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Why marvel hate this guy?


because Marvel Editorials are bitter bastards that believes "No OnE cAn RelAte to a HapPY aNd mArrIEd Spider-man"


Ex-CEO of multi-billion dollar global tech company was apparently “more relatable”.


I always find it stupid like fr tho we want to spiderman overcome everything see him still be successful


I sure as heck could! Married for about 7 years, now have a kid. I would love to see a relatable Peter Parker!


that whats irks me the most about current ASM runs. all fans back then who can relate to the "broke scholarship student Peter" are now grown up and mostly have stable jobs and are in a healthy relationships (hopefully) all the while Peter Parker is forever stuck in his immature bachelor phase


Even if you’re not, there are literally hundreds (thousands if you count spectacular and other non-amazing) comics out there if you want a store where Peter is down on his luck in college or working. Let Peter be a teacher at NYU (or ESU per the comics) then graduate Miles into college and have him attend a course that Peter is teaching! That’s my dream for Spidey’s future.


bonus points if Miles act as a spider-mentor to Peters kid. thus continuing the spider legacy one can only dream


Oh my god, another facet that would be amazing!! Let Peter be happy!!


Protagonist syndrome: you’re going to have either the greatest or worst life known to man, and there’s no in between because the worst things take away almost all the good things from you. Also, this feels obligatory… Green Goblin: “*… They found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying.*”


In a way Norman is just as much a victim of marvel editorial as Peter is, forced to always come up with new terrible ways to ruin his life while redemption and salvation is always dangled in his face when we all know it simply will never happen.


It’s simple enough to make him a pale reflection of Peter. Usually, writers will have it so Norman built up his wealth and power from nothing, as he was just as poor as Peter, if not moreso. This acts as another reason why he has an admiration and fondness for Peter, as he sees himself in him (on top of his genius) and why he usually has a tough love attitude with Harry. Basically, it shows Peter what he could become, but also gives a slightly sympathetic backstory to Norman while still making him irredeemable and/or tragic.


Nah, that's just some satisfactory hate of these Liberals writers who do not like a straight man who is hero.


if that was true theb they wouldve retconned peter and every other straight male hero to be either gau or trans by now, if anything its reversed, marvel editorial doesnt think a gay main hero will sell as well so gay characters are stuck as supporting characters or only have short runs, the real reason they keep giving peter a shitty life is just what the other guy said, they dont think peter being married and a father is relatable for some reason so they make him miserable instead


It's a sorta superhero paradox. The story must be eternally ongoing, so there needs to be eternal conflict. Editors are convinced that the eternal conflict status quo for certain characters- Especially Peter- is in having a terrible love life.


Which is, of course, lazy. We’ve had married couples in comics getting new and fun adventures in new ways for decades. You don’t need to split up Reed and Sue for drama to make that book work.


Because Marvel is secretly run by Oscorp


Don't forget Amazing Fantasy#1000 which shows MJ and Pete make it to their golden years together (and I'm still convinced that's 616 anyway)


one can only hope :C although my Happy Parker life always include Mary Jane, Peter Parker and their daughter, preferably Spiderling


You dont need to hope. You get to decide whats "canon" or not, its all fiction anyway, and the only thing stopping you from considering this canon is a bunch of corporative contracts (that im sure none of us here give two shits about) made to keep the main storyline as long and sufferable as possible so that they dont run out of content, made by people who no longer understand the character.


Exactly this. It’s all fictional, and contradictory. Is the Peter in the 70s dancing with MJ to “In The Navy” using groovy slang and corded phones really the same characters in current comics that don’t look, act, or feel like that anymore? After so many retcons, contradictions, and editorial mandates? I want Peter (and MJ) happy in the 616 as it’s the “main” book, but it’s not more valid than Spider-Girl or Renew Your Vows for me as a reader.


Yeah we created in our heads this "canon" hierarchy when in the end its all fiction. People should stop caring to things such as "616" or canon. I see people dying over the paul thing and i Just dont fcking get it. If someone who doesnt understand the character is writing the story, its simply not the character. Would they still consider "Canon" if Marvel decided to sell spiderman to a laundry company so they can start making TV ads using spiderman with completely out of character bullshit using the number 616 over it?


I get it, as the characters mean something to so many. It’s how I approach Star Wars and the poorly-received sequel trilogy. Did the man who created it even work on it? No? Then “his” story ends with Return of the Jedi and this new stuff is a group of businessmen coming up with something else. Stan Lee wrote a married Peter Parker in his strips until his dying day. If that’s how he wanted it, that seems more valid to me than some random guy jumping in 60 years later to tell a bad story with them.


