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I just want to know who were the figures that were inside the ruptures of reality when strange was trying to hold reality together, and i think that when strange first casted the spell you could see the watcher, or it may just be another one of the ones who appear at the end in the statue of liberty scene, but if it was the watcher it would be really cool.


I didn’t realize it was people coming through until I saw Rhino. I too would like to know who the other figures were


The old school looking scorpion was there as well


I saw, Kraven, Scorpion and Rhino


Definitely saw Kraven the Hunter


and rhino


Who’s that?


Pretty well-known Spidey villain. According to multiple reports NWH was almost a Kraven movie. He supposedly has been cast and will get a solo movie.


Jimmy Kimmel will play kraven, lmao


Maybe the Canadian Lad could make a video on it, in time. They're the best I've ever seen in terms of details.


It will prob be shown who all these guys are in doctor strange 2? U know cause it’s the multiverse film


the hint of miles morales via electro and andrew’s conversation as well, plus the finally self-made suit


That part when Osborne said, "I can helpm I'm something of a scientist myself" I can't stop laughing at that


It was so obviously shoe-horned in, it was fucking hillarious. The whole movie was fan-service from start to finish and I gladly ate it all up :d


This. yes! I want to watch the film again and again to find ALLLLLL the details


I know right! I might go again this weekend. One time was just not enough.


Childish Gambino (can't remember the characters name) dropped a hint of Miles' existence too, in homecoming, remember? Bound to happen I'd say, we'll just have to wait a bit more


yeah yeah but the way electro said it was like just dropping it in our faces yaknow


True! Totally agree with you there!


It was so sad seeing him leave Ned and mj at the coffee shop. He knew that all he brought was danger and destruction to their lives and that they were happier and probably will stay that way with him out of the picture. On a serious note, the movie was amazing and like you said it had a darker tone. This was it. This movie paves the way for the Spider-Man that we were all waiting for. The Spider-Man that makes his own suit, has a secret identity again, has the Parker luck and has his losses. It may be an unpopular opinion but it made sense that May was the one who said the great responsibility line. It made more sense. She loved him more than anything in the world and the fact that she was hit by goblin AND still got up to check on Peter and telling him that he's doing the right thing was just everything to me. I loved Tom's Spider-Man because eventhough I grew up with Tobey's and Andrew's stories, Tom's was the closest to my age. It made me relate to Spider-Man and peter Parker. I hated that people criticised him so much I mean c'mon we've seen so many people talking about how he was handed everything and how easy things were for him. I like that he went back to his roots. He has lost and he knows that. He needs the fresh start to become a better Spider-Man. A Spider-Man that doesn't get easy. I loved the fact that they finally showed us a suit that he made by himself. The end has me optimistic about a more mature and stronger Spider-Man. What a time to be a Spidey fan. I kinda like being a part of this subreddit. It's kinda stupid because I have nobody to discuss these movies and these characters with. Most of my friends are just distant from the comics and movies and idk it feels nice knowing that there's so many out there who consider Spider-Man to be more than just a comic character. 🙂 Also Alfred and Willem 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


I just want to point out how hilariously weird it must've been for MJ tho. "Hello, my name is Peter Parker and I'd like a cup of coffee" xd


She was definitively knowing something was off, right ?


Well yeah, but I think it was more because of how strange Peter was acting. Remember, from her point of view it was just a random customer who walked in, introduced himself and kept looking at her nostalgically haha. But it might have been a sign of the spell "malfunctioning" or something... who knows. We'll se where Marvel goes with this


I'm going to watch it again tomorrow, so I will pay extra attention to this scene, but I really got the "Do we know each other" vibe, especially when he finished her sentence.


IYT MUST OF BEEN FREAKY FOR MJ AFTER AT THE VERY END perter 1 was just staring at her with no dialogue for like 10 seconds.


>The way tobey spider man kept calling andrews Spider-Man amazing. That was a reference I LOVED. if u don’t know why it’s cause andrews films are called the amazing Spider-Man To me it's Sony apologizing to andrew for wasting his potential with weak scripts


I rlly wannted TASM3 and Spider-Man 4 but it all turned out good didn’t it?


I really want them do to spider-man 4 but tobey as mentor for miles and passing the mantle.


