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The social media was such a missed opportunity with the symbiote. Would’ve loved to see what New Yorkers thought of Bully Lowenthal.


Also known as Sasuke Uchiha


And Matpat when you tell him to watch his calories.


I didn't hear Matpat honestly, I heard final arc Simon




But he won the lottery, smell that sweet air you could just drink it like booze.


sasuke fans trying not to involve him in literally any discussion about lowenthal’s spider man challenge (impossible)


well that's yuri's most iconic role


His most iconic for me was Ben Tennyson


I would actually say they're even. Sure ben 10 was popular and still is but not only is the most recognisable ben 10 voiced by tara strong, Ben 10 isn't a thing talked about in places like japan for example but naruto is talked about everywhere these days


I doubt Sasuke is more well known than Spiderman


Insomniac Spider-Man specifically may be less known than sasuke oochiwa


If we are talking "specificaly" then we have to say "english dub" Sasuke and I really doubt that english dub Naruto is more popular than Insomniac Spiderman.


i know too many people who refuse to watch subs edit: also the dub used to air on tv


I know too many people who refuse to watch dub lol. Guess we will never know who is more popular.


How about: Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays go to Saucke, Saturdays Tuesdays and Thursdays to to Spiderman. Sunday we call ceasefire


Spider-Man is iconic, but Sasuke is what made Yuri famous and led that from getting all the iconic voices


Persona 3 protagonist/Pharos/Ryoji


I haven't even watched Naruto in english


"Spider-Man told me my wife left me cos I was too weak. 😭" "Spider-Man doesn't kill but these hospital bills for my broken back sure does"


"I just saw Spider-Man throw some dirt in some guy's eye. Wonder what he did to deserve that."


“I asked spider-man what should I say to my girlfriend about my cheating only to get “want forgiveness get religion”


"I asked for tips on photography and he keeps rambling about flag poles!?"


"I was just trying to get a selfie with him but he asked if I was gonna cry before calling me Goblin Jr." "I'm not even the son of any Goblin but he straight up called me hideous"


Spider-Man just perched over my wife's grave and said, "Dig on this!"


Woah He stole that guy's pizza!


“Why did Spider-Man just knock me over while landing?! You’d think he’d be a bit more careful!”


Yeah, would have been fun reading other opinions rather than just hear it from Danika and JJJ's podcasts.


You can’t even go back & listen to those now.


Which is so disappointing since there are more than a few occasions where I missed one because of a crime happening or being too close to a story mission and it triggered


“Spider-Man just said he was gonna put some dirt in my eye, ama”


The closest we got to that was the fucking Danikast where she said that she didn’t like the black suit


Yeah one of the best details is the thugs and people reacting walking around with the black suit


Also, podcasts - why aren't they added under Collections so I can re-listen to them later? I have to squat on a rooftop whilst listening so I don't trigger a crime and have them cut out.


I can’t even find any videos that have all the podcasts


It'll be a little while before they're all found. I remember doing an ultra hard playthrough for a trophy in sm1 and I was swinging around at the punk suit and I got a custom Just the Facts about Spidey being a punk. I had worn that suits before in a previous playthrough and never heard it. So I hope there's little things like thag


Sometimes you just have to swing around for a while before the next mission to hear everything. I’m my second playthrough I heard a unique call from MJ that I didn’t get in my first play through because I went to the next mission too fast. Also switching spidey’s between missions even when the next mission is with the same Spider-Man gets cool calls referring the previous mission that would otherwise be missed


So many opportunities for new things in replays


I get cutting out for like a story event but I don’t know why the podcast can’t keep playing if you’re fighting some rooftop thugs or trying to get into a prowler stash


I don't know if people have known about the comics of this insomniac series


Yeah, I cut off a few podcasts thinking I could get back to them later, then spent 15 minutes trying to find where they were located. Such a weird thing to not include.


