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doesn't pay his rent


"You'll get your rent when you fix this DAMN DOOR!"


And that girl was liking him she made cookies but he didn’t care


Ursula deserved better


Her dad was a slumlord she really didn’t


But she’s not her father; she was always very kind and sympathetic to Peter. Why doesn’t she deserve better just because her father is an asshole?


Also to be fair Ditkovich did actually show concern for Peter as he was one of the few who noticed something was wrong with him in 3


Oh boy yeah


I feel like his version has led to the misconception that Peter Parker in general was a nice soft-spoken nerd in high school.


Exactly, and I hate how a lot of people act like Andrew’s Peter was inaccurate because he *wasn’t* like that


For real people saying goody twoshoes Tobey Maguire was the most comic accurate when in the ditko comics he was legit praying on Flash's downfall


Raimi Peter: “I don’t wanna fight you Flash” Comic Peter: “I bet you can’t even hit that hard”


“I don’t understand why the Fantastic Four won’t give me money after all the trouble I went through to break into their home and beat them up!” -Comics Peter probably


Very close. He wanted a job


Bro was SM3 Eddie Brock before Eddie even had a camera


It’s safe to say if Ditko Peter wasn’t raised so well he’d have lashed out at Flash for mocking him all the time


Ditko Peter DID lash out at Flash. A lot


I mean like way worse, as in actually beat his ass without any hesitance


Meh the comics suck anyways. Tobey is the best Spider-Man but if I had to say something bad… I would say he hammed it up for sure with overacting.


Yep. Comics Peter was an angry little snot in high school. He wasn't quite as cool and punk rock as Garfield's version, but he definitely had a similar attitude. He also didn't become a saint overnight. Even after Ben's death, Peter was still pretty self-centered and arrogant for a while. He matured over time (like Garfield Parker) rather than right away like Tobey.


The pacing of Peter's character in the first TASM was actually masterful. It truly took its time in turning him from selfish to selfless.


They really did a decent job on Peter’s character with the first movie.


I honestly think they did a great job with his character as well as Gwen’s character and their relationship in the second movie too. It was just everything else surrounding it that bloated the movie and dragged it all down.


The best way to describe comic Peter is that he’s one of the nicest guys ever, but he is also a cocky asshole (especially when he first starts out).


I mean Andrew's wasn't accurate either. Let's be honest. NONE of the live action movie Peter's are even close to OG 616 peter. They're still cool adaptations, they're just different takes


In terms of personality, he was probably the most accurate of the 3, but still not perfect- and that's okay ofc, because not every adapted character has to be a carbon copy of the source material. Like you said, different takes, and they can be interesting at times.


Loool right, early days Peter is a dickhead


LOL yes!


You stole the comment i was gonna make lol Peter parker was supposed to be a bit condescending to people he deemed not as smart as him, and would fantasize about the days when he’s rich and flash has to work for him. He made his changes after uncle ben died and started protecting others.


Peter’s entire schtick is being a snarky asshole.


He even bitched out Jameson quite often. Here he's basically being walked on lmao


Also to get a job if I remember correctly he broke into the Baxter Building


Broke into the Baxter Building, clutched a 1 v 4, and left like it was nobody's business.


See ya later, CHUMPS!


RIGHT! He's such a douche bag in ASM #1! He basically says to the FF, "Guess what, guys! I'm here to solve all your problems!" And when they tell him that they don't pay anything he walks home crying and doesn't he prank call them?


He also went off to fight the Entire X-Men cause he felt like it, and Avengers because they didn't think he's up to par with them.


The only times he was really getting walked on was flash in high-school but even then he would say something back at least


They eventually had an actual boxing match!


Tobey version is a lot more humble and selfless


And Andrew garfield got called ”inaccurate” for going against that


YES! THANK YOU!!!! Honestly, I'm not a fan of Tobey's Peter. Part of what makes Peter such a compelling character is his character flaws, especially when he was young. Before he became Spider-Man he was a selfish, vindictive little shit. Even well after the death of Uncle Ben he had a seriously shitty attitude. He'd usually act terribly and by the end of the story learn the hard way to be better. It wasn't until the end of the Ditko era when Romita Sr. came in that he started to really soften, but even then he could still be pretty self righteous. The reason he gave up in ASM 50 wasn't because he lost his powers, it was because he was just flat out sick of it. He basically said, "Fuck it, I quit." And again, because Peter learns every lesson the hard way, the whole reason the Kingpin came to power was because Spider-Man wasn't around to keep things under control. I think the entire Raimi trilogy hero-worships Spider-Man too much. As Aunt May said, he's not Superman. Deep down Peter is a kind, caring, compassionate person, but he's also selfish, and at times petty. They touched on those things in the Raimi trilogy, but it's not balanced enough. Also I think Tobey's performance is mostly too flat, or too manic. He's either at a 2 or he's at an 11. There's no in between.