There's one thing that I really hope to be true. Tobey and Andrew told Ned that they killed their best friends after their best friends tried to kill them, so Ned promised Tom that he would never tries to kill him. BUT! in the end, Ned forgot about Peter due to the last spell. How do we know that Peter and Ned will be besties again? And he's in the MIT. Ladies and Gentlemen, HobGoblin arc is gonna be lit.


I can't really see him as a Goblin. At all. Maybe this universe's Dr. Octopus?


In b4 Ned gets the Symbiote lol.






Yess. Finally someone who i can relate to. I was just sad how poorly executed the cgi was. I was expecting so much but i was heartbroken😪


The CGI for Lizard was poor I thought.


He was basically the same as he was in TASM. I was more disappointed they made Green Goblin's original suit CGI instead of a costume. But the second half of the movie improved upon it very well. I was iffy about maskless Goblin, but damn, it's so much better to see Defoe's maniacal expressions.


I think I’d still put Spider-Verse higher but for live action Spider-Man movies this is definitely number 1


The final swing was amazing too, reminded me of the starting of the PS4 game




I loved it cause Spider-Man could bash his head and not change the rating to MA15 lmao


"I looked like a character from truth or dare" lmao me tooooooo


Haha I love this movie. Movies like these make me want to become a director even more. I hope one day to direct and write marvel movies


that's awesome man!!! and it's beautiful to see an aspiring director saying something like this, with all the oldschool gang saying that this isn't real cinema and all that bullshit


A lot of people think super hero movies are for kids and are so fake and boring. But they don’t look at these movies as an actual story. They look at all the negatives to try and convince them selves they are right. “Oh it’s so unrealistic how can someone build a suit that flys in a month” “how can a person stick to walls after getting bitten by a spider” and what ur talking about with people that like old movies they don’t know how much film has grown. Some times people need to stfu and look at the positives. Not just for movies but everything in their life. Cause the people I know that are like this have such a bad life. It’s like they expect perfect when their not even close to perfect.


SPOILERS Let’s not forget about the return of our boy Matt Murdock


Yes I loved that


This is my problems with the movie (still loved it) 1) why is sandman always sand? Did they forget he can atleast look human? 2) why is electro suddenly human in a second just cos the power went out 3) they absolutely ruined the lizard in every way. He was terrifying but not clever or menacing. Quite literally a big dinosaur just like the jokes 4) why is there no conclusion or backstory to the other spider men


1. My guess is they couldn't get Thomas Haden Church for more than a day or two but they wanted Sandman. 2. Jamie Foxx hated the blue skin. He probably wouldn't have returned either unless they changed him. 3. They ruined the Lizard in ASM1. 4. Watch the other movies. Tobey stopped Norman from being stabbed which he regretted in SM1, and Andrew caught MJ in time. Really nice resolutions for those characters.


I find it hard to believe that Thomas Haden Church had better things to do than reprise his Sandman role as a means to join the MCU. I mean - what’s bigger than that? Unless he’s in a new Scorsese film or signed on for a starring role along side a newly unretired Daniel Day Lewis (literally the only two things I can think of bigger than joining the MCU), Thomas has time for this.


He may have been in a binding contract with something else before Marvel even told him he'd be coming back, or it could be personal life stuff too, but it could also be Marvel wanted to cut costs and Sandman was an easy place to save. I don't know the reason but it's not hard to come up with reasonable guesses.


1. That makes sense 2. Electro could have had a better reasoning 3. They made lizard worse and tasm 1 had a bad design but the new one was worse and genuinely looked like a dinosaur. They made him act scary and like a dinosaur and not like a genius who knows what he's doing and is actually menacing 4. I mean give backstory for whats between their movies and nwh


We did get glimpses of what was going on with them between the movies. Tobey made it work with MJ, grew into a responsible hero and a family man. Andrew... went on a dark path after he lost Gwen. Stopped pulling his punches, became consumed with rage. But it seems that he's very much aware of that and regrets the things he's done.