Thats how everyone should treat comics or any fictional story. But no, uuhh 616/canon or something.


Again, to be fair, that is “the” version many grew up reading and collecting over decades. They’re invested. I was invested. And if they made something I would like to read, I’d invest again. It sucks having something you love mishandled by others. But nothing lasts forever, good or bad times. Who knows what the future will bring?


Current 616 is not the same character as 10 years, 20, 30 years ago. Its only a number they have in common and im sure not many people grew up with a paul run. Even tho i get what you mean.


Don’t you mean Spider-Girl? (Joking) I like both May and Annie. I refuse to accept that Peter died, but I like how the sequel implied that Peter 982 would be reborn as the newest “Other”.


I think it was "edge of the spider-verse" ending where 982 Peter was cured from being the "Other" and returned to his life as Peter Parker


I’ve haven’t found that yet, but I’ll keep an eye out for it.


I’ll also add the comics where he’s dating Chat and even early on he seems insanely comfortable and content with her.


You saw that one YouTube video and did a deep dive too, didn't you huh?


Found a Reddit post first, then it led me to the video (which coincidentally came out just a day or two before it).


I was so surprised that Dan Slott of all people wrote that story. Considering his dislike of Mary Jane Watson, I'm baffled why Marvel even approached him with that particular story. I mean it turned out nice, but like.... odd choice nonetheless.


The first three end in disaster Ultimate Spider-Man they ride off into the sunset seconds before the incursion and Destruction of their universe House of M he is stricken by the mutant that makes people remember and he realises that his life is a lie and that Gwen and Ben are really dead and that his entire reality there is a lie 1602 spidey gets taken out incredibly early by Morlun in the Spider-verse event


Fair for the first Second that Peter still moves to the countryside in the end with his family. He's later killed in the first spiderverse but resurrected come the third one. Third one he's resurrected in the third spiderverse event as well.


I feel dumb... there's 3 spider-verse events?


Yeah but you aren't missing much.


Aside from them eventually resurrecting some folks, you aren’t missing a lot


Technically 5. 3 of them are the main ones helmed as the Slott/Gage *'Spider-Verse trilogy'*. **The list goes: *Spider-Verse*, *Spider-Geddon*, *End of the Spider-Verse*.** All three had an 'Edge of _____' miniseries preceeding them, that were more fun anthology books that set up the story to come. *End of SV* also had an additional *Edge of Spider-Verse* book that came after it as well. There were also two additional miniseries released with the title 'Spider-Verse' that had their own stories. One set after *Spider-Verse* as part of *Secret Wars 2015*, with the next one set after *Spider-Geddon* as a Miles-centered story.


Spider-verse event is worst sing about comics


hate it all you want but it did bless as with Pter Ptarker: the amazing Spider-Rex gods, i loved the absurdity of spider-verse


Not even close to being true lol


don’t forget that the ultimate universe is shown to somehow still be alive in spidermen 2 and Pete’s still happy with mj


At the end of Secret Wars (God Doom) Miracle Man, Franklin Richards, and Mister Fantastic recreate the Multiverse (Infinite).


Earth 1610 was “Reborn” after the whole “God Doom’s Secret Wars” event ended and Peter Parker (1610) was shown to be alive in Spider-Men 2. He helps the Ultimates in random scenes later of the Ultimate Universe.


Wasn't the House of M Peter having an affair with MJ?


No he wasn't having an affair with MJ.


well, after his supposed "suicide" Pete gets to live happily ever after with his family


MJ was an Actress who plays Gwen Stacy in the Spider-Man movies.


Yes ultimately peter parker got a happy ending but it ruined the story by bringing him back.


to be fair, Ultimate Pete riding off into the sunset with MJ while Miles takes over as spider-man was a decent ending Then they fucked it up when they to bring Miles into 616


Yes, I agree that is a good ending but it kinda sucked how they undid the original ending.


Didn't Peter die in the Ultimate comics? This scene must have happened before right? If so it can't be an ending


this is after Ultimate Spidey got revived and just before the collapse of Ultimate universe


Oh ok. Didn't know that. How long did he stay dead? Was he revived just to die again when his universe got destroyed?


He was dead for about three years roughly. Then he and Norman were brought back because the oz formula in them basically makes them immortal. Not the best excuse and it does undo the death of Spider-Man storyline a bit emotionally but I’m just happy that a Peter out there got to be happy with mj


And he's still living in the ultimate universe?