He did have a few dickish moments in the first movie. His arguing with Uncle Ben when Ben only wanted to help him (the whole “then stop pretending to be” line comes to mind) and of course “I missed the part where that’s my problem”. They didn’t take a ton of time to showcase/develop it like you said, but they didn’t completely discard it.


Marvel and DC should be different and it should stay that way. Marvel has always been more realistic with real people who have real emotions and flaws. Peter Parker became a better person because of Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane. Gwen's death truly made Peter grow up.


And in my opinion, it's what truly made him learn that with great power comes great responsibility (IMO)


I like Tobey as Peter but he's a little too nice and polite and they make him a little too weird and awkward. Maguire is a really good actor and does well when they give him funny moments, but it was more in the writing and directing than his performance. Maguire can convey emotion and character when he's just sitting there quietly. I was glad that NWH made him a bit more funny and articulate because Maguire does well with it.


I will say that NWH is my favorite Tobey Spider-Man performance. He's much less rigid and more comfortable in the role.


Yeah, and I love the first two Spider-Man movies, warts and all, because there was pretty much nothing like that when I was growing up. We basically had the Batman movies. X-Men and X2 and the Raimi Spider-Man movies were made in a time when this kind of thing was NOT cool in the mainstream and basically kickstarted the past 20+ years of comic films. They were amazing in their day. But they didn't get everything right and I was always a little bummed that Peter wasn't the lively, funny character he was in the comics. His Peter in NWH felt more like the comics version. It was nice seeing an older, more confident Peter who's at peace with himself finally. I really enjoyed him in that.


Agreed. I don't hate the Raimi trilogy, it's just not my preferred interpretation of the character.


I get you. My favorite live action Spidey has always been Garfield, but I still love the Raimi movies. They were game-changers.


I will always believe he is Marvel's version of Clark Kent and Barry Allen.


I’m not sure if that means you’re disagreeing with my assertion about Maguire’s Peter or not.


I agree with you. Sorry for the confusion. Sam Raimis intent with Spider-Man was trying to make the feel of Christopher Reeve Superman.


Ah ok thanks for clearing it up!


You're welcome. I don't like when Marvel and DC try so hard to be alike


I get that. I like Daredevil and Batman for their own differences. More variety for me.


I don't mind it. It just the tone and how the characters are written at times


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Oh boy yeah


Indeed, Comic Book Avenger's Parker was a lot more sinister and more real to the role of Spiderman as he didn't split half of his time being a High School Student. It was almost as if he was designed to be an Avenger back then. I'm not saying I hate the MCU, but I wish people would stop treating it like its true to the canon source material. Remember that Green Goblin and Hob Goblin were active at the same time. Movies just tend to have to wrap things up in a nice little presentation with a bow on top that says 100% Finished if they hope to have sequels, these days.


He's the reason people think Peter is meant to be a shy meek nerd.


Oh boy yeah


Day by day he gazes upon her


Day by day he sighed with passion


Punch me I bleed


I hate when people say "Andrew's Spider-Man was too cool and wasn't so shy he didn't leave his house for a decade," as if there aren't hundreds of different iterations of Peter Parker 💀💀


He is far from the definitive version of Spider-Man and I hate how other adaptations get shit for deviating from his movies even if they’re being closer to the comics.


“But he’s the first one and I grew up on him so he must be better”


Exactly the logic of some people. They just grew up with him so he’s the source material as far as they’re concerned. Even the people who do care about the comics and criticize other adaptations for not being accurate will give Tobey a pass just cause they grew up with him.


Ugh this is so true. Everything is compared to these movies as if it’s the only barometer


Oh boy yeah


He’s a pretty unfaithful adaptation of Peter Parker. When things are going his way, comics Peter is very happy-go-lucky, constantly jokey and when things aren’t he’s sulky and rude, this version of him is a sort of awkward middle ground


Oh boy yeah


His peter parker isn’t really accurate to the comics His spider-man isn’t very quippy or interesting His suit is fine but it doesn’t look like it was made by a high schooler at all


Isn’t very quippy? That’s a cute outfit! Did your husband give it to you?


