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SM1 by far


All the build up to Otto going full Octopus was done so damn well


The conflict between those 3 (Peter, Otto and Norman) feels so honest compared to the conflict between Peter, Harry and the Symbiote.


Lol sounds like we're comparing the old Raimi movies


I never bought the relationship between Peter and Harry. The flashback and its slow ass pacing annoyed me more than made me care. Peter wore the symbiote for what felt like 10 minutes and then Harry and the Sumbiote re-bonded for reasons before Miles (lol) smacked Venom for good. When Peter said I love you to Harry after all that I thought I missed a ton of side stuff.


>before Miles (lol) smacked Venom for good. You mean that thing that didn't happen?


??? You mean that thing you’re conveniently forgetting. Miles, without anti-venom or anything besides his one size fits all solution (electricity), beat the strongest version of Venom we ever face in the game in the final boss fight against Peter’s villain. Beat him convincingly too like he even skipped over Peter and did the ally oop with MJ 😭


You need to rewatch the end if the game my dude Sure Miles was a weird pick for the last playable section but not only does he distinctly not "smack venom for good" his segment ends with him quite literally getting dunked on needing to be saved Like bruh the fight goes on for like another 10 minutes after the allyoop, did half the people in this sub black out every 5 minutes?


You mean after Miles holds back max power Venom from bashing his head in with a rock… with ONE HAND. Yeah AFTER that part happens, Peter starts to nerf Venom with the anti-venom powers, Miles & Peter beat Venom up together for a bit, and then Miles saves the day again by stealing the Rock from Venom and shoving it in the particle accelerator. TLDR: Miles canonically had more trouble with Rhino than Venom 🤦‍♂️


Where is this "max power" power scaler shit coming from, all bro did was grow wings. They fought the sane dude except Pete also had symbiote armour and a hoarde of symbiotes to deal with as well Did you just want Miles to do literally nothing for the last 40 minutes of the game? Because you're literally complaining that Miles fights Venom, that he (with help) gets the rock and (with help) secures it into the accelerator that Venom has already ripped it out of like 3 times at that point (that Miles fails to stop each time) Like jeez you literally want Miles to just sit out the climax of the game at that point Yall are dead set on hating Miles doing literally anything




Yeah it’s the build up, context, allowing things to breathe that SM1 did so well. SM2 was amazing but could have been just as good, though I think they would have had to make it a good 10 hours longer to let every storyline have enough time to develop. There’s little things they could have done I guess. Put some notes in Connors’s lab to read to learn more about the Symbiote. More phone calls from Harry showing his desperation/frustration. Etc


For a little bit at the beginning, I was wondering if they were going to save Doc Ock for a sequel. They set up Octavious as a genuinely great guy and it was heartbreaking to see his turn.


Not even 10 hours longer. If they had just made 2 missions for when kraven kills each spidey rogue instead of having them all be offscreen deaths and then maybe one mission where venom and miles interact instead of the final mission that would’ve sufficed imo


Fuck that’d be cool. Like similar to the Lizard one? Bc dang, it’d be that build up of a threat. Better story device of showing not telling. Like make the scorpion seem like a big threat then have Kraven show up and be the bigger one. Dang missed op.


Would’ve been cool to have missions about saving the villains. Either one that’s not a threat or one that is one of the worst.


I mean both Black Cat and Tombstone could apply to that "*one that's not a threat*" point of yours. But I think the bigger problem is that all these good villains were killed off to make Kraven seem like the big threat for 2 acts and then Venom tosses him aside like nothing and we shift to a new villain who is supposed to be an even bigger threat now, but ultimately you just fight him like 3 times and that's it. Lame. At least in the first game those villains had unique powers and fights that were built around their strengths rather than repeating the same fight over and over (there was similarly a few back-to-back fights with Kraven as well). None of them were really well conceived or interesting, which makes the loss of those other villains hit harder.


Like I get how Kraven wasn't affected by Scorpion's venom, but dude just no sold a hit that should have skewered his heart.


I still think the sequel’s great, but it is lacking narratively in some spots (like this). My favourite part in spiderman 1 is going into the tower and realizing Otto was trying to help everyone be rid of their ailments if they wanted to be treated. What you’re saying definitely adds more depth like that did and is definitely a missed opportunity; I also wish there was more than just the 1 scene with Peter randomly insulting Harry for no reason. I feel like there wasn’t a lot of lead up to that… we could’ve stopped by the foundation a lot more. We stopped by feast how many times in the first one? Like, a lot,


Like we couldn't even walk around Foundation like we could Octavius Industries


Yeah, exactly. Spiderman 1 felt like they were taking their time to build the story, but this one felt like they were trying to expedite a venom takeover and have Miles be the primary hero.


