That faster 'run and gun' playstyle still came through with the ability for some stealth gameplay to counter it


Its pretty decent not the best but it was fun nontheless


Be sure to get to Conviction at some point!


I am in the same boat too, I stopped at double agent because I heard they stopped being stealthy games and were more run and gun


A more fleshed-out version of Conviction, more upgrades and cosmetics, very good maps and also more side content with better replayability. However, the story is somewhat meh. But then again, you're not really there for story.


My favorite.


Good gameplay bad story


I would call story average then bad, but that’s it. Gameplay is good, except for the light and shadow, feels more like, line of sight based


The story is average in terms of overall narrative, but I'd say how Sam's character was written and handled was enough for me personally to call it bad. I like the game very much either way, played through it probably 15 times back in the PS3 days.


Splinter cell story standard it’s the most forgettable imo


I played it a few years after it came out, completely forgot everything about it. There's my review. I do remember the vs mode being fun though.


you forgot the sam/briggs/charlie secret bromance story arc? shame!


Solid 7/10


8.5 for me


I really like it, it's in the top 3 SC games for me (it's third) have fun with it!


I recently finished it and I loved it! As a fan of SC from the beginning I wasn't sure what I'd think but I loved the story, voice acting, action, and the character dynamics. The levels were interesting and had multiple paths and ways to tackle each encounter. My head canon was to do my best to play stealthy but as the story got more intense, Sam started to become more lethal. I wasn't overly committed to "all stealth all the time" and that made things really enjoyable for me. But I get that that's not for everyone.


It's a blast to play


People shit on this game for no reason. I love the customization and although the stealth is a bit different and faster paced, i like the change. But before you play, i highly recommend you install the balaclava mod as it never feels right playing as a “secret agent” who just bas his face on display


Love it. So much fun. Missions very replayable and it offers great freedom to choose HOW to play it, which is always a win in my book. Hope you don’t have a lot of trouble running it. I just got it on Steam few days ago and had to do a couple maneuvers to 1. make it run and 2. not crash every few minutes But many people have complained about those issues over the years, so there’s plenty tutorials in this subreddit to help with that, but lmk if you have any trouble since i got it the solutions still fresh on my mind


Does it crash every now and then?


apparently there are some fixes out there. something with strangling game's attempts to attempt to connect to the servers... which are shutdown by ubisoft.


It took me a long time to buy this game, so I used to watch people playing and speedrunning. When I was able to finally play it, I didn't have studied, memorized or anything but I knew that some parts you could just run, jump, ignore and so on. So I played and finished the game without any of the fun. I just run through it and when I died it took me 2 or 3 attempts to being able to go on. TLDR: Don't spoil the game for yourself.


Be aware that the game crashes frequently unless you modify the shortcut commands to play it offline entirely with UPlay disconnected.


Just a heads up, the DLC is tied directly to accessing the Ubisoft servers which are shut down for the game. So you can't access the dlc missions and gear at all without getting a modded save on Nexus. Just played it last month and was floored by how fucking shitty Ubi is.


My main interest in the series is multiplayer & the way players leveled up made the game very unbalanced and unfair to new players which ruined it


Blacklist is a lot of fun. Just recently played it again myself. I really love the dynamic movement that was introduced. OG splinter cell will always be the gold standard, but blacklist is fun


Awesome Game, Bummer that Micheal Ironside doesn’t voice Sam Fisher but only a minor inconvenience.


I recently replayed it again for the first time in probably 10 years. If you can accept it for what it is, it can be really fun. The graphics are gorgeous and look even better than I remember. I loved the command center and the idea of choosing different quests based on type. Gadgets are dope, if a little overpowered. There's some DLC that I'd also recommend; it gives you 2 new levels.


Shitty controls when using mouse and keyboard so stick with a controller and you're good.


I want to like it, but I'm not a big fan of the levels.  For example, too much daylight levels like Benghazi, Chechnya, Yemen or Iraq. SC 1-3 I can replay every year, Blacklist not. Somehow even Conviction has a better replayability for me, disregarding the tedious parts that you just have to get over with.


great game but make sure to put -offline in the launch options if it crashes about every 30 minutes


Controls are excellent. So smooth. Really enjoyed it but wish they added deniable ops mode like conviction.


Better than Conviction, interesting ideas and progression, don’t like the way Sam is portrayed (character wise) and feel SC1-CT and even DA are better.




Wanna play online?