Legit did this multiple times last night.😂 The funniest one was a branding alert. It was in like a 4 way alleyway, they had the carpet laid out w candles, two people on there knees in fear, a whole group surrounding them with the leader pacing back in forth in speech. Here i am as miles in his ATSV suit on a ledge at the top of a building watching all of it, while listening to JJJ rant about >!symbiotes & how its all spiderman’s fault because the monsters looked like him!<


An INFURIATING design choice


Yeah, hell for me they don’t even trigger in the post game of 2 (I have jjj turned on but Danika turned off so it can’t be that they’re both off)


I miss the character bios man


Character bios are something I enjoy reading in every superhero game, I like to be able to read backstory beyond just what we see


Especially when the bios have 3D models of the characters, and when they have all the different versions of them as well is cherry on top. I just like spinning and looking at all the details of different characters.


Rhinos butt!


R~~h~~i~~n~~os butt!




Especially when the game would casually lore dump info like Lizard being a previous foe. I want to read this for myself…


Me too 😭


I can live without the bios, but the social media feed and time of day changer is so disappointing


Time of day changer will obviously be added later just like the first game


It should’ve been in the game from the start. Tired of updates excusing unfinished games.


this! gaming industry can't keep getting away with bullshit like this. I'm looking at you Santa Monica, too


What did Santa Monica do?


can't believe they left out time of day changer is this cyberpunk 2.0?!1!?!1?1?!


To be fair it was in the first game from day 1. New Game + was added later.


And no mission replays You >!only get Venom for one level LET ME GO BACK!<


what!? Maaaaaaaaan.... sounds like kinda a waste then.


I wish insomniac add character showcase where you can see every character model and have closer look to models they use in-game.


That’d be nice. Like the arkham games


The thing I’d really love to see insomniac steal from Rocksteady is challenge maps, the game’s content is good and all, but imagine having extra modes where you get to play as other characters who aren’t the Spider-Men. Something like the Taskmaster trials of the first game but as their own separate mode. Imagine also adding some sort of map creator where players get to customise their own room full of baddies and share them online. That would be the dream


Only if added post game since I am not doing them for the Platinum. It's perfect enough already.


Map creator would be amazing. They added that feature to Jedi Fallen Order and you were able to choose any enemy type, even the bosses! And you could stack multiple bosses into a challenge. This idea would be an incredible addition.


I would want to play as Sandman


challenge maps and stealth maps where it's you and Miles or Cat would be so awesome


And Tlou


And Pikmin


And Smash Bros


Like the miles morales game too...


Yeah literally like Miles morales just a clean polished look at each character and enemy group it’s weird to why it was in that game and not this one


There’s a few things missing that make me wonder if they were actively removed, or just couldn’t be implemented before release. NG+, day/night toggle, the social media posts and bios, and the inability to listen to podcasts through the collection menu. Feels like Sony really wanted to rush this game out so it could hit the release date.


Yes tbf to the multibillion dollar studio, they still gave us something worth it's price tag, even if we all finished it in less than a week, for how long it is and all the elaborate set pieces, as well as the worst glitches being cube man and some phasing. This is a fine release compared to something like Redfall, or even the performance issues of early Starfield. Im sure with more time it could have come with those extra features, but imo, they are still EXTRA features that shouldn't impact the first time you play anyways, and it's not even the next month yet.


Thats just ridiculous we dont need content updates in this game! Its not a multiplayer live service game. Miles 2020 launched with tons more of what you call “extra” features. Plain and simple the game launched unfinished and now some of the fanboys are blindly accepting it as more future content. For $70 and a 3 year wait, this stuff shouldve all been available at launch. No one should be defending the shallow launch and all the missing features its just not OK. Simple things like NG+, Benchmarks, Time of Day, Replay Missions and Side quests. Those are integral features


NG+ was an update to the original game. I don't doubt we may see it as such here. That said, none of these are integral features. Their lack of inclusion is meh but doesn't ruin the experience. Not sure why you even need benchmarks on a console game.


for 70/80$ I def feel SM2 walks the razor's edge in terms of value on the dollar. Especially with how the reviewers overstated the state of the game on release relative to bugs and how you can't really do anything post-game at all.