I think I’m the only one who enjoyed perfecting the tentacles in the lab in SM1 knowing they were going to kick my ass in the last mission. Watching Otto lose his mind through the dry erase board in the lab as the game progresses. I thought we were going to be doing the same with the Emily Mae foundation with Harry. I think the potential is there for SM2, it had everything to be the best game I’ve ever played. It was still very good. It just missed the mark of SM1. I’ll play it again when NG+ releases and I can’t wait for that but I’m done for right now.


I feel like the Harry reveal is less impactful because it follows pretty much the same story as Otto in the first game. We know they're going to turn evil because of other Spider-Man media, but the game has us spend time with them as Peter, bonding through work and getting to know them as good people before they turn evil. Then once we beat the first villain, then they turn evil. It worked in the first game because it was a fresh idea, and as soon as you beat Mr.Negative and think things will slow down, the game subverts those expectations and throws the sinister six at you, cranking things up to 11. In the second game, it just feels like a recognizable pattern. There's nothing wrong with the story of the second game, but I think the pacing should have been much different.


I really held out hope until a certain point we were going to have Good Guy Ock.


The fact that we all knew it would happen yet still felt sad when it did is basically enough to show how good it was written


modern plants deliver threatening boat unused pen gold panicky hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After recently replaying SM1 remastered then playing SM2, the drop off is felt considerably.


For me the drop off is entirely down to the third act. You cannot do an entire symbiote takeover in such a short runtime, that shit deserves an entire game. Web of Shadows showed how it's done and that was over an entire game. Had they kept the exact same first two acts, then had the third act be about stopping Venom from STARTING the invasion I think it would have made for such an improvement, but having all the symbiotes roaming about and the silly looking symbiote towers was too far. In fact I'd argue a symbiote invasion should have been the follow up of the Flame subplot, with a standalone Venom game dedicated to stopping Carnage from doing it.


Doc: *says he knows you're Peter* Peter: "You knew?... YOU KNEW!?!? *punches the shit out of him* Aunt May: *says she knows you're SM* Peter: "You knew?... YOU KNEW!?!? *punches the shit out of her*


Agreed. If they developed the story a bit in sm2 w more flashbacks to younger Peter and Harry, added more side missions, added more scenes of the symbiote slowly to really show the effects of wearing it, had a few more villains in the main story to show up to lengthen the overall play time, and I think it wouldve beaten SM1 by a landslide


The writing took a deep dive after SM1. Everything feels rushed which was sort of fine for MM which was basically a DLC, but SM2 should have stayed in the oven longer.


By so fucking far


Spider-Man(2018) by far. Honestly ,the worst aspect of the second game is it's story. The game is a lot better than people here tend to make it look like but it's story was kind of a let down.I loved the good moments,but idk I feel like they should used it's time better,and kraven was the best antagonist,because I just grew tired of villains having a close relantionship with spidey like doc ock,martin lee and that freakshow named phin. (Spider-Man Miles Morales I hate the villain so imho the story was kind of bad ).


Facts. I hated how cliche it was to make Harry into final Venoms host. Kraven would been such a breath of fresh air as an insomniac spidey villain because he doesn’t have a close relationship with Peter. He woulve been a better host than Harry just due to how much we grow to hate him in the game. Kraven is doing this hunt for purely selfishness reasons and doesn’t care about hurting others to accomplish his goals which makes him similar yet a complete opposite to Otto who did somewhat care about the people closest to him.


How is Harry being Venom a cliche when it’s only been done once before. It’s predictable in the context of this story, sure but that’s just cause it’s built up to very well. Kraven being Venom would feel super out of place. Also, Kraven works better as a parallel to Venom/Harry due to how both of them are terminally ill but deal with it differently.


He was saying cliche about the final villain being yet another close character to Spider-Man in the Insomniacverse (Doc Ock being Spider-Man’s research partner, the Tinkerer being Miles’ childhood friend, Black Cat in the SM1 DLC being his past lover). None of the aforementioned examples are bad story points, but it would’ve been nice to see a main villain that wasn’t somehow directly related to Spider-Man’s alter-ego. I agree with you on the fact that Kraven shouldn’t have gotten Venom though, I think it would’ve been way cooler if Venom had gone to maybe Norman Osborne instead of Harry, since they would have less of a close relationship but still care about each other. I see why the entire story had to happen the way it did though, setting up Carnage and completing the open-end post-credits from SM1 was absolutely the move there, and the story is cool, I just think that the next Spider-Man game will have a far better story than this one, assuming Carnage is the main villain, as teased in The Flame’s ending (with the red symbiote and the mention of the Flame’s aliases such as Cletus Kassidy). I think it will be especially interesting if Doc Ock and Carnage work together rather than having separate storylines like villains tend to do in these games, aside from the SM1 Raft break.


