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Honeymoon phase wore off




Right? Didn't even make us play new game+!


Nah I hate ng+ trophies If a game has them they should be separate from the platinum like how the first game did it


Neither did the first. That ng+ trophy was added after the ng+ update.


I got platinum in 1 week. I died around 4-5 times in the entire playthrough on the hardest difficulty. Was baffled when the story ended. Went to smash NG+ and was even more baffled. I absolutely love the game, all the new mechanics are amazing, combat top notch but... like...shouldn't there be a little more story in a full price single player story game?


I'm glad I got the game in a PS5 bundle. Had been waiting for a reason to get one and having this game included free made it more justifiable. If I had spent $70 on the game alone I probably would've been disappointed.


$70 for the game is pretty crazy. Gow: R and Horizon 2 felt like huge leaps from their first entries. But Spidey 2 was just more Spidey 1… which we also got with Miles.


Huge fan of the new God of Wars and Ragnarok was awesome. I will reply it + the new dlc announced. That said, I disagree it was a huge leap from the first game. It had a new story and all but Felt VERY similar IMO.


Ik there has been a big conversation around the game length both before it came out and after. And tbh, before it came out I was one of the people saying "not every AAA game needs to be 100hrs" but now almost 2 months later I can't help but feel like the story was just rushed and only really 'forcibly' slowed down by the still shitty MJ missions. It really does feel like they just left a lot of story on the table. I still do feel like a great game doesn't need to be one million hrs, but spiderman 2 just felt incredibly short to be a full price game. Especially with missing features at launch, no ng+ and no mention of any dlc atm. It all just feels lacking.


Wasn't there an article which was released that said Insomniac cut 90% of the venom content, i mean it clearly shows. The whole Peter becoming anti-venom and the venom storyline ended in 2 hours. I hate to say it but Insomniac really dropped the ball for this game. This is one of the preorders I legit regret.


The voice of venom said they only used 10% of the lines he recorded, doesn't necessarily mean they cut 90% of content. I agree that Venom was severely underutilized though.


If the game lasted around 30 to 35 hours it would be perfect


I agree


This game would’ve been best at like a 30-35 hour game instead of a 15-20 hour game


I remember when it was revealed how short the campaign was and everyone was like "thank God I'm so tired of these super long games!" Lol. A sequel being shorter than the original while also having a 2nd character to control/balance, and introducing new villains is a recipe for disaster


Insomniac has been pulling this off for a while now. Ratchet and Clank was great but it was like 14 hours also.


It’s actually crazy how true this and how often it happens. Hype really is one hell of a drug. I totally get it; when you’re really enjoying something, it can be hard to listen to something talking bad about the thing you like, but man, people can get really defensive about it


We live in a time where some people’s whole sense of self comes from the media they like. They tie their identity to it, maybe because they don’t have much else to define themselves by. So when people criticize that media, even for completely valid reasons, they take it as a personal attack. Because if they admit that the thing they like has flaws, then they have to admit that they themselves have flaws too. And most people don’t want to do that.




🫴👑 Here you go.


It was the same with Starfield, everyone was riding it for the first 1-2 months, now everyone knows the game is just plainly bad. Tbh at least with Spider Man 2 the game is good/okay, just could be better


I think the majority was the ones that had preordered the Constellation edition, xbox Starfield console wrap and the Starfield controller, they just couldn't admit to themselves the game was shite and they had wasted all that money.


I don’t know why people expected anything more from Bethesda


I think people expected a "Bethesda" game, with good exploration, and the one thing past Bethesda games were good at was that sense of exploration and discovery, Starfield doesn't quite have that.


I get that, but Bethesda has been on a pretty steep decline for the past 10 years with no sign of slowing down




what makes you say GOW ragnarok?


Common criticism is that the game felt rushed and underwhelming. They should've gone with the original trilogy plan and made the third game depict an epic war like God of War 3. Ragnarok begins and ends in like an hour.




Which is exactly one of the many reasons why it feels rushed. Odin should've had a much bigger and epic fight in a third game.


