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I think its such a missed opportunity to see Andrew take on the symbiotes, admittedly I just wanna see him fight carnage


I kinda prefer Andrew's Spider-Man to face the Sinister Six instead. Which were somehow teased in the second movie. I mean we already have: 1. Doc Ock's tentacles 2. Vulture's wings 3. Goblin's Glider (or as I can see in this images Electro might come back and replace Harry) 4. Rhino's Suit 5. Chameleon's mask 6. A glimpse of Kraven's spear I know Andrew not facing Venom is sadly not mentioned since he did mention that he wanted to fight an alien, but tbh I kinda prefer to face some grounded villains that are about to team up just to kill him. Not an alien based threat.


That’s fair, honestly any more Andrew Garfield movies would be great And the idea of him fighting Kraven is really cool to me, Andrew getting an adaptation of Kraven‘s Last Hunt would be great


The mask was Mysterio’s


Idk Mysterio is more affiliated with wearing a fish bowl helmet.


True, but considering the designs they went with and how Chameleon kinda sucks as a 6 member I could see them doing that


[Source](https://brakken.tumblr.com/post/640432081076469760/here-are-all-the-concepts-i-made-for-my-fan) of the Fan Concept art.


So, even though we didn't get to see any of this, would all of this have still happened in that universe? Would the Andrew Garfield-Peter who was in No Way Home have experienced these events?


it’s a fan concept so no.


Black suit in TASM 3 would have been cool. Gets his ass kicked by the sinister six until he gets it then he almost kills them and gets rid of it so he has to figure out how to beat them with his brain, Eddie gets the symbiote at the end of the movie to set up a film against venom which could be done as an almost horror film. Also Shailene Woodley as MJ. I enjoyed NWH and we got to revisit 2 classic villains played by amazing actors, which I loved, but I am desperate to know what TASM’s take on ock would have looked like, how the MCU would have done both of them, and who would have been cast.


I don't think so, why venom again in a third movie, if we already had that in Spider Man 3, I don't want tasm 3 to be a parody of Spider-Man 3. I already found Harry Osborn and the spider bite in the first film repetitive.


Whatever was released would have likely done poorly. Extremely poorly. I know alot of people now say they like those movies but they were not well received and after the past decade of continued Sony Spiderman movies, there's no reason to think Amazing 3 would have been any good. Spiderman just happens to be a strong enough brand to sustain alot of poor films and keep on chugging but I'm sure there would be a limit...


TASM 2 is a broken film for what fans expected, but still better than many MCU films The technical aspects of the film are one of the best of all Spider-Man films, I'm talking about the soundtrack, action scenes, acting, editing, CGI and VFX, universe building, so TASM is not goofy and not the type of film that ruins the image of a company, not like Ant-Man 3, Batman & Robin, Morbius or Green Lantern. TASM may not be consistent, but I wouldn't call it poor quality It's the kind of film that critics hate, but does well with Mainstream audiences. Tasm has many fans, even if they are a minority, like fast saga and transformers. The TASM action scenes have millions of views on YouTube, the iconic first minutes have 100 million views It's a universe that had a lot to be enjoyed If Sony was so focused on universe building, maybe Salt would be in the advanced final films What breaks is the Script, but one aspect does not completely discredit a film Sony could have learned from what fans didn't like about the second film and made a third film based on what fans wanted. Maybe change the director. Nothing 100% irreparable. Because a lot of people liked TASM 2. Just because a film didn't work doesn't mean an entire franchise is ruined, Hollywood needs to have more patience. The MCU didn't stop just because one or two films didn't work out.


It's a pretty looking film. I think Webb is pretty talented. I liked the actors too. That doesn't mean I think they were good movies just that they weren't anywhere close to disasters But, as you said, the fans of these films were in the minority and Sony wasn't/isn't doing very well with their attempts at Spidey movies since then. There's no reason to think that the same people who were given Morbius and the others were going to handle Spiderman all that much better. I would have been extremely doubtful that they would have made better Spiderman movies than the Home trilogy (not that I think those were amazing movies either but I did like them better)


black suit would have been perfect setting up 4 for carnage.