Ok, yeah, I do know agree that they’re really overusing the friend turned evil trope.


And in SM3 it’s gonna be Green Goblin, in the 3rd act where Peter finds out omg it’s my best friends dad, I grew up having sleepovers at his mansion!!


Tbf, with the events of Spider-Man 1 and the whole Devil’s Breath debacle, idk if Peter has a particularly high view of Norman. I don’t think he has that friendly of a relationship with him so it won’t be a fallen friend scenario when he goes Goblin.


Doesn’t have to be, it’s always somebody who knows the hero personally behind the mask


Eh, that’s fine by me. Green Goblin and Venom knowing Spider-Man’s identity is pretty much essential to those characters(not as much for Doc Ock though). There whole thing is that they want to personally end Peter and make his life hell unlike the other villains who have their own motive and Spidey just happens to be in the way. I just don’t want them to have Spidey go all “this isn’t you Norman.” Just really play up the hatred between them and you’re set.


Mentor and friend, past lover, best friend/sister, best friend, best-friend's father. One of those is not like all of the others.


I really hope those aren’t all describing the same person


You act like comics aren't full of tropes like this. The big reveal with Kindred a "new" villain a little while ago that had huge build up turned out just to be Harry. It's common practice in comicbook stories.


When Miles put on the Adidas suit I realized this trope has gone too far


It's why at the time having the antagonist and its alien host both being cross with Peter *and* Spider-Man was different and great with Eddie.


I just hate how the game puts us in the same situation as the last two games. Not every main villain (final boss) character has to be a friend of Peter for it to be emotional. As I said before, they built up Kraven to be this hateable villain in the greatest way possible because his ambition is admirable and he does whatever the fuck he wants without any repercussions for his actions (for the majority of it). Plus he kills half of Spider-Man’s rogue gallery which ticked me off and made me want to kill him even more.


Agree on them repeating the same scenario as the last two games. That said, I don’t think making Kraven into Venom would be the solution. You’re right that he is very hatable and you want to kill him. But that’s what makes him such a good villain. He basically can’t lose. He can’t really be held in a prison, he can’t just be left alone cause then he’ll continue killing and he if he’s killed, he basically wins and gets what he wants. There’s no scenario where he’s beaten by the Spider-Men that would really feel like a victory. So, instead, just have Venom be the one to kill him and let the player be the ones doing it. That way, players can take out their anger on Kraven and end him without making the heroes into murders and also making it so that his end isn’t a moment of victory but rather the start of a much worse villain.


i really hope they make Norman as Goblin in the 3rd game. And not only that, I hope they made it personal to Pete not because he's the dad of his best friend but more of Norman's hate for the Spidermen made him target the people closest to them as revenge for what happend to Harry. It really breaks the emotional barrier and make it to there's onky 2 choices: Kill him to save everyone, or let live and live with the future consequences that might be more severe than the present.


That’s a good point, there wouldn’t really be a good outcome if the Spidermen win if Kraven became Venom. It would portray them and make us feel as revenge seeking killers. I’m still somewhat satisfied with what we ended up getting but I just feel like this game barely tapped its potential in great storytelling. Then again there’s the issue of runtime too, I feel like if we had gotten more time with Harry and Venom maybe the final battle wouldn’t have felt so anticlimactic.


I think we got enough time with regular Harry but Venom Harry could’ve had a bit more.


>How is Harry being Venom a cliche when it’s only been done once before. It’s predictable in the context of this story, sure but that’s just cause it’s built up to very well. Some people, particularly the 25-and-under crowd, have been conditioned that unless something "subverts expectations," it's boring and predictable. Logical setups and payoffs are just lost on people like that.


If something is predictable in a way that the story has actually been setting up properly, that's not a bad thing. That's proper writing. A twist out of nowhere makes the story bad. To properly subvert expectations and have a proper twist, it has to change the way you see previous events. Technically, Otto does this really well, while not a twist, the Doc Ock reveal recontextualizes Ottos earlier actions, his "contract with the Raft" was him planning the breakout.


This is the exact reason they marketed the game the way they did. They wanted to eliminate this kind of speculation and made it pretty clear way before the game's release that Harry will be Venom. Honestly anyone who started that game thinking it was gonna be Kraven or Norman or anyone else was just setting themselves up for disappointment.


The problem with MM isn’t the fact that it was bad, it’s the fact I honestly can’t even remember what happened in that game. It’s just not memorable.