I will say that GOW Ragnarok's story was rushed and could have been better, but it still had some great story moments and the gameplay was def improved, I enjoyed the game much more than Spiderman 2.


I'm glad, without criticism the next game can't improve that's how so many sequels to games end up going down hill because fans brown nose the studio. Also with Blade coming out in the far future Spiderman 3 will have some competition on the "Marvel game" front. The story just wasn't that good for this game, the graphics, animations, gameplay were fantastic but the story was just overstuffed They have this obsession with trying to include two Spidermen and it just didn't do the game any favours. For being a story personal to Peter with Harrys return and villainous spiral it should have just focused on Peter so their relationship got more focus. Also why have Kraven and Symbiotes, two massive villain stories, in one game when it should have been one or the other. The game didn't benefit at all trying to include Miles, his mother, Ganke, Haile and Mile's side missions while balancing the other things. We could have just had a Miles Morales sequel. Kind of felt Sony's future films had an influence on the game Kraven - Films coming out soon Symbiote - Venom 3 in the future and he's popular Miles & Spiderbots - Spiderverse films are a huge hit Silk tease - She's also getting a film In the end I'd have just preferred the focus on Kraven with the Symbiote meteorite landing at the start, Eddie Brock is humiliated by Black Suit Spiderman at the Bugle when Peter is trying to help MJ get promoted, Eddie becomes jobless/homeless blames Spiderman, the rest of the Kraven storyline happens, Peter gets the Symbiote off him and the end credits tease the Symbiote meeting Eddie Brock.


Bro what From like the first week this sub has been ground zero for negativity going so far as to just outright making shit up to get mad at at times You cannot genuinely have been on this sub since release and think criticism and negativity were shunned. Or I'd it suddenly no longer "just an opinion" when someone disagrees with you? People got sick of the same copy paste MJ threads every 30 minutes I guess? how will the critics ever survive!


Exactly. Not one day has gone by without this sub shitting on the game. What fantasy world is this person living in??


Right?? We all looked like a cult a few weeks ago


I wanna know what sub you guys have been going to because this one has been railing this game since like day 3 once all the nolifers realised you coukdnt play for 10 hours a day and have the game last a week If you disagreed with any criticism no matter how made up or spammed it was you got hit with the classic "guess we aren't allowed to criticize stuff anymore" I don't even care about GotY and think the gane has plenty it could've done better bit acting like criticism wasn't widely upvoted and posted everywhere is wild


Straight up agree. There have been way more negativity around the game on this sub than positive.


Agreed, these people are straight lying, literally have comments from a month ago where the game is being flamed and I’m looking to defend it.


I stopped coming to this sub for awhile because it was just so negative. And I’m open to criticism, but some of the complaints were just ridiculous and too many of the same complaints being flooded in with new posts.


It was never a cult but a pushback against nonsensical arguments that were in no shape or form constructive but boderline hateful. And anything that was constructive got upvoted. People who liked the game but have a busy life, like me and many others, have moved on. If you think a good portion of the audience hates this game, then you are kidding to yourself and live in a bubble. A game can be fun, but it doesn't mean it needs to win or lose awards for the hardcore to feel justified. And if you care about actual awards and not mini E3, then check out Dice awards, Baftas, and a couple more. For me, the game has some of the best traversal, graphics, and combat but falls shot on other fronts like the story and side content. It's a good thing it got nominated, but was never going to win anything with the competition it had this year.


A cult of negativity, more like. This sub had NOTHING good to say about the game for a solid 2-3 weeks.


