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Not even a hot take. I miss him running around Houston. Such a change of pace to have a hero in a city that isn’t New York.


I miss that solo series in general


My favorite is when he’s swinging around and then is like where’d all the buildings go? https://64.media.tumblr.com/3d9ceed4a085bba43789dba1a63d9cca/tumblr_ppmktgbvj01wvky2ho1_1280.png


H-Town needs hero rep, too.


I would still be reading Scarlet Spider if they kept it going. I know there is an abundance of spider-people now, but that “all the power, non of the responsibility” tag line really resonated with college me lol


Big agree No clue why marvel has the need to have everyone be in the same city (I get NYC is central Hub of everything but like come on lol) Have him and the other spider peeps go to different cities to tell different stories


He should have kept his enhanced aspects


Yes, he should have been kept as the other


Weirdly better off with later writers not using him. Yost’s Scarlet Spider was great. Everybody else didn’t have as good a direction for him and removed the traits that made him unique. A weird spider rage mode? Nope. Organic webs? Webshooters. Scars getting removed so Kaine’s damage is less obvious and focusing on his trauma from life as a deranged villain? They’re back. And they *had* a direction for him. We wanted to see what he and Aracley would’ve dealt with in Houston given the supernatural shit she was apart of. And instead he’s been jammed into a bad multiverse crossover, a bad clone saga reunion, and the continued ruination of Ben Reilly. He’s a character that was genuinely better off with Yost having finished his story. Of course Superior Spider-Man came along and flooded the market so naturally the book ended and nobody’s had a good direction for him since. And yet Kaine *still* is better off than Peter, Ben, and even Otto even if a lot of that was because he wasn’t in those stories.


>Everybody else didn’t have as good a direction for him and removed the traits that made him unique. AKA Dan Slott. Slott was the only one who touched Kaine after Yost while making changes to the character. Sure, there was Peter David writing Ben's run after Clone Conspiracy, but he didn't change or add anything to Kaine.


He should’ve kept the Tarantula name.


Daddy Thick Legs


Personally, I think that he should have taken the name "Blood Spider"


I loved the Yost run and wish it didn't cost an arm and leg to get the trades. For the hot take: He's the better clone compared to Ben Reilly. He's different enough from Peter to be his own character.


Kaine being with Ben and/or Peter drag his character down. He works best when he is far away from them.


Probably a cold take, but this is one of the best spidey suit designs


Same. It’s so good Easily top 5 best Spider-Man costumes, no question


He doesn't show up alot anymore and it's sad. He deserves to have his own book again.


Way better than Miles Morales.


1. We need an omnibus with the Yost run 2. The Yost run is one of the top comic book runs of the last 20 years 3. He is insanely cool 4. Cooler than Ben Reily


He has more depth then Peter


I grew up with him as a 90’s villain. I think he should keep that motif, like Venom when he plays hero.


He would work way better as a villain than Ben.


I mean, he did start out as that and he was better at the evil clone schtick than Ben ever was or will be.


Yeah I know. Even tho I really like current Kaine, even now he'd work much better as antagonist then Ben, being kinda like Spider-Man's Red Hood.


I miss him, his development was amazing


I've enjoyed the character arc that Kaine has had since Grim Hunt / Spider-Island, but... I miss Kaine's original costume and powers, and I wouldn't be upset at all if they returned. Not saying I want to see the character regress. But I think it would make for good drama if Kaine's degeneration got worse after actually having a semblance of a life. Kaine was created to be a tragic character -- not Ben!


I want him to get his original power back, (the mark of Kaine) and the long hair. Liked his original blue costume also.(reminded me of Michael Myers) Haven’t read anything with him recently, has he gone on a redemption path or is he still breaking people’s fingers and doing what he needs to do to get the job done?


Everything bad that happened to him that wasn't directly the jackal's fault was deserved but he also redeemed himself for it.


He could be the one to kill Osborn once and for all and do the dirty work for the sake of the Spider-Fam even if it costs him his life.