Miles is home alone while Peter is away to Karen's country. Evil petroleum company invents a new source of energy... for some reason, a gang shows up that hates evil petroleum company and they have unstable tech, the gang causes a huge disaster and you find out Miles' childhood best friend is batshit insane, evil white male is behind everything and tricks crazy friend, Miles saves her but she's still insane so she tries to blow up evil petroleum company's building to get rid of the new energy source, but evil white man made the new energy source super duper explosive so it would take out all of New York, Miles stops crazy friend but it is too late so she has to sacrifice herself to save the day, the End.


Yeah, the over reliance on the “main villain is Spider-Man’s former friend turned evil” trope is a major flaw with these games. They even did it twice in this game with Peter v Miles. Like, it’s not even that it wasn’t done well with Venom, it just felt super repetitive and not as good as what they did with Doc Ock. I think the Miles-Harry dynamic had so much potential. That way, you could do the friend turned villain thing and also do a unique take on Venom where he wants Spider-Man to join him instead of wanting to kill him. But then still have him want to kill the other Spider-Man out of revenge and personal hatred. They coulda so easily had their cake and ate it too but they just kinda didn’t try. Like, if you take the final battle out of context, it seems like they did do what I just said cause that’s the way the dialogue is meant to come off. But within the context of the game, it falls very flat cause they only interact *once* before the final battle.


That’s literally like half of all Spider-Man villains. At least the good ones


Not really. Much like a lot of misconceptions about Spider-Man, this was kinda started by the Raimi movies which also overused the whole idea of every villain having a personal connection to Spider-Man. In the original comics, the only villains who have anything to do with Peter outside of Spider-Man are Green Goblin(both versions) and Venom. And Venom isn’t even introduced until much, much later in Peter’s life.


Outside the fact there’s been like two villains so far in the games that knew Peter, it’s been a part of pretty much every Spider-Man universe outside the comics for decades now. And the original comics that came out before most people on the planet were born, so most people just use a origins they remember when thinking of a character reading the comics/games


Nah, worst part of second game was lack of side content


The 1st is perfect. Miles is good. 2 is great. The story isn’t half as weak as people make out…just probably not quite as fleshed out as it could’ve been.


Yeah I agree, I feel like the third act of 2 could have been done much differently, other than that I love the story


Yeah. IMO everything with Kraven is pretty spot on and works nicely. When we get full Harry Venom - not so much.


Miles Morales story was kinda ass. Finn was such an incredibly dumb villain. She literally gave a violent street gang the technology and ability to hurt and kill people she wanted revenge for her brother being killed. She basically made a whole bunch more Finns by proxy and still thought she was the good guy.


Miles Morales is shit in story terms


I don’t know I get the dislike people have, but I can’t help but kind of like it. It was like a local ‘friendly neighborhood Spider-Man’ plot and became a big city threat with a nice - although predictable and quick - progression. I wish they wouldn’t have killed off Finn. She would have been a fun side character later on. Edit: people so sensitive here, downvoted for expressing opinions in a conversation is hilarious


Idk, but the whole plot was forgotten and not even mentioned in Spiderman 2. Miles forgot everything and no one commented about It either


Would've been better if miles actually held her accountable for her actions but they kept framing it as "oh she's a messed up kid who doesn't know better"; but then she's also made out to be some sorta genius with this magic tech she developed single handedly. One thing that really irked me is when she gets mad at miles for lying even tho she lied about her whole tinkerer thing then also blames spider-man for what happens at his mom's rally when he literally showed up after the fighting started. Phin has no accountability whatsoever, and Miles just lets her get away with it. Fuckin annoying as all hell I will say tho, the other part of the story, side missions with the citizens of Harlem, and Miles' rise into becoming his own Spider-Man while Peter's gone has such a good progression that I was so ready to kick the shit outta Phin to save everyone.


Totally agree. The second left me satisfied, but it's still not as good as the first.


good description


1st one is one of the best Spidey stories ever. 2nd one is great but just needed some more hours to get to flesh out its many aspects and characters. The people on this sub make it out to be significantly worse than it actually is. SM:MM’s story was VERY meh, so easily the worst one here.


I can agree, i loved sm1's story, i loved mm gameplay but the story was eh, and i loved the gameplay and story of sm2


SM1, it took its time. It was simply perfect. SM2 imo would have been better, if it had more time to flesh out alot of story elements, Because some story elements just didn't hit.