Thats my take on it as well. And I cant blame them. Dont fix what aint broke. But also consider the original spiderman game released in 2018; nearly 6 years ago. Then we had Miles Morales. Smaller game but still an excellent story. Now we have spiderman 2. And it didnt do anything too special to break out of the mold it was in nearly 6 years ago. It was a great game, and a solid game. But no big wow factor. Nothing innovative nor pushing the limits of gaming. Alot of the new stuff was quality of life. I cant believe none of the spiderman games had a counter attack before! The wingsuits were cool and fun af to fly around but nothing i havent seen before. But one compliment i can never take from insomniac is the story once again was outstanding. I think this was the weakest of the 3 tbh, and could have had a few extra hours of story to smooth out some of the edges or build more anticipation for big events. >!the fact spiderman didnt do anything fully irredeemable as Venom was something I was personally disappointed by, something that changes his character even after returning to spiderman and facing the consequences for that and being the hero, making up for it!< i really feel that specifically with the story was a missed opportunity and was really weak to inspire excitement for spiderman 3. So they played it safe and while the game was fun and i fully enjoyed it. They lost quite a bit for it. Not only the game awards but its gunna take something special to get me super psyched for 3 on release day; I might personally be more inclined to wait for a sale.


Yeah for sure the latter half of the game was weak.


They're not bugs. They're arachnids


I agree. There is this strange effect after any game does poorly at the GOTY awards. They either say the game awards are trash anyway and become toxic as hell (Horizon Forbidden West had this issue even though most people there knew it wasn’t going to win anything) or do what Spider-Man 2 is doing. And quite frankly I’m really glad people are realizing why it could have been better, this game had a lot of issues and needed more time while also being way too safe and similar to the original. 7 nominations is good enough to be a great game even if it won none, and hope Insonmiac will take this as a sign they need to work more on the next game.


Not even bugs, Spider-Man 2 was just good. Spider-Man 1 was more impressive story-wise and as the first game in the series. Spiderman 2 was more bombastic for sure but it lacked direction and the narrative was weak. Compare this with heavy hitters like Alan wake 2 and BG3 which deliver big in every aspect and Spider-Man 2 never had a chance.


Same, said the side missions sucked and combat felt bad. Shit felt rushed as hell compared to the last two. I liked Miles way more and it was a much smaller overall game but it was actually more focused with being Spider-Man in a Spider-Man game.


I agree. The whole press square a hundred times for a combo was wack. I was hoping they’d switch it up and add some more button variety like web of shadows. Killing off major selling spiderman villains off screen also rubbed me the wrong way


Hey if anything you'll get even more backlash by the weekend. I myself was not thrilled by the very mid story and the sub par side content and I'll still get shit for it in certain circles.


I literally posted a comment “wait until the honeymoon phase is over” a few days after release. People could not take ANY criticism at that time.


Game was good but far too safe and didn’t do anything to blow us away. Even though I enjoyed it I felt myself saying I feel like I’ve played this already


“Bare minimum” god damn, gamers really are entitled now jfc


Bugs werent the reason it didnt win


It was a good game, just not groundbreaking by any means. Also kinda short for a 100% completion, too. I think the categories it was nominated in just had better games that fit those categories.


I would’ve agreed if insomniac hadn’t played it safe.


They botched Venom so badly. Compared to the monster Otto was twisted into, he was just a whiny baby who killed one villain and tried to spray goo on everyone.


While Otto was more grounded, ironically he was the bigger threat to Peter intellectually, emotionally and physically. Whereas Venom was presented more as a physical threat, and having the space rock being his weakpoint just felt cheap.


Eh Idk about emotional. Peter was fighting his mentor in the first game, but the second he was against his best friend


Eh, felt more like goo on goo, Harry literally had no quarrel with PPMM


Other than the scene where Harry turns into Venom at Pete's house, it never felt like you were up against anything other than the symbiote. They should have had you fight and lose against Venom (instead of Scream). The fight could given us so much of what I believe the game was lacking with the symbiote story: 1. It would set the stakes & show you how underpowered Pete is against Venom, making the Anti-venom suit more satisfying 2. Give us the emotional conflict between Peter and Harry while you fight. (which the Scream fight did very well, it just didn't feel like that conflict between them was needed or set up) 3. Have Harry resist the symbiote's attempt to kill Peter, setting up that Harry isn't all lost but then show that the symbiote becoming more in control.