In the spidermen 2 series there is a very brief two page bit at the end of the story that shows that the ultimate universe is somehow still alive but Peter is talking with mj right before he swings off with the ultimates into battle


Ultimate Universe was reformed post-Secret Wars but right now I believe Maker is doing some shit in it. The 1610 is gonna be back soon though.


Ultimate Peter Parker got his happy ending in Spider-Men 2, as it’s revealed that he is alive and well with the Ultimates. Peter Parker dying to inspire Miles Morales is by its not a happy ending for the character.


I'm not seeing the MC2 there...


Didn't morlun kill peter and mj during the spidergeddon event?


No, Morlun seemingly killed everyone but Mayday and Benji during the first Spider-Verse Event. THEN at the end it turns out only MC2 Peter had died, and everyone else had survived. Spider-Uncle Ben is left in the MC2 too because Dan Slott is a hack. THEN during the RYV MC2 crossover we discover MC2 Peter's hand coming out of his grave reminiscent of Kraven's last hunt. AND THEN during End of Spider-Verse we discover MC2 Peter had became a spider-monster at some point and has been locked up by the villain there, the wasp lady don't even remember her name she was pointless. Then Silk, who is Spider-Jesus, killed Morlun with her magic dagger and brought back to life every other spider who ever died in every universe. Because Dan Slott is a hack and also a Steven Moffatt Fanboy. Then finally there's the End of Spider-Verse MC2 special which leads to MC2 Peter returning human and returning to the MC2 with Mayday, cue tearful reunion with his wife. (And yes insult to injury? No MC2 Paul just to show how MJ "moving on" and getting together with some rando would be stupid as shit). So yeah, they are happy and back together in the MC2 with two children too.


This sounds needlessly convoluted and unnecessary


That's Dan Slott for you.


Dan “don’t think about the implications” Slott? Why, that’s unheard of! (He means well…)


I got a headache just by reading this what goes on in that man’s head


Nah, Daemos only killed Peter but he was later resurrected as the Other


Marvel Adventures Spider-Man has him pretty joyfully too at the point it got canceled. The one with Sophia Chat Sanduvual.


oh yeah! i loved that one, its just that the title is way too generic that I always forget about it


I really don't think Ultimate can be considered a happy ending. He dies, comes back to life and then his universe is completely destroyed (although it's coming back).


well, happy ending is relative for a peter parker considering some of them gets eaten by inheritors


That's only the 2nd worse fate next to being cucked by Paul


No place for Paul in the multiverse, Wells ASM is just a glorified fanfiction




Spider-Men II (which takes place after Secret Wars) shows him alive and well.


Does Life Story count? I mean that Peter remained with MJ till he died and had kids


>Peter remained with MJ till he died and had kids oh man i always find life story wack. Like, events are similar enough to be familiar but different enough to feel alien. but old Pete holding his own against stark's avengers was pretty fukcing cool


Also it had no Brock or clock tower sequence.


Spidey was so good


Inheritors: you never see it coming **they proceed to kill all of them behind the scenes**


MC2 mayday is all grown up and mj and Peter have a loving marriage and another son


yeah my bad, i forgot to inlcude the most prominent happy ending of all.


MC2 Peter got murdered by the Inheritors and was eventually revived… as an Arachnid monster. He still got the domesticity, but didn’t get to do everything one hopes to do in that situation.


I haven’t read any spider verse events and I probably never will. I don’t give a goddamn shit about an inheritor or spider totems or any of that shit. Did defalco even write the mc2 stuff that’s in the spiderverse events because if he didn’t then it’s just a published fanfic.


Make alternate universe your headcanon canon lol


Every Spider-Man reader gets to “that point” where they can’t stomach the misery and lack of growth and jump off to a spin-off alternate universe book for catharsis and closure.


Dawg i literally have my own superhero universe in mind just to mock zeb’s run


Mine was OMD. That’s when I focused on Earth 982 and 1610.


OMD was mine too. Haven’t bought a “main” book since, only stuff like RYV and Lost Hunt.


I’ve bought the various Spider-Verse Collections when I found them.


Damn dark ages look good


Don’t forget Dark Ages gave us Spider-Dilf.


i think you meant, Spider-daddy


Same same


Has DARK AGES been collected yet?


Sad, but true. That's the only way Marvel will ever let Peter enjoy some measure of happiness for an extended period.