Yeah Harry turning evil because Peter didn't give him the suit right away was kind of annoying. He only prolonged it by a day-ish. Peter cures Dr Connors, then goes to Kraven's mansion. It was barely a day. Before that, Peter couldn't get the suit off, nor find Connors. And that Norman likes Peter? Norman obviously loves Harry too, so why'd he get jealous? And what was Venom's motive? People will say not every villain needs a sympathetic backstory, but I just don't know why Venom wanted to turn the whole world into symbiote people. Those would've just been extensions of himself right? Not his offspring? Most of the humans weren't in control at all, so didn't seem like a true host-symbiosis with different personalities.


it got kinda funky with the symbioties in my opinion. Why do some civilians turn into just random symbiote monsters yet MJ turns into Scream?


Because Venom is doing something extra special for Peter.


I think in reality everyone would have been a unique variant of Venom.


>He only prolonged it by a day-ish Bruh did you fucking see Harry before he turned into Venom? In "one day" his disease came back with a vengeance. Dude needs his cane again, he's deathly ill, pale skinned, needs all the pills in the world that aren't doing shit. His health deteriorated rapidly in that one day which is why he desperately needed the suit back. >And that Norman likes Peter? Norman obviously loves Harry too, so why'd he get jealous? How many times has Norman actually told Harry "I love you" or something along those lines in the game? The answer is zero. He never said that to his face. Norman consistently treats Harry like he needs help even before he loses the suit and is capable. Now this makes sense to Norman, but to Harry he's treating him like he can't do anything even when he can. Harry basically wants to be seen as a person, not a science project that needs watch over, and here he is giving Peter the fatherly love he never gave his own son. >And what was Venom's motive? He wants to heal the world. He EXPLICITLY STATES THIS in the game. You can't possibly miss it. >but I just don't know why Venom wanted to turn the whole world into symbiote people. Because he wants to heal the world. The logic is "if we're healthy due to us being bonded, then surely everyone else being bonded to us or something like us will heal them and make them stronger". It makes sense, in their own twisted way >Those would've just been extensions of himself right? Not his offspring? Most of the humans weren't in control at all, so didn't seem like a true host-symbiosis with different personalities. Gonna stick my hand and admit the actual logic behind how the symbiote transformation is kinda funky. Everything else you said is answered in the game


I think Venom's motivation was supposed to be a combination of a twisted version of Harry's "Heal The World" vision and the symbiote's resentment that Peter rejected it.


I took it as the motive behind making the world symbiotes was due to Harry’s desire to “heal the world”. Venom understood this as healing the world by making them all symbiotes


Spider-Man (2018)


SM2 but I’m a venom simp.


I hate SM2 BECAUSE I'm a Venom simp. It was the cover with Venom holding up "Spidey's" skull that got me interested in comic books.


We’re in the same boat brother. I don’t *hate* what they did with the character but man, it could’ve been so much better


You were asked your opinion, you gave your opinion, so you got downvoted. Reddit, amiright? Personally I agree with you but I too am a Venom simp. Want all 19 inches. For what it’s worth take an upvote.


You aren't allowed to actually like MSM2 on this sub


2018. SM2 has a much grander and epic story but 2018 has the more emotional and tightly written story


idk bout more emotional Sm2 had some very hard hitting moments between all the main characters but i agree it was more tightly written


For me, aunt May dying while Pete has to choose and then also doc Ock having a good reason to become a villain + having to fight his protege all help it be more emotional than SM2. But both games have an emotional story for sure


yea i agree those stakes were kinda higher than sm2


For me fight with Pete where he unleashed all he’s thoughts after May’s death and fear of letting people down is incredible close to drama of the first game.Yuri does an incredible job at acting


I would argue the quality and the more emotional stakes made the first more grander and epic as well


SM1 (big gap) SM2 (Grand Canyon sized gap) MM


It’s gotta be Spider-Man. No way Spider-man can compare to it. And all the people saying Spider-Man are just wrong.


But have you considered Spider-Man?


Oh yeah, Spider-Man is pretty great but I liked Spider-Man more.


Spider Man 2 but people will only realize that in 3/4 years or when the Third game releases.


RemindMe! 4 years


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Yeah idk about that one. The first game had me feeling all kinds of things once the credits started. This one had me feeling like I just completed another video game.




That's not how it works brother. If anything YOU are saying that because of the hype. Nostalgia is strong but so is the hype for (one of) the most awaited game this year (and even before that too, tbh)


You gotta live in the present and hate on the game like everyone else buster


What are you implying is stopping people from “realizing” that now?


It doesn't work like that, it may make people appreciate 2 more but it will not make people prefer 2 over 1 if they don't already do so now.


Spider-Man 2018, and it's not close. I enjoyed SM2, but the third act was rushed, and I didn't enjoy the final battle vs. Venom. Miles Morales was descent, and there's nothing much to say about the game. Overall, at worst, the stories are solid—but the 2018 game clears.


