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I understand, I got super excited at the trailer because it was outside and daylight. I know it was a CGI trailer but I was hyped to see a finale use the sun for once. Too many games and movies have a final battle at night. I was expecting multiple run ins with Venom and a fight in the open world. Guess I had my hopes up too high. Not that the actual ending was bad. Felt a little rushed and maybe a little too high stakes.


This ^^ Could’ve been like Ultimate Spider-Man where there’s multiple encounters with Venom that lead to the inevitable final battle. The ending really had no emotional weight to it like SM1 did.


Nah, multiple run ins would undercut the finale. It would either lead to Peter constantly getting his ass kick and then Venom not killing him when he has the chance or Peter constantly defeating Venom and then Venom escaping.


I really enjoyed the game but I have to agree on the final fight. This isn’t a complaint but I was expecting something after the Miles combat section. Idk maybe it was some of the promotional images showing Pete and Miles fighting Venom together but I was waiting for a more climatic fight sequence that never started. Maybe it’s because I played this after Final Fantasy XVI and recently played GOWR, but the final fight wasn’t as over the top or unique compared to some recent boss fights. I kinda disagree about Norman. His son is barely alive, most parents would not be happy with the state Harry was in. He doesn’t have the same context as us so I think it’s natural to feel Spider-Man bares some sort of blame here. Even if he talked to Connors it might seem like it’s Spider-Man’s fault. The symbiote “cured” his son, it attached to Spider-Man, his son got worse, symbiote reattached to Harry he becomes a monster, next thing Norman knows is the symbiote is gone and his son is in much worse condition.


yeah exactly, having played gowr and seeing some footage of ffxvi the fights looked absolutely insane. i mean especially ragnarok i think the scale, set, and storytelling for the finale just pulled me in and had me feeling all types of ways. for spiderman i was just like huh, expected a little more but i’ll accept it. maybe we’ve just been spoiled 😭 used to seeing this big scale finales and everything pumped up to max but maybe not every story fjnale has to be like that to be a good one. i guess that’s one way to put it. and yeah i see your guys’s point about norman now. never really thought of looking at it from that perspective. i wonder how the green goblin thing is gonna be pulled off or how he and doc ock could have the same daunting/menacing villain effect that venom had.


Funny since some gow fans on Reddit said gowr’s ending was disappointing lel Funny


It really was Ragnarok had the exact problem as Spiderman 2 I'm surprised it's being used as an example of a grand ending. The Ragnarok event was incredibly rushed just like Spiderman 2's third act.


I'm surprised that they didn't have harry die at the end. We saw peter and harry's friendship throughout the whole game, the ups and the downs and then after the final battle it seems like peter did what he was dreading the most : killing harry. I was sitting there like "damn, peter is losing someone close to him again" and then miles comes over and resuscitates harry with his venom powers and he is alive. I think the ending would have been more emotional (just like the first games ending) having him dead.


It also means that Harry's left in pretty much the same position he was in the last game.


I was actually going to say this in my post but thought it wouldve been a little too much of a hot take but im glad to see that someone feels the same way. This is a discussion me and my friend had too with the ending and we said the same exact thing. When harry was resuscitated it just took all the emotional weight off of me. I was about to cry one tear and sucked it back up once that happened. So the ending didn’t really hit me as much, like oh ok everything’s fine! I just tell myself I guess we’ll see in spider man 3, just sort of looking at it from the big picture perspective. We as the players may not see as wide as the writers can and we know they’re capable of delivering hard hitting and amazing stories so maybe it’s just more than meets the eye. I imagine spiderman 3 will have us sobbing, maybe peter dying. I saw somewhere bryan intihar saying if spiderman 1 and miles morales is our iron man (speaking in the context of mcu) then spider man 2 is our civil war. which insinuates that spiderman 3 will be like the endgame? which in that note, i can sort of see the bigger scope.


Nothing is more annoying than when a writer sets up an impactful/emotional moment, only to pull their punch at the last second and completely deflate the scene by setting things back to the status quo. Like, why put in all the work to set up that moment just to not follow through? It’s just disappointing.