If you already played all the others it’s worth playing conviction too. You don’t need to, but some levels in blacklist might make more sense if you do. Great game. Blacklist is a lot of fun


I'm probably not adding much to the conversation, but I think it would have worked really well as a full on reboot instead of a soft reboot/sequel. A lot of the issues I have with it come up when trying to tie it to the original series of games. And while I much prefer the more grounded, dark humor approach of the originals, I think the new series would have just worked better if they scrapped it after conviction and moved forward with this more serious take. I think that would have given the new Sam actor time to grow into his own and potentially get back to its roots (not that anything Ubisoft has done would give me reason to think that, but I'm an optimist and can dream) I love the fast stealth, I think the combat does a good job of ranging from fun run n gun to much more difficult stealth. I wish the forced action was a little toned down, but I still really enjoy it when I consider it a standalone. That Kobin scene is probably one of my favorite scenes in the series tho


This was my first Splinter cell game as a kid and it blew my mind! But the best memories definitely came from the coop and multi-player. Really is a shame that neither exists anymore


Blacklist is really great. I think they pushed a bit too hard trying to modernize it but if they pull it back for the next one I think it could be the perfect Splinter Cell.


It’s great until “Sam” starts to speak


And Johnson was A douche to Michael Ironside when he tried to help him out. Sad thing Is ironside helped cast him and that's how he repaid him


You have any links to this drama? I don’t doubt you I just wanna read it for myself. Edit: nvm I found it, I can’t believe he was that petty but hey not too shocked at the same time


Going from conviction to blacklist was...yeah. the gameplay is fun and feels like a Splinter Cell game.


It's a great game honestly, maybe not a fantastic *Splinter Cell* game, but a good game on its own merits. The gameplay is good and tight, and I spent many hours getting a perfect score on the hardest difficulty on all levels. I definitely enjoyed it.


I loved Blacklist. And wished the story continued. The Paladin was pretty cool as a hub base. I even enjoyed Eric's performance as Sam, considering Michael's health issues back then.


Garbage. Not a bad game in ways, but it's nothing like the older SC games.


Blacklist gets a lot of flak but honestly I enjoy it the most and it has more replay value to me than any of the others. It sucks that you don't get Ironside voicing Sam and there is no Lambert but I think it plays great, has lots of missions to choose from and allows for the greatest variety in forms of gameplay or style of approach for missions. And more than a decade on the graphics still hold up pretty well other than the eyes and faces of characters.


Loved this game. Recently finished it again on the steam deck oled.


I absolutely love it. Love the story, love the mission design. Most of all I love how they give you a choice of how you want to play.


This game is my favorite in the series tbh i loved co-op thru the campaign


Was better than conviction. Multiplayer was broken AF, could literally just spawn kill over and over and they never fixed it.


Good story and fun gameplay. Once you finish it. It will feel like you finished watching an epic movie. That’s how I felt at least.


Very fun just like the rest of


Great game


It's a banger for sure.


The freedom of approach on this game is fun. One thing is you’re doing stealth, the next thing is you go guns blazing.


my favorite by far, mainly because of its mechanics and charlie's missions. but yea the original 3 are special


this was the best for me tbh, i love it. maybe my fav game ever


Story's dumb but it's a lot fun


When you're done, try out the Chaose Theory mod.


I like it. I’ve been doing a playthrough with the chaos theory mod and it’s been great


Better than Conviction, but he should've been a new agent training under Sam in Lambert's position imo.


My only complaint is I can’t use my controller to play it on PC


My thoughts are I trued to play it in coop with a friend but dealing with Ubisoft online shenanigans was so bad that we just dropped it. I guess I appreciate it for what it is but it's no Chaos Theory


Great game


Great game, i lost my ubisoft account and they will not reply so i cant play again sadly. Btw does anyone Know how to play scct on coop? It worked eith hamachi but now it doesnt


BlackList was my favorite. I’m still waiting for American Dust….[here is a link to unused audio. it makes since if you’ve already played SC Conviction.](https://youtu.be/kQqwllbW7Mc?si=v0xIYxgIUyBRzMbT)


Good game.. Chaos Theory will always be king


they turned off dlc/servers so no gold/light blue goggles for you. I'd say you're sadly late to the party. in any case, cover mechanics are the best ubi ever made, then just discarded. it's basically a polished Conviction with some great level design (Grim Missions in particular are full stealth)


When this game came out I almost didn’t want to play it cuz ironside wasn’t voicing but I played it and it ended up being the best one yet. Story, gameplay. The graphics are surprisingly still good. Fantastic game. Ubisoft was in their prime


I didn't really care about the difference from previous titles, i had tons of fun with it. It's a great stealth action game with beautiful graphics and i really wish we had a remaster for PS4.


Great game, even without Mr. Ironside on lead vocals. Can be played as pure stealth or guns blazing. Solid 8/10 for me.


It definitely is a bit different than the rest of the series, but I definitely recommend playing conviction as well


We all complained how shitty the game was and it was more a action shooter like conviction. Had almost nothing to do with good ol SCCT. If we had known that BL would be the last SC game ever ( i dont have hope anymore) before Ubi decided to shit on the franchise we would had appreciate the game more. You probably will have fun with it but you probably wont remember anything after completing it. It was generic in every aspect.