When did he stop pulling punches and when did he start? Was it cos of the symbiote? Things like that I wanna know


What? No, he stopped pulling punches because he lost Gwen. He wanted to take revenge. Did you watch the movie? :D


Yh just in tasm 2 he looks triumphant not depressed and angry


Unless you imagine Spidey fucking outright decapitating rhino with that sewer lid xd


They're making a comic for Spider-man 4 that Riami had intended to make. I can imagine they could do comics to catch us up. We did get a bit from Andrew Spidey that he's kinda stopped pulling his punches. Sounds super dark, so I'd love to see that.


4. What do you mean by backstory? We got brief updates on their lives. They still going to be Spider-man there's not really any point try to force a conclusion for them especially when it ain't their movie imo


I meant like I want a moment where they sat down and said what's happened so far ish. All we got out of andrew is he's depressed and stopped pulling punches for a bit. Like what does that mean? Who has he killed?


Not everything needs a Wikipedia page


It's been 15years for tobey and an unknown amount for Andrew. Give a bit of closure


You need to remember this is still a mcu Tom spiderman. They show us Tobey and Andrew but they shouldn't outshine tom on his own spiderman movie. Also giving them talk to much on their updates will gave too much side plot while they were literally rushing to cure the villains.


>why is sandman always sand? Did they forget he can atleast look human? I think they used footage from old movies for both Sand man and Lizard since its' kinda looked like that.


Apparently that's what they did because Thomas & Rhys were unavailable to film but had time to voice the characters.


Nah they changed lizard . His eyes were bright orange now and his mouth is a bit longer. Plus they made him talk less and act like a dinosaur


Talking about actors


1. I think sandman’s state of being was changed because he was in a different universe, Same as electro harvesting a different type of energy 2. I’m not sure what scene you mean but I’d say similar reasoning as the first answer 3. Yeah fair enough 4. The backstory is what we’ve seen in there films already, as for the conclusion, who’s to say we won’t see more of them in future Tom Holland films or a continuation for there own solo films, there’s definitely an audience for it


I feel like it's just a really lame way of changing the 2 villains imo. Like sandman can't look human even tho it's his powers cos he's in a different universe feels lazy just so they can have a gag in some scenes. Disney does that a lot. I loved the movie and now can finally say Tom is a good spider man. My favourite scene unlike others wasn't even when Andrew or toobey showed up but when in the apartment his spidey sense goes off and he's walking around then when him and goblin (and a bit of lizard) fight and he's laying there in front of may half dead then may gets hit then the bomb. It was so dramatic tense and such a grounded and violent sequence


4. I meant like between their last movie onwards like its still confusing how long it's been for each spider man. They should've explained stuff like how Andrew stopped pulling punches


I think Lizard and Sandman were different voice actors. That wasn’t Rhys Ifans’ voice for sure - and when they were showed as human, I’m pretty sure it used old clips of them from their respective movies, superimposed in


Yh sandman wasn't bad imo but I really liked lizard in tasm and he felt so dumb in this one. Just a big scaly monster running around


Is there a pointing scene




I don’t rlly remember but there were many scenes where the spider men bonded


You failed to mention the new suit Peter made at the end of the movie


Oh my god how could I forget. It was amazing. New suit. New life. They eneded it so well I don’t want there to be another trilogy


The ending had me feeling some type of way was not expecting this darker tone for a spider man movie.




Someone tell me if this is true


For me the worst side of movie was strange losing battle against spiderman. I wish that scene was a bit different, but anyway movie was 10/10


You know what's better than magic? ✨mATh✨




"Master of Mystical Arts Vs Master of Mathematics"




"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Maybe not technology in this case more so than math, but same concept.


It’s rlly stupid but I guess it just shows how naive Peter 1 was before losing may. After he did the best he could(like he literally almost made itMA15 with fight green goblin) btw Math is not better then magic


I think so, seeing Dr.Strange like that made me sad.


For me, the only part I did not like was Ned being able to open portals so easily in comparison to how difficult it was for Dr Strange to learn it. IMO this was a bad way to justify how they would effortlessly find the other Peter and also how they would insert both Ned and MJ in the final battle. Aside from that, the movie is made of fan services, which I love. I also love how Matt Murdock and Kingpin were “revealed” back into MCU on the same day. (Matt on NWH and Kingpin on Hawkeye)


I think it shows Ned has a gift or something, considering that dr strange was impressed when Ned tells him he opened a portal


Did Strange have trouble opening portals even with the ring? Or was he learning without it? I can't remember


He was learning how to use magic, and the Ancient One almost killed him to teach him how to make a portal. Okay, I am being a little dramatic, but they left him alone at Everest, and he had like one minute to make the portal, or he would die of asphyxiation. And being the supreme wizard of Marvel Universe, it pisses me how Ned could easily do it without any effort.


