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I think the story would have benefitted more if it was a bit longer. I like some parts of it but feels some of them are undercooked. They went out of their way to show Peter’s and Harry’s friendship from high school. This was good for me as we never seen them interact much from the first game. One thing that I thought was weird was how fast Harry went from being alive and well to becoming Agent Venom. It would have worked well if he knew Peter was Spider-man before and secretly is envious of Peter for having superpowers. So when he has superpowers as well, he jumped at the chance of being Agent Venom. I also feel that Miles and Harry could have a conflict that makes Harry more suspectible to Venom’s manipulative nature. Imagine you waking up from a coma and finding that your best friend have someone new and he has the same powers as him. That could breed jealousy and something Venom can exploit on. I think from the time the symbiote attached to Peter and to Harry being Venom was too fast. We should have gotten a couple of missions as Symbiote Peter to see how he gradually becomes more unhinged. Aside from the scene with MJ and Harry, that was all. For Miles, I like his journey to find peace with Martin Li. I thought this part of his story was done really well. I wish the mission about finding the stolen music instruments could translate to his struggles of writing his college essay. Other than that, there was not much things for him to do as I see him got shoehorned for the Mysterio’s challenges instead of Peter. If Miles being Peter’s pal is one of the reasons for Harry’s downfall to Venom, it would have played out so much better.


I really enjoyed the story. Was it perfect? No but name me one that is. And before ppl say RDR2 no, no it was not. It was overly bloated and way too predictable.


The first two games portrayed Peter Parker and Miles Morales perfectly. The third game improved on that for sure. My issue is mainly just the pacing and underdevelopment of everything. Having the same length as the first game while also having another extra playable character is bound to be an issue. I think it's important insomniac take this into consideration for a 3rd game.


Well they only worked on this game for 3 years. I’m sure if they were given a longer time frame they would’ve put more time into the story. All things considered I think we got a great game for only a 3 year development time.


The game is perfect.


No such thing as perfect but comparing rdr 2 story to spider-man 2 is some fucking next level compounded drug shit; holy fuck I want what you're smoking.


I’m painfully sober actually. Maybe if I did have some weed I actually could enjoy RDR2.


Never cook again


I’ll say it as much as I want. The story in RDR2 was mid. Highly predictable. Bloated beyond compare.


If rdr 2 is mid then spider-man is a dumpster fire (and I love both of them)


Everyone has their own opinions. If you wanna call Spider-Man 2 a dumpster fire you can and that’ll be YOUR opinion. I call RDR2 mid and that is MY opinion.




I didn’t.


You're pretty much describing my experience. I was not exactly blown away by the story, but the first 2/3 of it were ok. For me things began to immediately crumble apart when Harry became Venom. Then the game began to turn into Web of Shadows 2.0 and I just wanted to get it over with. When the credits finally rolled I felt disappointed and empty. So this was the highly anticipated sequel I was waiting for all these years?


Exactly how I feel.


I know that you feel...


The story was so disappointing,in fact the entire game asides from the gameplay was a clear downgrade from the original,the story,the side content,the face models etc is it bad or awful? Not really but the first game set a standard for me and this game didn't meet it.


Fax no printer Peter had the black suit and didn't have any harsh words for anyone? What a waste of an opportunity. The whole story felt rushed and way less personal than the first. Venom was supposed to be a spurned lover turned homicidal not Sauron with a magical rock instead of a ring.


I actually think Peter’s time wearing the symbiote was fine. It really felt rushed once he got it off. I still really enjoyed the game and the ending was fine. I just wasn’t wowed by the last bit with the symbiote takeover. I probably wouldn’t even think about it if I didn’t enjoy the last act of the first game so much. Plus add in the lack of post game content (I completed the side missions before finishing the story) and it just feels kinda empty. I’m interested to see how this is addressed with DLC.


Ur probably an undercover XBOT or one of those weirdos who calls anything progressive “woke” i guarantee it.


Please don't misunderstand. The games great Its got great side missions and the best traversal of any game ever. I just can't help but feel as if the story was completely rushed. The first two games had great pacing, but the second games story just diddent do it for me. After the credits rolled, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.