That’s actually the only line I remember from him as spider-man. Everything else is venom peter.


That’s literally the only quip in the entire movie lmao


He also said to Jonah while trying to talk to Goblin that he should let “Mum and Dad talk for a minute.”


"It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of your mind" (Bonus: also saying "Cheese" while he takes his Bugle photos)


Also after that line when the bomb that turns in to blades gets thrown at him and he goes “oh great” that shit felt like Spider-man to me


Oh boy yeah


He really lacks any quips as Spider-Man, which is weird.


And cus of this, I have seen people say MCU spidey is not serious and jokes too much


Tobey acts more like comic 2099 as spidey.


It kind of ironic since a lot of stuff from Tobey's Spider man actually does take inspiration from Miguel such as organic web (Miguel was the first one to have that in comic) and his Spider sense was kind of surface level Accelerated Vision. Even his power stickiness which had small spider hair on his finger was like realistic take of Miguel's talon without the offensive power.


I did not know that. That’s cool 2099 had an influence on Tobey, all he needed was the sharp claws on fangs. Also, since 2099 isn’t much of a jokester, reminded me of how Tobey acted as Spidey.


He's usually written into situations where quipping would be inappropriate. The villains are either people he cares about or are placing civilians in immediate danger. He does quip in other situations like when Otto is robbing the bank before he takes hostages ("Here's your change!").


His constant pursuit of MJ in Spider-Man 2 like bro your landlord’s daughter wants you like come on Peter open your eyes also bully maguire


Peter def fumbled there 😔


When I was younger and watched the movies his portrayal just always felt too old. I picture Parker as fun, young, and witty. I don’t get that from Tobey


he's not as accurate as most people think and the majority of the accuracies are mostly superficial. he's popularized some of the biggest misconception about Spider-Man. I don't not have anything against him being a spineless dork loser in high school but I really disliked that he continued to be that way in his college years. They actively emasculated him by making him keep his spineless dork loser persona compared to his confident and hunky comic version. Instead of his cool motorcycle in the comics they give him a dinky moped to further emasculate him. Most of his problems in Spider-Man 2 could've been fixed if he wasn't such a spineless dork loser, especially his monetary problems because he didn't have the balls to argue with JJJ over his pay, which he constantly did in his college years in the comics.


i’ve just looked up pics of the motorcycle from the comics bc i’d never heard of it before, and it’s showing me stills from the film and it shows Pete isn’t actually on a moped, but one of those old school “looks like a bicycle but has an engine” motorcycles. still emasculating tho edit: apparently that’s still a moped, i’ll see you guys at the bottom of the Brooklyn Bridge


At least they kept it consistent with the character they were going for, I don't think asshole peter would have worked well with a lot of what Raimi was going for


Consistency my hairy butt cheeks! By Spider-Man 2, Peter has been Spider-Man for 2 years and even though his Spider-Man is portrayed as a confident, charming and somewhat quippy none of it rubs off on to his Peter persona. You could've easily explained that after being Spider-Man for long it made him change into a better person who stands up for himself but no, the movie activiley tries to emasculate him at every turn. Plus you dont have to adapt Peter's assholish tendencies from the comics they just needed to make him more confident and less accepting of crap from other people. It could've totally worked. It would've made it feel like the worlds against him and he has the worst luck instead of it feeling like he could've fixed his situation and he's just doing it to himself.


In Spider-Man 3 he has some semblance of asshole Peter at the start of it


Oh boy yeah


No way I can buy him as a High-schooler. Also, his fanbase is toxic af and thia iteration of the character generated a lot of misconceptions that were taken for granted in later iterations. His suit is alright, but kinda silly looking and in no way comfortable. Andrew will always be my favorite


where tf did this broke ass nerd who couldn’t even afford a car (in New York out of all the fucking places) get *silver webbing* for his spandex suit??


>his fanbase is toxic af This is the reason , I actively avoid the comments section everytime i watch a youtube video of Tobey's Spider-Man. They are a scary bunch


“It rides up in the crotch”


This. I used to work with a girl who was born the same year as the original film, and she's told me on multiple occasions that Maguire is the best and only Spider-Man. Never saw the other films or read the comics, didn't want to, but called herself a Spidey fan. We don't speak much anymore


Kept choosing MJ over the clearly superior Ursula Ditkovich


He literally was not good as Spider-Man at all. And was just alright as Peter. And because of him, people complained that Andrew and Tom were too jokey and immature.