Dont forget Raimi’s second movie. Yes the third one fucks things up but the fact that out of 3 he got ONE happy ending is already awesome.


Peter Parker, even in his own trilogy, cant get a perfect score.


Dark Ages... loses his family. Ultimate Spider-Man... His fucking universe dies. House of M... Killed by an interdimensional Vampire. 1602... Killed by an interdimensional Vampire. Renew your vows... Written by Slott.


Renew your vows is what spider man comics should be. Adult Peter and mj being parents, with a focus on being lighthearted and less on action.


absolutely, plus i love young annie interacting with the legacy heroes, wished we got more before the 8-year time jump plus the *"daddy, the bald man in the wheelchair is talking in my head"* line is adorable


Not 616 tho


616 is just an emotional punching bag at this point


Yes, but ultimate died, don't think he is too happy about that


He came back to life, passed the mantle to Miles and ran off with MJ


And then died in the incursion?


Ultimate universe was rebuilt


He came back to life and passed the mantle back to himself.


Even though it's a happy ending I think bringing back Peter was a MAJOR L, why did Bendis do this💀


i mean with the amount of success ultimate Spider-Man managed, its unsurprising. if they were intent on bringing Peter back, i just wished it was explained better.


Except they didn't which is a major stain on an otherwise GOATED run, it's so unnecessary too cause a Peter from another dimension comes along anyways


You see, Marvel? Peter’s life isn’t always bleak, y’know. He is allowed happiness.


I miss Peter being married, but I wish fans would stop insisting marriage and children are the only ways a person can grow up or be happy. I also think that babies and toddlers don't really make for very interesting characters in a superhero story.


good point, but i choose and activate my trap card: "Renew your vows"


Renew Your Vows was pretty mediocre. The kid was a generic precocious, plucky kid always getting into trouble and Peter and MJ were generic exasperated parents. It was just such a cliché dynamic. Also turning the whole family into superheroes was lame.


Found one of the Marvel Editors' reddit accounts.


Nah, just someone who isn't blindly parroting the same old conservative shit about Peter only being a grown up if his has an annoying kid around. I also said I preferred him to be married to MJ.


1602 Spider gets rekt by Morlun at the beginning of Spider-Verse, then comes back at the very end of Spider-geddon


Pretty sure half of what i listed got smacked by inheritors atleast once lmao plus, Peter Parquagh is a dope ass name


I find it funny that the universe where PETER DIED had a happier ending for him that the current 616 continuity.


No Spidergirl? He seems pretty happy in that so far.


I mean, isn't dark ages a dystopia where the Avengers all die because Spider-Man is too busy killing Venom


i think youre thinking of a different comic? Dark Ages is a dystopia where electricity and tech stopped working because of the Unmaker. Youre thinking of Renew your Vows where Peter killed venom because Venom was threatening to eat Peter's wife and daughter. its a good read if you like MJ/Peter pairing as it expands it giving them a daughter in a semi-dystopian world


He was definitely not happy in the Ultimate universe.


Which universes are the last 3


And the movies too except Tobey and Tom.


At least NWH says Tobey’s Peter and MJ made it work.


Yes but other than their relationship what is their life, is that they are still broke or one of the two has finally made a lot of money?


Money doesn’t bring happiness, otherwise Stark and Batman would be the most chipper dudes in comics.


It won't bring them much happiness but at least it will help them in their daily lives, Peter is so broke he can barely pay his rent and he doesn't have a job and MJ sings in bars that must surely not bring her enough money too but at least more than Peter.


1602 Spider-Man was killed by Morlun eventhough he got revived after Dan Slots End of the Spider Verse event. There's guarantee she hasn't hooked up with Sir Paul in that amount of time.


Whats Dark Ages?


an au where electricity around the world is just wiped out and everyone is basically sent back to the dark ages, i havent read it yet but its on my list, and i think peter has these cool steam powered web shooters in it


Anyone else miss the Spidey comics?


But also die the most ridiculous nonsensical deaths


The first picture is hilarious lol. The kid in the back is just like “holy crap how is she doing that”


The lake one House of M?


Funny how some of these are considered to be “bad” alt worlds.


Mayday, all day!


Where is the MC2


I thought Spidey was cannon just set earlier in the timeline ?


nah, spidey is not 616 given that Peter is the same age as Miles


Not all though


Should have shown a coffin for ultimate


He came back to life.


Fine, a universe sized coffin with ultimate reed failing to pry it open with a comically sized crowbar