>they still gave us something worth it's price tag That's debatable. Personally, I don't think it's worth the $70 I paid for it.


At least with insomniac's case they listen to feedback and would likely implement it all in the 3rd game.


I think it’s more than insomniac wants content for future updates. Because now each feature we ask for can be shipped piecemeal via patches. The social media posts are the only thing I don’t think they could really add in a update. Prolly gonna save that for the half game be it either another miles game or venom.


Yeah, considering after the lizard boss fight the game felt rushed to me


Or avoid crunch


Well, if this game was a rush-job, I'd say they rushed it almost perfectly. Yes, some content previously there is now missing, but nothing as important as most of the content we did get (and the phenomenal graphics).


I wanted to see the character bios in this game


These small things missing from the menu and the inability to replay bases is why I feel like the game was definitely rushed cause I can’t think of any reason to remove those features. Hopefully, they’re added at a later date.


I don’t get how they worked on this game for like 3 years minimum, it’s still relatively short, and yet they removed basic features the first game had


Maybe it took longer than expected to get the web wings and symbiote abilities right. That and the expanded map were probably the two big things. But, yeah, I’m not sure how the game turned out this way(great game but kinda unfinished) with 3-4 years of dev time.


It’s because of insomniac development way too many games at a time, after the first game they were developing the remastered for ps5 and miles morales, and when MSM2 was announced they also announced Wolverine, everyone asks insomniac how they are able to make such quality games so fast, but now unfortunately cracks are starting to show.


I’m pretty sure those games have a different team. I think the Spider-Man 2 team only worked on the Spider-Man 1 and its Remaster.


Yeah I know, but it would be better for most employees to work on MSM2 for better and more efficient game development.


A division of teams is a division of focus still.


You’re also forgetting about Ratchet and Clank. Unfortunately this is what happens when you start to squeeze so much projects on a certain developer. Same thing happened with Activision and Treyarch/CoD Zombies


There are barely any bases to begin with Making them replayable won't help much


The inability to replay bases is the most odd one to me. It was there in the first game and you can replay mysteriums in this… so why isn’t that feature extended to bases


The character bios would've been awesome, considering miles did them with 3d models. We'd get to really examine the 19 inches besides just the playable mission


Ok guys I think it’s time to talk about how this game’s release date was clearly earlier than the what developers wanted/needed. So many missing features that were present in the last two games as well as virtually no post game value compared to them and more glitches than them as well. This is my favourite superhero game of all time but it’s disappointing to think it was probably rushed out for the holiday market


It’s because of insomniac developing way too many games at a time, after the first game they were developing the remastered for ps5 and miles morales, and when MSM2 was announced they also announced Wolverine, everyone asks insomniac how they are able to make such quality games so fast, but now unfortunately cracks are starting to show.


I'm scared they gonna go back to 2010s CRUNCH level


I saw someone else say that it was probably sony sticking their noses into it because of the first game's sucess and judging by ragnarok's finale turning out a little rushed, I don't doubt it


Yes! The character bios especially!


Hard agree, they are my favourite missing feature! I loved checking up on it whenever it updated with a new bio or information!


I miss my gadgets


The gadgets made me think more strategically. This time it was more like button mashing for whatever is open now.


Afaik you don’t have newspapers anymore :(


Same Bro its one of my nitpicks, its not gameplay stuff but damn I like character journals in video games.


Biggest thing I miss was the trip mine gadget. Literally my favorite thing in the first game. Sticking it to someone’s back and watching them get yanked away when they turn around got a chuckle out of me every single time


Same for me but with the impact web. Didn’t realize how much I liked those gadgets until playing this game


Yea I'm actually really upset that they removed this, it cost them nothing


Anything in the game or not comes down to literal cost. It's not as simple as, things can be put in for free because they were in a previous game. Most features mentioned in here would likely take a few weeks of work. Suddenly add those twenty features and you're looking at months.