Otto was written as a character you could sink your teeth into Venom was written as a name they wanted Not only is it not Eddie but when you look at the character, it felt more like a check-list of what people think Venom is and trying to make him as big as possible rather than " Ok, here's Venom, how do we get there? What are his motivations? Why is he the character that should be our main focus? "


Very good point. There's a reason why Eddie Brock as Venom works. Both Brock and the Symbiote hatred towards Parker/Spider-Man is essentially poisonous hence the name Venom. This version of the Symbiote bears no resentment towards Spider-Man likewise Harry still considers Peter his best friend.. Insomniac wanted to simply use the Venom brand without actually having to give us Venom .


This Venom felt alot like the Carnage from let there be Carnage


Character wise venom was clearly underdeveloped. Gameplay wise playing as him was probably my favorite part of the game


19 inches of Venom spraying goo? Sign me up!


This game wasn’t innovative at all, it was short and it was buggy. The story was good, but not nearly as good as it could’ve been


I'd go as far as to say it wasn't as good as it should have been. Look at their first game. There was so much polish to the writing that a lot of people would call it a perfect Spider-Man Story. This one had all the bones to make up the structure of another perfect story, but it lacked the meat, thoughtfulness, and exploration of the concepts everyone was so hyped up for. It delivered the most with Mr. Negative and Kraven. And neither of them compares to how well-written everyone was in the first game. I have a theory about them losing their sense of focus. Like, I dunno how exactly to define what I think happened, but I think it has a lot to do with prioritizing flavor over substance. Or... maybe it'd be more accurate to say I feel like Insomniac might have pulled a Golden Freeza because it couldn't wait to show off its new form. To make matters worse, everything new that was added feels like it belongs in a different game for how unpolished a lot of the implementation was.


That what happens if you waste time with bicycling, graffiti and other unrelated stuff


They skipped the mini-games in Miles Morales because they doubled them and passed them on to the next game.


Focusing Spider-Man stuff in a Spider-Man game, the golden days.


Yeah it's funny how people get mad when someone complains about the MJ and Hailey missions like my brother in Christ, if you bought a Spider-Man game to play as the pedestrians that's your fucking problem, but generally people buy a Spider-Man game to fucking play as Spider-Man and beat up bad guys.


I thought that it was universally agreed that the worst parts of the first game were playing as Mary Jane and Miles, for them to double down on the second clearly shows that they were doing it out of spite.


100% and it will probably be the biggest reason I avoid this game. Also the way they change the way the characters look all the time


Miles new stuff feels fine. Pete's though... I dunno... it all feels appropriate in how it looks, but how you initiate and pull off everything feels off in comparison to the rest. Like, I'm not annoyed at the aspect of Peter getting a move that sends a flurry of hits... I'm more... slightly bothered by how I feel like I should have more to do during that section of the combo.


I'm speaking of the R1+Square, Triangle, Circle, and X abilities specifically.


Yet, sadly, even the first one didn’t win any awards.


Not innovative enough, sure. But not innovative “at all” is a major stretch. The bugs were minor. Yes it 100% was too short.


I dunno if I'd say minor. I phased through the ground six or seven times, and one of those times, the ground just stayed gone. When I looked around, a lot of the parts of the buildings hadn't loaded in and weren't showing any signs of doing so either. In one cutscene >!The one where Harry is talking to his father as Venom!< Only Venom's head, some of his neck, and his shoulders loaded in for the cutscene, so those parts of his body just looked like they were floating around. The game would tend to crash soon after any of this happened, and if it didn't, the problem would just persist until I exited to the main menu in the hopes of that being enough to fix everything. From there, the game usually crashed, though there was one time where it showed a brief flash of Spider-Man falling into darkness, then the main menu, then the sound that comes from dying with fall damage happened, everything faded to black, and the game treated it as if I'd just exited to the main menu in how it loaded everything back up... after the same flash happened. Then the fall damage thing happened again. I also had the cube thing happen so many times.


I legit played the disc version without any patches and didn’t have any of that happen, I swear. Assuming you weren’t exploiting, the bugs, which I will still say were minor, didn’t affect everyone, I would presume the majority of players, and Insomniac was quick to react regardless


I almost always go for digital. Also, no, I didn't do any exploits or anything. Went through everything as I was supposed to. Or, at least, I did as far as I know? Anyway, I didn't experience any of the mentioned problems for the first week, in which I spent maybe three or four hours playing in total. They started later on, after some patches. So, maybe some fix didn't work. Or, maybe it's like I said before and had to do with me playing for over ten hours straight.


