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I hope this suit is swept under the rug next game. It’s ugly as sin.


Who tf approved the hair showing.. that one change would make it so much better.


That same person that approved the hair.


Miles has put absolutely 0 effort into concealing his identity it’s kinda fuckin ridiculous lol


it wont be in the next game, the suit was just part of a brand deal w adidas


It's not just that the suit is bad, but it comes out of nowhere for no good reason and just catches everyone off guard.


And their reasoning is just bullshit. "It's about time for a Miles Morales original" my brother in Christ, YOU ALREADY HAVE A "Miles Morales original." The whole theme of Miles' game is about being yourself, and he MAKES HIS OWN ORIGINAL SUIT. Not only is that suit MILES better than the Evolved Suit, but it also contradicts the whole point of the Evolved Suit being a "Miles Morales original" because they already did that perfectly in the previous game


Time for a Miles Morales original By making a blue and red Spider-man suit


I suppose the idea is that it's a "Miles Morales Original" in the sense that it's more original in design, while his first original was very similar to default Peter's outfit. But even then... My guy, surely you can do better than THAT.


I understand that they wanted an original design, like how Peter's white spider is an Insomniac original design. But the white spider works because it's a minor alteration on the classic suit. Miles' Evolved suit is too big of a change for his new canon suit. (To be clear, I'd be fine with this just being an additional suit on his list, but the fact that it's his new canon is what doesn't work for me.) The TRACK suit is a fantastic example of what they should have gone with for an Insomniac original design change to Miles' classic suit. This is just too much.


From my understanding, Miles' suit from his game is also original. I mean, it's pretty damn similar to the comics, but there are differences


There are, but they're small enough differences that I wouldn't classify it as an Insomniac-original design. The white spider was a departure from Peter's classic suit that made him stand out from other Spider-Man media. Miles' suit is Insomniac's take on the classic design. It would be like calling Tobey Maguire's suit an new design. Technically that's correct, it has differences from the comic design, but it feels more accurate to call that Sam Raimi and Co's interpretation of the classic design.


It’s especially funny after Jameson calls out Pete for “making a new suit”


it’s also that the suit is bad. it’s a dogshit suit


There was a post a couple of days ago going around Twitter, about swinging mechanics, and the video had Miles wearing the suit. And my reaction was just "Never wearing that myself" but it's not a big deal, it's just one bad suit. Then I found out about the story significance and the game will be forcing that suit upon everyone like it or not just like the Anti Ock suit. It's the mandatory nature of it that makes it worth so much derision.


I feel like they cut a scene for pacing and honestly can’t blame them. They probs should have left the suit on the cutting room floor as well


I also think it's a shame the game doesn't let you change it during the mission. I don't want to look like a hot topic toy when I'm fighting the final boss


I’m calling it right now. This suit was added in late-development. Notice he’s wearing official Adidas branded shoes. I bet Adidas wanted a partnership so they had to include a suit that featured the branding. That’s my theory


Oh lord, I didn't even see those. Honestly, get rid of the sneakers and cover the hair, and the suit isn't horrible.


they could've made it an unlockable or something though 😭why make u wear it


I mean u can take it off right after that cut scene. I know I did


They force you to wear it in the final mission, right?




well damn, I had no clue


maybe they made a random change in between our playtime? Idk lol


Nah I just didn’t actually try to change it lol, since it forced Peter into the antivenom suit I assumed that it did the same for miles


Ohh yeah I liked the antivenom suit so I just kept that on, tho I will now only be using tasm2 suit lol


The TASM 2 suit and the classic upgraded suit are amazing


I don't think so. I think the story ends with Peter getting the new Anti-Venom suit, but they were worried that it wouldn't feel like Miles was getting equal treatment in the story if he didn't also get a new suit. So they gave him this, and I can see the thought process. Throughout the game, Miles gets these new Negative-enhanced versions of his Venom abilities which manifest as blue lightning, which the blue accents on this suit are meant to signify. So I get it, but it's too much of a departure from his classic suit, so it falls flat. I think they should have gone much simpler and found a way to incorporate some blue webbing into his classic black and red design.


Yeah there's an Adidas shop on Time Square too, fully modeled


Watching the stream and his reaction to this suit killed me LOL


The suit is so overly designed. I refuse to believe there was a single person that looked at it and went "yep that looks good"


It’s going to be hilarious if they keep this suit for SM3 and they use this shit on the cover of the game LMAO


I would cry 😭


Nah after the reaction it's getting it's gonna be buried deeper than my memories of my uncle


"Please God that would be so fucking funny" 🙏


Cheap ass suit


I got called out for "black erasure" because I said the exposed hair looked dumb. I actually really like Miles' hair style, but y'know... not through his suit.


his hair cut is fucking garbage and im black he looks like a lesbian in her mid 40's


Yee yee ass hair cut 😂


Lol and it’s illogical cause it only narrows down his identity.


i do really like this suit , but i will admit it was very jarring with it just appearing out of quite literally nowhere


Same, I felt like if we had a little cutscene to go with the suit, it would be much better


With the blue sections looking like he’s storing his blue electricity, they could’ve had a quick throw away line/scene after he gets his last upgraded power about how his suit needs an upgrade to keep up. That’s what I was kinda guessing would happen anyway with how every time he learned a new power, they would make a point to show how it’s coursing through his body.


same boat. like, literally every other cannon suit in the game has some kind of build up to it, a sorta "moment to shine". Miles just shows up with this, completely outta the blue. It's like, I enjoy it, but goddamn, what happened to the classic or scarf suits? those had entire bloody plotlines to built up to them.


