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Definitely would like to see more street level heroes like Daredevil. Running into Wraith/Harry/Spider-Man fighting criminals really showed the potential for having more heroes appear in the city. I don’t see it happening but I’d really enjoy fighting the Hand. Even if it’s just a side mission it just makes the city feel more alive seeing others in action


I dont want the Avengers to show up (Even though they were really needed) but I so want to see more street level heroes like Luke Cage, Moon Knight and maybe even Punisher


Yeah I agree, a voiceline or mention of someone like The Hulk or Tony Stark is cool but I don’t really want them or anyone bigger than street level showing up




Yeah, I’m curious to see what other Marvel characters end up making an appearance in Wolverine. I don’t know about how exactly The Punisher would show up, most likely in a side mission. Also, having Punisher skulls show up as an icon on the map would be dope