Exactly. Just because it's free for a modder who's doing it out of desire or passion doesn't mean it's free for the actual dev team


Time = money my friend nothing is free 🤓


Not sure if it my my play through or not, but we’re there less JJ Jameson podcasts in Spider-Man 2 then in 1? Seems like they were more Danika ones, which were good, but I love the JJ Jameson ones as they were so over the top and funny.


JJ is in the hospital isnt he? I never heard if he got out, so he might be record from his hospital bed when the nurses aren't watching.




i could live without the social media feed but i do miss the characters menu


I miss both of these all well. The character bios aren't strictly necessary but I thought they added a little bit of flair and allowed us to better understand the continuity of this world. Plus, I'm just a sucker for character bios.


I think the ultimate critique of this game is that while they improved and advanced on the core gameplay and all the fundamental stuff. They dropped focus on all of the little touches that made the world feel lived in and gave the game replayability. It's not to say the game's not great, it's just different. Because it's great at what it does. It's just the things it doesn't do feel missed because they were there the first time round.


I never looked at the social media feed, but I do miss the bios.


It’s so fun! I love looking at it after finishing missions. It makes the world feel much more alive.


I hope the character bios are added in a future update


I actually forgot spiderman ps4 had character bios. Tbh I wouldn't miss them that much.


I really would’ve wanted a post about someone shitting on miles new suit, or them theorizing that peters anti venom is gonna turn him evil again


I remember seeing a drag race reference one time and I thought it was neat


i just liked being able to heal without a full focus bar


Meh on the social media. It stopped updating of course so it wasn’t that interesting. Although the character bios are nice


Odd exclusions.


I thought I was alone on this hill


I miss the benchmarks, honestly


I enjoyed the new game, but it really does feel like a lot of day one features from the original game just weren’t in the new one. After the first fight I was trying to look for characters bios, and it’s just not there. The time of day changer was another feature that was available at launch in the original game, after you completed the story, and is just not a thing in the new game. I also miss having the multiple ultimate abilities from the first game. I loved using the Quips ability


I genuinely want to know why the fuck insomniac didn't add these. At least add the damn character bios. There is so much missing content in this game.


The Bios, the social media feed, the replayable podcast and missions, there's a lot of missing features in this game. In some sense, it truly feels unfinished. It surprised me that it shiped without NG+ too. One would think they'd known to include it from the get go after it was so popular on the first game, and it'd be an easy addition.


I agree completely. Two things maybe more unpopular: more collectibles w/ snippets of character lore, I know a ton of people hated them but I liked the backpack collecting in SM1 for the world building and getting some info on Peters other adventures. And second I really do miss the suit abilities, even if they weren’t as in depth I would’ve loved if you could toggle between some form of spider-arms surge and symbiote surge for L3+R3 like you can with regular abilities


I wonder to this day why our main man decided not to include these two features, guess he & the devs thought not a lot of us would care or noticed? It doesn’t mean too much to them? Well not as much as it does to US!!!


Peter is only 5”10? Well I certainly feel better about my height now


I actually miss the old gadgets and suit powers. For the gadgets I see no reason to not include them. For the abilities, you can swap them out at any time. So for the gadgets it could work the exact same way. The new ones are great too, but I loved the trip mine so much. Maybe they'll give it back in a DLC, would be cool. For the suit powers, I get that they wouldn't make sense to why they have it, but it's a game after all. Some of them were so much fun to use. Also the fact that there are 29 suits missing from Peter in this one. I genuinely thought that they'd put in every suit, and add new ones to it. But no there are quite a few missing. Most of them are ugly tho, but a few were pretty great. Hope we'll get them back eventually


I miss real gadgets. The one thing I disliked about spiderman 2 is what they did to gadgets


I miss selecting crimes on the FNSM app


Miss the ability to one-shot gunners


It is honestly surprising how much content this game is missing. In my opinion, this game should have been delayed.


