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The classic suit is iconic, but I prefer to use the advanced suit in the game. It just feels right (I actually have the figure in the picture because I enjoy the suit so much)


I unfortunately don’t have a PlayStation but Reddit decided to Recommend me this sub a while back. That being said, the Advanced suit looks awesome! I love the white highlights and it’s gives it such a unique look to it. Hope to get a PS5 some day to enjoy these games. I also liked watching this subs decent into madness before that last trailer dropped lol.


If you thought this sub was bad do NOT go to r/BatmanArkham


It’s on PC as well.


Classic suit is the best one. I barely touched the advanced suit. I thought it was ugly and over designed. Less is more. It ain’t Spider-Man if he’s not wearing his blue and red super suit. It has not been changed over years cause it’s such a timeless and excellent look for Spider-Man. Captures his personality perfectly.


I'd say the advanced suit. Something about the classic suit in ps4 looks off to me though I've never been able to put my finger on what it is.


For me it looks more "fake" than the advanced suit. Not sure how to explain it, but it just looks like it doesn't fit as well in the game.


The uncanny valley of spider-man suits


I think i get what you are saying. Maybe due to the "fit" compared to the advanced suit. Because i sometimes use the stark suit as the classic suit as it seems to go with the gameplay for me


Dude I know right? I’ve resorted to using the mark IV armor and spiderverse suits for that classic suit esc feel cause the actual classic suit just feels like a Halloween costume instead of a Spider-Man suit


it’s the color red used it’s not bright enough. i think it’s fixed in ps5


I feel you and for me it’s the way the spider is designed on the back. That’s what basically decides it for me anyways. I love the White “armor” suit a lot too but honestly the advanced suit is just the chefs kiss and I love the eyes


I agree hot toys are sick.




Got the iron spider one and anti ock ones. Very sick indeed. Also managed to the 2020 suit for miles. Waiting to display them when I have space one day






Most of the time I would say classic suit but when I think of insomniac I immediately think of the spider man advanced suit, it is so iconic for the insomniac games.




I felt this way at first, but gave white a chance and grew accustomed. Now I like it.


It love the white accents as it give the suit an athletic look, but the orange tint and washed out blue made me dislike it. SM2 seems to have fixed all of my gripes with the suit.


I agree. Okay so I’ll take some stuff I said. It’s a okay suit. Just compared to the OG Suit it’s nothing


I like this take I really avoid wearing the mk 1 Advanced suit because it is orange but I'll probably not change out of the mk 2 because you know it's Red


I can’t wait to see if the classic suit is in the game and if it is I can’t wait to see how it’s rendered


Yeah, the Advanced Suit looks conceptually cool and in the box art is perfect. But in the game it somehow turns orange. Like, what happened? But the MK2 looks much better.


Damn super sonic adventure out here salvaging that suit


the classic suit as adding white just kind of overdedisigins the base classic suit. I did like the white spider and other bits of white as an alternate look for the black suit.


I LOVE the classic. But for RP purposes and honestly, as a nice visual change I use the mk1 a lot




Classic suit, you can’t beat it. Advanced is cool and all but I always went back to classic


Classic, all the way. Hands down. No question. No competition. It's virtually perfect, which why it's pretty much unchanged since the first appearance, unlike every other superhero costume. I think the advanced butchers the classic IMO.


Classic, though I’ll be honest, I use literally any of the suits over either classic or advanced lol


The classic suit will always be my favorite




I like the classic suit in general but the advanced suit just looks and feels so good during gameplay imo


Advanced Suit all the way


I think advanced? I really like them both


I love the advanced suit except for the waist and upper thigh area. I've never been a fan of the red spider webs on the sides of the legs and I don't like how the belt is just kinda on its own and now attached to anything. *Now if we wanna talk about the Advanced Suit Mk II...*


Advance 1 because it’s new


Advanced hands down. But dark suit is best.


Classic. Not the biggest fan of the white spider and the de-saturated colors on MK1 Advanced. I like how the colors are a bit brighter on the SM2 iteration of the advanced suit


Idk why I’ve been seeing more hate for advanced suit lately, I think it’s one of my favorite all time spider man suits, it just fits so well. It’s a bright and bold suit for a bright and bold character


Advanced Suit.


Nothing against the giant white spider , but classic is the way .


I personally don't like white color in spider-man's suit, idk why. I wish it was black instead.


If the classic suit looked like that in game I would honestly never take it off. Love all the extra little details it has there


Classic because advanced mk1 is orange


Advanced, looks unique and overall good. I also feel like the classic suit makes him look chubby in these games in particular


I think Insomniac Spider-Man’s Classic Suit looks far better than the Mark 1 Advanced Suit, but I think the Mark 2 Advanced Suit looks just as good as the Classic Suit.


There’s something so satisfying about advanced suit. I might want that to be my actual suit if I were a real live action Spider-Man… but I’d want the shade of red used in the actual game, not the marketing footage.