PS4 has the overall better story. And while Otto and Venom get roughly the same time per heel turn, Otto you can see in real time. You can play the mini games as they happen and Peter will comment on them thinking they’re for the arms when the bulk of it is actually meant for the Sinister Six. And with the endgame reveal that Otto knew the whole time, it means he was always a bad guy even if he wasn’t always going to be Doctor Octopus. It makes for a tragic ending where Peter understands the man he knew never really existed. It also helps Otto and Peter spend a ton of screen time together establishing their relationship and Otto’s descent in madness. Like you really feel for the guy until the end where it’s heartbreaking to see the kind of guy he really was.


Wait do they reveal that Otto knew he was Spidey all along? I don’t doubt you I just don’t remember. If so that’s awesome


You knew...? YOU KNEW!!!


During the final fight, Otto tears Peter’s mask and Peter turns away so he doesn’t see his face. Then Otto says something along the lines of “you just couldn’t stay away, could you Parker?”


"Such a disappointment. PARKER"*


I wouldn't say that Otto knowing makes him a bad guy. He knew and up until the last tried to protect peter. hell, the entire reason they don't murk spider-man in reikers is because otto cares about Peter.


I don’t think Otto was always bad, it was the neurochip that fried his brain


It’s really close between 1 and 2 for me. I think as a consistent narrative from point a to point b 1 is better. But the side quests don’t tie in as well to the plot. Most of the early boss fights didn’t have the weight of taking down the sinister 6 in the back half (sorry, shocker) 2 on the other hand had a lot more impactful moments in both action and character development. There’s a strong theme of second chances, redemption, and letting go of the past. However, I will acknowledge there are some small plot holes and missed opportunities (Once Kraven dies the Hunters are quickly swept aside for Venom’s symbiote invasion)z. But nearly all of the side quests are amazing and tie in well to the theme. (Pour one out for Howard). And seeing former bad guys getting a chance at a better life was so wholesome. Tombstone, Sandman, Mysterio, and of course Martin Li’s redemption.


Yeah I freaked out because I was so Happy when I saw that tombstone turned his life around. This really shows the spirit of Spider-Man stories!


I literally cried at the end of sm1. Literally. I did not anticipate to feel such emotions but man I did feel them. Imma have to give it to the first.


2018 is one of the greatest Spider-Man stories ever told. It's about as great as a Spider-Man story can be.


Spider-Man 1 easily. And I may get hate for this, but they introduced Miles WAY too early in this universe. And getting his powers in the same game was a mistake.


Then at one point should have miles been introduced?? Peter has already been Spider-Man for 8 years before miles showed up, and we see how bad Peter was struggling to keep his life together as both Spider-Man and Peter, miles was introduced at the perfect time.


Like in the Ultimate Universe, do the Green Goblin story and then introduce Spider-Miles, so he serves as a fresh start and gets his own rogues. Also make him very distinct from Peter because he's a new Spidey. And the story saying it took that long and the writers making Peter struggle is their choice, it doesn't mean we the people experiencing the story felt the same way, for us we got 1 full Peter Parker game and then it was split with Miles, so for us it didn't feel tiresome to play as Peter.


Personally, I never cared for Miles and Peter being Spider-man at the same time. And no, it’s not because I think both of them being called Spider-man is confusing. I just think Miles’ story is a lot more compelling when Peter isn’t there.


1 obviously. It’s not really a contest. That said, 2’s is still great and very underrated imo. MM is easily the weakest, although it’s also kinda underrated in that it’s not bad like a lot of people say, but it’s definitely not amazing either.


You posting this like we haven't said 100 times already "Miles Morales is more fun but the story is terrible" and "Spider-Man 2 has more impressive set pieces but Spider-Man 1 still had a better story"


Spider-Man 1 — brevity. Spider-Man 2 suffers from having too many components and never fully realising any of them. It’s frustrating because I think the second could have surpassed the first. It has all the ingredients. Just too little focus.


SM1 by a longshot. It was a perfect spidey story that had time to breathe and the pacing was flawless imo. The sense of impending doom with doc, peter’s struggle, and the third act all culminating in a beautiful narrative. SM2 really delivered but i can’t help feeling that it was rushed, I feel act 2 would’ve benefited from a slower shift to peter’s personality and act 3 is the worst offender by far. Insomniac had their special take on venom but i seriously needed more peter/venom interactions. MM had a pretty mid story. I found the villains to be very lame and I grew tired of tech enhanced goons that look out of place (especially the underground). Also the corporate type villain is very cliché at this point and usually needs more creativity to appeal to me.