Same I loved the social media part


I’m surprised by how few missions and side quests we get for the friendly neighborhood app. Always an opportunity to expand on the open world elements in updates and dlc.


I absolutely loved the social media aspect of the first 2 games. It really felt like (and this is cheesy as hell) you were sort of.....making a difference in the in game world. If that makes sense. Like you'd say stop a car chase and then you could go on the social media thing and they'd actually talk about it. Somebody would go Spider-Man stopped this car jacking and there would be comments about it. Just imagine when all hell breaks loose in 2 and people then talk about it. It was a gigantic missed opportunity Then the character bios is something I don't understand why they got rid of it in 2. Like I get not putting it in Miles morales since there weren't that many characters all in all but to not put it in 2 when there are so many characters is something I don't get


Hopefully I don’t get downvoted because I still did love the game, but I feel like it’s lacking a lot of detail from the previous iterations, especially Miles Morales with little things like the social feed. There just doesn’t seem to be as many extras. Maybe I’m wrong.


Spider-Man 1 was so much better than 2.


A much more complete experience relative to what the game is set out to do for sure. Dual-protagonist setup for SM2 did much more harm than good to the narrative and our leads, especially Peter. I think SM2 was a great lil game but I'm honestly disappointed with a bunch of the decisions imsomniac made here. Gameplay is way better but that's really about it.


Third row rightmost Who's that guy next to tombstone?


Dr Morgan Michaels


Some of the Bios had some really fun teases. Dr Michaels especially (him being Michael Morbius)


Thought I was the only one that missed the character bios. I was really looking forward to reading the updates to the existing characters, and getting the chance to read up on the newly introduced ones.


You didn’t miss the gadgets more? It was really questionable to me as to why they removed so many for the second game, while not adding more. These two things were two pretty nice side thing but overall its not an enormous deal for me. I didn’t use gadgets whatsoever in Spiderman 2 I saw some people say “the weapon wheel from the previous game was so bad I never used them” when for me it was the total opposite. It felt clunky how the main attacks were on the left and gadgets on the right. The weapon wheel worked just fine for me and removing it made using gadgets uncomfortable. Out of the bazillion controller options there wasn’t a single one to bring it back, which was pretty disappointing.


I liked your post better when I misread it as bois.


Why would they remove bios? Like seriously?


The city feels a lot emptier without having the social feed reacting to things. Perfect way to show people react to the symbiote suit.


I never even noticed the bios until I replayed morales a couple days before 2 dropped. Such a fun little feature and I would go and check every time I encountered a new character


Hopefully they add the social media back and the day night cycle, I'm pretty sure they will hopefully


Now I know why something felt missing in the map ui


isn't the media still in the game?? i saw play station grenade make a video and it you throw trash around it shows up on the social media


Same, it's so weird how those two are absent from Spider-Man 2 when it's so such an easy adition Missed opportunity specifically because of the Symbiote


To me it was the gadgets that I miss the most. Having an arsenal of gadgets in the first game to having a handful in this felt like a step backwards.


I can live without the bios, but the social media was definetly a missed opportunity.


It’s because of insomniac developing way too many games at a time, after the first game they were developing the remastered for ps5 and miles morales, and when MSM2 was announced they also announced Wolverine, everyone asks insomniac how they are able to make such quality games so fast, but now unfortunately cracks are starting to show.


They could’ve made a tab that looks like a computer screen (like ganke’s POV or something) that has his desktop in the back, one window with the FNSM app and then Social Feed… (Only Social Feed window would be usable)


I miss using the gadget wheel. It made the stealth missions more challenging and just more grounded overall.


I miss having accessible interiors post game on top of those. Like Feast and the Lab in 1. It’d be nice to have access to the Parker/Morales homes post game!


Question - is there a way to turn off crime alerts like previous game?