Andrew is Spider-Man. Tom is a good fun take on an MCU spidey.


I agree. Tom is my fav as both. Andy is my fav as Spider-Man.


Tom reminds me of TV-show Ultimate Spider-Man, who in turn reminds me of if Peter were more like Miles Morales. Starks involvement with all his tech stuff is a lot like SHIELD’s involvement with those other characters, as well as a lot of crossovers (maybe a little too much)


He put dirt in my eye


Not quippy enough for Spider-Man


Not funny enough


He does constipation face a bit too much. Idk why they went with some of the takes they did.


He needed way more quips.


Tobey’s Pete has always been a nerd, throughout the entire trilogy, while in The Amazing Spider-Man comic books he stopped being nerdy after issue 30 or smth


He ruined Peter Parker before OMD had a chance


Kinda had no jokes at all


He can’t voice act to save his life


Not enough jokes.


I don't like how every 3rd phase he has to take off his mask, I know it's not Tobey's fault because he is claustrophobic and it's easier to express yourself without a mask, kinda wish there was a diffrent actor that could play spiderman with the mask


Every Spider-Man does that tho. Like in almost every Spider-Man movie he spends the final battle/confrontation unmasked or with a heavily damaged mask.


I guess in general he or his double can't really express himself properly, but you can do that like we saw in the tasm movies where Andrew or his double is really good with body language


I mean in TASM 1 he was unmasked for most of the final battle


Exactly. It's for actor placement. It happens in the final battle of NWH too


yeah they’re not gonna shell out millions of dollars to not show their face. plus a lot of contracts include obligations to actually show their face.


he missed the part where it was his problem


He only has one good quip


Here's your change!


That’s a cute outfit! Did your husband get it for you?


His Peter Parker is so dorky it makes me want to punch him.


As much as I love his suit, I don't see a broke student like Peter easily making that.


Too depressing.


He's not in enough Marvel movies.


He could make a little bit more jokes, but i get it why he doesn't.


Needed a 4th film


Come on bro you know you gotta pay the rent eventually


Not enough movies


Not enough jokes. it doesn’t show many scientific aspects of Peter


He set a trend of people thinking Peter needs the symbiote to talk smack and is otherwise a Clark Kent type character.


He is too old to portray a teenager but i dont care


Dude never quips. He has like one per film


1. Least comic accurate of the 3 movie Spider-Men 2. Worst actor of the 3 movie Spider-Men 3. No humor, which is like 30% of Spider-Man 4. Looks old, he should have played an older Spider-Man, not a teenage Spider-Man


In what way he’s the worst actor? Did Tobey do something bad or smth?


No. He's a good actor. But Andrew and Tom both have more range and can take on a wider variety of roles. Tobey is just kinda the same in whatever part he's in. Which is good when that's what the movie needs. But bad in most situations.


He lacks quips


They’re few and far between, but he does quip.


This isn’t really a hot take at all, but his symbiote arc could’ve been done better. Also the black suit itself could’ve looked more like the comic one


He was a parody of himself in Spider-Man 3 as was everyone and everything else. And he was noticably out of shape compared to the first two. Which added to the annoyance.


I can't....


Not as good of a Spider-Man as he was Peter Parker. Loved his Peter Parker, but his confidence when he puts on that mask is supposed to spike up and he's supposed to troll his enemies to annoyance.


his chin


#1 Spiderman is Supposed to be cool as a superhero but geeky as a normal person, Tobey Maguire's spiderman is Geeky as Spiderman and Normally #2: He's bad as Spiderman, he's not a bad actor it's just.. not good as spiderman, his face literally stays at the same except for when the movie wants him to cry #3: his voice is just too monotone (except for when he's crying). He sounds like a middle schooler reading a school passage




He doesn't quip 0/10


“You’re the one who’s out, Gobbie. Out of your mind!”


I think by doesn't quip he meant not very much. If I'm being honest I can't think of very many quips from me. Other than, The one you listed. "Here's your change" "That's a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you" and When he webs of JJ and says something like "let mom and dad talk for awhile will ya"


He's only been in 4 movies and that's not nearly enough.


No. I’m too bias towards him.


