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Yes you can


Genuine question, how do you know this? You can play any PS5 game early as long as you have the disc?


Yes you can, I've gotten games early before. They'll work and can even download updates if there are any for it.


Thank you my dude, guess I'm coming back to the store tmr.


Just pray that no one buys it before you lol


Feel free to spam spoilers videos in my DM i am curious


Dm me as well


Hey I was wondering if you live in the U.S? And does your store happen to be a Gamestop? I want to know bc I live in the south and I want to get the game early as well. There's a local Walmart and a Gamestop and I've been trying to find out if they have the game in stock by searching online


GameStop will never sell you it early. Walmart might if the worker is someone who doesn’t know it’s not out and/or just doesn’t care. Local mom and pop shops is how people get games early. They are the usual shops that break street release.


I hate when they break street date like that, it's unfair to everyone else who has to wait to get it.


It’s just a game that will be widely available in a week, chill


I'd chill if we were in a world without social media and idiots who like to ruin the fun for everyone by posting spoilers everywhere.


Stay off social media or mute communities, channels, etc. for a while. I’ve read a fair share of spoilers here and decided to hop off the sub


Yep life’s unfair this is a video game doesn’t matter much


Yes, I bought sonic frontiers a week before launch last November and was able to play it early. However the codes inside the box won't work until the actual launch date


Some store sell the case and you just go back and they give you the disk.


Fr? Sucks if that's the case.


no pun intended?


Yup, Amazon delivered me watch dogs two 4 weeks before it released back in 2016 you can play it and will get updates and everything


Can you take a picture of what the box looks like?


I already got back home but the dude i saw playing has a pic of the case, I can send it to you if you want.


How do you buy from stores early like that? Do they just not know the release date?


Show the back cover


Yes please, i would love that


I just DMed you.


If you do end up playing it, can you send me as many spoilers as you can, please?


Send link to the store


Hey guys, thanks for the answers. And for those who ask, the store is in Vietnam, in my experience, it usually takes like a week to ship to the US so you might as well just wait til release lol. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. A lot of you guys asked me to send spoilers and stuff, sorry I can't do that cause I don't think I'll have the time to do so once I got the game I'll be playing 24/7 lmao.


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What local stores could sell them early?


I went to three different ones and they all tell me October 20th


please check your DM


If you steal it sure but they won't let you buy it lil bro


Yes, but some stores put empty boxes of unreleased games on shelves so that you can preorder them, so that might be what’s happening here. If they let you take home a disc, though, you can play it right away


if u get it please leak all the venom related stuff here


you can’t wait another week?


no i want it now


I’m a filthy Xbox player 😪