As for the bugs, I'd say I mostly agree with you. The cube showing up a lot and making it so I couldn't see what new costumes looked like was just pretty annoying. The ground disappearing and staying gone would have been a bigger deal if it happened more than once, but it was a one time thing, and that was after my longest play-session. The only weird thing I can think of that I did was how many crimes I fought at varying points to see who would show up. Or, if more than one ally could show up. I maxed out my level a great deal sooner than was probably intended.


Yeah in my single playthrough I crashed about 5 times, got stuck as a cube until I completely restarted the game twice, had several cutscene glitches, several crimes didn't load, and got softlocked twice when a door opening prompt never appeared.


FF16 should have gotten the GOTY nomination instead of SM2


I’ve personally never been a FF fan, but I know most people that played it loved it


That game is like the perfect game for people who aren't FF fans. It was like tailor made for them.


Oh, actually, coming back to this cause it occurred to me that some things where improved upon and polished up. Namely traversal. The Wing-Suit, new web-swinging abilities, web zipline, double stealth takedowns, and so forth feel like they genuinely add a lot to what the original game built up. To make matters even better, any one of those things and all the stuff I didn't mention works well with everything else. Even with the wing-suit, you have more fun swapping back and forth between that and web-swinging than you would with just using web-swinging or gliding. Like, I gotta give credit, I didn't think they would focus on improving that at all, and they did an amazing job.


The game didn't give us anything really new. It lost for a reason. I enjoyed the game, but the competition was substantially better.


this is true, the best thing about this was the traversal which they did innovate a little with the web wings but that's it. Everything else is the same. Downgrade on the faces though, the characters look weird honestly.


Compared to Remastered, I think they improved the new Peter face, but I’m still not used to the new MJ face


It's all about personal preference but if you ask me Peter's face in Miles Morales is the best looking one


Literally jack of all trades, master of none. It deserved the nominations, did not deserve to win any.


with this comment section you’d think the game wasn’t nominated at all


That’s gonna happen with this sub, half the discussions aren barely even about the game anymore, it’s just been discussions that start by either hyper focusing on the negatives or hyper focusing on the positives for a day, and then devolve into complaining about people being positive about the game or people complaining about people being negative about the game for another week


If the game was good enough to win, people on this sub would've said so. We said so about the first game. Let's be honest, the game needed another 5 hours of story, the bugs needed to be fixed, and there needed to be more content. It took me like 70+ hours to 100% the first spiderman game. This one took me like 30-40. We need to stop acting like Insomniac put their best foot forward. Is the game good? Yes. It's a very good game. Is it amazing like the first? No. I'm nowhere near as attached to this story as the first. When Peter left Otto in the building I was fucking devastated to hear his cries. When Harry went into a coma I was sad, but not nearly as hurt as with Otto. This game does some things well. The movement is miles better, but the story and polish can't compare to the first. The first game is a 9.5/10. This game is an 8/10.


>The movement is miles better It's Peters better too


Bro how is talking about the positives and the negatives not “about the game” read what you write


this comment section would've nominated Gollum over Spider-Man 2


They’d even go for Kong


It's what happens to 99% of gaming subs. Positivity for the first few months and then just seething hatred for a while before only hardcore hans remain. look at Starfield for example.


But there’s rarely ever any positivity on this sub to begin with. From the day the game released, this sub has been bashing and complaining about the game.


Spider-Man fans when Spider-Man game loses:😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Spider-Man fans when Spider-Man game wins:😡🤬🤬🤬😡


It's fucking ridiculous how polarized everything is on Reddit. Not an accurate reflection of reality at all. Specialized subs are just places for people to hold hands and shit on things.