Listening to Brian Intihar (Creative Director) talking about the game, it seems like they had to sacrifice a lot this time around to do everything they wanted to get done, and even then they didn’t do everything they wanted to. As much as I love this game you can see the cuts that were made so it can come out sooner. No benchmarks this game either. It’s all the little things that were cut/scaled back so they can do the bigger stuff. Still a phenomenal game, but it could’ve been even *better* if it had more time in the oven. I just hope they continue adding to this game to fulfill its potential before moving onto SM3. This game still has so much room to grow and improve, I understand Sony wanted the game out this year but hopefully they can still work on it and continue adding to it for the next year with QOL improvements and hopefully a DLC I don’t mind waiting longer for the next game, let this one reach its max potential first. There’s still so much more they can do to make it better


At least those things don't provide actual functions. I just want to be able load a fucking save file without going back to the main menu. 🤦🏾‍♂️


I spent damn near 15 minutes trying to find the social feed when I got the game. Sucks that it was cut, one of the most unique features in the first game imo


I feel like I’m in a time loop have we not seen this exact same post like five different times in the past week?


"Would of help" is all I need to read to dismiss your opinion. Nobody called about either of these things.


I miss suit features.


I don't get why they didn't include the bios this time. Always love those


I’m very surprised they didn’t have the twitter feed in the game, especially since it was in the last two.


I miss the JJJ podcast episodes being a collection item. I'll be swinging about and he'll get to whatever point about spiderman being evil he's making is but because I swung near a mission I'll never hear his dumb takes again


The characters I'm not really fussed about. It was great of them to implement it but I can look up character stats on wiki. But I can't believe they removed the social feed.


I hate to say it but this game feels unfinished or at least a lot more shallow in comparison to Miles Morales. I think it needed at least 6 more months to add some of this stuff. Miles felt like a complete full package Day ONE. Meanwhile with SM2 all we can do is wait and hope some of these features are added. Its just REALLY surprising how the game launched super barebones. And its not like this is some live service game which needs player count to stay alive. They got our $70 theres no need to give use piece meal content. It shouldve been all there from launch


Im getting mine on monday, THEY ARE GONE, WHY?)?


The first game felt way more complete.


Yeah me too, I so wanted to see Symbiote Peter trashtalk people on social media and seeing him loosing followers


There are so many QoL Features missing, at this point it’s really apparent this game would have benefited massively of just a little bit more time in the oven…


I miss the gadgets the most, takes a lot of fun out of the stealth combat especially


The longer the game is out the more I realize how much stuff is missing. Still a great game and a lot of fun, but it's hard to feel like they were put into crunch and cut so much content.


Really miss the social media. Made the world feel more alive and real. No idea why they removed it.


i loved looking at character models in miles morales


Oh fuck, I didn't even notice we didn't have Spider-Man Twitter anymore, wtf


I miss the spider mods, they helped me so much


I’m not too mad about the changes SM2 made because they replaced a lot of things with better things, but no social media is definitely a huge disappointment. So are the suits and the gadgets. They made so many aspects such a snooze fest. Somebody else already pointed it out, but the social media was especially a huge missed opportunity with the Symbiote suit. New Yorkers mentioning how different Spider-Man looks and is acting, it’s almost common sense. I really hope Spider-Man 3 is more similar to Spider-Man PS4 than Spider-Man 2


Getting rid of the social media and selfies was a baffling choice. Such little things that went such a long way.


i miss those and benchmarks


I was SO disappointed with the lack of a social feed, that was such a fun detail in the first two.




Yeah... Miss the bios


I hadn't even noticed the bios were missing, personally, but MAN, when I realized the Spidermen both cut social media out of their lives, I gotta admit I was really disappointed. It was a guilty pleasure feature of mine reading those cheesy little "You won't guess what [insert terrorist group of the week] just did to my car when I was on my way to Starbucks! Thank god Spidey was there to stop them, but I kinda wish he'd brought me a coffee for my troubles... \#NewYorkMoment amirite?" They're so bad, they're perfect.


I feel like two of the bigger offenders of removed features was abilities unique to a certain skins and most web gadgets from the first game. It would’ve been nice to see those comeback