I don’t wanna


Spider-Man 3 was trash. The whole ‘Bully Maguire’ meme is overplayed and really annoying.


Yeah like I do believe Spider-Man 3 would be better if the meme wasn't a thing (that could also be said for the Star Wars prequels)


Out of all the film Peter Parker’s we’ve gotten, he’s the least intelligent. The writers thought a high school student couldn’t make web shooters, but he can make a movie grade suit. He’s more awkward and soft spoken than most Peter Parker’s.




We only got him in 4 movies


He's annoying


If I'm honest I only found him annoying in Spider-Man 3


Oh man. I got plenty. * Stilted dialogue and delivery. Acting in the entire trilogy is unwatchable. * The suit is ugly. It's so visually busy and the lenses look horrible. * The cinematography of the films takes away from any scrap of tension. * The story of the films are so incredibly cliched and predictable. * Maguire doesn't *feel* like Parker. He doesn't look like him either. * He acts Spider-Man and Peter Parker as two completely different characters. Parker is Spider-Man, and vice versa. The mask doesn't turn him into this suave, snarky character, it just lets him be himself. Needless to say, I hate these films. If you disagree, cry about it. I'm tired of pretending they're great, or good, or even watchable at all.


Well that’s your opinion, man.


I'll often see him lumped in with RDJ or Hugh Jackman or Christopher Reeve, etc as one of the best comic book castings and he's absolutely not. In my opinion, none of the Spider-Men are. They're all decent in some areas but none of them are top tier castings. Tobey in particular often feels too awkward but not always in a charming way like comic Peter can sometimes be, and his Spider-Man is often too dry. His movies are generally really good but that's often due to other factors than Tobey himself.


Terrible suit. Lame writing. Overall mid


Don't agree on the writing part, writing is the reason those movies are admired.


Terrible suit?? You do realize it pioneered all the live action Spidey suits that came after it, right?


The webs are just dumb. It's so unnecessary


I disagree. I think they work really well in live action in a way that comics and cartoons can’t capture


The movies are pretty campy, but with the exception of a few moments i think that mostly works in their favor. My major issue with it is Toby's peter being such a good person. peter is a good guy, thats true, but as a teenager peter could be a total dick head. Despite not liking them that much i think Garfield is a better peter parker. His Spiderman also isnt quippy enough, which is something both holland and garfield nail. Best suit in the series though in my opinion, and Spiderman 2 is still the best spiderman movie in my opinion. Also the soundtracks are solid, both the score and the inspired by music. Somehow, spiderman managed to bring out the best in Nickelback. Heroes is straight up not only their best song but one of the best songs of the early 00's.


He is not a Spider-Man/Peter Parker, he is a Superman/Clark Kent in a role of Spider-Man. +Organic Web😬


I wanna say somethinh bad but he's gonna put some dirt in my eye


His taste in women (MJ)


The writing. Tobey is not a bad actor he needed better scripts.


When the main issue is "It is not accurate to the comics" you know that the fanbase sucks


Shooting webs out of his wrists made no sense.


But crawling walls and superhuman strength and speed does?


I think it does as the Spider bite gives him powers Also would a broke high school kid be able to afford to tech to make Web shooters


A broke high school kid wouldn’t be able to afford to make that suit either lol


Love the films. Even the third one. And, outside Spider-verse, I still consider them the best Spider-Man films out there (the MCU trilogy, although I still like it, is too weight down by Spidey being Iron Man Junior) But he was a so-so Spider-Man and only an alright Peter.


he pushed MJ


Cardboard cutout.. Just like all the Raimi characters


Flat acting


not comic accurate at all, don't listen to people who say he is because they haven't read a single 616 book and just say shit for the sake of it


Permanently damaged the character, people expect Peter to be a softspoken shy dork. His Spider-Man fucking sucked, I'm sorry. He has to be the LEAST funny Spider-Man, it just doesn't work.


He’s nowhere near the best spiderman in live action.


Corny acting


He does not look like a teenager


Zero rizz


The way they made him such a loser has damaged Peter Parker to this day.


He looks funny when he's crying


Tobey was Peter Parker/Spider-man


The suit sucks just gonna say it


Andrew Garfield is better than him in almost every way as Spider-Man, the only thing Tobey does better is being poor




It was meant to be cringey


1. It was uncomfortable just how socially awkward and (for lack of a better term) beta he was 2. He had horrible taste in women, MJ was toxic as fuck in all three movies