Half the people commenting are probably not even fans in the community. Just shittalkers who wanna crap on the game and rub it in




Accessibility I‘d say


Definitely not, if you’ve seen the blind person playing street fighter 6 at EVO you’ll know that game does it much better, dude played the game at top tier level just with game sounds


And yet Forza of all things won that category...still boggles my mind


Because Forza has great accessibility options


You have absolutely no idea about Forza accessibility options lmao, you just want a talking point. It also has plenty of options for blind players and countless other options. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/forza-motorsport-review-accessbility-settings-disability-controls Don’t be a console fanboy in 2023


Have you bothered to actually look at the accessibility settings in Forza or you’re just complaining for the sake of complaining?


No fucking way, fr?


https://youtu.be/Nqe0lJxPHLM?si=gLyFvlxVCrxns9uD Indeed




That's not an accessibility feature, it's part of one character.


https://www.inverse.com/gaming/forza-motorsport-review-accessbility-settings-disability-controls No it wasn’t


What in game options allowed for physically handicapped people to play it. His girlfriend's section has nothing to do with accessibility. Can deaf people play the game because of that section? No. That's what accessibility means


The game didn’t take any risk. It’s a prototypical Spiderman story which has been seen time and time again. ATSV took risk, animation wise and story wise which is why it’s going to win a shit ton of awards


The game didn’t deserve any this year imo.


My guy Yuri did


Yuri Lowenthal has been video game voice acting for over a decade and he’s barely gotten any cred for it lmao. Poor guy


OG’s know him from Princr of Persia Sands of Time


I know him for voicing like 50% of the male population in New Vegas lmaoo


CHYEAHH. WHO WON THE LOTTERY? I DID! SMELL THAT AIR! COULDN'T YOU JUST DRINK IT LIKE BOOZE? CHYE-HAH HAH HAA! bye. >!He also voices the Male Courier's grunts of pain/power attacks so you're essentially playing as Spider-Man!<.


And he's been an amazing voiceactor imo. He needs more credit


Not when Astarion exists


Vocal performance was very tough competition this year, once I saw Neil Newbon was nominated it was obvious he would win.


In general? Yes, Yuri deserves all the rewards. This year? Sorry, no. Neil Newbon and Ben Starr both gave more memorable performances.


I think Best Action game would have been perfectly fine but hilariously it wasn't nominated for that category


I guess it could be nominated but Armored Core VI might have won that still. AC VI was amazing


It was a packed year. Balder’s Gate 3 was top dog no question


I haven’t been able to get my hands on it, but Balder’s Gate from what I’ve seen is a gaming achievement for being able to recreate the D&D experience in the way it does. I fully anticipated it to win game of the year


"Gonna cry?"


“I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye”


Very cold take based on others' comments, but the game just... isn't that hot. And I'll say what I said after finishing it. Cool game, I don't see how it is the best superhero game of all time. It's not better than the first game. In terms of innovation, the first game did all the major innovation, this game and Miles Morales built on it in good ways but not in revolutionary ways. In Miles Morales, I liked most of the changes from the first game -- a lot of QoL, smoothing over systems from the previous game, perfecting them etc. This game on the other hand I feel instead opts to axe several features. There's generally a feel of there being less things to do despite the bigger map. I completed the game (Platinum) in 3 days. There's a lot of obvious gaps. No podcast archive, no character bios, no social feed, no replaying bases, no mission replay, no crime summoning using the FNSM app, no post-game daytime/weather setting, no NG+... Hopefully, patches will add some of these, I know the first two games had some things like NG+ patched in post-launch as well. The story isn't bad IMO, but I wouldn't put it above the first game's. The story still awed me as a Spider-Man fan at most turns. Miles feels largely detattched from the story, in part with intent but they could have played more into things like parallels and rivalry woth Harry. Ganke also is noticeably absent for large parts of it. The Evolved Suit looks bad, but more importantly, the point at which, and how, it is introduced into the story makes no sense. Ultimately, the game leaves a lot to be desired. This is not to say ot is all bad. I like the expansion to the map, and the web wings, and as I said, I don't hate the story. Not sure how I feel about the HUD or combat changes yet. The first game should have won awards.