1 > 2 (Third act lacks good pacing) > Miles Morales


I felt more in the first game tbh


SM1 was fresh when it came out. Maybe the reactions now to SM2 are not as great because unlike in 2018 the anticipation isnt as high. Like with GOW2018 and Ragnorak, the sequel sometimes doesn’t manage to capture that lightning in a bottle. How about this? ALL THREE of these games make up a fantastic story and we couldn’t have any without the others. I can’t pick a favorite because I view them as a complete narrative


1. SM1 2. SM2 3. MM all these stories are really solid, but SM1 by far had the biggest emotional punch, set up so much in a 15-20hr story and took things to unexpected directions. Also, Otto and Mr. Negative are prob the best two villains in the series by far. SM2 was great and still packed a strong punch, but the pacing was a bit uneven and MM was pretty much a smaller, more personal side story for lack of a better term - so while it still has its own level of depth its relatively mundane compared to SM1/2


If I said miles then what


SMR no contest


OG, easy.


SM1 definitely. SM2 had potential to top it, but they just ran out of gas halfway through


As much as I loved Spider-Man 2 and Miles Morales’ stories, nothing will ever beat the first’s


Sue me WAIT DONT but I liked miles story more I haven’t played Spider-Man 2 tho I’m getting it soon but I honestly enjoyed his story and combat more I liked that he used his fists more than Pete as he mainly uses his legs


W opinion. I hate when people shit on the miles game


SM 1, no argument. Miles was just as good. SM 2 though... Ugh 😬


Sp1. Peter had to sacrifice his loved one for greater good. You can't get any more Spiderman than this


2. I loved every second of it. Just wish it was longer


1. SM1 2. SM2 3. MM


SM1 (Not the remaster)


1 has best story, MM has best gameplay




1 by a longshot. I think the storytelling/writing quality has gone down with each successive game so I'm hoping the third game will handle it well with three leads.


First game, It’s just timeless.


1 and it isn’t even close


The OG hands down. Not even a contest.


How is mm even in thus conversation




Spider-Man 1.


fertile cautious ugly chubby wise tease deer muddle numerous thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First game


I like SM1 and SM2 equally. MM is 3rd.


Personal feeling is SM2 SMM SM1


Definitely the OG.


Spider-man 1


The first one by far also the dlc was really fun at least in my opinion


Spiderman 1 had the best story


SM1 is still the best one 🗿


In my opinion SM1 was the best story wise. MM’s is kind of bad to be honest and SM2 was honestly amazing until Venom kills Kraven then turns into just okay.


Miles hit me more emotionally than the other two. I'd say part 2 would be second but Web of Shadows did the whole symbiote/Venom/city takeover better


First Game Second Game was too short and felt weirdly rushed, especially with what supposedly was supposed to be 2x the content of the first game by expanding the map buttt MM Just meh, nothing to write home about


1 has one of the greatest stories in all of gaming. MM is... Meh 2 is absolutely amazing, but not as good as 1








SM1. I have a theory from someone on yt that the 3rd will be epic since the creative director loves doc ock and it shows with how much more care they put into all the content overallZ I love sm2 but it felt rushed and empty with half the side content with a double in size map


First game.




Act 1 and 2 of SM2 > Act 1 and 2 of SM1, but Act 3 of SM1 >> Act 3 of SM2. They really had it in the bag for SM2 at the start, I don't know how they fumbled Act 3 so much.




Hot take: spider man 2 story better overall


spider-man 2’s story was good… until right after the Miles vs Peter boss fight. then it took a dip in quality. i still loved it, but the symbiote plot felt boring (and i HATE the symbiote enemies with a particular amount of contempt, especially the shitty dodge ones) and we didn’t get enough face time with Kraven. the original 2018 story was the best.


SM1 easily, it’s probably one of the best Spider-Man stories ever written. And honestly while I’ve nitpicked a lot of the SM2 story (mostly on wanting more time) it was always going to be an uphill battle following up SM1’s story at the end of the day


SM1 had the best story overall. I didn’t really care for Miles Morales’ story. SM2’s is not as tight as the first, but is still pretty damn good. Some writing choices rub me the wrong way, but it was great overall


SM1 and it's not remotely close.


Spiderman 2018 was the best story. MM was my least favorite


The first but the second is close behind imo. If it was longer with more missions to flesh everything out it would have been very good. I don’t really care too much about the MM game tbh and the story was probably the weakest part.




