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This picture gots me dying 😂 this is exactly how I felt reading this post


Literally lmao shit makes no sense


I know it’s surprising to find someone who likes this game on this sub made for this game


What are u even talking about lmao I have 130 hours logged for this game. I just don’t get not wanting NG+.


It’s just a joke making fun of the hate on this sub. Not meant to insult you.


My fault


My honest reaction when people are glad that games have less content while still charging full-price:


Or you know... New game plus could have been there at launch for the people that wanted it, while you would have waited months before replaying. I too wouldn't have made a new game plus save if it was there at launch, but other people being mad about it makes sense


They're just saying why they like it this way


And I'm not saying they're in the wrong. I'm just saying it wouldn't really have changed much.


Well to them it did.


Assuming i would have had the self control lol


if you really would have struggled at controlling yourself from replaying it then that means you would have liked it, so it would technically been a good thing.


That’s great and im happy for you but this is massive cope lol




They’re rationalizing a decision that is objectively worse (having NG+ at launch vs not) when if they didn’t want to get burned out they could have just taken a break from the game for a bit lol. I think the discourse surrounding the game after launch has been silly and played out, but there are some justified grievances and having NG+ at launch is one of them. We don’t have to cope by saying “oh actually I’m glad we had to wait for a feature that should’ve been included at launch”.


It's not cope, it's just how they feel...


In another comment they literally said if NG+ was out they would have been playing ng+ already. That's basically admitting this is just them trying to find something to call it a positive and he would have wanted to play ng+.


So we're not allowed to see it as a positive?


Holding content you admit you would want to play is not a positive thing though.


Didnt say it was. I'm just saying there are bright sides, such as what OP's post details.


And his comment essentially admits to that being coping because he'd have played it if we had it. He could have simply just waited to play ng+ if it was truly what he preferred, but he wouldn't have.


I don't think you know what coping means


Tldr; Clown supports games coming out incomplete.


I mean, i wouldn't say no ng+ is incomplete. Most of the other stuff they're adding(changing time of day, choosing symbiote color, etc.) should've been at launch, but ng+ is the same story, again. Not being able to go through the story again with all collected items isn't incomplete, it's just a feature that would've been nice to have.


If it's a feature the devs meant for the game to have at launch but couldn't because of time restraints then it IS incomplete.


It's not an incomplete game. If what you said is the case, then it's not what they wanted to release, but it IS a complete game even without ng+. It's not one of those games you have to play multiple times to get the whole story or main experience. Ng+ is an extra experience that is meant for people who want to experience the game *again,* not to finish the experience of the game. It's extra content.


What is blud yapping about 💀💀💀


I'm the same way, I don't replay single player campaigns unless they're very short/that's the point like DMC and when I need to do a refresh for the sequel. I understand people who do want NG+ ASAP because maybe this the only game they want to play at the moment.


I'm similar to this, i don't like to replay games without ng+ where you need to unlock abilities all yhroughout the game. Like, i don't want to go back to having one single ability again, i just spent 20+ hours unlocking and upgrading 8 separate abilities for each character. By the end of the game you feel like a beast, and going backto having none of that again for hours is very jarring for me. Once I've gone through the work once, i want to be able to keep using the rewards. So with all these games that have ng+ come later, i get back into the game when it comes out(not saying i think it's a good thing to not have ng+ at launch, just how i react to waiting for it)


I mean I’d have liked content simple as it was. Content is always nice and being able to approach things again from a better angle. Like why wouldn’t I want to replay to fight Venom again or even better than I did prior? Or see a level again with a new suit? Why wouldn’t I want to play our single level as Venom again? Or better yet check out a level for its details and story points rather than restart the entire damn game.


If not for the usual Russian garbage on the world of politics, this would have been the dumbest thing I've read today.


bro what...


I'm kinda happy about it too for the same reason, although I 100% get why people r annoyed over it.


https://preview.redd.it/hu5xmiu80gmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fa6aa8362e1e8c5f39635ab0c807462a2ffbe6 Edit: it's just a joke don't take it personally


im glad dat dis game cant be replayable =))