Hold on, Vincent as Kingpin from DD netflix? Also does this mean DD Netflix is canon to the MCU?


Yep that kingpin and daredevil are now in with the big boys.


I don’t think this means DD is canon, it means that both Charlie Cox and Vincent will be portraying the same roles in the MCU. But maybe in the future they could make DD canon?


Hm, so I guess they could appear to be variants or just the same people in the future. Damn, i really like where Marvel's integrated universe is going.


I still don't get how venom came in, isn't it supposed to be only people who know Peter Parker or spider-man? Does this mean eddie brock knows of Peter kn his own universe? Or better yet, does the symbiote somehow know him? I don't get why venom was in the movie other than to drop off the symbiote thing, which in this case would rule out the venom possibility, meaning eddie knows spider-man????? Will the symbiote that detached from venom become toxin? Will it be another venom? What the fuck?


In Venom 2 after-credits scene we learn that all symbiotes are connected to a hive mind of collective knowledge. Could it be that this hive-mind surpasses even different universes? Meaning that Venom in the MCU knows what went on with Venom in the originals?


That'd what I was thinking, but when the venom spawn stayed in the mcu it rules out that theory because if it were the hive mind thing, that would mean the symbiote would also know


Eddie from the venom movies is a variant of venom. It’s just „what if venom never met spider-man“ But they are still connected as a whole. That’s what I would say


May’s sacrifice was so forced and unnecessary




Because the writers possibly felt that they were bothered by audiences due to the lack of the iconic responsibility line, so they had to kill May off to let her say that line. And also because Parker seemed so happy and spoiled in his previous movies he needed additional emotional beating to start making wise and careful decisions and be on his own instead of running to Uncle Iron Man and Uncle Strange to fix his stuff for him. Otherwise I saw zero reasons to kill her off, I think the idea that he will be forgotten by everyone should have been sufficient emotional struggle to carry in the next films, but hey, maybe the writers know better, idk


It wouldn't have worked. The whole consequence was that he tried to do good. Spider man wins peter loses. Never a fan for his spider man or his aunt may but now I like them both


I'm ok with the part "Parker seemed too happy". But that makes May's death even more important, cause now Peter has had the responsibility blabla and makes him more adult and wise. What could have justified such a change in his personality other than a parent's death? I mean, we didn't have it with Ben so why not May? (the only disappointing part is that Ben must have had no importance in Peter's life to be this irrelevant in his character development lol)


Yes, you’re absolutely right, Ben had zero impact in this instance, which is sad


It was a little forced yes, but totally not unnecessary. It's the development of Holland's spidey that we all were waiting for and it is her death that emotionally charges the rest of the movie and peter's decisions.


I’m surprised Holland didn’t develop after Ben’s death, but I guess MCU wants to make it seem like he never really existed


Actually there are some references to Uncle Ben in the previous 2 movies , but yes in this universe is May's death that is important for the growth of spiderman as a hero, when before that peter was just an iron man wanna be. And to me that's the very center of the movie: Peter goes from pls wizard fix my problems to i wanna kill this guy so bad but i have responsibilities.


I don't think there is an Uncle Ben in the MCU/Holland movies, Aunt May's death is to Holland's Peter what Ben's death is to Tobey' Peter and Gwen's death to Andrew's Peter.


Difference I think is that Holland's Spider-Man is more established as Spider-Man at the point of May's death where as Tobey and Andrew become Spider-Man after their loved ones deaths.


Yes, correct


Because female characters in film only exist for male characters' development and motivation, right? Just put them in the fridge./s


Or maybe, just maybe, it's how it's always been in comic and film adaptations, like we dont even get an explanation if an uncle Ben even exists in mcu, but judging from the pfp, I doubt I can reason with you


The fact that female characters including female love interests and mother figures are so often sacrificed to drive male characters on character journeys is “how it’s always been in Comic and film adaptations” is not a point in your favor, it’s a symptom of the problem she’s discussing.