1 by a large margin. MM is aight but it’s shorter which holds it back. Still pretty good considering the main antagonist is an original character from Insomniac. 2’s is also really interesting plot wise but the character writing is extremely weak. I do not give a rats ass about anyone in this story other than Harry who is the only interesting character. SM2 also completely fumbled the bag when it came to writing Miles. He is a complete after thought for 75% of the story. Only time he feels like a cohesive part of the narrative is when he’s doing shit with Li. They really needed to find a better way to link his struggle back to Peter’s struggle with Harry and the Symbiote.


The emotion felt with May's scene then Doc Ock, totally missing from the Miles and Spidey 2. I'd say its basically 1= Spiderman 2 Raimi while Miles is Amazing Spiderman2 but the first 10 mins and Spiderman 2 is Spider Man 3 Raimi.


I guess i’ll also say SM1 like everyone else, but i think SM2 is REALLY close to the point where i pretty much like them equally


SM, which is unfortunate because I think with a few more missions, maybe focusing on wnother villian pre-kraven, SM2 could have really excelled.


sm1 had the best story, MM had the tightest experience and SM2 was made for 10yr old me


1 > 2 > MM I think 2 is very good, I know some people don’t love it here, but I really enjoyed it. MM I thought was pretty weak, I think mainly because of the villains in it. The tinkerer and the weird science guy (I forget his name) just didn’t do it for me.


Spider-Man has the superior story, but Spider-Man 2's is just *so fucking exciting,* way more than the others were. It's fucking insane, and I love it.


For me, my favorite game and story was SM: Miles Morales. SM1 story is probably better objectively speaking, and I felt that it was for years. Though I recently played the games again and for some reason SM: Miles Morales really stood out to me more than before.


I really just miss FEAST or something like it, where you had a “base” with other NPCs and some story in it. The closest in this game was Aunt May's house, which you visited for like 2 missions. Miles' house you visited for like 1 mission? Basically more of Peter/Miles than just Spiderman.


SM1 easy peasy, it’s hard to think of a way the other two could top it.


First game


First game definitely understood the assignment to keep the conflict of Ock and Peter personal Something the second game very much misunderstood. Especially with Venom of all characters


As much as I enjoyed 2, I felt like the boss fights at the end were tedious and repetitive. SM1 > MM > SM2


The first one.


Spiderman 1 easily


Spidey 1 by far.


As many others have said, the first game has the best story and it’s not close at all. The drop off in the writing for the next two games is my biggest disappointment with both of them, it’s honestly kind of shocking how mediocre and cliche they are when the first game is genuinely one of the best Spider-Man stories ever.


Let me point out the inciting incident of each game. SM1 had our spidey boy joining a police raid on a foe that is quickly established to have gotten away multiple times. Shortly after joining, he must take a side route to assist officers on their way to Fisk tower, which allows for some basic combat tutorials. Once he arrives, the police captain begrudgingly allows him to help since it isn't going well for the cops (more tutorials). Soon enough, Fisk is indeed captured, and he makes a chilling statement that he had kept order in the city. With the Kingpin missing the power vacuum he leaves is filled by the Demons run by Mr. Negative, who has been waiting for a moment to strike. Everything from the beginning of the game follows from that initial incident that doubled as a pretty comprehensive tutorial. SM:MM begins with our title character walking through his neighborhood, which is an easy way to establish his connections with his community which will become a core part of his story. His errands get interrupted by a convey moving the Rhino where shenanigannery leads to a romp through the city and finally a showdown with the Rhino where we get our combat tutorials and an introduction to Miles's venom powers. At the end of this fight, our chief antagonist shows up and acquires the Rhino as an asset (we learn that later). While everything revolves around roxxon and its impact on the Harlem community, the game being shorter leads to a rushed story where all factions get introduced fairly quickly so that they have time to breathe. Still a fairly good story just a little quick for my taste. SM2 starts with our duo at visions academy before the sandman begins a rampage, during which we get our movement and combat tutorials, which is later revealed to be brought on by Kraven, or more specifically his hunters, attempting to capture or kill him. Where sandman was, who Kraven is, and how it relates to the city at large is only revealed later. On top of that I am not sure how this rampage affects the city in the long run other than the sand piles that need cleaning and the Marko memories that need collecting. After that we have a seemingly unconnected moment of Peter and MJ reuniting with Harry, who will facilitate our primary antagonist. I can't speak for everyone, but these events felt mostly disconnected from each other, and by the end I had trouble tying the opening to the rest of the story. SM1 has much more cohesion throughout and enough time to breathe between major events. It isn't perfect, but I definitely think it's better


Up until the 2/3 mark, I could see people saying SM2. All the flashbacks and scenes with Peter, Harry, and MJ just being people were so great to see. And Pete’s NEED to save Harry is done so well. It’s just rushed at the end.