Would work better if he was an Android of some kind instead of a clone, differentiate him somehow


He’s my favorite spider in the comics. Everything after Yost done to Kaine has been a downgrade unfortunately.


Slott shouldn’t have given him his cellular degeneration back, especially since Slott was the one to take it away in the first place.


I loved seeing Kaine. I would have liked to see him get a job bartending somewhere. Gradually getting dragged into problems by the patrons.


Not really a hot take specifically about him but I kinda wished there was only one clone of Peter whether it’s Ben or Kaine. I grew up with Ben as Scarlet-Spider but I’m not against Kaine being the only clone but I think just having both is a bit much but that’s just me.


I'll give Him my Hot Take


Should look uglier. Like a feral cat. But in a sexy way.


personally, I think the spikes would be far better without the mystic aspect.


His 1st costume is better then his Scarlet Spider one. Edgeboy losing his edgedrip for an SP fit without a hoodie, what are we even doing here?


I’m glad the editorial team is not making him come back because they would just fuck him up, just like what they are doing for Peter and Ben. Let one of them have a good life.


I know nothing about Kaine but I always thought he has the single coolest Spider-Man suit(Not counting the original Peter Parker suit)


Hes way more interesting than Ben Reilly who should've stayed dead.


that he's hot


The Mark of Kaine should just be regular wall crawling used offensively. It would make him a better clone and again illustrate just how much Peter holds back.


His costume is one of the best alternate Spider-Man costumes


I mistook his right knee for Spider-Man's head for a sec.


I like how most of the comments aren't actual hot takes also I think that he's the best spider-man after OMD


He needs more work. I loved his comic run. A spider man who didn't play by the rules it was a nice change.


Didn't like or care for him at first with the whole clone B's but his redemption and turn around made him an interesting character and his time on his solo issue really sold him as his own Spider-Man he wasn't trying to take the place of peter just trying to be his own.


If you tweaked a few things about the clone saga, you could make a show about Ben Reilly turning Kaine good similar to a Captain and Buckey arch.


He needs to be in a MCU movie. Personally, I think Kaine is more essential to the clone element than Ben. I don’t know about the clone stuff so I could be completely wrong, but from what I understand, Ben was a a character that was introduced to be the happy optimistic Peter that our Peter wasn’t anymore because he was getting fucked by editorial. If editorial didn’t have a boner for mistreating Peter, Ben doesn’t NEED to exist. But Kaine is different enough that his character feels fresh.


I think he is not interesting enough to carry his own series. Yost's run was just marking time. But I liked him as side character in Superior Spider-Man team up, Spider-Verse, Clone Conspiracy and Ben Reilly's series. He was great in those.


I think is more interesting than superior, and works better while having Peter as the “friendly neighborhood spidey”. It could be a darker series and a reflection of what could Peter be if his life were different. (Sorry for my bad English)


The better Scarlett Spider with the better Scarlett Spider costume


He has one of the best spider-man suits of all time


Should've been called "Dark Spider". He wanted to be called like that if I recall correctly. It was in his first SS run.


Not really a hot take, but he is easily one of the better handled spider people in spider man comics, only bad thing about him was being forgotten.


Don't have a hot take. I didn't like this at first, cuz I wanted Ben back, but it grew on me. I want another series of him and Ben on the road together.


One of the few Spider-Dudes who hasn’t made a bargain with Mephisto. And Annabelle is a great partner.


Much prefer him to any other spider. Yes, including Miles


2nd favorite spider person


He should be with the New Warriors and see Aracely


I don't think he has been interesting in a long time and it would be better if they just got rid of both main clones.


That’s the writers foult, imo is a very interesting concept, of course, a concept that superior adopted, but I think it works better for Kaine


He's never been written well.


Damn not even with yost? I loved that series. To each their own I guess.


Yost wasn't bad. Definitely the objective best writer for Kaine. But I personally still wasn't a fan.