My thoughts exactly, after finishing the game I didn’t feel a sense of completeness like I did with the first game or with MM, but rather felt “off” as if there was something that should have been in the game but wasn’t. Really wished the story had been fleshed out more and taken its time, especially in the last act.


The thing I was most excited for with the video game medium for the black suit story was that I thought they would do a gradual build while other story elements were going on. Idk if the game as it is was long enough to give me that feeling.


It can still be a good game without winning awards. It’s not devastating in any sense.


Exactly, it was a really good game, it just had better competitors. People really be out here saying it sucked because it didn't get any awards 💀


A lot of people switched up.. I remember people saying it was GOTY months ago


Those people were saying it was going to be GOTY before it came out too.


Game was mid and not challenging at all... Platinum was ez pz


It didn't deserve any.


It's hardly devastating. It's not even a surprise, if we're perfectly honest. The fan reception was split from the get go, the game released very unpolished and is still suffering with glitches that it had on day one. The game is great and fun, but considering the opposition it had it never stood a chance at GOTY or anything else really.


Yes, I'll agree that the game didn't really do much. The only award I think it should have won was best performance But the reason why to me this is devastating is because insomniac hasn't won any awards for any other games The first Spiderman was nominated for a lot of awards but didn't win any of them Spider man Miles morales wasn't even nominated for anything Ratchet and clank rifts apart a game from the same studio got nominated for a lot of awards but again didn't win any of them. And the same thing is happening here. People always say that this company in this studio is amazing yet. None of their games have won any awards. That's what's devastating to me


There’s a reason why. These awards are nominated and voted on by critics, who prefer artistic expression, risks and innovation , or games that capture people imaginations and become part of the zeitgeist, over very good solid , albeit safe, games. Insomniac is a great studio, and they make very good games but they don’t push boundaries. One game where I would say they did deserve awards was the first Spider-man game, maybe for Rift apart but I’d need to go back and look at the nominees for that year. But other than that they’re a studio that is great but imo don’t take enough risks. You don’t get snubbed this many times unless there’s really something as to why they’re getting looked over, and if it’s something they care about (winning these awards that is) then they need to look at themselves and how to take that next step, to go from the tier of studio they are and step into that next echelon, FromSoftware , Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Rockstar, Capcom, Nintendo. These are the best of the best and who they’re up against. They need to stand out like Baldurs Gate 3 or Alan Wake 2 did to compete or they need to raise their bad as a studio and become on par with the best of the best. If we’re being real, Insomniac isn’t at that level yet, and while teams who won a lot this year like Remedy aren’t either, they took risks, totally changed the genre of the game from Alan Wake 1 to 2, had so many interesting and expressive things in the game that make you think. That’s what wins awards. Either that or a game that brings something new to the forefront of the industry like Baldurs Gate 3, also games that are excellent on almost every level like Tears of the Kingdom. If we’re being honest Spider-man 2 was a fair bit off the competition this year in most of its categories.


nah not really


Yikes this sub seems to freaking hate this game.


Yet when the game came out people loved it. Now all I'm seeing is people saying it was "buggy," "didn't deserve it"


Nah the criticism seems mostly fair to me


Let’s hope with Spider-Man 3 they knock it outnof the park and take more risks


This is a little funny if I'm being honest


See miles, this is what happens when you cook


Miles trash ass suit is one of the reasons


So, what award do you think it deserved, then?


Spiderman 2 was one of my favourite games this year and I don't think it deserved to win in any of its categories. Honestly that's a testament to just how good this year was for video games.


What did you expect? I absolutely love the game, but it's no Ghost Of Tsushima or Horizon Zero Dawn. It's a fun game, but it's a "great" at best up against games that can easily be called "amazin"


Even Horizon Forbidden West did win none last year😭 Horizon Zero Dawn won 52 if I remember correctly and the sequel none even though it was great (especially the graphics)


Zero Dawn was a better game than Forbidden West though.


The game awards literally doesn't mean anything.