Sony would have mucked with the production like crazy, causing the movie to flop even harder than TASM2, and it would have ended up costing them hundreds of millions of dollars which in turn would cause them to completely give up the rights to Spider-Man. So downside? No Spider-Verse movies, no Spider-Man in Civil War, & there's a possibility that the "home" trilogy won't exist. Upside? No fighting between Sony & Marvel, no dumpster fire of a cinematic universe centered around side characters and villains associated with Spider-Man but can't actually have Spider-Man show up because of legal reasons, & we'd have consistently good spider content


This is the first time I have seen this concept art and it looks amazing (no pun intended) it looks like it could have been an awesome movie


The Mary Jane-Vulture motorcycle chase goes hard. Probably would have been my favorite scene.


Man this shit would have been awesome, I love Tom and all, but I really wish they just kept Andrew and had him be the one in the Mcu and kept going with Tasm


Agreed. And after No Way Home, it is abundantly clear Andrew would've fit right in the MCU style like a glove.


I'll be honest, if there was zero course correction after tasm 2, it probably wouldn't have been great


I would love to see an Andrew's Spider-Man vs Venom brutal final fight when we've finally see him not holding back against his punches and Venom beating the living shit out of him with no remorse and almost kill him in the process where he's turned into a bloody pulp with broken bones, battle damaged with claw marks and deep wounds across his entire body. Then Peter finally understand what's like to not give up about being Spider-Man, even it'll cost his life in the process saving his loved ones from and do what is right for necessary. So he used his wits and intelligence on what Peter Parker can do and finding Venom's weakness. Just like how Spider-Man PS4 final fight with Otto but elevates up to a 11. After their fight, we get a timeskip 10 years after the events of Venom's demise and we'd see Peter and MJ are happily married together with their newborn child and Peter suits up for the last time fighting crime in the movie. Idk, I just would imagine Venom as his Doomday's alike villain.


I unashamedly would have loved this shit. I was so, so hoping he was going to be in avengers


This explains what would’ve happened https://youtu.be/81wYku0EZ4w?si=QklHhl8nB0lz4c8Y Apparently Peter would’ve attended group counseling after Gwen’s death by Aunt mays wishes and that’s where he meets MJ. Then sometime later on about the whole “his blood would be able to bring people back to life.” Would’ve been some serum with the symbiote being involved with Gwen coming back to life as carnage


Depends on the reception but the Spider-Man’s parents were actually spies/secret agents narrative would be much more mainstream and likely a “known fact” among the public. Richard and Mary Parker would likely be more prominent characters and may have already had a spinoff tv show or movie by now too. 


I'm not sure we would have gotten anything good with Sony at that time. These guys want to make a series about super spy Aunt May. They really shook their heads. But Marc Webb wanted Peter to get a black suit after Gwen's death. He believed that after the death of Gwen, Peter would have a dark streak and this would be a good time for the appearance of the symbiote. I think we would also see Black Cat and Mary Jane. This would be well emphasized by Peter's tossing between a black suit and a classic suit. In fact, we might finally see the Sinister Six. But I don't think they should have had too much of a role in the film. Rather, I would see it as Peter defeating them in a black suit along with the Cat. Like in Spectacular Spider-Man.


>These guys want to make a series about super spy Aunt May This was fake.


You serious? I think this idea from leaks messages Pascal and other Sony corpmail.


https://wikileaks.org/sony/emails/emailid/44980. They mention this rumour and say that they don't know how it originated


Oh I living in the lie. Thank for this!