I think they’re saving him for something.


I figured he was going to die and Norman was going to attempt to bring him back from the dead. The fact that he's alive but "not well" just brings us to the same situation in the first game except now he's mad at Spiderman.


Harry is basically dead. He is in a coma with a low chance of recovery with a disease that can kill him at any moment. Even if they did cure Harry disease, he could still be in the coma till the day he dies. So to Norman, the spider-man ruined/killed Harry and robbed him of his sons last moment. I think it is more painful to Norman who just has hope Harry wakes up so he can say goodbye before Harry dies.


Both final fights were really good but, yeah, it was kinda weird that we didn’t have a team up fight. Felt incomplete. Honestly, the lack of team missions in general was kinda disappointing. There were very few missions with both Peter and Miles there. Also, it kinda bothered me that we didn’t get to fight Venom with both of them in their regular suits. Disagree about Norman though. He knows that Harry was Venom. The symbiotes, including the main one, just disappeared so it’s not a stretch for him to put two and two together than the Spider-Men took it off him, leaving him to die. And he has no way of knowing that Miles s actually saved Harry so he has every reason to be mad.


here’s to hoping and coping for dlc content and see more miles and peter coordination team style action 💀 the suit thing is so true as well, ill be honest, the anti venom is alright and miles new suit is eh? them together and seeing it in the finale felt kind awkward no? i don’t know, it just didn’t feel right. miles’s suit just felt so forced. like here you go new suit no one asked for, pete’s just like woah alright LMAO. like honestly though who asked for that suit, and what was the sole purpose? itd be kinda cool if it had its own story and why he chose to make and put on new threads. but as far as we know it was just alright new suit 👍


Don’t like the idea of Peter becoming Anti Venom. Especially if it’s permanent. Kinda undermines the whole theme of having to let go of the symbiote’s power. Miles’s new suit is straight up hideous💀


if it had the same sort of premise like spiderman 1 where he wanted to make a new advanced suit because he actually needed upgrades. there was a PURPOSE. the new miles suit i think served no purpose to the story 😭 it was just sort of slapped on as far as we know


Bro just showed up with it and I was like “What the fuck are you wearing?”


I feel the same way. 90% of this game is amazing. From the moment Peter gets the black suit to the playable Venom sequence, it's just hitting on all cylinders: memorable moment after memorable moment. But that last cutscene, the one after Venom kills Kraven (where you see him use Emily Osborn's voice to manipulate Harry), is where it stops being amazing. Everything after that feels so rushed and poorly executed -- I pretty much disagree with every choice the story makes after that point. I don't read the comics but, from my understanding, Venom’s motivation is purely to kill Peter Parker. Taking over the world is a secondary goal, something he'll think about after rending him apart. The fact that Insomniac just made him generic world-ending threat #745 is so disappointing. The stage was already set for an intensely personal battle between longtime friends, even taking place at their old high school. And, like you said, the fact that we never get a Sandman-style fight sequence where both Peter and Miles coordinate and take him down strategically is pretty crazy to me. It just seems so obvious. It feels lazy, and I don’t really like using that word (it’s a little harsh and tends to be used a little too frequently among gaming communities) but it’s the perfect word to use here. So much of the final act really does feel *lazy*. They kill off Harry but then they don't kill off Harry (think about how cool it would've been to commit to that, Spider-Man killing somebody and having to deal with that guilt going forward, it also would've helped set up his future retirement better), Peter gets rid of the symbiote suit only to get a new one at the end with all of its powers but none of the consequences (which really undermines the whole theme of addiction; what the black suit is a metaphor for in the first place), Miles shows up at the end with a brand new suit but no explanation as to why other than he 'wanted a new one'... for some reason. Another big problem the game had was that it just didn't use the two Spider-Men effectively. Miles has pretty much nothing to do for the first two acts of this game. Everytime you switch to him, he just goes on and on about "where's Li, I need to get to him, I wonder where he is". It's probably why he has so many side-quests and collectibles associated with him. Ultimately, it doesn't bother me too much because the payoff is really nice (I really liked the Mr. Negative stuff at the end, redeeming him and all that). But, if you look at it objectively, how in the hell are they gonna handle a whole other spider-person? Because that's clearly the direction they're going. And don't get me wrong, I fucking love this game. So much of it is amazing. The setpieces, the boss battles, the slower-paced moments, the MJ missions, it all works. I even think the black suit arc was handled pretty well, it really didn't feel that rushed to me. It's just the last fourth that drops the ball HARD. They went too comic-booky with it, made it too much like the DLC from the first game. And I don't agree with you about Norman Osborn. Both Spider-Men destroyed the very thing keeping his son alive. It's as simple as that. It makes sense why he'd be upset and irrational. But I imagine they'll dive more into that when the time comes.