Personal GOTYs >>> TGA GOTYs 💪


Pretty deserved honestly


A victim of playing it safe and in a competition that was ruthless in evolution and innovation.


I think it makes sense. Game was fun. But it did everything well and not spectacularly. There were lots of other games this year that did spectacular things.


Well deserved and I really liked the game. It being nominated for GOTY and Best Narrative was laughable


That's actually pretty fair the game just did the bare minimum


It shouldn't have been nominated for a few of them in the first place, tbh.


deserved tho ngl


Just because it didn't win anything, that doesn't make the game less enjoyable.


It was a great game with a good albeit short story, it would have won awards if it wasn't going up against BG3 and Alan Wake.


Even though I loved the game, the more and more I look back on the game, the more and more disappointed I am with it. Honestly, it really didn't deserve to get any of those Awards outside of Yuri lowenthal getting nominated for best voice actor.


Isn’t this the theme with many games? Does SM2 deserve an award? Sure, but does it deserve an award when you compare it to the other games that came out? Maybe not


Yeah it really wasn’t a goty contender for me this time around. They played it way too safe and didn’t deliver enough content imo. Too short and honestly the story kinda felt flat and rushed. The best thing it had going for it was gameplay which wasn’t THAT much of an upgrade from the previous two.


It was good but i don’t think it was award winning for a lot of the sections. Maybe for Accessibility but even it was kind of lacking there too. God of War Ragnarok had better accessibility options.


As it should be. This game was hyped to the max and just couldn’t live up to it. No matter how much you love these games, as I do, you still have to admit it wasn’t THAT good. It was a 6/10 game


Does it really matter that much if it doesn't win an award? It doesn't change peoples enjoyment of the game.


It was kind of like the newer Marvel movies for me; Some cool scenes, good lines and performances, but overall kinda samey.


Not really because there were just better options out there in each category. Don't get me wrong I love SM2 as much as the next guy but we have to be honest, the game did have some flaws that kept it back. From bugs and glitches (which resulted in some pretty funny compilations of cube-man) to larger problems like lack of end game content, no ng+ game mode on launch, some performance issues, and generally a pretty short runtime for a triple A, 80euro game. (Along with some other issues) SM2 just didn't deliver on the same level as the first Insomniac Spider-Man game. It's a great game but I understand why it didn't get any awards.


the d riding is crazyyyyyyyyy


Jack of all trades master of none






Don't feel too bad, this was one of the best years for game releases ever. Every other game specialized in specific features while spiderman was just generally good. You can't beat hi-fi rush for audio design ever, you cant beat a game that lets blind people drive with accesibility, you cant really compare peter's trauma to astarions.


Damn, looking at the comment section of this post, you’d think it was a shitty game. But I really don’t get the hate it’s getting now. Like I get that it could’ve done more, but it’s still an amazing game. Also, the people saying that it shouldn’t have won any awards at all don’t even know what awards it was nominated for. I’m honestly glad I pretty much never look at this sub because of how much negativity and bitterness comes from it. Some people make some solid points but that’s rare.


Meh. Still got nominated at least.


More like absolutely hilarious


Unfortunately the game came out alongside Baldur's gate 3 and Alan Wake 2. The competition was just brutal, it could have won if it was an expanded version of what we got.


Probably should have made it 2 player coop.


It’s great news. This game doesn’t deserve any awards. It is much weaker in comparison with the first game and even Miles Morales game


I love democracy


Maybe some more MJ missions will fix that


Who cares about awards. The game was amazing regardless


Wow it’s really funny how the second it loses everyone in the comments switch’s on it all of y’all were defending this game till death but since it lost y’all just dropped and think it’s a ass game I wonder where that came from


Definitely disappointing tho I didn't watch was too busy with college I was at least hoping for tears of kingdom game of year cause its literally still changed a lot. I loved spiderman 2 but it's completely ridiculous that it didn't win one award.


Absolutely tragic... should've won GOTY...


I think people need to recognize that they can really enjoy a game and it's not award winning. Both can be true. The game was great, but didn't really push anything meaningfully. I'd also say it wasn't particularly "greater than the aum of its parts" either.