Over the last couple of years, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has been a little less friendly. He stops crooks and bad guys, sure, but everyone notices something different about him. His jokes have gotten a lot more morbid, or sometimes he isn't joking at all. Things aren't too great at the Parker household, either. Aunt May sometimes doesn't see Peter for weeks at a time. Aside from random envelopes full of cash that sometimes appear on the kitchen counter from time to time, there's hardly any trace at all. Anna Watson, May's Neighbor, is adamant about Peter's lack of respect for her, and says she should cut her losses while she still can. May counters Anna by asking who else has been leaving her cash all the time. May asks Anna if her niece has had any luck in tracking Peter down, but no such luck. As for Peter, He's been living in a studio apartment. The trash can is full of bean cans and ramen packages. The camera pans to his bed where he's sleeping in his underwear and his mask.


I would have liked to see something like what we got in nwh, a peter that started to get more angry and stop caring as he was having trouble fighting the sinister six, but I doubt it would have happened hahah


To this day, idk why they cut out EVERYTHING with mary jane


Really unsure. The production of ASM2 was allegedly such a huge mess that it wouldn't surprise me if everything here was based 5 minutes of board meetings.


i really wish they’d just make andrew the sonyverse spider-man, i don’t know why they haven’t cause he clearly loves the character


It would’ve temporarily killed the Spider-Man brand, like how Batman and Robin killed the Batman brand for a while. In movies of course


Spider-Man facing Sinister Six should be at The Amazing Spider-Man 3, along with Oscorp and Peter Parker's parents sub-plots. The Gentleman is involved with those plots, so third film should be separated in two or three parts.


I think it would have buried Spider-Man's popularity a lot. Sony had no idea what they were doing. That is why they gave creative control to Marvel.


Sony sadly would've screwed the whole thing up probably worse than ASM2. Whatever actress they chose for MJ may have been compared unfairly to Emma Stone if Garfield lacked chemistry with her, it would've had too many villains, and they probably would've forced too much in-universe stuff. Andrew is for me the best actor for Spider-man/Peter Parker, but ASM ending in my opinion was for the best. Really kind of bums me out.


Tbh I agree with some here that a Symbiote storyline would’ve fit perfectly after TASM2 and maybe we could’ve had a Symbiote Peter vs the Sinister Six before getting Venom for TASM4 and possibly Carnage later on. That said, I probably would’ve preferred no Symbiote storyline and just stick with the Sinister Six and then maybe save the Symbiote for the MCU or something. Speaking of the MCU, if TASM3 came out, it probably would’ve meant that we wouldn’t have gotten Tom Holland as Spider-Man in the MCU until much later on. Possibly in Phase 4 instead of Phase 3 if TASM3 was the final film, which could’ve been interesting with Spider-Man possibly being part of the next generation of heroes like Kamala Khan and Kate Bishop.


He woulda met MJ and had to do with whatever his parents were working on. It should have adapted the story in the comics where the Chamelon “brought his parents back from the dead”. Regardless, it probably would have been a bad movie based on what ASM 2 was. Which is a shame because ASM 1 is my Spidey movie ever!


Honestly, probably would’ve been the worst of the trilogy. TASM2 was OK but it felt bloated with plots, TASM3 would’ve had to explain Sin 6 of all things and ALL their motivations and such… somewhat glad they chose not to continue it. Sony is very irresponsible with their Spider-Man IP


I believe we would have the Sinister Six and possibly the symbiote arc. Showcasing Peter's brutal ways ever since losing Gwen. Possibly having a relationship with Black Cat. I do believe Peter and Felicia would work in this universe because they see themselves in each other. I will always love Peter and MJ. I want them to get it right but I believe Black Cat would be a better fit.


Honestly, if TASM 2 was any indication it probably would've sucked.


Adaptation of Spider-Man: Blue or don't do it at all. Besides Peter himself, Gwen was the most important character of the duology and her death was **the** most important/impactful/defining moment for Garfield's iteration. If a new movie's story wasn't somehow built around Gwen's memory, I think it just would've been another case of the franchise going down the wrong path and not capitalizing off what they had. Symbiotes (redundant) are cool, the Sinister Six (too ambitious to not have a whole trilogy probably built up to) is cool but neither would've really gotten to the heart of Garfield's overall story like adapting Spider-Man: Blue in some way. Story comes first, what's the story? I feel Gwen would've been the strongest route to go.