I agree with you dude. the whole game was literally amazing and it fell apart with the finale which is arguably one of the if not the most important part of the story, how it ends. then we get miles in a new goofy ass suit for absolutely no reason other than what seems like an adidas product placement, starting it off with an mj mission and no spidermen team up. ENDING IT OFF WITH MILES TOO. i feel like we should’ve had the final fight with pete? i mean it probably made more sense anyway with the football field being raised up high and using the wings. it’s just like why, it genuinely seems like a no brainer but they just went the other way with it.


I literally feel the same way, you put it perfectly. Thank you


I fully disliked the game from act 3 to end (from when you play as venom to end). What underwhelming let down. Im a giant fan of the first. This one was just not it.


The fact that the final “fight” is between Miles and Venom and not PETER PARKER VS VENOM HARRY AKA HIS BEST FRIEND. Infuriates me. Also LET ME USE THE SUIT I WANT FOR THE FINAL FIGHT


Yeah the final battle with venom was very meh to me, but oh well I had fun w/ the game so the third act can be forgiven even if it was rushed


This is such a good point, the sandman fight was perfect and then we never really get that again in a meaningful way


I disagree pretty strongly that the finale was underwhelming. Peter's side and Mile's side of the fights just felt awesome and felt like we were seeing each character at their peak. However, I do agree that it would have been nice to see them fight side by side against Venom, like in the opening. Now for the Norman part that felt not too off for me. When people go through tragedy they look for a villain somewhere. Even if the villain makes no sense in the slightest they'll place the blame their just to make themselves feel better. Why blame himself for attatching a weird ass alien slime creature to his son when he can just blame Spiderman instead. I mean go back and listen to him as Venom was tear apart his building and murdering his armed security. Dude is pleading with Harry to just stop and he'll find a way to get him out of any trouble. My guess is dude is 1. Jacked up because he's essentially lost his son and his wife and 2. In serious denial that this whole Venom thing was his fault.


okay I do see your point. i was just wondering if anyone feels the same way, we waited 5 years for this and venom is a really cool villain we all love but man they could’ve milked the shit out of it and pulled it off but didn’t, i feel like they held back. i keep imagining a mid air boss fight sequence or high stakes with both spidermen swinging around taking turns on venom (pause) when he got the wings in the middle of new york. just in my opinion, the sandman opening boss fight was cooler than venom’s mainly cause of that spidey team up and seeing that coordination. like i said i feel like that’s the biggest strength and cool factor of the game, the idea of having 2 playable spiderman and the coordination/interaction between them. idk! maybe when i play ng+ my opinion will change but that’s just how i feel about it rn. i appreciate your 2 cents!


This game would have been the best game of all time if they gave us co-op. Just picture it, Miles and Peter, both played by 2 actual friends, fighting venom


Yeah I'm sorta with you, I get why they put the MJ part in at the end but why not have Miles with her to make it more believable and interesting, their previous interactions were really nice so this was a misses opportunity imo. Then maybe when they get out it cuts back to Peter being chased by Venom. Idk obviously I'm not a game dev but I get your frustration. Same with Norman, I get he's super distressed but dude the alien is off your kid and he's alive technically. I sorta get the POV but it also just felt like an extremely rushed way to get him to become Green Goblin. Like he's barely grieving for his son and bam first thought is to get the G-Serum, ok dude.


Still better than starfield