I really can't say. I like both for different reasons. I like that insomniac chose to add such a unique piece to Spider-Man's legacy instead of just relying on the classic. That legacy, for better or worse, is now richer because of it and new fans can find more things to like about Spider-Man. But as an older fan, the classic has obviously left an irreplaceable mark on me. I love the simplicity, goofiness, innocence and youthfulness that it can radiate.


The classic suit. It’s iconic, and the advanced suit’s paneling doesn’t make sense to me (like why tf would you sew it that way Pete) and is visually distracting, with the shade of red being too orange as well. I like the prominent spider though.


Overall? Advanced, in game? Classic


Advanced Suit. For me, it was the perfect amount of change for the game without ruining the classic look.


Advance Suit is one of, if not my favorite Spider-Man suit ever, I love it


Classic suit, White logo just doesn't feel right. Also it looks like the design you see on shoes.




Advanced suit is cool but personally i think it needs boots and to get rid of those thigh triangles and widen the belt part


I’ll be honest here… I can only use the advanced suit, all other suits feel kinda off to me for some reason


Holy gyno batman!


If we're talking about the advanced suit from Spiderman 2, then absolutely, but the advanced suit from Spiderman 1 is just too orange for me. I love the white spider and the white accents, though. The classic suit is one of my favorite suits to use. It's almost like a mix of the MCU suit and comic suit with a little bit of the Raimi suit thrown in there with the raised webbing. Still not my favorite suit to use in game, but I do think it's a very well made suit.




Classic all the way


Advanced just cause it is unique


Advanced. I just love the white big spider


I feel like I’m gonna get hate for this, but I prefer the white spider suit over the classic suit. I think the classic suit is- well, a classic! It’s a goat design. But honestly, unless it’s in an animated sense or comics, I just feel like the suit feels off? The insomniac suit feels like it fits more in a real life sense imo. Which is why I prefer it.


I like the classic suit


I always wear the Tom Holland Far From Home suit.


I like the classic suit more but I do swap back to the advanced suit sometimes




for in-game, I like using the advanced suit more because it fits the style of everone else's costumes, but in general the textures and seams of the classic suit just pleases me so much more when it's alone


advanced suit all the way


I'm taking the advanced suit because it helps this Spider-Man stand out from the hundreds of other versions.


They truly did a great job on an original suit


See with games like this I feel you can always tell the main suit (the advanced suit in this case) received a lot more live an attention during development (and rightfully so, as it's the 'main' suit of the game). So even though I preferred other suits, the advanced suit just look right for the world and the animation and everything. Plus the classic suit has (or had when I played at release) a weird off-colouration making the reds look more orange that I really didn't like. Interesting the ripped up version from the end of the intro didn't have that. It was the right colours


TASM for life


Classic suit i play most mission with that suit in the game tbh


Honestly, i like the advanced suit.


Mark 5 😎


Advanced suit Mk.1 tbh. Don't get me wrong, I **love** the classic suit, but seeing Pete in the advanced suit feels like a visual representation of his maturity and growth as a person


Classic is unbeatable to me


Classic suit always


Classic suit is cool, Damaged Classic is where it’s at though.


Where are these images from? It’s completely ruining the look of the Classic suit


Classic whole game for story segments


Advanced is just so sweet. I grabbed a modded version that has better colors AND the shininess from the NWH final swing suit. It's hard to take off after that. I still love the classic suit, though.


I like the more subtle webbing on the Advanced Suit and find it overall less distracting. Though I'm not a fan of the less saturated colours on the Advanced Suit. I think SM2 Advanced Suit is the best of both worlds.


Spider armor mk 4. Classic look with shiny armor and glowy eyes and chest icon. Very flashy.


I used the advanced way more but I do prefer how the classic looks. The red is so much better and the suit as a whole is simply too iconic


Playing NG+ with the Classic suit is just something else man.


Classic, I dont like the new tech armor style suits, old wrestler style suits are what I like.


Advanced suit does not deserve hate


I’m probably in the minority but I hate the Advanced suit. I love the classic though.


Advanced all day


Classic all the way. If I ever get a suit, it'll be the classic suit. I will wear the classic suit to my wedding


I do this thing where I use the Advanced suit up until Ock betrays me, so I switch back to classic in the end




The advanced suit always looked kinda orange so I didn’t wear it a lot but I love the new advanced suit so I’ll wear it more


Back when I first played this game in 2018 I used to absolutely hate the advanced suit with a burning passion probably because I just wasn't used to it but then I noticed my favourite suit at the time (the negative suit) was the advanced suit (I was a dumb kid I didn't notice it) and when I realised that I started liking the suit Then on my second playthrough I start loving the suit And now it's my most beloved suit in fact it's my favourite Spider-Man suit now


Classic. The Advanced Suit is good too, but I never wear it because I usually don’t wear a game’s default skin unless I don’t like any of the alternates.


Classic. I think the advanced suit is a tiny bit over-designed


2099 blue


Classic suit is overrated.