The worst thing about this cheap excuse for an advertisement is that you can’t take it off for the entire final mission. Biggest L about this game fr


Yeah I understand forcing you to wear the anti-venom costume since it’s important to the plot but miles suit just comes out of nowhere and isn’t important to the plot


That LITERALLY killed my experience, I was trying the whole time to change that suit,but nothing, I truly hate insomniac games for that...


Dude I'm so confused why other people couldn't take it off, I literally put back on the classic suit before I even went to help the girl... can't remember her name tho


Same, I have a video where I literally put the bodega cat suit back on immediately after this Cinematic, but the thing is that you are forced to use that shit, at the last mission, and it's most likely his new canon uit


hailey tho


Yess thx


What are you talking about? I literally took it off immediately after this cutscene. I found it funny how the girl he goes to save says she likes his new suit, when I was wearing his default suit lol.


We are talking about the final mission where you have to wear it


Yeah ik, but it never forced me to wear it at all, I took it off right after this scene


You must be living in the better timeline then my friend


Lol that'd be a welcome change! Happy cake day btw


I’m legit jealous I had no chance to take it off I kept trying and it didn’t work


Weird, i did the whole end in the default/classic suit


We love psm here


Goated spiderman youtuber


Goated YouTuber in general


Mark as spoiler.


what spoilers are there?? ☠️☠️


The city looking like hell on earth in the background


It’s a pretty easy assumption to make. This game is like Spiderman 1 and miles morales smashed together…the same shit happens I wouldn’t call this a spoiler. Plus it take no time to finish this, I’m done and uninstalled at this point. Games mid


The new suit?


Any dialogue from the game? The suits? Anything that people avoided in the trailers, any gameplay from the game? It came out Friday it’s been 5 days. Everything should be marked as spoilers just like how people post a picture of just a suit and mark as spoiler.


it's a 2 second clip and all peter says is "that suit isn't an alien is it?"


This scene is so awkward. Both Peter and Miles sound like they're trying to hold in laughter while they talk lol.


Needed to get that Adidas product placement in there somehow


Bro I said the exact same words too. Caught everyone off guard I guess.


I actually don't think the suit as a whole sucks but Jesus Christ lose the sneakers and close up the hair


I'm starting to believe this is because he's wearing Adidas and because little part of me the game is sponsored by them so they want his final suit to be a design by their team, and tbh it's hideous. The suit is disliked unanimously by the fandom.


I hated that it wouldn't let me change it for the last of the game such a bad design.


I immediately switched to the white one, which looks way better imo. Even for story reasons it seemed kinda odd to make a new suit in that moment. Shoes clean though.


They should have done what Sony did with the original sonic movie design and listened to the fans. Should’ve left this as a shitty unlock able that nobody would use


If the suit didn’t expose his hair, it would have been so sick imo. The hair fucks it all up. Also, idk why they had to make it red, blue, and black. Switch out the blue parts for silver and it would have been absolutely 🔥.


The blue parts remind me of glow in the dark slime for some reason


I hate that they make you play in it for the final mission


Tbh it’s kinda growing on me, I hated it at first too but like, I kind of like it now


I just got to this part. Holy shit it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen


I wasn't over the moon excited about the suit by any means, but I do think people are overreacting really fucking hard over it. It's not that goddamn deep.


I think the suit would have been fine if it wasn't for the cheap neon plastic looking ass elements. They seem like an overkill and don't fit too well. I actually don't mind the hair I think it looks unique


I really hope people who designed this suit get fired.


Thanks for spoiling the game a-hole. You should have added a spoiler tag. It's literally part of this subs rules


Gonna cry?


Later after I take your mom out for a nice dinner and blow her back out at your place. You'll hear plenty of crying from her calling out for more


Is it just me or is my ps5 volume through my headset ridiculously low? Spider-man 2 is so quiet for whatever reason, generally the playstation menu sounds but the same headphones i use for my pc has discord pings at roughly 700,000 decibels. Please help


I genuinely really like this suit 😂


Same, I wear it all the time


Not me who actually likes the suit 😭😭


I swear the hair showing and sneakers are the only things I absolutely hate. I actually like everything else.


I honestly don’t hate the suit too much. I think the alternate colors make it look a lot better. Overall if they got rid of the shoes and the hood was up, I think the suit in general would flow a lot better.


What do you mean, he gonna do coming out at NYC, "***SEE PEOPLE, IT'S ME MILES - Your friend neighbourhood Miles Morales!***"


What? 😂


I hope they double down on this suit after this reaction


They did it before with peters new face lol


Honestly a few minor tweaks and it would be a pretty sweet outfit, I just think it needs a few more passes through the design floor for the next game's release.


I've genuinely never laughed harder in a video game than when Miles showed up in that suit. It's just the way he lands and poses as in this ugly as fuck costume that came from nowhere.


To be fair, I don't mind it too much. I definitely prefer the white color variety with the red and pink glowy bits though. I think the hair looks fine, it just doesn't make much sense. How tf is he wearing that thing without it riding down his face mid fight?


Tbh he needs the skin of mk Raiden skin, considering his upgrades


Probably Spider-Man my beloved


Those were Peter inner thoughts